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Two Frosh Conservative GOP Reps: "We Need More Funeral Directors in Congress." Phillip Anschutz: The Most Powerful Billionaire You Have Never Heard Of Bush Tax Cuts for the Wealthy Have Resulted in Loss of a Million Jobs: It's Just Common Sense The DC Earthquake Is an Alarming Case Against Keystone XL Pipeline Earthquakes, Infrastructure, Antiquated Accounting and Jobs![](
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A Labor Day Tip for Joe the Machinist: Watch Your Back Olbermann: Joe Wilson Says Cheney 'Should Be Held to Account For What He Openly Admits Were War Crimes' A Privately Owned Nuclear Weapons Plant in…Kansas City? Report: GOP-Fox Mouthpiece Bill O’Reilly Bribed Police to Investigate Wife’s Alleged Affair with a Cop Before Repatriation Consider This...![](
Headlines and News
All | Past 1 Hour | Past 2 Hours | Past 6 Hours | Past 12 Hours | Past 24 Hours
- White House blasts GOP over FEMA funding
- The Elderly Are Already Taking a Hit
- Allegation: Bill O’Reilly Tried to Get His Wife’s Alleged. Boyfriend Investigated By the Cops. Funny Thing Is That Her Alleged Boyfriend Is a Cop.
- Bush and Condi Rice Were Warned About 9/11, But Bush Doesn't Seem to Remember That
- The Elderly Are Already Taking a Hit
- The GOP Want to Raise Taxes on the Poor as Sort of a Poverty Tithe
- COBRA health subsidy expires More Americans will be unable to afford medical insurance
- Corporate Propaganda of the Bizarre: Tar Sands Promoters Turn to Oprah Fans for Support
- Rolling Stone: The GOP War on Voting
- BBC: US officials quit over Mexico gun flow probe. ATF official apologises for probe US curbs Mexico border gun sales 'Mistakes' in US-Mexico gun sting. The acting director of the US Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF) and the US attorney in Arizona are resigning over a botched operation to track the flow of guns to Mexico.
- Research Shows Rich Getting Richer Makes Poor Poorer
- This month America's deadliest in long Afghan war: 66 troops dead, nearly half in 1 attack The War That Never Ends
- Boehner rejects Obama request to address joint session of Congress on September 7.
- Bahrain activists blame security forces for death of 14-year-old boy during protest
- It is now day 11 of the protests in Washington, DC, against the Keystone XL pipeline, and according to Tar Sands Action, 595 people have been arrested so far for their participation.
- At Some Companies, CEO Pay Exceeded Company Tax Bill
- Bold Move, Finally: Government blocks AT&T-T-Mobile; merger. DOJ Files Suit to Prevent Anti-consumer Impact.
- Panel: Widespread waste and fraud in war spending
- The Owners of Society Crack the Whip on the Rest of Us
- Job Killing Companies
- Minorities become the majority in eight major metropolitan areas in U.S.
- Rick Perry Donor Enabled to Leach Radioactive Waste into 1.9 Million People's Water
- Congressman Andre Carson: Tea party wants blacks 'hanging on a tree'
- Fracking the IRS
- True and False Lessons From Libya
- Phillip Anschutz: The Most Powerful Billionaire You Have Never Heard Of -- Bill Berkowitz for BuzzFlash at Truthout
- Big Pharma Pays US Doctors $150 Million in 2011
- Nestle Wants You to Be Scared of Organic Food
- Cheney Says He Urged Bush to Bomb Syria in ’07
- Federal Judge rejects key provisions of Texas anti-abortion law
- Letter from Prison: Tim DeChristopher Speaks
- New CBO Report Finds Up to 2.9 Million People Owe Their Jobs to the Recovery Act
- Minuteman Project Co-Founder Jim Gilchrist's Second Act
- House GOP Jobs Plan: Repeal Labor And Environmental Regulations
- Indiana Voucher Program Spurs Thousands to Change Schools
- Michele Bachmann Says Hurricane Irene Was Message from God
- Hundreds Arrested in Sustained Tar Sands Protests at White House
- The Republican Approach to Disaster Relief Is Morally Reprehensible
- Biden Calls for New Clean Energy Policy for US
- UN Chief Urges Final Ratification of Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty
- A Tax Haven's Tax Haven Pays a Price for Success
- Glenn Greenwald | Terrorist Threat Continues to be Exaggerated to Spawn a Massive and Costly Security State
- China's Biggest Relocation Project Yet: Plans to Move 3 Million People and Reroute the Yangtze River
- Pennsylvania Schools Fill Budget Holes with Fracking Revenues
- Fear, Inc.: America's Islamophobia Network
- New York State Cancels $27 Million Contract with News Corp. Subsidiary Set to Build a Data System for Tracking Student Performance
- US District Judge Decides to Block Alabama's New Immigration Law for a Month to Decide Constitutionality of the Far-Reaching Law
- Meet the Shady Dallas Mega-Billionaire Industrialist Pouring Money into Rick Perry's Coffers
- US Wasted $30 billion on Iraq and Afghanistan Contracts; Change Is Needed, Warns New Report
- Bill McKibben | Making a Life on a Tough New Planet
- A Physicians Prescription to His Fellow Minnesotans: Be the Second State to Pass Universal Health Care
- Eugene Robinson | On Jobs, Time to be Bold
- A Reminder: Eight False Things The Public “Knows” Prior To Election Day
- Eight Reasons Why Raising the Medicare Age Is the Worst Presidential "Bargain" Since 1854
- Alliance for Retired Americans Holds 70 Actions on Social Security, Medicare in More than Two Dozen States Around the Country
- Female Trafficking Soars in Iraq
- New WikiLeaks Releases of State Department Cables Causes Fresh US Angst and Concern
- Tea Party Unfavorability Jumps in New AP Poll
- Bush Tax Cuts for the Wealthy Have Resulted in Loss of a Million Jobs: It's Just Common Sense -- Mark Karlin, Editor of BuzzFlash at Truthout
- Ranger's Widow Expelled from Rumsfeld Book Signing
- California Democrats Consider Bill to Ban Initiatives from Primaries
- Twitter Expands its Washington Presence, Hires Former Top FCC Aide
- Activists Seek to Block New Honeywell Project, A Privately Owned Nuclear Weapons Plant in Kansas City
- GAO Report: Healthcare Reform Law is Beginning to Save Consumers Money
- Who Doomed Sarah Palin’s Presidential Dream?
- The Alan Krueger Lesson
- Texas Ultrasound Ruling Expected This Week
- Romney Aide Mum on His Corporate Clients
- Seven Syrian Protesters Reportedly Shot Dead by Security Forces at the Start of the Muslim Eid al-Fitr Holiday
- Deadliest Month Yet for US in Afghanistan
- Decision Pending on Mass Firing of New Orleans Public School Teachers Following Katrina
- Democrats Seek "Boldness" in Obama Jobs Speech
- Chris Hedges | The Election March of the Trolls
- Wisconsin Republicans Banned From Labor Day Parade: " seems like they only want to stand with us one day a year, and the other 364 days they don't really care."
- Tea Party Caucus Takes $1 Billion in Earmarks
- Greenpeace: President Obama's Decision on Keystone XL Pipeline Will Not Be a Quiet Deal With Oil Industry Lobbyists
- Recession as the New Normal
- Three Charts to Email to Your Right-Wing Brother-In-Law
- Fox’s Megyn Kelly On Presidential Elections: “Does It Matter — Should It Matter — If Somebody Is Dumb?”
- Did Obama Administration Secretly Work to Prevent Prosecution of War Crimes by The Bush Administration?
- Democracy On Their Terms: Republicans Lock Down Town Halls To Stifle Critics
- Is Thom Hartmann the Progressive Answer to Conservative Dominance of Talk-Radio? We Think So.
- MLK's Dream Deferred
- Obama Fundraising Email Author Arrested Outside White House Protesting Likely White House Approval of Keystone XL Pipeline
- Obama names top economic adviser. Uh, it's not Paul Krugman, but this guy is from Princeton.
- Tin Foil Hat Brigade: Bachmann Says Hurricane Was A Message From God To Washington About Spending
- Gadhafi family members in Algeria, ambassador says
- Here It Comes: Monsanto Corn Plant Losing Bug Resistance
- Vermont May be Hardest Hit State by Irene
- Remember Wisconsin: Continuing Wisconsin Protests Lead to Arrests
- Tea Party Family Values and the World's Greatest Freak Show
- Gay Anti-gay Puerto Rico Republican Politician Resigns After "Being Exposed" in Photos
- Chris Hedges: The trolls have gamed the system. There is no economic, political or environmental reform that can be implemented to impede the march of the corporate state.
- Rick Perry is Back to Calling Social Security a "Ponzi Scheme"
- Consumer fears put economy on the brink
- News Corp Set to Air 9/11 Documentary Glorifying Bush; Producer Says He's Not Interested in the "Facts"
- Plain Talk: Walker left Milwaukee County with ‘Titanic meets Hindenburg’ budget
- With prices rising, fewer health insurance options Some employers are cutting back, or eliminating coverage; COBRA subsidy ending
- The return of Neil Bush Even in the Great Recession, the dim bulb of a dynasty manages to cash in on the family name
- Perry became a millionaire while serving in office. Like how did that happen?
- Shamus Cooke: Capitalism's New Era
- Tax Supporters Turn to the Ballot Box
- 10 Things Martin Luther King, Jr. Taught Us About Today's Struggles
- Help Save the Earth, While Supporting BuzzFlash and Truthout. Click Here for Bill McKibben's Latest Book: "Making a Life on a Tough New Planet"
- What Tar Sands and the Keystone XL Pipeline Mean for Climate Change
- Rick Perry's Desire To Tax The Poor
- Jim Hightower: Mass Marketing Shrinks to Marketing to the Wealthy. The Middle Class Doesn't Have the Money to Consume Enough.
- Paul Krugman: Republicans Against Science
- Beware the cookie monster
- Rick Perry Knowingly Put Texas In The Red
- Glittering Rage
- Draft: The Unified Progressive Platform
- Hurricane Irene reporter: Weird stuff “didn’t taste great.” Oops. “Apparently, it was raw sewage.”
- 10 Reasons Not To Vote For Ron Paul
- I.M.F. Chief Chastises Policymakers
- The Cost of Corporate Communism
- Attention Gov. Perry: Evolution is a Fact
- Dick Cheney book: GW Bush f’d up
- Study: Tea Party Is Least Popular Group
- FIVE people attend Christine O’Donnell book signing
- Understand the Right's Attack on Social Security
- Understand the Right's Attack on Social Security
- Anti-Tar Sands Pipeline Action in Front of White House: Day 8. More Than 335 Arrested Thus Far.
- $42 Million From Seven Foundations Helped Fuel the Rise of Islamophobia in America
- An Approximate Three Million Without Power in the Wake of a Diminished Hurricane Irene
- How Global Warming Is Making Hurricane Irene Worse
- Lines Blur Between Candidates and PACs With Unlimited Cash
- Budget Talks Have Major Defense Contractors on Edge
- Says Texas gained 21,000 doctors due to tort reform.
- Ear plug alert! Once again, Sharron Angle sings– yes, sings– at a tea party event.
- Dog mourns at casket of fallen Navy SEAL
- Capitalism's New Era
- Obama administration backs oil pipeline from Alberta to Texas
- Shooting and Crying: Israeli Soldiers After Their Service
- Libya rebels reject regime offer to talk
- Mainstream media asks: Is Homeland Security spending paying off?
- Ron Paul: We don't need FEMA
- A Poll Tax by Another Name
- The myth that half of Americans don't pay any taxes
- 5 Reasons Progressives Should Treat Ron Paul with Extreme Caution -- 'Cuddly' Libertarian Has Some Very Dark Politics
- Perry Says He Hasn’t “Backed Off Anything” In His Book, Still Thinks Social Security Is Unconstitutional
- Requiring Insurance Policies to Spell Out in Plain English What is Covered: a Requirement of Health Care Reform. Good Idea.
- Fox Spins Cantor's Comments On Disaster Relief
- Tea Party Express bus tour gets Pat Boone, Sharon Angle send off
- Richard Power: Welcome to the Anthropocene Age; A Monument to MLK Now Stands on the Mall, Like Kubrick's Obelisk, Mysterious & Otherworldly
- Shocker: Anti-Gay GOP State Senator Caught With His Pics on Gay Hook Up Site
- Panetta: 'You Have to Consider' Military Retirement Reform
- Orange Jumpsuits / Double Standards
- Vermont towns vote to arrest Bush and Cheney
- Pat Robertson: Crack In Washington Monument A Sign From God, Earthquake Signals Coming Of Christ
- Top Bahraini Shiite cleric warns island’s rulers to allow reforms or risk Gadhafi’s fate
- John Boehner and Eric Cantor May Hold Aid For Hurricane Victims Hostage
- Anti-Science Hate Group: SB 48 Removes Resources From Teaching Science
- On the Current Conjecture in Israel
- Born on the Fourth of July Once More
- Special Report: The Islamophobia Industry
- GOP Congressmen Put Constituents Who Asked Tough Questions On A ‘Watch List’
- Locked Up and Left Behind: Hurricane Irene and the Prisoners on New York’s Rikers Island
- How to Turn a Continent Into a Subprime CDO
- Walker Recall Rally Gets Intense in Milwaukee. Ridiculous Arrests Ensue (UPDATE#2: Rousing Chants!)
- Ron Paul on hurricane response: "We should be like 1900"
- Figures Don't Lie, But Rick Perry Figures
- Al Qaeda's No. 2 reportedly killed in Pakistan
- Rick Perry, the Republicans’ Messiah?
- Eyewitness Account: The Liberation of Gaddafi's Notorious Abu Slim Prison
- New War Rationale: ‘Protect Civilians’
- Rick Perry & UBS tried to bet on the early death of elderly Texas teachers—then Perry skewed the odds
- Religious Right Millionaire Backed Rick Perry's Career, Paved Texas Conservative Politics With Money
- Thousands Hunker Down as Hurricane Irene Hits US Coast
- Your Chance to Take a Stand Against Corporate Greed
- Cooperatives Aren't Charity
- What Did You Learn in School Today? (The Texas Version)
- Fox "Gets Conspiratorial" About Warren Buffett's Bank Of America Investment
- Quickie: Eric Cantor wants to protect government contractor tax cheats
- Profit On Wall Street, Recession On Main Street
- A Special City Loses Its Voice
- ‘Bobblehead’ Scott Brown?
- She’s alive: Daughter Gaddafi claimed was killed by airstrikes is working as a doctor in Tripoli, dictator’s documents reveal
- Secrecy, leaks, and the real criminals
- C.I.A. Demands Cuts in Book About 9/11 and Terror Fight
- Libyan rebels prepare to attack Sirte after Nato raids
- Officials: Double attack on military academy in Algeria kills 18 officers in training
- Failing Forward
- US Drug Thirst, Gun Sales Must Share Blame for Casino Tragedy, Mexican Official Says
- Why won't America embrace the left?
- McKibben's army
- Sarah Palin, it's time to fish or cut bait: Stop teasing everyone about whether you'll run in 2012
- Marco Rubio to the rescue! Freshman senator saves a falling Nancy Reagan
- REALITY: GOP to shutdown Gov during a natural disaster so they can call this "Obama's Katrina"
- Dr. King's Memorial Is About the Reality, Not the "Dream"
- In Their Eyes, We are the Damned
- Is Sarah Palin Were Vice President...
- Campaign to recall Michigan Governor Rick Snyder passes 50% of required signatures
- Independents WANT Obama to fight GOP harder
- Karl Rove’s strategy comes to Georgia
- Grover Norquist thinks this is funny. Do you?
- How the Budget Cutting Is Going to Go Down
- Eugene Robinson: A dream still out of reach
- Market crash 'could hit within weeks', warn bankers
- Federal Reserve Policy + Extreme Weather = Revolution + World War III
- Wisconsin’s Day of Impact
- Expect a Third-Party Candidate in 2012
- EU May Probe Bahrain Spy Gear Abuses
- Bernanke Speech Was Only a Minor Footnote to Enduring Crisis
- What That Exposé Of The Fed's Secret Bailout Told Us ... And What It Didn't
- Marco Rubio: Social Security/Medicare Make Us Lazy
- A Platform for Retrieving the American Dream: The Pursuit of Happiness
- Right Winged Extremist Suggests “Illegal And Violent” Means To Bring Down Obama
- Protesters start planning for Chicago G8, NATO summits
- Earthquakes, Infrastructure, Antiquated Accounting and Jobs -- Robert Creamer for BuzzFlash at Truthout
THE LIGHTER SIDE: - Gaddafi Found Running for Republican Nomination
- World's Biggest Roller Coaster Opens at Six Flags Wall Street
- These are Ironic Times
- "After the earthquake on the East Coast, they found Mayor Bloomberg standing under his desk." -David Letterman
- Bachmann on Hurricanes