Thom Hartmann did a segment on both his radio and his television show, The Big Picture, yesterday with Shannyn talking about Pebble Mine.

Largest wild salmon fishery wiped out by corporate greed?

Posted by: shannynmoore | April 2, 2011


Please watch Moore Up North TODAY and SUNDAY for a great informative program on HB110 and SB49.  Can the state really afford to give $2-$3 billion per year away with no guarantees of increased production? What if the production increased by 10%? That would still not make up anywhere near the loss in revenue. When ACES passed, Senator Ted Stevens brought home the bacon. We are now without those necessary federal funds. ACES made up that shortfall.

Please watch this incredible program!


Watch Senator Bill Wielechowski eviscerate Governor Sean Parnell’s plan to provide $2-$3 billion in corporate welfare to the most profitable multinational corporations in the history of civilization-and at least one of them, Exxon, paid ZERO in federal taxes last year despite record profits!!!

TODAY, April 2nd, 4pm KYES Channel 5

TOMORROW, APRIL 3rd, 9am KYES Channel 5

Educate yourself-MUST SEE TV!

photo by Jeanne Devon of

Posted by: shannynmoore | March 31, 2011

No MOORE UP NORTH TODAY! Back on Thursday, April 7!

There will be NO MOORE UP NORTH taping tonight at the Taproot.

Shannyn is in Washington DC lobbying for the preservation of Bristol Bay.

She’ll be hosting her radio show on Monday, April 4.

Guest hosting today is Steve  Heimel and Friday is Vince Beltrami.

We will be back with another episode of Moore Up North next week on Thursday, April 7 at 5:30pm.

See you then!

Posted by: shannynmoore | March 23, 2011



Governor Parnell’s bill to bailout the most profitable multinational corporations in the history of civilization with zero guarantees of new exploration should give every Alaskan pause.

The House Finance Committee held an invitation-only hearing at the LIO in Anchorage on Tuesday. Sure, it was open to the public, so long as you kept your mouth shut. The invitations were extended to the so-called business leaders of Alaska; from the heads of Native Corporations to bank presidents to owners of oil services companies, they were all lined up in a flight pattern eager to plea the sky had fallen and the only way for restoration and salvation was to pony up $2+ BILLION a year like a sacrificial virgin to some unseen gods.

Parnell’s own data contradicts his current flip-flopped meme. Everything thing you read, see or hear from the multimillion multimedia propaganda campaign is a lie.

Testify Thursday, March 24, from 5pm-8pm and Friday, March 25 from 3pm-7pm at your LIO.


We’re off this week for Spring Break but will be back in force on Thursday, March 17, at 5:30pm at the Taproot!

On St. Patrick’s Day!

Be sure to tune in to KYES Channel 5 on Saturday at 4pm and Sunday at 9am for Senator Bill Wielechowski’s important, urgent and educational program on ACES!

Posted by: shannynmoore | March 9, 2011

MOORE UP NORTH: Disaster Capitalism Comes to Alaska

This week’s Moore Up North is perhaps the most relevant, urgent and important program we have ever done.

Senator Bill Wielechowski came on the show and blew holes through the million dollar propaganda campaign that is attempting to provide, over the next several years, up $20 billion dollars in welfare to the most insatiable and profitable multinational corporations in the history of civilization. They have set so many consecutive records for record profit, Guinness stopped counting. AND…Senator Wielechowski used Governor Sean Parnell’s own data to point out their misinformation onslaught.

This episode of Moore Up North will be rebroadcast statewide on Saturday, March 12 at 4pm and Sunday, March 13 at 9am statewide on KYES Channel 5.

Bloggers: Please feel free to repost to get the word out. Richard Mauer wrote a great piece in the ADN tonight and it looks like the tide might be turning in Alaska’s favor. The time is NOW to email/message and call your state senator and representative. TODAY!

The Slides in Senator Wielechowski’s presentation may be found here.

Consider this: for absolutely NO INVESTMENT GUARANTEES, Governor Parnell wants to give away our FAIR SHARE!  What, you ask, is our FAIR SHARE? It’s roads, ports, schools, airports, health care, running the state. Our FAIR SHARE is also…wait for it…NOT having a STATE INCOME TAX, PROPERTY TAX and SALES TAX!  It’s having a PERMANENT FUND and a SAVINGS ACCOUNT and a CONSTITUTIONAL BUDGET RESERVE! In short, it’s NOT being BANKRUPT like nearly every other state in the union!

If HB110 and SB49 become law, Alaska will be in deficit spending mode in a couple years. Within five years, our $12 billion savings account will be wiped out. Once that happens and we have no revenue coming in, how long until the Permanent Fund is raided? How long till we see new unprecedented statewide taxes-covering income, property, sales, and whatever else they can think of?

And consider this, Norway started their Permanent Fund in 1990, the year AFTER the Exxon Valdez disaster and 14 years after the Alaska Permanent Fund was established. Yet, Norway has $560 BILLION DOLLARS! Alaska has $38 BILLION DOLLARS! Norway somehow managed to sock away $522 BILLION more than our Permanent Fund. How is that possible, you ask? Because they are getting their FAIR SHARE! And you know what? Norway’s taxes are higher than ours. And even though they have less oil than we do, Oil Producers are investing there!

Imagine if we had been getting our FAIR SHARE since 1976. What would our fund be? What if we had what Norway has now? We would have $28,000,000,000 for state government just off of a lousy 5% return! Even a free-spender like Governor Parnell would be hard-pressed to spend all of that!

And some breaking news, Great Bear is an up and coming energy company that just invested $8 million for acreage on the North Slope. They plan on a long-term development strategy that will invest $2 billion in Alaska each year over decades. They say there are hundreds of billions of barrels of high quality shale oil on the North Slope. They are forecasting 450,000 barrels per day by 2013 and much more after that.

But wait, there’s more!

Repsol is a Spanish Major that just announced it will be investing $768 million dollars in Alaska.

And two other new independents, ENI and Brooks Range Petroleum are also investing on the North Slope.

Apparently, they didn’t get the memo that Alaska’s Closed for Business!

And, Alaska is NOT closed for business according to the Tax Foundation. We are the NUMBER TWO most favorable business climate out of all 50 states. Read it and weep here!

Note to Chicken Little Murkowski: The Sky is NOT falling!

Governor Sean Parnell is attacking the late, great Wally Hickel’s OWNER STATE by putting forward a bill that is nothing more than a welfare program for the wealthiest corporations on the planet!

Call and email your legislator now. Tell them HANDS OFF ACES! NO on HB110 and SB49!

Alaska State Public Opinion Messages System for all legislators can be sent here. Email your Alaska State Representative and Alaska State Senator.

The House Finance Committee will be taking public testimony on HB110 on Thursday, March 24 and Friday March 25 at the Legislative Information Office downtown on 4th Avenue.

Check out Jeanne Devon’s great piece on this resource give-away on The Mudflats!

Posted by: shannynmoore | March 4, 2011

UPDATE! Moore Up North on KYES Channel 5 TIVO ALERT!

UPDATE! There was an editing problem that got caught at the last minute. The show with Senator Bill Wielechowski will now air TOMORROW (Sunday, March 6th).


Tomorrow, SUNDAY, March 6th, Tune into to KYES Channel 5 for Moore Up North with Shannyn Moore. This week’s show is truly MUST SEE TV!

Shannyn’s guest was Senator Bill Wielechowski. Senator Wielechowski completely eviscerated the Anti-ACES propaganda campaign that could cost Alaska $20 Billion dollars!

AND, the best Bill in Juneau used Governor Parnell’s OWN INFORMATION to show how well ACES is working. Whatever side of this issue you are on, tune into KYES Channel 5. Arm yourself with education.

Moore Up North airs Saturday, March 5 at 4pm, and repeats Sunday, March 6 at 9am on KYES Channel 5.

Posted by: shannynmoore | February 10, 2011

Mike Papantonio talks progressive media with Shannyn Moore

Thanks to Mike Papantonio and producer Farron Cousins of Ring of Fire Radio

Posted by: shannynmoore | February 6, 2011

Sarah Palin Ain’t No Moses

While preparing to jump out of a cake for Ronald Reagan’s 100th birthday, Sarah Palin found time to serve up a fresh batch of Word Salad. My condolences to the transcriber who probably has a giant case of Post Traumatic Punctuation Disorder. The topic? Egypt, Reagan and 1 Timothy.

Palin was asked about Egypt on the “Brody Files“:

Sarah Palin: “Remember, President Reagan lived that mantra trust but verify. We want to be able to trust those who are screaming for democracy there in Egypt, that it is a true sincere desire for freedoms and the challenge that we have though, is how do we verify what it is that we are being told, what it is that the American public are being fed via media, via the protesters, via the government there in Egypt in order for us to really have some sound information to make wise decisions on what our position is.  Trust but verify, and try to understand is what I would hope our leaders are engaged in right now.  Who’s going to fill the void?  Mubarak, he’s gone, one way or the other you know, he is not going to be the leader of Egypt, that that’s a given, so now the information needs to be gathered and understood as to who it will be that fills now the void in the government.  Is it going to be the Muslim Brotherhood?  We should not stand for that, or with that or by that.  Any radical Islamists, no that is not who we should be supporting and standing by, so we need to find out who was behind all of the turmoil and the revolt and the protests so that good decisions can be made in terms of who we will stand by and support.”

“Trust but verify” has been an escaped mantra for Palin. You’ll wait years for a records request to find out what she was really up to in Alaska. How about this Sarah, we (you) don’t get to boss around another country. Remember how you didn’t like the United States Federal Government telling Alaska about building codes? Yeah, well, they don’t like it either. We’ve been propping up and funding a dictator in Mubarak who has amassed more personal wealth than the Alaska Permanent Fund in its entirety.

When asked how Obama was handling the situation:

Sarah Palin: “It’s a difficult situation, this is that 3am White House phone call and it seems for many of us trying to get that information from our leader in the White House it it seems that that call went right to um the answering machine. And nobody yet has, no body yet has explained to the American public what they know, and surely they know more than the rest of us know who it is who will be taking the place of Mubarak and um, no, not, not real um enthused about what it is that that’s being done on a national level and from D.C. in regards to understanding all the situation there in Egypt. And um, in these areas that are so volatile right now because obviously it’s not just Egypt but the other countries too where we are seeing uprisings, we know that now more than ever, we need strength and sound mind there in the White House.  We need to know what it is that America stands for so we know who it is that America will stand with.  And um, we do not have all that information yet.”

SERIOUSLY? The answering machine? If you haven’t had the situation explained to you, it may have to do with the basics. We’ll start with, “Egypt is not a state in the country of Africa.” Sorry, I hate to get all “Gotcha”. We need “strength and sound mind” in the White House. You Betcha. I’m so glad John McCain isn’t living there. We DO have the information on what it is that America stands for and it’s not you. We do have that information. You’re tanking. The more you talk, the more you unravel the myth the McCain campaign worked so hard to spin.

When she was ask about a run for President, and what might she do differently?

Sarah Palin: “I would continue on the same course of not really caring what other people say about me or worrying about the things that they make up, but having that thick skin and a still spine, knowing that what is needed in America are those things that Ronald Reagan did espouse and what he lived and not worrying about what the critics are going to say me or my family or what it is that I stand for because I do believe, David, that there are more commonsense conservative Americans on our side on the issues that we stand for than there are those who oppose the idea of individualism and God given liberty and opportunity to work hard and to, um, to progress according to our own work ethic and our own merits.  I would continue to believe that there are more who are believers in those values than there are not, so I would continue down that same path.”

Yes. That is a tremendous way to get people to vote for you. Not caring what they say about you.  This skin? No. It’s stretched tight and even thinner than it was when you were governor. Good Lord, take a breath. That first sentence is a doozie.  You, madam, should never utter the words “work ethic” within earshot of any Alaskans. You are a quitter.

On Media Attacks?

Sarah Palin: “You know, I’m reminded so often of 2 Timothy 1:7 knowing that God does not give us a spirit of timidity or of fear, but he gives us a spirit of power and love and a sound mind.  A sound mind so that we can keep things in perspective.  We can stay grounded, we can know what is real, we can know truth, so just calling on that verse, reminding myself over and over again what’s God promises, that gets me through the tough times.”

Sarah, Sarah, Sarah.  I know a few really wonderful Christian Alaskans who have prayed their way through the hell you have wrought on them personally or through policy. Watch out for lightening.

The rest of that interview is here. It’s just about time for her to reconsider her “sit down and shut up” status.

And by the way. Remember that guy that “discovered” you back in 2007 on an Alaska Cruise to Juneau? William Kristol?  Perhaps you haven’t yet read this, but Bill Kristol talks about the very fear you and your buddy Glenn Beck are promoting. From the new issue of the Weekly Standard out on February 14:

Now, people are more than entitled to their own opinions of how best to accomplish that democratic end. And it’s a sign of health that a political and intellectual movement does not respond to a complicated set of developments with one voice.

But hysteria is not a sign of health. When Glenn Beck rants about the caliphate taking over the Middle East from Morocco to the Philippines, and lists (invents?) the connections between caliphate-promoters and the American left, he brings to mind no one so much as Robert Welch and the John Birch Society. He’s marginalizing himself, just as his predecessors did back in the early 1960s.

Nor is it a sign of health when other American conservatives are so fearful of a popular awakening that they side with the dictator against the democrats. Rather, it’s a sign of fearfulness unworthy of Americans, of short-sightedness uncharacteristic of conservatives, of excuse-making for thuggery unworthy of the American conservative tradition.

Kristol continues:

Let’s hope that as talk radio hosts find time for reflection, and commentators step back to take a deep breath, they will recall that one of the most hopeful aspects of the current conservative revival is its reclamation of the American constitutionalist tradition. That tradition is anchored even beyond the Constitution, of course, in the Declaration of Independence. And that document, let’s not forget, proclaims that, “Whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends [life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness], it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it.”

An American conservatism that looks back to 1776 cannot turn its back on the Egyptian people. We should wish them well—and we should work to help them achieve as good an outcome as possible.

Conservatives are used to focusing on the downsides of situations. And there are potential downsides ahead, to be sure. But there is also a huge upside to a sound and admirable outcome in Egypt. American conservatives should remember our commitment, in the words of Federalist 39, to “that honorable determination which animates every votary of freedom, to rest all our political experiments on the capacity of mankind for self-government.”

Egypt turns out to have its votaries of freedom. The Egyptian people want to exercise their capacity for self-government. American conservatives, heirs to our own bold and far-sighted revolutionaries, should help them.

I agree with Bill Kristol.

I need to get my skates out. Hell just froze over.

Posted by: shannynmoore | January 30, 2011

“No static at all…FM”

Was it something I said?

The Shannyn Moore Show goes FM!

Starting today, FOX NEWS TALK KOAN 1020AM will be simulcast in the Anchorage Bowl on KOAN 95.5FM!

Tune into The Shannyn Moore Show from 3pm-6pm EST/11am-2pm AST.

As always, you may stream the show on either KOAN Anchorage or KXLJ Juneau . Miss a show? Podcast it here!

CALL THE SHOW AT 907.522.1020!


  1. 1020 AM Anchorage Palmer Wasilla
  2. 95.5 FM Anchorage Eagle River
  3. 1330 AM Juneau

Truly, like Steely Dan sang…NO STATIC AT ALL!!!

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