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  1. We. Are. Live. Son. @BlackingItUp #RADIO - Listen. Live. Here: #TBUnited #TWIBIU
  2. RT @Wolfrum: America needs more TV shows about a bunch of 30-ish white people living unrealistically good lives but bitching about it a lot.
  3. No seriously. At this point it's not even hyperbole... "Republicans want America to Fail" Tees - #TWIBIU #TBUnited
  4. The GOP have open contempt for Americans--w/ American support for their contempt. Its like paying the cabfare for the guy who just robbed u
  5. It's hard for me to sit through the GOP discussing how they're going to destroy the country--openly. And then get cheered for it.
  6. I didn't watch the GOP Debate last night. Again. It's like I've decided to stop punishing my ears, eyes and common sense...
  7. I'll be wearing one... RT @BlackingItUp: "Republicans want America to Fail" Tees - #TWIBIU #TBUnited
  8. Almost showtime... (@ BcCo Studios) [pic]:
  9. 60 minutes until @BlackingItUp #RADIO. Listen. Live. Here: http:/
  10. Spartacus is no more.
  11. If you see interesting or must discuss articles during your day tweet them with the #TWIBDocket hashtag. We'll discuss on @BlackingItUp!
  12. We. Are. Live. Son. @WeNerdHard - Listen. Live. Here.
  13. 30 Minutes until @WeNerdHard - Listen. Live. Here: #BitterCynicalAdults
  14. 6pm est. Tonight. @WeNerdHard - Come. Listen. Be merry.
  15. So wait--all the Sunday Morning Politic shows just ARENT happening this morning? Ah...ha.
  16. #RealTalk: Human beings don't understand the idea of q&a... #BlackPowerMixtape
  17. I have zero questions. Movie said what it said. RT @saltypepper: @elonjames what would a reasonable Negro ask?
  18. The Swedish director of #BlackPowerMixtape is having a Q & A and White folks are asking lots of questions--Negroes are silent.
  19. In an ironic twist of fate a white dudes poofy hair is blocking my view of the screening of #BlackPowerMixtape...
  20. #BlackPowerMixtape (@ IFC Center w/ 4 others)