Hannity Uses Rep. Carson’s Comments As An Excuse To Mount Racial Attacks Against The White House And Congressional Black Caucus
Reported by Ellen - Thu 6:37 PM
Even if you believe recent comments by the Congressional Black Caucus were racist, does that give license to a cable news network to make racial attacks in return? On Fox News it does. It’s enough to make you think the racial animosity was just sitting in the closet, waiting for an excuse to come out. Even if you didn’t already know Sean Hannity’s very disturbing record on race.
Continue reading »David Limbaugh Models His “Positive Agenda” On Hannity
Reported by Ellen - Thu 12:37 PM
Chalk up David Limbaugh – brother of Rush – as another Fox News conservative who seems unable to open his mouth without hate mongering against President Obama and Democrats. He visited the Hannity show Wednesday (8/31/11) for a repeat performance. But near the end of it, he complained, with unintentional hilarity, about Democrats’ demagoguery due to having “no positive, affirmative agenda.” If you can find one positive thing Limbaugh said – other than the need to cut entitlements, if you can call that “positive” and “affirmative,” please let me know what I missed.
Continue reading »First, Fox News Attacks Obama For Scheduling His Speech On Wednesday, Then Attacks Him For Changing It To Thursday
Reported by Ellen - Thu 1:19 AM
In case anyone needs proof that Fox News will attack President Obama no matter what he does, check out how the "fair and balanced" network handled the scheduling of his upcoming address to Congress about jobs. First, a fair amount of time was spent attacking President Obama for scheduling the address on Wednesday, September 7, because that’s the day of a Republican presidential candidate debate. In the middle of the Hannity show, it was announced that the date had been switched to Thursday, September 8. Did anyone on Fox show any gratitude or appreciation for the change? Heck no! They kept right on attacking him for the original schedule but now added that he had “caved.”
Continue reading »Bill O’Reilly: Comics Making Fun Of Dick Cheney Are Pinheads
Reported by Ellen - Wed 11:04 PM
Bill O’Reilly who loves him some hate mongering when it’s against the left, was nevertheless hypocritically sensitive on behalf of poor Dick Cheney being made fun of by comedians. Of course, the segment also gave O’Reilly the opportunity to play the clips making fun of the guy who was giving his first big Fox News interview to O’Reilly’s competitor, Sean Hannity. And then O'Reilly got to call them pinheads. So just like with his recent Christine O’Donnell interview, O’Reilly managed to have it both ways.
Continue reading »Steve Doocy & Tucker Carlson Bash GA Professors Who Teach "Illegals" As Law Breakers
Reported by Priscilla - Wed 6:45 PM
As the mouthpiece for the rabidly xenophobic right wing, Fox News provides validation for those who seek to demonize "illegals" at every opportunity, most notably hosting speakers from the SPLC anti-immigration hate group, Federation for American Immigration Reform and providing lots of validation for the controversial Arizona immigration bill. Recently, the state of Georgia passed an immigration law which bans undocumented students from attending top Georgia colleges and universities because the majority of Georgia legislators believe that qualified home grown students are being displaced by these furriners. Five University of Georgia professors have volunteered to teach classes, equivalent to the actual college courses, to these undocumented students. They are in the process of seeking accreditation for their Freedom University. Sounds like a noble way to counter what appears to be biased state law. But not so for Roger Ailes "lackey" Steve Doocy and famous "dick" Tucker Carlson who think that these professors are breaking the law. Yesterday's Fox & Friends segment, part of the "Trouble With Schools" Fox & Friends series, demonstrated, once again,that Fox & Friends is America's number one right wing propaganda driven morning show.
Continue reading »Cavuto Showcases GOP Plan To End National Flood Insurance
Reported by Guest Blogger - Wed 6:12 PM
By Brian
In the wake of Irene’s devastating floods, Neil Cavuto’s Your World brought on Rep. Candice Miller (R-MI) Monday (8/29/11) for a friendly discussion about ending the national flood insurance program. What it really boiled down to, is “American” Miller questioning why people not in flood zones (like Michigan) should pay for flood insurance in places that are.
Continue reading »Can You Guess What Part Of Dick Cheney’s Interview Greta Van Susteren Highlighted?
Reported by Ellen - Wed 4:28 PM
Out of Sean Hannity’s hour-long interview with Dick Cheney last night (8/30/11), guess which segment Greta Van Susteren highlighted on On The Record, the show immediately following it? No, nothing about Iraq, "enhanced interrogations" or even the War on Terror. On The Record producers went with the segment in which Cheney attacks Al Gore. I’m guessing it was only because Cheney didn’t go after President Barack Obama or any other Democrat during the interview.
Continue reading »The Five’s Greg Gutfeld Would Drill For Oil In The Everglades: “It’s Just A Big Swamp”
Reported by Aunty Em - Wed 1:56 PM
GOP Candidate Michele Bachmann set tongues a-flutter this past weekend all across Florida and the nation while giving a stump speech in Sarasota. Bachmann insisted that we should be drilling for oil in the Everglades to reduce ‘Merka’s dependence on foreign oil. At the risk of indentifying my location (you’ve not read my hate mail) I live on the very eastern edge of the Everglades. In fact, my home was once part of the Everglades, as was most of southern Florida at one time. The history of this state can’t be written without touching upon the utter ecological destruction caused to Florida when Napoleon Bonaparte Broward decided to drain the swamp back at the turn of the last century. Broward famously compared the Everglades to the Chicago of 60 years previous, which had been swampland before it was reclaimed from Lake Michigan. However, very little was known about the Everglades in the early 1900s. Much has been learned about the fragility of the ecosystem—from Lake Okeechobee south—since then, especially after Marjory Stoneman Douglas published “The Everglades: River of Grass” in 1947. Since then environmentalists, governors, and presidents have tried to reverse the effects of what Broward’s development wrought.* President Nixon cancelled a proposed airport project that would have been built in the middle of the Everglades, while President George W. Bush cancelled all Everglades oil drilling permits while he was in office. However, The Five’s Greg Gutfeld knows better than any of us. Watch this exchange between Gutfeld and Bob Beckel:
Continue reading »Brave New Foundation's Latest Video: Meet The New American Sweatshop
Reported by Ellen - Wed 1:11 PM
Check out the latest from our friends at Brave New Foundation's Cuentame campaign: Meet The New American Sweatshop. Cuentame's Axel Caballero writes: A majority of carwash workers are Latino and immigrants – many do not have a clear understanding of their rights, which opens the door for abusive car wash operators to take advantage.
Continue reading »Laughing Stock Michael Brown Still The Fox “News” Go-To Guy For Disasters
Reported by Aunty Em - Wed 11:18 AM
If you discount the World Trade Center attacks, the non-existent Weapons of Mass Destruction, the “Enhanced Interrogation techniques,” and the “Outing of CIA Agents”—which, oddly enough, pretty much sums up the entire 8 years under the President George W. Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney administration—most people would be hard pressed to name one other member of that regime. However, the name Michael Brown is one that crops up occasionally to point to the extreme incompetence of the Bush administration. To recap: Brown was the head of FEMA in 2005 when Hurricane Katrina whacked the Gulf Coast on August 29th. Four days later Bush praised him by saying, “Brownie, you're doing a heck of a job.” However, by then it was pretty clear to everybody but Bush that Brown was in way over his head. Less than 2 weeks later, on September 12th, Brown resigned as head of FEMA. With that resumé it’s a wonder why any so-called “news” operation would use him as a commentator following another natural disaster. However, that CV didn’t stop Bill Hemmer, who dragged out the disgraced ‘Brownie’ on America’s Newsroom to critique President Obama’s response to Hurricane Irene. Watch:
Continue reading »Bill O'Reilly, "Man of Faith," To "Offer Up" Communion For Bill Keller?
Reported by Priscilla - Wed 10:38 AM
Poor Bill O'Reilly. He was just so stung about Bill Keller's comment about how, to a non-Catholic, the concept of turning communion bread into the actual body of Jesus is rather strange. Keller, in his NY Times article, was merely commenting that there are elements of religions that seem strange to those not in the religion. He went on to say that he wasn't concerned about communion or "Mormon underwear" but about how political candidates, particularly Rick Perry and Michele Bachmann, should be questioned as to whether their faiths, seen by many as extreme, would dictate their policy positions. The communion thing was just a throwaway reference; but you wouldn't have known that if you watched Bill's segment in which he used the reference to accuse Keller of insulting Christians - and in the process show his ignorance of "non-Catholics" who, according to Bill, do the bread into body thing when, in reality, the rejection of "Transubstantiation" was a fundamental part of the Protestant Reformation. But enough theology. During the same program, Bill whined to Bernie Goldberg about Keller's "insult." Goldberg said he would leave that part of the discussion to "people of faith" like Bill O'Reilly. ROFLMAO, Bill wonders why Christians get a bad rap. Given his lies, smears, and personal attacks (and an alleged attempt to have his wife's alleged lover investigated), Bill isn't exactly a poster boy for Christianity.
Continue reading »Dick Cheney Still Gung Ho For Guantanamo And The Iraq War
Reported by Ellen - Wed 1:57 AM
Dick Cheney spent a full hour with Sean Hannity Tuesday night (8/30/11) – and another one is coming Thursday – in which the toughest questions asked were probably about his health. But late in the interview, as Hannity was fishing for attacks on President Obama, Cheney defended Guantanamo Bay prison on the grounds that it’s good for the world to fear the United States. Then Cheney immediately defended Gitmo as “probably a much more friendly environment and a comfortable situation” than any the prisoners would face at home. Later, Cheney boasted about his administration having “taken down” the Iraq terror program. Hannity, of course, didn’t challenge any of the assertions.
Continue reading »Bill O'Reilly Defends "Eucharist" Against Christian Insulting "Secular" NY Times
Reported by Priscilla - Tue 3:53 PM
As Jon Stewart so accurately expressed it, "conservative victimization is the true genius of what Fox News has accomplished." Perhaps the most "victimized" Fox victims are right wing Christians who are aided in the whinefests by Fox "News' which never wastes an opportunity to take a swipe at those evil secularists who, in addition to their attempts to ban Jesus, have no respect for Christians. Staunchly defending his fellow Christians against the evil, "secular" media is Bill O'Reilly who never wastes an opportunity to take a swipe at his personal bete-noir, the NY Times and its executive editor, Bill Keller who had the unmitigated gall to say that Fox News isn't "fair & balanced" - something that Bill O'Reilly wasn't happy about. Recently, Keller expressed his opinion, in a NY Times article, that Rick Perry and Michele Bachman should be questioned about their faith, given that their faith does appear to have connections to radical Christianity. As such, Keller feels that the public has the right to know if how beholden these candidates are to the groups who espouse these beliefs and if these beliefs would effect policy decisions. He says that "it's worth knowing whether a candidate has a mind open to intelligence that does not fit neatly into his preconceptions." Seems pretty tame. But not for Bill O'Reilly who twisted the intent of the article and cherry picked one quote in order to advance his bias against Bill Keller and the NY Times. I don't know if that's a sin of "omission" or "commission" but as Bill thinks he's "without sin," he has no problem throwing those stones!
Continue reading »Gawker: Bill O'Reilly Tried To Get His Wife's Cop/Paramour Investigated By The Cops
Reported by Ellen - Tue 3:32 PM
Here's some sizzling summer scintillation care of Gawker, Bill O'Reilly and Fox News. You may recall that in June we posted about Gawker's investigation into Mrs. Bill O'Reilly's purchase of a house in her own name, suggesting that she and Mr. Bill were separated. Gawker has continued its investigation and is now reporting that not only has the couple indeed separated but that O'Reilly pulled strings to have the Nassau County Police Department investigate the detective thought to be having an affair with the Mrs.
Continue reading »Greta Van Susteren’s Hypocritical Outrage Over Politico Asking If Rick Perry Is Dumb
Reported by Ellen - Tue 2:22 PM
Less than two weeks after Greta Van Susteren dismissed as “Texas swagger” Republican Rick Perry’s attacks on Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke – calling him “almost treasonous” and saying he’d be treated “pretty ugly” in Texas - Van Susteren was in a snit over Politico’s “name calling” in an article headlined Is Rick Perry Dumb? Considering the name calling that goes on 24/7 on Fox, much of it right on her own show, Van Susteren’s indignation was laughable. The difference, of course, is that on Fox, Democrats and liberals are called names whereas Politico had the audacity to do it to the Republican presidential candidate Fox is rooting for.
Continue reading »Steve Doocy Validates Catholic League's Bill Donohue Rant Re 9-11 Ceremony
Reported by Priscilla - Tue 6:21 AM
Ya gotta love it! During it's saturation coverage of the Fox generated "outrage" about no clergy at the 9-11 ceremony, the Fox pundits all talked about how prayer is so important in people's lives. That their premise was jawdroppingly hypocritical, was shown in the cognitive dissonance between their seeming devout Christianity and the lies and personal attacks that were an intrinsic part of their coverage. Not only was NY Mayor Michael Bloomberg relentless attacked and smeared; but so was that ongoing Fox "bête noire," the so-called "Ground Zero Mosque" which has been the target of lots of un Christ-life Fox hatred. And to put finishing touches on their support for prayer and clergy, who better to provide Fox commentary than the virulently homophobic, anti-Semitic, pedophile priest defending Bill Donohue who is not an official Catholic spokesperson but head of the Catholic League which is a right wing Catholic group whose hateful views seem to dovetail nicely with Fox News target audience and some Fox hosts. Last Friday, good conservative Catholic and Roger Ailes "lackey" Steve Doocy scored extra propaganda points during his interview with the screetching Donohue. The Bloomberg bashing included not only the perfunctory Bloomberg connection to the mosque but a new connection to those evil atheists that Fox Christians love to hate. If Doocy didn't get a spiritual "indulgence" for his efforts, he sure deserves one in his paycheck cuz he did his Fox daddy, Roger Ailes, proud. Oh, bless me father for I have sinned. Tee, hee.
Continue reading »News Corp. Loses NY State Contract Over Phone Hacking Scandal
Reported by Ellen - Tue 1:02 AM
The Murdochs' phone hacking scandal has reverberated across the Atlantic again, this time with regard to a no-bid contract between New York State and News Corp.’s educational technology company, Wireless Generation. The company won the $27 million contract to develop software to track students’ test scores in a deal that, as the Gotham Gazette put it, “did not meet the smell test for many.” Now, NY’s State Comptroller Thomas DiNapoli has rejected the contracts. He specifically cited the phone hacking scandal as one of the reasons.
Continue reading »Rupert And James Murdoch To Testify Under Oath About Phone Hacking
Reported by Ellen - Tue 12:01 AM
The Telegraph reports that Rupert Murdoch and his son, James, will be questioned about the News Corporation phone hacking scandal, under oath, by a judge in the High Court. Prime Minister David Cameron will also likely testify.
Continue reading »Fox News’ Dick Cheney Infomercial That Just Happens To Swipe At President Obama
Reported by Ellen - Mon 6:11 PM
In advance of Dick Cheney’s memoirs coming out, Fox News devoted an entire hour showcasing Cheney recently (8/19/11). Need I say there were rose-colored glasses for Cheney? And yet somehow host Bret Baier managed to work in some swipes at President Obama. The special was called “Dick Cheney Revealed” but it should have been called “Dick Cheney Touched Up.”
Continue reading »Fox News Helps Rehab Eric Cantor’s Demands For Spending Cuts In Exchange For FEMA Funding
Reported by Ellen - Mon 4:33 PM
Republican Congressman Eric Cantor has come under fire recently for putting his Tea Party ideology over disaster relief. In the wake of Hurricane Irene’s devastation, Cantor essentially reiterated his stance that no further funds should be provided without cutting elsewhere but he and Fox News tried to repackage them by assuring viewers, “We’re going to find the money.”
Continue reading »In Promoting 9-11 Prayer, Good Christian Steve Doocy Tells Fibs?, reported by Priscilla,
Fox’s Cashin’ In Endorses Perry’s Idea To Suspend All Regulations, reported by Guest Blogger,
In The Middle Of Irene, Fox News Showcases Ron Paul's Desire To Abolish FEMA, reported by Ellen,
Hurricane Irene - Open Thread, reported by Ellen,
How Fox News Spun O'Reilly's Interview with Christine O'Donnell, reported by Ellen,
Steve Doocy Supports Public Prayer In Jesus' Name, reported by Priscilla,
Cavuto Trots Out Donald Trump To Politicize Hurricane Irene And Cheer On Rick Perry, reported by Ellen,
Fox's La Jeunesse Spins Against Green Energy Projects, reported by Guest Blogger,
Multimillionaire Sean Hannity Still Pretending He’s Not A Member Of The Elites, reported by Ellen,
O’Reilly Has Some Business Advice For Warren Buffett Re Bank Of America, reported by Ellen,
Hannity Turns 9-11 Memorial "Controversy" Into Attack On Imam Rauf & Mayor Bloomberg, reported by Priscilla,
Fox's Fr. Jonathan Morris Whitewashes Dominionist Christianity, reported by Priscilla,
Fox And Van Susteren Still Pimping For The Arizona Border Fence Fund, reported by Ellen,
For Second Week In A Row On Hannity, Malkin Launches A Racial Attack, reported by Ellen,
Why Isn't Fox News Pressuring Rupert Murdoch To Speak Out On China's One Child Policy?, reported by Priscilla,
Is Hannity's Nose Growing? He's Insisting He Never Questions President Obama's Patriotism, reported by Ellen,
Martha MacCallum & Fr. Jonathan Morris Whine About Clergy Exclusion At 9-11 Celebration, reported by Priscilla,
Fox Nation Bashes Mayor Bloomberg & Muslims All In One Headline, reported by Priscilla,
In Fox Nation Photo, Obama Is Not "22", reported by Priscilla,
Laura Ingraham Joins Fox “News” Veep Attack Machine With Panache, reported by Aunty Em,
Rove Slams Palin For Her Thin Skin And Attention-Getting Tactics, reported by Ellen,
Alan Colmes Smacks Down O’Reilly’s Latest GE/Immelt Obsession, reported by Ellen,
Hannity And Bolton Ignore McCain’s Insights Into Libya In Order To Fear Monger About Sharia Law, reported by Ellen,
Steve Doocy & Alveda King Attack Maxine Waters Over Tea Party Comment, reported by Priscilla,
O’Reilly Hints Of Ambushing Maxine Waters, reported by Ellen,
On Fox & Friends: Left Wages "All Out" Culture War On Your Child's Mind!, reported by Priscilla,
Mitt Romney Makes A Campaign Stop To Fox News’ Your World, reported by Guest Blogger,
Fox News And Hannity Promote Cain’s Call For Impeaching Obama, reported by Ellen,
Earthquake In D.C.? FoxNews.com And Fox Nation Hope For The Worst - For Obama, Liberals, Etc., reported by Ellen,
Forget Warren Buffett Or Economists! Bill O’Reilly Knows Better That Tax Increases For The Wealthy Are Not A Good Idea!, reported by Ellen,
Hannity’s Ridiculous Attempt To Credit Bush For Qaddafi’s Overthrow, reported by Ellen,
Bernard GoldBerg Blasts Laura Ingraham Over Her Charles Rangel Interview, reported by Ellen,
FoxNews.com Article About Martin Luther King Memorial Brings Out The Readers' Racism, reported by Ellen,
Fox & Friends Uses Apolitical Hill Harper Interview As An Excuse To Attack Obama, reported by Ellen,
Martha MacCallum Omits Key Detail During Mayor Bloomberg Bashfest Over 9-11 Anniversary, reported by Priscilla,
Fox & Friends Touts Rick Perry's "Cowboy Values", reported by Priscilla,
Karl Rove Loses It When Challenged About Bush's Record, reported by Ellen,
Herman Cain Unveils His “Even Bolder Plan” For The Economy On Your World, reported by Guest Blogger,
No Objection From Cavuto As Parker Complains About Obama’s “Attack On Free Market And Capitalism” , reported by Guest Blogger,
Fox Nation Patriot Wishes The Chinese Had Stomped The Black Georgetown Basketball Players “To Death” , reported by Ellen,
Fox & Friends' Newest Cross Story Advances "War On Religion" Meme, reported by Priscilla,
After Chiding Obama For Vacationing In Martha's Vineyard, Greta Van Susteren Goes To Kim Kardashian's $10 Million Wedding, reported by Ellen,
Jon Stewart Destroys Fox News' "Class Warfare" Meme, reported by Ellen,
In Case You Missed It, The Outfoxed Anniversary Special Is Online, reported by Ellen,
Van Susteren Ignores Palin’s Champagne Tastes While Helping Her Attack Obama’s “Elite” Martha's Vineyard Vacation, reported by Ellen,
Fox News.com Headline Uses "Illegals" But Fox News Latino Uses "Undocumenteds" For Same Story, reported by Priscilla,
On Fox & Friends: Peter Johnson Jr. Says Most Americans "Sick" of ACLU, reported by Priscilla,
Fox News.Com Leads With Pejorative "Illegals" In Banner Headline, reported by Priscilla,
Gretchen Carlson Endorses Non Existent Texas Creationist Curriculum!, reported by Priscilla,
Charles Rangel Tries To Respond To Allen West's "Harriet Tubman" Comments, reported by Ellen,
Jerry Springer Challenges Hannity On His Self-Serving "Concern" For Unemployed, reported by Ellen,
Fair And Balanced? Fox & Friends Urge Lieberman To Support Rick Perry In 2012, reported by Ellen,
Rep. Allen West: I’m The Modern-Day Harriet Tubman Leading Blacks From The Plantation Of Democrats, reported by Ellen,
News Corp. Phone Hacking Scandal Emigrates To U.S. With Arrest Of Hollywood-Based Reporter, reported by Ellen,
Laura Ingraham Pimps Pro-Life Propaganda: Birth Control = Abortion, reported by Priscilla,
Michelle Malkin Uses Flash Mobs As An Excuse To Attack African Americans, reported by Ellen,
James Murdoch Admits Paying Hush Money In Phone Hacking Scandal, reported by Ellen,
Cavuto Celebrates Tea Party Confrontation With Obama, reported by Guest Blogger,
Greta Van Susteren Helps Whitewash Rick Perry’s Attack On Bernanke, reported by Ellen,
Check Out Brave New Film's Latest Video: Why Do The Koch Brothers Want To End Public Education? , reported by Ellen,
Fox News Pretends Obama Is Losing The African American Vote, reported by Ellen,
Fox & Friends Promotes 4 Year Old Evangelical Preacher , reported by Priscilla,
Fox News To California Hotel Workers: Too Bad About Your Back Injuries, reported by Ellen,
Greta Van Susteren Ignores Accusations Of Impropriety Against FL AG Pam Bondi While Promoting Her Anti-ObamaCare Legal Challenge, reported by Ellen,
Leaked Letter Points To News Corp. Cover Up, reported by Ellen,
Mike Huckabee Says Homophobic "Hate Group" Is "Respected Family Organization", reported by Priscilla,
Greg Gutfeld's Guests Attack Children Featured In MoveOn.Org Video, reported by Priscilla,
An "Objective" Fox News Report That Gushes Over Rick Perry, reported by Ellen,
In Case You've Been Wondering Whatever Happened To "I'm Not A Witch" Christine O'Donnell..., reported by Ellen,
Fair And Balanced? Fox News Refuses To Correct Report About Pulaski, VA Police Department, reported by Ellen,
Fox News Says Bill Maher Is Sexist But Ignores Steven Crowder's Misogyny , reported by Priscilla,
Cavuto Trots Out Meg Whitman For Romney Republican Rehab For “Corporations Are People” Comment, reported by Guest Blogger,
Neil Cavuto Tries To Suggest Liberal Policies Could Soon Bring London Riots To The U.S., reported by Guest Blogger,
Steven Crowder Tells Fox & Friends That Straight Marriage Is Awesome - Despite Hollywood!, reported by Priscilla,
Fox News' Fr. Jonathan Morris Advocates Religious Tolerance - Oh, The Irony!, reported by Priscilla,
Notice Something Missing In This Fox News Poll About An Obama Primary Challenge?, reported by Ellen,
FoxNews.Com Readers Erupt In Murderous, Bigoted Hatred Over Cholera Epidemic In Somalia, reported by Ellen,
Robert Greenwald: War Budget Cuts Are Possible, reported by Ellen,
Gretchen Carlson Wants President To Fight "The War On Christmas", reported by Priscilla,
Palin “So Proud” Of Gingrich For Attacking Her Fox News Colleagues, Bret Baier And Chris Wallace, reported by Ellen,
Outfoxed By Democratic Governor O’Malley, “Liberal” Van Susteren Leaps To Defend Republicans, reported by Ellen,
Jon Stewart Eviscerates Megyn Kelly Over Maternity Hypocrisy, reported by Aunty Em,
Fox News Helps Whitewash Coulter’s Latest Murder Fantasy: Killing The London Rioters, reported by Ellen,
Got Hypocrisy? Fox & Friends Claim That Liberals "Use" Kids For "Agenda", reported by Priscilla,
Newt Gingrich And Hannity Complain About “Gotcha Questions” From Fox’s Chris Wallace, reported by Ellen,
GOP Debate Open Thread, reported by Ellen,
Fox News’ Megyn Kelly And America Live Help Promote John Bolton’s Potential Candidacy, reported by Ellen,
Rupert Murdoch Throwing Son James Under The Bus?, reported by Ellen,
Megyn Kelly Smacks Down Mike Gallagher Re Maternity Leave, reported by Priscilla,
Bob Beckel Gives Away Part Of The Backstage Censorship Game On The Five, reported by Aunty Em,
Sean Hannity’s Solution For Economic Woes And Prevent London Riots From Happening Here: Work Harder And Give Up Social Safety Nets, reported by Ellen,
Robert Greenwald on Wisconsin, The Kochs And Money In Politics, reported by Ellen,
Predictably, Fox News Uses London Riots To Blame The Left, reported by Guest Blogger,
Fox Nation Promoting Obama Impeachment Just "To Tie Things Up", reported by Ellen,
Eric Bolling Goes All Bully-Boy Against Undeniable Truths: Another Aunty Em Annotated Transcript, reported by Aunty Em,
Fox Nation Race Baits Over London Riots; Readers Respond By Wanting To Kill Blacks, reported by Ellen,
Reminder: Outfoxed 7th Anniversary Discussion Now, reported by Ellen,
NOW Discredits Fox News Meme That Feminists Ignore Sexism Directed Towards Conservative Women, reported by Priscilla,
The Five Discusses Contest Ridiculing Obama's Bus Tour, reported by Ellen,
Fox News And The Outfoxed Effect: Seven Years Later, reported by Ellen,
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