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"couldn't retrieve anum" error when using XML-RPC [Aug. 20th, 2011|03:37 pm]

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I've been unsucsessfully trying to extract my LJ content into a account using their import tool. The web form accepts my username and password and appears to successfully authenticate with LJ, but then immediately spits out an XML-RPC error. The same exact error is being reported by ljdump (most recent version, 1.5.1) when I run it on the command line on my Snow Leopard machine:

couldn't retrieve anum for entry at /home/lj/cgi-bin/ line 3952

If I understand this correctly, this appears to be an issue with LJ itself, correct? If so, what's the proper procedure for reporting this in the most helpful possible way?

I've been able to completely back up my journal using XJournal, but I don't know if the XML it produces (the .plist file) is actually of use to a importer, plus it does not appear to grab comments. I definitely want to preserve my comments.

Thanks in advance for any help!

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Scrapbook problem [Aug. 15th, 2011|11:13 pm]

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I'm having trouble uploading to scrapbook through the API. I posted a support request, but no response there:

Can anyone confirm that it's broken and/or help?
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Get username [Jul. 12th, 2011|11:54 pm]

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Is there any way to get username from userid? I already have userid (got it from cookie) and want to know user name. Possible?
link3 comments|post comment again does not work [Jun. 28th, 2011|08:51 pm]

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I cannot upload my photos again:

Problem! )

Any help is very appreciated! Thanks.
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(no subject) [Jun. 26th, 2011|11:54 am]

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 I need help, I need to know the list of mutual friends, those whom I read and those who read me, how do I do?
I know that you can find a list of all your friends through the team
Thanks a lot
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S2 docs disappeared? [Jun. 5th, 2011|08:29 pm]

[Tags|, , , ] only brings up:

"Static file not found."
link4 comments|post comment problem [May. 14th, 2011|01:13 am]

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I have discovered just now that script does not work anymore. I used continuously from time to time, last time was April, 22. No settings were changed since that time. Now, I have the following problem:

Problem: )

Any help is very appreciated! Thanks.
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Strange results from “checkfriends” method. [May. 12th, 2011|04:42 pm]

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[Current Location |Home]
[music |High Contrast—If We Ever]

Hi all. I’m currently writing a library in C# / .NET which calls the LiveJournal flat API using challenge‑response authentication. For now it’s just a little project on the side, and so far I have implemented the “login” and “checkfriends” methods.

The problem I’m facing is that I’m getting unexpected responses from the “checkfriends” call. In each request I’m passing the “lastupdate” string exactly as received from the previous request, but sometimes I get a response saying there are new entries when in fact there aren’t. Doing a network capture showed that sometimes the “lastupdate” value received in the response is a date which is earlier than the “lastupdate” which was sent in the request. Then after some further requests, I start getting back the original “lastupdate” value, along with a “new=1” response. I know you’re not supposed to imply any meaning in the “lastupdate” value, but it does seem to be the cause of my spurious results.

To try and understand the problem I created a friends group which contains only myself, so that I could be sure that no changes had been made to my journal. The group number is 3, so the mask to be sent in the request is (1 << 3) = 00001000 binary (8 decimal). That’s correct, right? I sent a bunch of requests with this friends group mask, waiting for the amount of time specified in the “interval” of the previous response before sending the next request, and I found that sometimes the “lastupdate” in the response is “0000-00-00 00:00:00”. The following is the network capture (challenge requests not included, and challenge / response xxx‑ed out):

Network Capture )

As you can see, the “lastupdate” is initially being returned as “2011-05-10 11:24:33”, but in the next request it is returned as “0000-00-00 00:00:00”. In the request following that, the value is “2011-05-10 11:24:33”, which is the value which was initially being returned. No changes were made to my journal during the time of the above examples. Do you see anything wrong with my requests? Or could it be a bug in the LiveJournal API, or temporary technical fault? I’ve read in the community that checkfriends was disabled at one point due to a buggy client causing server‑side issues, but that it should now be working and usable for paid users. This behaviour appears to be random, but it is repeatable (based on a number of tests I have performed over the last week).

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Client cookie authentication [May. 4th, 2011|10:12 am]

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Dear Friends,

It's nice to meet you.
I'm implementing Android LJ-client.

I've got 2 simple questions:
1. Does cookie authentication work?
2. Is there any resource with a real LJ client API?

I tried many things to implement cookie authentication, but non of them worked.
The latest one I use:

1) Send "getchallenge"
2) Receive responce
3) Send "sessiongenerate"
4) Receive: 

Is this way correct?
What cookie should I send then to server to authenticate: "c1:u33172608:s26:aNXruAF9RJm" or the whole cookie string?

5) I try like this:


"X-LJ-Auth: cookie"
"Cookie: c1:u33172608:s26:aNXruAF9RJm"
"ljsession: c1:u33172608:s26:aNXruAF9RJm"

Actually I've tried sending whole cookie string also.

6) Responce: errmsg\nInvalid password\nsuccess\nFAIL\n

I would appreciate any kind of help.
I enjoy LJ and I'd like to create a beautiful client, but wasting so much time looking for spec makes me disappointed.
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Attempting to Give Something Back: Tags [May. 3rd, 2011|06:56 pm]

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Hello fellow programmers!

I'm here to state my intentions, but in doing so, I'm also asking for help, guidance, mentorship and any other form of support or path lighting you see fit to send my way.

Instead of being one of those people that just sits around on their ass doing nothing, I've decided to become proactive. For a long time, I've wanted to a) be able to merge tags on LJ posts as well as b) remove all empty tags (tags with a post count of 0) with one click. To that end, I've joined this community and started reading as much as possible about the code etc.

I see that Perl is the language of choice around here. I also see LJ loves Debian which is a good thing because I also use Debian at work so I'll have some idea of using that OS. As soon as I'm done here, I'm going to get a box and install squeeze and follow that up by installing LiveJournal via the documentation. Then more reading until I find the area(s) I need to hack/learn about to get to the areas I need to hack.

I have six months real-world experience writing acceptance tests in Java. I'm not one of those people that write code for a hobby, but I do live in front of my computer and have many year's experience with these machines, learning more each and every day.

If anyone who reads these lines has any pertinent advice, please feel free to elucidate in the comments below.

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