"Betrayal? Woolsey's Baffling Endorsement of 'Blue Dog' Harman Riles Progressives"
(26 Responses so far...)
COMMENT #1 [Permalink]
said on 1/9/2010 @ 1:53 pm PT...
Please run someone against Anna Eschoo!
COMMENT #2 [Permalink]
said on 1/9/2010 @ 3:56 pm PT...
Either a) someone made Woolsey an offer she couldn't refuse, or b) she is being blackmailed.
Any ideas?
COMMENT #3 [Permalink]
said on 1/9/2010 @ 4:39 pm PT...
We saw this in the Liberman/Lamont primary in 2006. The Democratic establishment will not support primary challengers.
COMMENT #4 [Permalink]
said on 1/9/2010 @ 6:17 pm PT...
I know Lynn Woolsey.
I'm a fan of Lynn Woolsey.
Where are they keeping Lynn Woolsey and when did they perfect cloning?
Because that cannot be something Lynn Woolsey would do without a gun pointing at her head.
COMMENT #5 [Permalink]
Cosimo diRondo
said on 1/9/2010 @ 7:13 pm PT...
Um, yeah, a gun or a camcorder.
I'm curious if there are any public records stating Harman's net worth prior to being elected to congress. In fact, I'd like to see a big honkin' graph showing that statistic for all members.
COMMENT #6 [Permalink]
said on 1/9/2010 @ 7:15 pm PT...
COMMENT #7 [Permalink]
said on 1/9/2010 @ 7:30 pm PT...
For anyone not familiar with Harman's offense.
Quote ...
Rep. Jane Harman , the California Democrat with a longtime involvement in intelligence issues, was overheard on an NSA wiretap telling a suspected Israeli agent that she would lobby the Justice Department to reduce espionage-related charges against two officials of the American Israeli Public Affairs Committee, the most powerful pro-Israel organization in Washington.
Harman was recorded saying she would “waddle into” the AIPAC case “if you think it’ll make a difference,” according to two former senior national security officials familiar with the NSA transcript.
In exchange for Harman’s help, the sources said, the suspected Israeli agent pledged to help lobby Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., then-House minority leader, to appoint Harman chair of the Intelligence Committee after the 2006 elections, which the Democrats were heavily favored to win.
Seemingly wary of what she had just agreed to, according to an official who read the NSA transcript, Harman hung up after saying, “This conversation doesn’t exist.”
End quote.
"Because that cannot be something Lynn Woolsey would do without a gun pointing at her head." really ?
""Evidence linking these Israelis to 9/11 is classified. I cannot tell you about evidence that has been gathered. It's classified information."
US official quoted in Carl Cameron's Fox News report on the Israeli spy ring."
This will never end until someone puts their country before their reputation .Do you think Tiger Woods would have committed treason to prevent the news of his affairs from becoming public ?
COMMENT #8 [Permalink]
said on 1/9/2010 @ 8:43 pm PT...
yep. yep and wow.
Brad, is this making my point from another article ( any better? I haven't made this about you nor about 9/11. It already is about 9/11.
All our best arguments are strictly academic gymnastics unless and until shards of truth start coming out about 9/11 and make the whole truth impossible to cover up. That's what Sibel's struggles are about, along with Joe and Valerie Plame Wilson, and ...............
The little we all here have already gathered for ourselves makes this obvious to us. Now it's a matter of making these facts obvious to enough folk that their tipping points are reached.
Even the most staunch right wing kids in their 20's chuckle at the absurdity of the single bullet theory. We need to achieve that same tipping point about OBusha's war on terror. WTC 1, 2 and 7 are the best starting point.
COMMENT #9 [Permalink]
said on 1/9/2010 @ 9:14 pm PT...
COMMENT #10 [Permalink]
said on 1/9/2010 @ 9:18 pm PT...
and yeh, given Dodd's and Wexler's behavior this year and Obusha's protection of all folk anti-progressive, especially Lieberman, this is obviously open betrayal. So who hires and fires Woolsey for the CPC?
COMMENT #11 [Permalink]
Ernest A. Canning
said on 1/10/2010 @ 12:41 am PT...
josemarie said
Join the conversation about the Obama Health care plan
Obama has a health care plan? Try reading "ObamaCare: Right Diagnosis, Wrong Prescription".
Obama's "plan" is to force everyone to become a "customer" of the corrupt, dysfunctional and deadly health insurance cartel that is responsible for more than half of personal bankruptcies; underwriting that abomination with taxpayer dollars, while guaranteeing an equally corrupt pharmaceutical industry profits by preventing either a Medicare negotiated rate for prescription medicines or the ability of Americans to purchase the identical medications from Canada at 1/3 the cost in the U.S.
Under the Obama ten year, $800 billion "plan" 36 million Americans will still be uninsured at the end of those ten years and tens of thousands of the uninsured will needlessly die each year either for lack of "coverage" or because health insurance carriers, though prevented from denying coverage for pre-existing conditions, will still be in a position to deny authorization for vital life-saving procedures as either "unnecessary" or "experimental" based on frivolous utilization reviews written by heartless and corrupt physicians on the cartel payroll whose only function is to protect the cartel's bottom line.
The health insurance cartel is an unnecessary parasite; a cancer which must be surgically removed and replaced with the only true reform --- single-payer Medicare for All. Everything else is a scam.
As it relates to this piece, try "Winograd, Harman Race Heats Up Again":
Rep. Anna G. Eshoo (D-CA) successfully inserted an amendment to the House health care "reform" bill which gives "developers of innovative biomedical drugs 12 years of statutory protection from generic competition, significantly extending their patent rights." According to Michael Hiltzik of the Los Angeles Times, the Eshoo amendment would provide "a big payoff to biotech firms and their venture backers by hindering the entry of a new class of generic drugs into the market."
The Eshoo amendment succeeded after Harman joined with Eshoo in Committee to kill an amendment offered by Henry Waxman (D-CA) which would have provided "a 5-year fast-track of generic biologics....A May 15, 2009 financial disclosure statement Harman filed with the House of Representatives reveals Harman's 2008 investment portfolio included stock in at least three biologic manufacturers: Pfizer, Abbot Labs, and Johnson & Johnson."
COMMENT #12 [Permalink]
said on 1/10/2010 @ 5:45 am PT...
COMMENT #13 [Permalink]
said on 1/10/2010 @ 7:35 am PT...
Allow me to speak in broad strokes....
Although I'm not too familiar with the particulars of the Woolsey affair...Frankly I have never heard of her before reading this piece. It nevertheless brought to mind what has happened to the left/progressive movement since the late 1970s. The left has been comprimised, bought off or blackmailed for 30 years now...The right wing media machine (mainstream media) has lied about, slandered and mocked left wing principles for those 3 decades, with very little resistance from the left. Left wing politicians were bullied into complicity.
Personally I believe that most leftists politicians lacked the guts to was an admittedly daunting proposition to resist the fascist right wing media machine and risk public ridicule or even jail.
Looking back big picture's eerily similar to the process that happened in Nazi Germany and Italy. Big business was seen as the savior of the country...the Military Industrial Complex, Bankers and larger than life Industrialists were elevated to premier-preferred status, while the middle class/worker was demonized and told that the economic ills were all his/her fault..middle class worker, unionized labor were portrayed as simply greedy leeches who worked little but were paid handsomely...
The right wing pulled off a classic victim syndrome charade....their wealthy banker, media, industrialist cabal played the victim to the evil, unionized worker and left wing. We heard constantly, loudly for over 30 years about trickle down economics...that giving corporations everything they wanted, increasing the size and scope of the military unleashing banks/investment firms from regulation would free the economy from the unionized labor/left wing nanny state that was alledgedly stifling the country.
The corporatists would in turn share the wealth with the people and everyone would benefit.
Well after 30 years of that crap...we see the consequences...corporate treason, a military run amok, a depressed economy (for the middle class), permanent poverty, an all time high prison population, 10s of millions of well paying jobs shipped overseas....and a media that has become just a public relations wing of the right wing. Our elected offials have become corporate lackies who only represent corporate interests...
America isn't becoming fascist...America has been fascist for over 20 years now. The fascists have simply come out of the closet...decloaked as it were.
So this Woolsey thing doesn't surprise me one single bit...I've been watching left wingers sell out, fall victim to bullying tactics or blackmail for years now.
It's simply business as usual for the Reagan/Bush/Clinton/W Bush/Obama fascist state.
"Meet the new boss, same as the old boss"
COMMENT #14 [Permalink]
said on 1/10/2010 @ 12:01 pm PT...
As someone in Lynn's district who has supported her over the years while disagreeing with her frequently on specific issues, her support of Harman comes as no surprise. They're pals, and they scratch each others' backs, often seeming to judiciously go against constituent requests to help one another out.
Food for thought: Harman's comletely broken with the Blue Dogs on health care reform and has publicly been a more vocal supporter of the public option than a lot of lawmakers, Obama included. Admittedly, this might be due in part to the Winograd challenge, but inarguably, she's been on the right side of the health care fight.
Could this possibly be one of those times to put the sticks down and break out the carrots? Just thinking out loud here, as I am not a Harman fan by any stretch.
COMMENT #15 [Permalink]
Ernest A. Canning
said on 1/10/2010 @ 12:48 pm PT...
goodgirlroxie said
Harman's completely broken with the Blue Dogs on health care reform and has publicly been a more vocal supporter of the public option.
A piece of unsolicited advice: Watch what people do and not just what they say. The so-called "public option" in the House version of the bill, even if it were retained, is so ineffective that very few would be able to take advantage of it.
Although I used it in this piece, I am not all that enamored with the "Blue Dog" label as it implies that there is simply an ideological difference between so-called "moderate" or "centrist" Democrats and true progressives, when, in actually we should be describing corrupt corporate Democrats vs. the relative few who retain their integrity.
As I noted in an earlier piece, 60% of Americans favor a single-payer system. 76% favor a public option. The so-called "Blue Dogs" stand to the right of 76% of the American people. Anyone who is to the right of 76% of the American people does not occupy the "center."
People like Senator Baucus did not prevent single-payer advocates from even having a seat at the table during Committee hearings because they actually "believe" in the superiority of a pseudo-reform which was drafted by Baucus's assistant --- a former VP at Wellpoint (now Anthem/Blue Cross). Baucus advanced the interests of the insurance cartel because he is the largest recipient of health insurance cartel campaign contributions in Congress.
Harman's positions on health care are informed by the enormous holdings she and her family have in the health insurance and pharmaceutical industries, just as her position on key committees helped with the $6.2 million she has invested in the military-industrial complex.
You delude yourself in thinking that Harman has "broken" with the Blue Dogs on any issue. Harman does not merely represent that tiny class of economic elites at the pinnacle of a system that has experienced an exponential growth wealth at the expense of everyone else. Harman's one of those economic elites! She can be counted on to always represent her personal wealth and class interests, period!
COMMENT #16 [Permalink]
Big Dan
said on 1/10/2010 @ 2:05 pm PT...
COMMENT #17 [Permalink]
said on 1/10/2010 @ 5:10 pm PT...
Big Dan
Very disturbing stuff. Sooon we will need to go into Resistance mode and start sheltering the "undesireables" in our homes in the same way that the courageous Europeans hid the Jews
during the Holocaust.
COMMENT #18 [Permalink]
said on 1/11/2010 @ 12:37 pm PT...
I would love to see ALL elected officials be subject to audits of their taxes each year. Maybe then we can unearth where people like Harman are making their money and unwind the crazy web they have made. Follow the money. Always.
COMMENT #19 [Permalink]
said on 1/11/2010 @ 1:20 pm PT...
Well, folks, after reading the very well-laid-out article about the advent of the depression this and next year, it's very clear to me. We are the people we've been waiting for. If North Dakota can have a state bank that has kept its economy humming and jobs stabilized, then WE CAN TOO. We really already know what we need to do: 1. Remove your money from the banksters and park it in local, well-funded, community investment oriented banks & credit unions. Money is CRACK to the banksters. (Go to move your money for a list of financially solid banks. Oh, and take your 401k moolah out, roll it into IRAs at said banks, to stop paying those 'investment houses' their outrageous fees for 'managing' your money... More like ROBBING YOU BLIND! 2. Call all the candidates who are running for re-election this year in your districys and tell them you will not support their campaign in any way if they a. Vote for 'obamacare' or b. Fail to demand single payer Medicare for all. 3. While you are at it, demand that they sign on to refuse funding the expansion of troops (i.e. sending more government trained murder machines) in Afghanistan, and instead use that money to do what's right for this country. You know and I know that Obama could put things to rights with just three actions: 1. Fund SMALL-SCALE environmental/energy projects in the entire U.S. (Well, except for the high-speed railways across the country that we need...) But funding home-based energy generating systems, and weatherproofing, and badly needed water conservation methods such as composting toilets and grey-water collection systems; 2. Put a halt to ALL foreclosures (he should have done that DAY ONE!), and 3. Fund free education for all who want it. MUCH MUCH cheaper than this patchwork quilt approach. One last thing. Go join your local 9/11 truth organization & get the education & grounding you need. What happened on 9/11 was actually their BIGGEST mistake. They were so incredibly sloppy & obvious. It's just that we have a media echo chamber that has been pushing the snooze button for quite a while. But when people lose their jobs/homes/well being and it's clear the 'government' is doing NOTHING to help, they will be more open to listening to another point of view. Once you start demanding these actions, and telling your friends to do the same, just sit back & let the Empire fall down go boom. (Well, actually, I'd recommend getting your gardens planted, start collecting rainwater barrels and water filtering methods, and planning for when the electricity gets cut off. Ya know?)
COMMENT #20 [Permalink]
Ernest A. Canning
said on 1/11/2010 @ 1:27 pm PT...
COMMENT #21 [Permalink]
said on 1/11/2010 @ 6:28 pm PT...
Democrats and Republicans cannot be trusted. And that includes Dennis Kucinich. The D's and R's are modern day versions of Nazism. Anyone who tries to reform them is asleep and does not have clue. When will you all wake up and form truly progressive political party in the US? Unfortunately you are too cowardly to ever talk about this. How pathetic...
COMMENT #22 [Permalink]
said on 1/11/2010 @ 6:43 pm PT...
ForestLover @21
I haven't seen your handle here before...that would leave me to believe you're new here.
To log on here and call people that you don't know; cowards...while hiding behind an anonymous internet id is...well kind of cowardly too.
You have no idea what or how anyone has put themselves on the line for their beliefs, you have no idea how anyone here has walked their talk.....besides the obvious, Brad, Ernest, Frank Shaeffer and other article writers here, who have written articles with their names on them and stick around to follow the comments and enlighten or defend their words.
There has been a heated discussion here about whether to move the Dems to a more progressive stance...or form a Progressive party or throw in with the Greens...but obviously you missed those.
I find it odd you offered no useful ideas of your own to this came...laid a turd and scooted.
Some would call that cowardly...
COMMENT #23 [Permalink]
said on 1/11/2010 @ 6:48 pm PT...
Sophia @19
I concur!!!!
great comment...
COMMENT #24 [Permalink]
Ernest A. Canning
said on 1/11/2010 @ 7:35 pm PT...
Forestlover, I'd urge you to take the time to read my earlier piece, "Progressives of America - Unite!"
My hope is that it will enlighten you or, at the very least, provide you with a position from which you can either reassess your dogmatic Third Party position or set forth sound reasons why you think you are right.
With all due respect, I think it is you who "does not have a clue."
COMMENT #25 [Permalink]
SL Smith
said on 1/13/2010 @ 2:51 pm PT...
COMMENT #26 [Permalink]
SL Smith
said on 1/13/2010 @ 2:53 pm PT...