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Jamie Holmes
September 2, 2011
Pamela Chan
September 1, 2011
Joe Colucci
September 1, 2011

Latest Policy Papers

September 01 : Pakistan, and Pakistani-American relations, confront their worst crises in recent memory. A host of interlocking...
August 24 : Today, the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) released its Budget and Economic Update, under which current law debt is...
August 18 : Despite dramatic security improvements since 2006, terrorism is still rampant in Iraq. According to statistics compiled...

Polling Californians on Reform

This summer more than 400 voters participated in California’s first Deliberative Poll on governance reform. The just released poll results show that informed open and honest discussion about a range of reforms led to significant changes in opinion. Click below to learn more and hear what Californians had to say about proposed reforms.

ini_video_small.pngThe Initiative Process: The initiative allows voters to put a new law or constitutional change on the ballot. Some fear, however, that special interests have overtaken the process.

rep_video_small.png Legislative Representation: Many voters are concerned that the large size of lawmakers' districts have led to a loss of a true representation and that term limits have left California's Assembly without institutional memory.

Improving Relations with Pakistan

In this excerpt from the event "Pakistan and the United States: At a Strategic Crossroads," panelists discuss a newly released report that suggests practical ways to advance the U.S.-Pakistan relationship at a time when relations between the two countries are at possibly their most strained.

Upcoming Events

My Life Is True

mylifeistrue.jpgToo often, the most important stories from ordinary people go unheard. Thanks to Anne Stuhldreher and Douglas McGray, these stories are being shared as part of My Life Is True, which collects the two-minute audio vignettes produced by KQED's Perspectives.

The most recent story, "Their Pay Day," reveals how Mark Law struggled to pay off a $300 pay-day loan which ballooned into $1,000 of debt.