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, signed media and
more at

Every tree planted through
in memory of
Hunter Thompson will have a portion of
all proceeds donated to the
Gonzo Foundation

July 18, 2011

Hunter! Happy Birthday. (And Again, Owl Farm is Not for Sale...)

Good morning.. It stormed all night last night here in the Rockies. But we woke up to sunshine and a 5th egg in the new peahen's nest! It's Hunter's birthday and Owl Farm is fertile again. Yep! Life is good -- and life is the operative word there.

By the way... the rumor mill is humming again that I'm thinking of selling Owl Farm. One more time, for the record, people (you know who you are) -- I'm staying. I love Owl Farm and I'm staying. Hunter, I promise. 

Tonight, some friends and I will be remembering Hunter with Champagne and a Gonzo toast. We love you Hunter, wherever you are. Happy Birthday babe.


Love, Anita Thompson


P.S. for those of you still asking. Yes it's true! Johnny Depp and Graham King are releasing The Rum Diary on October 28th. Excellent, eh?

July 14, 2011

Protect the Clean Water Act

Good Morning. I received this info from our friend Albert Slap, Esquire, yesterday, and thought you'd like to know what I learned... if you don't know who your representative is, this website is a good place to start.

The Federal Clean Water Act was passed almost 40-years ago and stands as one of the greatest legislative success stories in American history. Before its passage, states competed against each other to have the most lax water pollution laws, in a misguided attempt to attract industry (and jobs). This perverse competition was called the "race to the bottom". Things got so bad that, in 1969, the Cuyahoga River in Ohio caught fire, spurring an avalanche of water pollution control activities, including the creation of the US Environmental Protection Agency and passage of the Federal Clean Water Act. The Clean Water Act's main success was stopping the States' "race to the bottom" by creating a national water pollution "floor", which States could
not allow the quality of their rivers and streams to fall below. Also, the federal EPA set national pollution control standards for most industries; States could regulate their industries more strictly, but not less so. This
created a fair and level playing field for all corporations doing business in America.

In the next few days, the full House of Representatives is set to vote on H.R. 2018, the Clean Water Cooperative Federalism Act of 2011. The title of this proposed legislation is highly misleading. This law, if passed, would actually reverse 40-years of cooperative federalism and will, once again,
trigger a new "race to the bottom" by the states.  This destructive legislation would strip EPA of its essential ability to step in when a state has failed to ensure that America's waters are free from harmful pollution.

This legislation will kill off thousands of jobs that depend on adequate supplies of clean water and will directly threaten America's drinking water supplies.

Please send this email to your Representative, today... Or, of course, write your own letter or phone your rep asap!

Subject: Oppose H.R. 2018

Dear Member of Congress:

I am writing to urge you to oppose H.R. 2018, introduced by Representatives
Nick Rahall and John Mica.

Opposing this legislation is essential to protecting the quality of
America's waters.  H.R. 2018 effectively undermines the Clean Water Act,
eliminating the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)'s most important
oversight authorities that are necessary to hold states accountable for
following through with water quality programs and to ensure that water is
clean for our environment, families and our economy. Rather than encourage
cooperative efforts between the state and federal governments, H.R. 2018
would undercut the Clean Water Act's checks and balances that have been in
place for 40 years, putting communities and public health at risk.

Please oppose this attack on the Clean Water Act.


Your friend in Woody Creek,

Anita Thompson

June 28, 2011

Anita's Interview with

June 10, 2011

Happy Birthday Jim Caruso!

I'm starting a list of those getting their Gonzo on this summer. Today, our sweet friend Jim Caruso of bad-ass Flying Dog Beer is at the tip-top of the list. Jim has turned Flying Dog into an award winning employee-loved company that is growing faster than the hops can grow. He's fighting for our First Amendment Rights in Michigan, and letting freedom ring in Philadelphia this week for good people who drink good beer. Godspeed Jimmy! We love you. Your Friend (back from the sweltering heat of East Coast) in Woody Creek, Anita Thompson

April 14, 2011

Raging Bitch and The First Amendment

Hello! it's been a long time. I miss you! We just had a bizarre electrical outage that only disabled my phones and internet -- even my cell phone. So, I had to take out a few extra guns just in case.

But, service is back on, and we can get to the matter of Big Guns and Cases: I've got to go to bed, so I'll put links up in the am!

You may have read about the First Amendment  complaint filed against the Michigan Control Commission’s ban of “Raging Bitch” Ale. The media coverage and comments from readers has been overwhelmingly in support of Free Speech and Freedom of Expression wrapped around a beloved high-octane beer. 

Once the details of WHY the Michigan’s Liquor controllers banned the bear was revealed, using a dusty ordinance claiming that “Raging Bitch“ label is "detrimental to the public health, safety and welfare,” it was open season.  Reading the court briefs show that their  bizarre personal biases were backed by the power of their office to ban the beer. Um, our founding fathers didn’t like this notion. And neither does the Supreme Court. The 25 page injunction cites  over 60 precedent cases, where abuse of authority to control speech was outlawed by higher courts.
Ralph Steadman, our champion said: "Freedom of speech and artistic expression is as fundamental to our being as is the alphabet itself. I thought censorship went out with DH Lawrence's Lady Chatterley's Lover about 50 years ago.

Independent (what? why is my screen playing tricks. this is the link to the Indpendent , it refuses to move to the correct part of the screen -- sorry)
We shall see, right?

Thurgood Marshal , quoted beautifully in an HBO special played by Laurence Fishburne said to himself as he read the inscription on the Supreme Court Steps “Equal protection Under the Law.” I hope so!

The courts have their say and will have their say regarding this case, and so have the readers. One of my favorite quotes from a Michigan resident , “Caitlin Witte,”  via huffpo wrote:

“America needs to lighten up. If the label was on a bottle of chocolate milk, yes, it might be a little "risque" but on a bottle that is only going to be sold to adults, who gives a flip. If you feel it is "detriment al to your health", don't fraking buy it. As a resident of michigan, I'm more outraged to discover that my government is preventing me from trying a variety of oh so delicious ipa!”

yukonsam,: wrote: Prior restraint. Judgement for the plaintiff. Case closed. That was easy. Who's up for a beer?
But the  fact that we are having this conversation  in the year of our Lord, 2011,is an example of how our civil liberties have eroded. Freedom of Speech is just one example. That a beer company will stand up for a Fundamental Right is extraordinary – but not surprising considering that Flying Dog is GONZO.  CEO Jim Caruso, and Alan Gura working as a team, speaks volumes. At times, I’ve been one of those sots who takes the Constitution and Bill of Rights for granted.

 This is a way for the state of Michigan to save face, sort of.  CEO, Jim Caruso, filed the injunction yesterday with Alan Gura. We’ll see what happens next. I can tell you one thing for sure, after reading the 25 page document. It’s just a piece of a Supreme Court Ready case.                                                                               Thank you Flying Dog: Geroge Stranahan, Jim Caruso et al for keeping up the good fight! your friend, Anita Thompson

February 20, 2011

Fuel and Spirit


Wherever you are, Hunter,  there is music! We still hear it in every page...

Here’s a piece from “Kingdom of Fear.”

Music has always been a matter of energy for me, a question of Fuel. Sentimental people call it Inspiration, but what they really mean is Fuel.



I have always needed fuel. I am a serious consumer. On some nights I still believe that a car with the gas needle on empty can run about fifty more miles if you have the right music very loud on the radio. A new high-end Cadillac will go ten or fifteen miles faster if you give it a full dose of “Carmelita.”


…It happens over and over, and sooner or later you get hooked on it, you get addicted. Every time I hear “White Rabbit” I am back on the greasy midnight streets of San Francisco, looking for music, riding a fast red motorcycle downhill into The Presidio, leaning desperately into the curves through the eucalyptus trees, trying  to get  to the Matrix in time to hear Grace Slick play the flute.


There was no piped-in music on those nights, no headphones or Walkmans or even a plastic windscreen to keep off the rain. But I could hear the music anyway, even when it was five miles away. Once you heard the music done right, you could pack it into yr. brain & take it anywhere, forever.



Yessir, That is my wisdom and that is my song. It is Sunday and I am making new rules for myself. I will open my heart to spirits and pay more attention to animals. I will take some harp music and drive down to the Texaco station, where I can get a pork taco and read a New York Times. After that, I will walk across the street to the Post Office and slip my letter into her mailbox.
_-- Hunter S. Thompson –



Hand in Hand

"Genius round the world stands hand in hand, and one shock of recognition runs the whole circle round." Herman Melville, winter of 1914... -- one of Hunter's favorite quotes.

I can't say that I stand hand in hand with Genius, but I am lucky enough to have access to it via my library card!...we all do.

Here is an excerpt from Ralph Steadman's intro to the 1986 edition of Lewis Carroll's "Alice In Wonderland"

It was all so familiar when I picked it up and read it for the first time in 1967. For the first time, as I thought, but don't you ever get that strange sensation that what you are reading or watching is something you already know? Something that is in your mind already? Bells of recognition ring as you welcome an old friend. All good ideas are like that. You already know them. The familiarity is part of the enjoyment. The words someone has taken the trouble to write down merely reveal the contents of your own mind. The picture someone has struggled to create is something you have already seen, otherwise how would you ever recognize its content?

You have already experienced the sum of its parts. You have lived them, or maybe you have dreamed them. They are the vocabulary of a vast collective consciousness which it is your everyday choice to delve into or ignore at will. What we choose to emphasize forms the structure of our lives, and what an artist chooses to depict forms the basis of his work -- but of course not the sum total, for in an artist's world two and two make five. And what an artist says three times is true! Familiarity breeds acceptance. The greater the artist, the greater number of reference points are offered for the rest of us to recognize. The more we recognize, the better we feel. We experience a greater satisfaction because we have contributed to the whole.

 -- Ralph Steadman -- intro to "Alice In Wonderland"