About the Journal
Contents: All Volumes
Abstracting & Indexing
Processing Charges
Editorial Guidelines & Review
Manuscript Preparation
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Book-Journal Sales
Science News

Journal of Cosmology
Astronomy - Astrobiology
Quantum Physics
Earth Sciences - Life
Peer Reviewed. Free, Open Access to Scholars, Scientists and the Public
The Journal of Cosmology Receives Over 500,000 Hits
and Over 50,000 Unique Readers Per Month.

The Journal of Cosmology
Rudolf Schild, Ph.D.
Executive Editor
Astronomy, Astrophysics
Center for Astrophysics, Harvard-Smithsonian
Cambridge, MA
Carl H. Gibson, Ph.D.,
Executive Editor
Professor of Engineering Physics and Oceanography
University of California at San Diego
Dept. of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Scripps Institution of Oceanography, Center for Astrophysics and Space Sciences
John McKim Malville, Ph.D.,
Executive Editor
Astrophysical Sciences
Department of Astrophysical, Planetary, and Atmospheric Sciences,
University of Colorado at Boulder, USA,
Michael Russell, Ph.D.,
Executive "Guest" Editor
Abiogenesis, Life's Origins

NASA, Planetary Science & Life Detection Section,
Jet Propulsion Laboratories,
California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA
Joel S. Levine, Ph.D.,
Executive "Guest" Editor
Human Mission to Mars
NASA, Senior Research Scientist in the Science Directorate,
NASA Langley Research Center, VA
Subhash Kak, Ph.D.,
Executive Editor
Computational Quantum Physics
Head, Department of Computer Science,
Oklahoma State University, Oklahoma
N. C. Wickramasinghe, Ph.D.
Executive Editor
Director, Centre for Astrobiology,
Cardiff University, United Kingdom
Ronald Becker
Managing Editor
Journal of Cosmology
Cosmology Science Publishers
Sir Roger Penrose, FRS.
Executive "Guest" Editor
General Relativity, String Theory
Mathematical Institute,
University of Oxford, Oxford, UK

Cosmology (from Greek κοσμολογία - κόσμος-, kosmos, "universe"; and -λογία, -logia-, "study") is the study and understanding of existence in its totality, encompassing the infinite and eternal, and the origins and evolution of the cosmos, galaxies, stars, planets, earth, life, woman and man.

Yet of the thousands of scientific journals published yearly world wide, not one is dedicated to the study of Cosmology.

Most scientific journals are aimed at specific, narrowly defined areas of research; tailored to those specialists who devote their lives to learning more and more about less and less. The alternative, we are told, is to learn less and less about more and more, and thus "generalists" and interdisciplinary journals are rare indeed, for how many wish to discover how little they know?

The interdisciplinary Journal of Cosmology is devoted to the study of "cosmology" and is dedicated to those men and women of rare genius and curiosity who wish to understand more and more about more and more: The study of existence in its totality.

The Journal of Cosmology now receives over 500,000 Hits per month,
which makes the Journal of Cosmology among the top online science journals.

Journal of Cosmology
ISSN 2159-063X

The Journal of Cosmology is edited and published by Rudolf Schild, Ph.D., Editor-in-Chief. The Journal of Cosmology is devoted to the advancement of Science and will publish original contributions in the fields of Cosmology, Astronomy, Astrobiology, and Earth & Planetary Sciences. Papers related to these general areas including those concerning biology, genetics, geology, climate change, meteorology, physics, celestial mechanics, astrophysics, particle physics, paleoastronomy, chemistry, panspermia, abiogenesis, extinction, and the origin and evolution of life, are welcome.

The Journal of Cosmology will review and publish 5 types of scientific articles:

1) Research: Major scientific discoveries and original research articles which address important theoretical issues and make a significant contribution to science.

2) Theoretical: Comparing and contrasting specific theories (e.g. big bang vs steady state, panspermia vs abiogenesis), or the presentation of new theories.

3) Reviews: explanatory overviews and discussions of historical and recent discoveries or theoretical developments within the field.

4) Commentary: Commenting, criticizing, and discussing controversial, thought-provoking articles published in this journal.

5) Speculation: Hypotheses and scientifically grounded speculation.

Articles should be no more than 5,000 words in length. This is a flexible guideline

The Journal of Cosmology is open to all scientific points of view which are supported by published scientific research.

General Editorial Guidelines: Prior to publication, all (1) Research, (2) Theoretical and (3) Review will be peer reviewed by at least two recognized experts who specialize in the topic under consideration.

All articles are peer reviewed.

All papers must be written in English.

Make your article interesting, informative and to the point. A short article of around 3,000 words is more likely to be read than a longer article of more than 5,000 words. All articles must avoid jargon, and must be written to be understood by a wide range of scientists specializing in areas of science other than those addressed by the author.

Cosmology also publishes book reviews and editorials.

The first edition of Cosmology was published on September 15, 2009. All editions of JOC will be devoted to and organized around this theme: Origins and Evolution of the Cosmos, Galaxies, Stars, Planets, Life....

The Journal of Cosmology will not publish announcements of meetings or general notices.

All papers must be submitted electronically in PDF format.

Do NOT Use Footnotes.

Articles, commentary, editorials, speculation, and any other material published in the Journal of Cosmology represent the opinions of the authors and should not be construed to reflect the opinions of the Editors or the Publisher.

Article Rejection Statistics

"Invitation" to publish does not guarantee acceptance. All articles are peer reviewed.

Approximately 30% of invited articles have been rejected.

Approximately 50% of invited articles have been rejected then revised and then resubmitted following peer review, and then accepted.

Approximately 20% of invited articles have been accepted without suggested revisions following peer review.

Approximately 80% of all articles submitted without invitation, have been rejected.

Peer Review

The Journal of Cosmology welcomes great ideas.

Authors should submit the names, affiliations, and email addresses of 5 scientists qualified to review their paper. Do not submit the names of friends or colleagues. The Editor may use these to guide the selection of referees.

All papers are reviewed anonymously by at least two referees who are experts in the field in question. Editors may serve as referees. If the article is accepted pending revision authors will be asked to respond to criticisms and suggestions by the referees prior to publication.

If reviewers suggest publication pending revision, authors will be invited to revise and resubmit the manuscript and to address and respond to criticisms and suggestions by the referees. Reviewers will be consulted about resubmitted manuscripts.

If the paper is rejected by one referee but accepted by a second referee, the author will be given the opportunity to submit a revised manuscript.

Referees opposing publication will be required to provide the editor with detailed, fact-based evidence, demonstrating that the rejected manuscript suffers from specific, and significant short-comings.

Papers rejected by both referees cannot be revised and resubmitted.

Conditions & Permissions for Submission

Manuscripts are accepted for review with the understanding that the same work is not under review for publication elsewhere, and has not been previously published.

Submission for publication must be approved, in writing, by all of the authors.

Any person cited within the paper as a source of a personal communication must approve of the citation, in writing. Do not cite manuscripts in preparation, unpublished work, anonymous ftp files, or databases.


Authors submitting a manuscript do so on the understanding that by submitting the article they have agreed that if it is accepted for publication, copyright for the article, including the right to reproduce the article in all forms and media, including online and in hardback and softcover books, is assigned to the Publisher, Cosmology Science Publishers. Submission of the article to the Journal of Cosmology, constitutes acceptance of these terms. If any author disputes these terms, this must be specified by the author at the time the article is submitted, in writing. All authors retain the right to reprint and distribute their articles.

Publishing articles online, and making them available at no cost to the public is expensive and provides a service to the public and to the author. Therefore, the Journal of Cosmology cannot provide financial compensation or royalties to authors if articles are reprinted in book form. Submission of an article to the Journal of Cosmology, constitutes acceptance of these terms and constitutes an agreement between all authors and the Journal of Cosmology which allows the Journal to reprint accepted articles in book form.

Submission of an article to the Journal of Cosmology constitutes an agreement by the authors, to abide by these terms.

Publication & Availability of Your Work

Publication in the Journal of Cosmology makes your best work immediately available to a worldwide audience of scholars, researchers, policy makers, journalists, educators, and the general public.

Published papers will be promoted to the media, and the titles and first author of all accepted papers will be featured or listed on the home page of the JournalofCosmology.com for 60 days. Thereafter, links to these papers, or links to general area Table of Contents pages that lists and links to these papers, will be maintained within the home page and inner pages of the JournalofCosmology.com.

Papers published by the Journal of Cosmology will be available, online in their entirety, within the JournalofCosmology.com website, for perpetuity, and can be viewed by the public and other scientists at no charge.

Bound volumes of Cosmology may be made available to libraries.

Citing & Referencing Papers Published by the Journal of Cosmology

Citation information for all papers published in the Journal of Cosmology, will be provided in the upper left hand corner of each title page, e.g. Becker, R., "Particle Physics & the Plasma Universe," Journal of Cosmology, 2010, Vol 1, pages 44-87.

Abstracting and Indexing

The articles of the Journal of Cosmology will be indexed/reviewed in the following databases/resources:
* NASA Astrophysical Data System (ADS)
* Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)
* Google Scholar
* Open J-Gate
* Polymer Library
* ProQuest
* ResearchGATE

Journal of Cosmology
ISSN 2159-063X


Open access publishing provides immediate, worldwide, free access to the full-text of all published articles. Open access allows scholars, scientists, government officials, and the general public to view, download, print, and redistribute any article without a subscription. Open access publishing insures a far superior means of distribution compared to the traditional subscription-based publishing model.

Because there are no subscription fees, publication costs are paid from an author's research budget, or by their supporting institution, in the form of Article Processing and Publication Fees.

All Processing and Publication Charges Are Waved for Invited Papers.

Article Processing Fee: The Journal of Cosmology is a Peer Reviewed Open Access journal and requires the payment of a $35.00 Article Processing Fee to cover costs for processing and managing the peer review process. Manuscripts will not be processed until all Processing Fees have been paid.

All articles are peer reviewed. This $35.00 fee is not refundable if the article is rejected.

Article Publication Fee: If the article is accepted, there is a $150.00 Publication Charge, that will be billed to and must be paid by the submitting author following the acceptance of the article for publication.

Accepted articles will not be published until the publication fee is received.

Paypal processes all payments.

The Journal of Cosmology averages 50,000 unique viewers and readers a month, and receives over 500,000 "Hits" each month.

1). Article Processing Fee: $35.00.

2). Article Publication Fee: $150.00


Most articles are rejected, including over 20% of invited papers. Those which are accepted require revision following peer review and before published. Once accepted for publication after peer review and upon receipt of the finished manuscript, all papers will be posted online at the Journal of Cosmology website, and will be made available to the general public within the Table of Contents for edition in which it is published.

Journal of Cosmology
ISSN 2159-063X

Copyright 2009, 2010, All Rights Reserved