Hey! Here's a permalink to the Daily Kos comics page!

and there are still some Eddie Vedder Hartford posters left in the Posters section.
New toon

Tea Party Tim and Plutocrat Pete.

CREDO link.

posted by Tom Tomorrow at 8:37 AM | link
And another

Debtpocalypse deferred, starring Middle-Man!

CREDO link.

posted by Tom Tomorrow at 11:00 AM | link
“Maybe he’s just a lousy poker player”

TMW from 3-17-10.

… Also: contemporary politics explained, in this cartoon from 2-2-10.

posted by Tom Tomorrow at 12:26 PM | link
New toon

The return of Thomas Friedman, Private Eye.

CREDO link.

posted by Tom Tomorrow at 12:23 PM | link
Scandal? What scandal?

The new cartoon.

CREDO link.

posted by Tom Tomorrow at 12:38 PM | link
Cartoon followup

Thomas Drake, the NSA whistleblower whose case partially inspired this cartoon (and about which you can read much more in this New Yorker profile) will not be facing jail time.

According to the New York Times:

Judge Richard D. Bennett of the Federal District Court praised the former National Security Agency official, Thomas A. Drake, for his exemplary record of public service before giving him a mild scolding for improperly providing information on alleged agency mismanagement to The Baltimore Sun.

But Judge Bennett reserved his strongest condemnation for the Justice Department, saying the two and a half years that elapsed between the search of Mr. Drake’s home and his indictment in 2010 was far too long.

The visibly angry judge said that Mr. Drake had been through “four years of hell” and that the dragging out of the investigation — and then the dropping of the major charges on the eve of trial — was “unconscionable.”

The Justice Department tried to crush Thomas Drake, for the crime of exposing government waste, and despite the lack of jail time, they did a pretty good job of ruining his life. The light sentence is good news, in the way that surviving an auto accident is better than dying in one — but you can bet the next well-intentioned potential whistleblower is going to think twice before putting his or her ass on the line.

posted by Tom Tomorrow at 9:13 PM | link
And yet another

Middle-Man and the Debt Ceiling Debacle.

…hilarious: a reader informs me this cartoon has been reported as “offensive content” and blocked on Facebook.

posted by Tom Tomorrow at 10:15 AM | link
It doesn’t matter if you believe in global warming

Global warming believes in you.

posted by Tom Tomorrow at 2:37 PM | link
Yet another cartoon

The debt crisis on planet Glox.

CREDO link.

posted by Tom Tomorrow at 3:36 PM | link

If you want to get on the reserved list for the EV Hartford poster, send a quick email with your name and address to: tomtomorrow (at) gmail (dotcom).

Update: still in midst of post-studio-move chaos. If you’ve emailed me, I’ve got you on the list, and will get back to you soon. Thanks for your patience.

Also: apologies to everyone who’s emailed about anything over the last week or two; I’m behind on everything right now. And belated thanks to the two readers who recently sent books off the wish list; both were greatly appreciated.

posted by Tom Tomorrow at 5:11 PM | link

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