With Brad Friedman & Desi Doyen...

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IN TODAY'S RADIO REPORT: BREAKING: East Coast Earthquake!; Inhofe's 'Hoax' - Hot and Hotter: more record-breaking heat around the world in a record-breaking year; Civil disobedience at the White House over dirty oil pipeline; PLUS: GOP cat fight erupts as Republican candidates spar over science ... All that and more in today's Green News Report!

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IN 'GREEN NEWS EXTRA' (see links below): Fox News compounds inanity over inane 'aliens will kill us over climate change' study; Fukushima zone may be declared uninhabitable; Australia passes CO2 offset laws, carbon pricing next; Vietnam’s rice bowl threatened by rising seas; No ‘train wreck’ from EPA utility rules: report; EPA to review regulations for 'unjustified burdens'; Canadian gov't bypasses public's right to know about fracking; Is nat-gas fracking industry sucking PA's creeks dry?; Ford, Toyota team up on hybrid trucks; Hurricane Irene could boost insurance industry; ConocoPhillips finds 9 new leaks in huge China oil spill; Just Say No to Arctic drilling; Human excrement to blame for coral decline; Fall of Tripoli won't result in cheaper gas; Army Corps: Budget cuts will slow levee rebuilding; Environmental violations found at tribal schools ... PLUS: 'Hockey Stick' scientist vindicated again: Federal auditors find no evidence to support 'Climategate' accusations ...


'GREEN NEWS EXTRA' (Stuff we didn't have time for in today's audio report)...

  • VIDEO: Inane Study Posits Alien Invasion As Reason to Cut Greenhouse Gas Emissions — Fox News Reponse Is Even More Inane (Think Progress Green)
  • Fukushima Update: Large Zone Near Japanese Reactors to Be Off Limits (NY Times) [emphasis added]:
    Broad areas around the stricken Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant could soon be declared uninhabitable, perhaps for decades, after a government survey found radioactive contamination that far exceeded safe levels, several major media outlets said Monday.
    The government is expected to tell many of these residents that they will not be permitted to return to their homes for an indefinite period. It will also begin drawing up plans for compensating them by, among other things, renting their now uninhabitable land.
  • Australia passes CO2 offset laws, carbon pricing next (Reuters) [emphasis added]:
    Australia’s parliament endorsed the world’s first national scheme that regulates the creation and trade of carbon credits from farming and forestry on Monday, to complement government plans to put a price on carbon emissions from mid-2012.
    Known as the Carbon Farming Initiative (CFI), the new laws allow farmers and investors to generate tradeable carbon offsets from farmland and forestry projects. Land use including agriculture accounts for 23 percent of Australian emissions.
  • Vietnam’s rice bowl threatened by rising seas (Guardian UK):
    Nguyen Thi Lim Lien issues a warning she desperately hopes the world will hear: climate change is turning the rivers of the Mekong Delta salty.

    “The government tells us that there are three grams of salt per litre of fresh water in the rivers now,” she says. “Gradually more and more people are affected. Those nearest the sea are the most affected now, but soon the whole province will be hit.”

  • Congressional Research Service Report: No ‘train wreck’ from EPA utility rules (The Hill):
    Utility industry claims that looming Environmental Protection Agency rules for power plants will create an economic “train wreck” are overblown, the nonpartisan Congressional Research Service (CRS) says in a new report.

    Because EPA has yet to propose or finalize many of its clean air regulations, industry-sponsored studies predicting economic calamity “effectively underestimate the complexities of the regulatory process and overstate the near-term impact of many of the regulatory actions,” CRS says [PDF] in an Aug. 8 report that has been circulating on Capitol Hill in recent days.

  • EPA will review regulations to eliminate 'unjustified burdens' (The Hill):
    The Environmental Protection Agency finalized a plan Tuesday to review dozens of regulations to ensure they are not overly burdensome, part of an administration-wide “lookback” mandated by President Obama.

    EPA’s final regulatory review plan comes amid growing GOP animosity toward the agency. Republicans and some moderate Democrats have cast EPA as the poster child of federal overreach and excessive regulation, pushing legislation to delay or block a slew of the agency’s rules.

  • Down the Drain Goes Public's Right to Know About Fracking (The Tyee, British Columbia):
    What landed in the Tyee's inbox was entirely in keeping with the government's handling of a contentious proposal by a natural gas company to divert large quantities of water out of Williston Reservoir. When word leaked that the government had approved the diversion scheme, a rather strange statement was issued that began by noting that the provincial Cabinet minister in charge was unavailable.
  • Is Gas-Drilling Industry Sucking PA's Creeks Dry? (Philadelphia Inquirer):
    The Marcellus Shale natural gas industry has a huge thirst for water - to hydraulically fracture a single gas well requires upward of a thousand tanker-trucks of water.
  • Ford, Toyota team up on hybrid trucks: Partnership aimed at boosting fuel efficiency quicker, cheaper (The Detroit News)
  • Analysis: Hurricane Irene could boost insurance pricing, shares (Reuters):
    Like speculators in the futures market who applaud the effects of drought on wheat prices, another disaster could ultimately cheer investors in insurance and reinsurance stocks. Major storms in 2004 and 2005 triggered a surge in insurance stocks after the fact.
  • ConocoPhillips finds 9 new leaks in China oil spill (AFP):
    US oil giant ConocoPhillips, already facing legal action and mounting public anger over a huge oil spill off China’s northeast coast, has found nine new leaks in the same area, authorities said.
  • Op-ed: No to Arctic Drilling (NY Times) [emphasis added]:
    The administration should put on the brakes. This is a reckless gamble we cannot afford. We can't prevent an Arctic blowout any more than we can avert disaster in the Gulf of Mexico or the North Sea. We don't have the infrastructure, the knowledge or the experience to cope with one if it occurs. It's irresponsible to drill in these waters unless we have those capabilities.

    When the National Commission on the BP Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill and Offshore Drilling, appointed by President Obama in May 2010, reported our findings and recommendations earlier this year, we specifically cited the need to address these shortcomings before exposing Arctic waters to this kind of risk.

  • Human Excrement to Blame for Coral Decline (Scientific American)
  • Libya: The Fall of Tripoli Won't Get Us Cheap Gas (Grist):
    It would be natural to imagine that the fall of Tripoli would mean a significant decrease in the cost of oil and the pain that the average consumer feels at the pump.... But the truth may not turn out to be so simple.
  • Congress And the Corps: Budget Cuts May Slow Levee Rebuilding (St. Louis Beacon)
  • Environmental Violations Found at Scores of Tribal Schools (Center for Public Integrity):
    Hundreds of Native American children attend schools that haven't properly disposed of hazardous waste, haven't contained asbestos in heating systems, and whose water systems exceed the maximum allowable level for arsenic in tap water - conditions barred under federal environmental laws.
  • Climate Secret: NSF Quietly Closes Out Inspector General Investigation with Complete Vindication of Michael Mann (Climate Progress):
    NSF Inspector General: “Finding no research misconduct or other matter raised by the various regulations and laws discussed above, this case is closed.”
    And so after countless investigations — 3 in the U.K., 2 by Penn State, the EPA, the NOAA IG — that have all unanimously found the allegations against climate scientists and their research conclusions based on the hacked “ClimateGate” emails to be wholly unsubstantiated, a top GOP presidential candidate backed by the fossil fuel industry still gives voice to the Texas-sized lie (see “Denier Rick Perry Takes $11 Million from Big Oil, Then Claims Climate Scientists ‘Manipulated Data’ For Money“).