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The GOP Position on Health Care is Killing Us It's Time to Declare a Corporation Day to Bow Before the Real Power Brokers Who Run Our Lives (Satire) Perry Proves He Can Lead the Lynch Mob and Capture the "Cojones" Vote Quick Take On The GOP Debate: The Mitt Didn't Hit the Fan The Private Prison Industry Makes Crime ProfitableHeadlines and News
All | Past 1 Hour | Past 2 Hours | Past 6 Hours | Past 12 Hours | Past 24 Hours
- Anti-Immigrant New Mexico Governor Reveals Her Grandparents Were Undocumented Immigrants Doesn't that make her an anchor baby descendant?
- Ten Years Later: Will We Ever Hold Torturers Accountable?
- File Still Not Released That Might Implicate George Herbert Walker Bush in Helping to Steal First Reagan Election by Negotiating a Delay in the Release of US Embassy Hostages in Iran
- New Documents Suggest DoD Watchdog Covered Up Intelligence Unit's Work Tracking 9/11 Terrorists
- Obama rallies Richmond students to tell Congress to act on jobs plan
- Yes, the Corporate Media is Still Censoring Stories
- The Dead, the Dollars, the Drones: 9/11 Era by the Numbers
- Perry Proves He Can Lead the Lynch Mob and Capture the "Cojones" Vote -- Mark Karlin, Editor of BuzzFlash at Truthout
- Interesting Analysis of Obama Speech: A or A+ on everything but likelihood of success and his failure to tell the real narrative about why America is in this mess
- Do Right-wingers have larger fear center in the brain?
- Egyptians Storm Israeli Embassy
- It's Time to Declare a Corporation Day to Bow Before the Real Power Brokers Who Run Our Lives (Satire) -- Larry Beinhart, Author of Wag the Dog, for BuzzFlash at Truthout
- Obama Leads Bi-partisan Effort to Cut Social Safety Net, When the Issue Should be Revenue Enhancement Through Ending Wars, Cutting Funds for the Military Industrial Complex and Taxing the Rich
- E.J. Dionne: The Case for Obama's Job's Speech Being a Positive Sign
- Progressive Congressional Caucus Calls for a More Aggressive Jobs Plan
- Paul Krugman: "First things first: I was favorably surprised by the new Obama jobs plan, which is significantly bolder and better than I expected. It’s not nearly as bold as the plan I’d want in an ideal world. But if it actually became law, it would probably make a significant dent in unemployment."
- Citizens Ramp Up Battle Against Fossil Fuel Industry
- GOP Voted For $50 Billion To Rebuild Iraq Without Cuts, Now Insist On Cuts To Offset Funding To Rebuild America
- Fox News' Paranoid Alternate Universe
- Postal Workers: The Last Union
- The Ostroy Report: Obama Still Doesn't Get It
- California Health Insurers Hire Tobacco Lobbyists, Pay Top Lawmaker Tens of Thousands in Direct Payments
- Obama Pushes Medicare Cuts In Jobs Speech
- The U.S. political climate might change if Americans understood how much the federal government did to create the infrastructure behind many business fortunes, including the Internet and computer technology. That narrative would justify higher taxes on the rich to repay the nation and allow for future R&D;, writes Robert Parry.
- Why Do Corporations Making Record Profits Need Another Tax Break? Uh, Good Question.
- What a Difference Social Democracy Makes: German Joblessness Falls to 18-Year Low, Stoking Fears of Labor Shortage
- Deja Vu All Over Again: 10th Anniversary 9-11 Threat
- California Crisis: 1.4 million without power; electricity may not be fully restored until Friday
- Obama unveils $447 billion jobs plan It is heavily tax-cut oriented and too timid, too little, too craven to the GOP and too late. Battle for the economy was lost when Bush tax cuts for the rich were extended and when President Obama went with a weak stimulus plan the first time around.
- Did Al Qaeda's Project for Ending the American Century Largely Succeed?
- Al Franken Smacks Down Hans von Spakovsky Over Flawed Voter ID Stats
- State Employee Allegedly Fired in Wisconsin for Informing Others How State Residents Could Register to Vote
- Gene Lyons on Obama: Why is this brilliant orator unable to tell the simple story of how we landed in this economic mess?
- After Arrest, Naomi Klein Blasts Keystone XL Pipeline
- FBI found ties between hijackers and Saudis in Sarasota but never revealed the findings, even to the 9-11 Commission
- Al Gore: Obama isn't "relying on science"
- Drew Westen: It will take more than a speech to restore faith in Obama from his 2008 base
- Is The Battle for Economic Justice Getting Heated? Washington State: "Hundreds of Longshoremen stormed the Port of Longview early Thursday, overpowered and held security guards, damaged railroad cars, and dumped grain that is the center of a labor dispute, said Longview Police Chief Jim Duscha."
- Protesters Form Soup Line Outside GOP Fundraiser
- Quick Take On The GOP Debate: The Mitt Didn't Hit the Fan -- Tony Peyser for BuzzFlash at Truthout
- Reid turns tables on Obama speech-skippers by setting Thursday-night debt vote
- Bill McKibben: What comes next for the Tar Sands Action
- The Pathetic State We're In: Wisconsin mother of three dies of ovarian cancer. Husband joined Army to get her health coverage after he was laid off job.
- Have Some Fun! Bachmann will give rebuttal to Obama jobs speech
- A federal appeals court Thursday dismissed one of the highest-profile challenges to President Obama's healthcare reform law.
- Deadbeat dad Rep. Joe Walsh wants ex-wife sanctioned in child support case
- Unemployment: Way Worse Than Zero
- Obama: Congress is the Problem. But Isn't It the Republicans in Congress Who are the Problem?
- Ben & Jerry Shut Out While Delivering Message Demanding A "Fair Trade" Deal
- Reagan Library Crowd Goes Wild For Perry’s 234 Executions
- Judge Forces Employer To Rehire Workers Who Vented On Facebook
- The Private Prison Industry Makes Crime Profitable -- Mark Karlin, Editor of BuzzFlash at Truthout
- Will Climate Change Cause Crop Shortfalls by 2020?
- Elizabeth Warren's Moment
- In Texas, 18 percent are facing hunger The state's rate of 'food insecurity' is 2nd-worst in U.S.
- The GOP Debate: One Thing You Can Say About the "Land of Oz" Republican Contenders is That They Make Past Republican Presidential Failures Look Like Successes
- Bernie Sanders Offers Bold Plan to Tackle "Jobs Crisis" and No Cuts to Social Safety Net -- Sen. Bernie Sanders on BuzzFlash at Truthout
- David Corn: You Don't Have to Watch Obama's Big Jobs Speech It's what he does afterward that matters.
- In These Times: Countering Corporate Rule
- Report: Bank of America 'called grieving widow 48 times a day to remind her of husband's debt'
- Obama Transition Team Member Explains Why Administration Chose Not to Prosecute Torture
- Raising the Medicare Age: 8 Reasons It's the Worst Presidential "Bargain" Since 1854
- Patients Deserve to Know What Drug Companies Pay Their Doctor
- Turkey Downgrades Ties With Israel
- Barbara Boxer: I hope greens sue President Obama over EPA environmental rollbacks
- Romney Advisor: Perry’s Desire To ‘Abolish Social Security’ Is A ‘Disqualifying Position’
- Matt Taibbi, Obama and Jobs: Why I Don't Believe Him Anymore
- Obama’s Unprecedented Use of State Secrets to Defend Religious Profiling
- Contrary To GOP Claims, Small Businesses Say Taxes And Regulation Aren’t Holding Back Hiring
- Nobel laureates ask Obama to block Keystone pipeline
- Project "Censored 2012": Moving Beyond Media Reform
- Former President Reagan Appears On Arkansas Conservative’s Morning Toast (Satire)
- Office of Rep. Joe Walsh to TPC reader: “Mr. Walsh does NOT represent the nation as a whole… he only represents the Tea Party, its members and its core principles.”
- Perry 'squashed' Texas execution probe, ex-official says
- The "Battle for Brooklyn" and Eminent Domain Abuse
- Arrests at Paul Ryan's 'town hall' event
- Obama's Biggest Challenge Thursday Night is Resolving a Political Paradox
- McConnell Once Again Proves GOP Leadership Has Become a Cult
- Tammy Baldwin’s Strong Opener for Senate
- Hispanics new majority sentenced to federal prison
- Paul Ryan faces protests at pay-to-view event
- Joseph E. Stiglitz: The Price of 9/11
- Flush With Prison Industry Dollars, Rick Perry Pushed Privatized Prisoner Care
- The Koch Brother Tapes: Governor Chris Christie Lets the Plutocracy Know That He's One of Them
- Report: Austerity Measures Will Lead to ‘Permanent Recession’
- Mall of America visitors unknowingly end up in counterterrorism reports
- Exposing Religious Fundamentalism in the US
- The Koch Brother Tapes: Governor Chris Christie Lets the Plutocracy Know That He's One of Them
- The Koch Brothers Million Dollar Donors Club
- Whichever Party Runs the Government in the UK, Murdoch and BP Pull the Strings -- Mark Karlin, Editor of BuzzFlash at Truthout Tony is Literally the Godfather to Murdoch's Daughter by His Third Wife
- Forget About Their Reported Falling Out: For Rick Perry, It's Bush "Déjà Vu All Over Again" -- Bill Berkowitz for BuzzFlash at Truthout
- Another War That Still Won't End: Plan Would Keep Small Force in Iraq Past Deadline
- Labor Pains in Bloomsburg, Pennsylvania -- Walter Brasch for BuzzFlash at Truthout
- Yahoo CEO Fired
- LA County Democratic Party Victim of Embezzlement
- Working-age poor population highest since '60s
- Ford building $1bn manufacturing complex -- in India
- President Obama Signs Some Measure of Wall Street Reform
- ALEC Exposed
- Grist: By Giving In to Big Oil Has Obama Sealed His Political Fate?
- Bangkok could be underwater by 2030
- The Nation: Stop Bashing Government Workers
- Why Can't Citizens Videotape Police Brutality?
- "While national politicians argue about cuts to Social Security and Medicare down the road, cash-strapped state governments are cutting vital services for elderly Americans today. Those suffering most are often those with the least."
- Veteran GOP Adviser Ed Rollins Quits as Bachmann Campaign Manager
- GOP candidates vow to carry Tea Party banner
- Unfair, Hateful and Totally Biased: News Corp. Columnist Holding Press Conference On "Why The GOP Must Win White America For Victory In 2012"
- How the GOP Destroyed Detroit
- Exclusive Audio: Inside the Koch Brothers' Secret Seminar
- Parliament in UK Resumes Murdoch Phone Hacking Inquiry
- "Obama Ratings Sink to New Lows"
- Former executives challenge Murdochs' testimony
- Wasserman Schultz Slams Romney's Economic Plan
- Case of Arrested Translator Indicates US Spies on Israeli Embassy in DC
- Green Body Disposal Comes of Age
- Shoot to Kill Republicans. Pima County GOP To Critics Of Gun Raffle: Screw It, We’re Raffling A Second Gun, Too.
- Teamsters President: ‘No Regrets’ After Fiery Speech Draws Right-Wing Criticism
- Who You Gonna' Believe: WikiLeaks or Rupert Murdoch? -- Stephen Pizzo for BuzzFlash at Truthout
- Even Innocence Can't Stop Texas Death Machine
- American Lung Association: "President Obama's Failure to Update Ozone Standard Outrageous"
- Is Rick Perry really as dumb as he sounds?
- America, 2011: One of the Only Growth Industries is Endless War -- Mark Karlin, Editor of BuzzFlash at Truthout
- Wisconsin Governor Walker Suspends Order Requiring Minority, Women Participation in Construction Projects
- California May Be Next to Limit Employer Credit Checks
- "At Detroit rally, few signs of Obama-labor rift." Obama in Campaign mode.
- Drill Baby Drill: Who Are America’s Top 10 Gas Drillers?
- Detroit, Labor Day: "Obama says Congress must pass job program"
- Big Name Investors Behind Obama’s Failed Green Tech Bet First in Line to Recoup Losses
- A Democrat argues that the party's 2012 nomination should be debated -- with all options open
- Insiders: Homeland Security Office Creates 'Intelligence Spam'
- 15 Mind-Blowing Facts About Wealth and Inequality In America
- Rebel Forces Ready to Assault Bani Walid
- Union Busting in Wisconsin the Scott Walker Way
- What Happened to Michele Bachmann?
- Hackers steal SSL certificates for CIA, MI6, Mossad
- What's the Deal With Methyl Iodide and Strawberries?
- U.S. gives Switzerland and Ultimatum on Tax Cheats
- America's Intellectual Deficit Is More Dangerous Than Its Financial One -- Ann Davidow for BuzzFlash at Truthout
- Legal Battles Loom in Fight Over Voter ID Laws
- Post Office Set to Lay Off 120,000 workers.
- Mitt Romney’s Record in the "Real Economy" - Cutting Jobs
- Paul Krugman: Why isn't everyone saying, "My God, what have we done?"
- Robert Reich Talks Jobs and the Fading Middle Class
- Eric Cantor is Mean, Ornery and Just Plain Wrong
- U.S. Subsidizing Offshoring of Jobs
- Protesters in Israel Take to the Streets Over Rising Prices In Record Protest
- On Labor Day, Republicans Are Committed to Helping Create Jobs Overseas Not in Ohio -- Gregory Mysko for BuzzFlash at Truthout
- Earthquakes, Hurricanes Highlight Serious Regulation Flaws
- California DREAM Act Now On Its Way to Gov. Brown's Desk
- First responders not invited to 9/11 ceremony
- Quake risk to U.S. reactors greater than thought
- Stoking Fire: Mountaintop Coal Mining Leads to Birth Defects, Respiratory Illness and Other Health Problems
- Expanded Paramilitary Mission of the CIA
- Bank Of America Could Slash Up To 30,000 Jobs
- Gaddafi’s Libya as Demon
- Millions of federal court records are being destroyed to save money
- US Asks Palestinians to Abandon UN Bid for State Recognition
- The White House & Tar Sands
- More Afghan soldiers deserting the army, NATO statistics show
- "Divinity of Doubt": An Agnostic Probes the God Question
- Time to up the Ante: Restrict Individual Assets in US to One Billion Dollars. -- Mark Karlin, Editor of BuzzFlash at Truthout
- Congress returns, unpopular as well as divided
- The Levers of Power and Wealth Are No Longer Connected to Anything Real -- Stephen Pizzo for BuzzFlash at Truthout
- Rick Perry Takes AT&T;'s $500,000, Then Asks Feds for 'Light' Regulation of Firm's Monopoly Moves
- Facts and myths in the WikiLeaks/Guardian saga
- NYT Editorial: "Republicans will insist that the nation cannot afford to do the things necessary to create jobs. We can’t afford not to. Mr. Obama must be clear about that on Thursday."
- Rick Perry’s Execution Record Includes The Deaths Of Juveniles And The Mentally Disabled
- How Wall Street Fleeces America: Privatized Banking, Government Collusion and Class War
- GOP in Giffords’ district holds raffle for Glock
- U.S. tries to stall Palestinian statehood bid: report
- New Union Leader in Small Town: Teachers are Ready to Fight
- Palin has harsh words for Obama to tea party crowd
- Man Dies From Toothache, Couldn't Afford Meds
- In Honor of Teachers
- Is Your State Stealthily Privatizing Medicaid and Putting Patients at Risk?
- China Benefits as US Solar Industry Withers
- Is Obama to Blame for America’s Mess?
- You smell like the devil's gumdrops
- Iran Speeding Up Nuclear Program, Reports Suggest
- Goodbye to All That: Reflections of a GOP Operative Who Left the Cult
- Watch the Billionaires' Tea Party (DVD) and Support BuzzFlash and Truthout. Click Here.
- Wounded Syrian protesters being abused in hospitals
- Will Top Obama Economist Fight for Jobs?
- Someone Should Tell Eric Cantor That He's Not in Charge of Us -- Ann Davidow for BuzzFlash at Truthout
- Why the Right Wing Bible Thumpers Are Betting Against America's Future -- Mark Karlin, Editor of BuzzFlash at Truthout
- Obama to Breathers: Sorry, Wait Until 2013
- How Rick Perry Got Rich While Working for the Government and the Man Who Helped Him Do It -- Bill Berkowitz for BuzzFlash at Truthout
- Left Behind: Black and Hispanic Female Teens Lose Jobs in the “Recovery”
- Pew: Americans Say Wars In Iraq, Afghanistan Haven’t Made U.S. Safer
- Hurricane Eric: Democrats See Opening In Cantor’s Disaster Aid Offset Talk
- Has Howard Dean Literally Sold Out? You Be the Judge.
- 9/11 firefighters face higher cancer risk
- Paul Krugman to Eric Cantor: “Have you left no sense of decency?”
- White House Projects 9% Unemployment Rate Through 2012
- Two Frosh Conservative GOP Reps: "We Need More Funeral Directors in Congress." -- Mark Karlin, Editor of BuzzFlash at Truthout
- Phillip Anschutz: The Most Powerful Billionaire You Have Never Heard Of -- Bill Berkowitz for BuzzFlash at Truthout
THE LIGHTER SIDE: - Mark Morford: Happy fun cloud will kill you now
- Obama Said Take His Promise to the Bank, So One Man Did
- Jesus Christ Files Lawsuit Against GOP For Slander
- 9/11 Rubble Speech Revisited
- Borowitz: Rabid Dog Mistaken for Tea Party Candidate
- Elmer Perry