I was channel surfing and came upon former Republican congressman John Kasich sitting in for O'Reilly and he tells his guest, and I paraphrase only slightly, "build your mosques, but just remember that this is a Christian and Jewish nation."
John, I think you missed a word: Aryan.
Is it just me, or was that pretty much racist or at least anti-Semitic (in the anti-Muslim sense) for Kasich to say? "Just remember?" Just remember what? Just remember you don't belong in the big house with massah Kasich? And what are you going to do to those Muslim-Americans, Mr. Kasich, if they don't remember "their place" in "our" country?
And another thing, since when are we a Christian and Jewish nation? Iran is an Islamic nation. America was not formed as a Christian nation. Nowhere in the Constitution does it say that we are Christian, that our leaders have to be Christian, that our laws have to be exclusively based on the Bible.
Second of all, if it's based on raw numbers and history, is America a Jewish nation at all? Christian, maybe, in terms of numbers, but Jewish? I think folks who throw the Jewish thing in are only doing it to cover their ass because they know they can attack Muslim-Americans with impunity but if they take on the Jews they'll look bad, even though they probably have no higher esteem for Jews than they do Muslims.
I know it shouldn't surprise me anymore, and perhaps it's more increasing worry than surprise, but I'm just astounded by the increasingly rabid, racist, intolerant, and extremist talk coming out of Republican leaders in the media and politics lately. From Ann Coulter to John Kasich in the media realm, to George Bush and the Republican congress in the political realm, these people seem to really hate everything that I was once taught to be proud of in America.
They want to ethnically, politically and religiously cleanse our country, and the only thing stopping them is that WWII wasn't long enough ago for them to get away with it.
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