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  1. Latest @WSJ op-ed: Amateur Hour at the White House - We can't yet judge President Barack Obama's speech Thursday bef...
  2. "Obama’s claim of having passed the 'biggest middle-class tax cut in history' is ridiculous." - @GlennKesslerWP
  3. Will be on @GMA at 7AM and @foxandfriends at 7:30. Hope you'll tune in!
  4. Also on @foxandfriends at 7:30 AM tomorrow to discuss Obama's #jobs speech, decision to reduce # of troops in Iraq & next GOP debate.
  5. Be sure to set your alarms - I'll be talking about #2012 GOP field & latest #jobs numbers w/ @gstephanopoulos at 7AM ET tomorrow on @GMA.
  6. Talking about the latest on the #2012 GOP field with @OReillyFactor guest host @IngrahamAngle tonight at 8PM ET. Hope you'll tune in.
  7. Recommended read: "The Fog of Mediscare," by @TeviTroy
  8. Calling in to @seanhannity radio show 4PM ET to discuss Obama's #jobs speech, #2012 & Teamsters' Hoffa's war on the Tea Party
  9. Talking about Obama's upcoming #jobs speech & 9/11 anniversary this AM with @Kilmeade on @foxnewsradio. Hope you'll tune in 10:30 ET!
  10. Joining @AmericaNewsroom at 10AM to talk about the new @NBCNews / @WSJ poll and the growing voter discontent with President Obama.
  11. Joining @happeningnow today at 11:20AM to discuss Pres. Obama's upcoming #jobs speech.
  12. ICYMI from @pajamasmedia: "Obama Pursues the Bush Foreign Policy, or We Are All Neo-Cons Now"
  13. Joining @teamcavuto on @foxbusiness today. Be sure to tune in at 6PM ET.
  14. Just read: The Idea of America: Reflections on the Birth of the United States - by: Gordon S. Wood
  15. Going to be on @happeningnow this morning to discuss the latest @foxnews poll: Hope you'll tune in at 11AM!
  16. Rec read from @byronyork, "Left paints the campaign as a religious war," #2012
  17. ICYMI: This week's Polling News and Notes takes a look at @Gallupnews early presidential trial heats. #2012
  18. After 9/11 attacks Sid Goodfriend felt an ever-increasing debt to the young people he saw protecting our country.
  19. As history shows, early presidential polling hasn't always predicted the eventual winner. #2012
  20. American Corporate Partners is the creation of one person with a vision & deep faith in the goodness of America.