Cody Giefer Is America’s Greatest Living Sportswriter

By: TBogg Thursday September 1, 2011 9:56 pm

One of the charms of the internets is that when a budding Pat Forde writes for his college newspaper at Podunk State, and he is bad … he is also nationwide:

Tim Tebow, the most hyped and most loved player to come out of college in recent years, has now reached an all-time low. He is now the third, possibly fourth-string, quarterback on a team that would have a hard time beating the 2008 Detroit Lions. He won’t be the starter week one in Denver, and likely won’t get a chance all season long.

This is brutally unfair and horrendously stupid of John Fox, John Elway and the entire Broncos organization. I believe Tebow should be the starter, no questions asked. Without giving him a chance, the Donkeys are just wasting a first-round pick that they moved up and traded to get.


People say Kyle Orton is the better choice for the Broncos. I don’t understand that at all. Three weeks ago John Elway and John Fox almost traded Orton to the Miami Dolphins. If that had went through, Tebow would have been named the starter. How does he magically go from the starter to third string in only three weeks of training camp? It can’t be based off of preseason games because he performed well in all three games and has yet to throw an interception.People (John Fox) say he won’t fit into the system. Another person who “didn’t fit into the system” was Vince Young. Vince Young was unfairly benched by his coach Jeff Fisher without being given a fair chance. Young was 30-17 as a starter in Tennessee, won rookie player of the year, and was a two time Pro Bowl selection. Young was thrown under the bench (TBogg: WTF?) just like Tebow . Young was at least given a second chance as a backup for the Philadelphia Eagles. Hopefully someone will take the chance on Tebow like Andy Reid did with Young.

The Broncos’ organization is making no sense to me and is quickly turning into the Cincinnati Bengals and Oakland Raiders when it comes to poor management choices. If the Broncos can finally come to their senses and play Tebow, they might be able to win the AFC West within the next three years.

For those who have never listened to sports talk radio, this is every third caller….

Thursday Night Basset Blogging Better Than Nothing Edition

By: TBogg Thursday September 1, 2011 3:47 pm

Still trapped at work but I do so hate to leave you all hanging like a droopy dogs face. Or Joe Lieberman’s face.  So I am re-gifting my favorite Fenway & Wembley picture like the way Nancy Reagan used to find her grandkids stuffed bears that the kids left behind at the White House and wrap them up and give them back to the kids as gifts.

Freaking adorable. The dogs… not Nancy.

Whoops…back to work

If I Should Die In A Cubicle Zone…

By: TBogg Wednesday August 31, 2011 11:29 pm

According to the old clock on the wall I’ve been at my real work desk for ….carry the three….oh, about 14 1/2 hours. My goal is to get out of here in a couple of hours, around 1-ish, because I have to be back here at 6am-ish to deal with programers on the elitist east coast. After which I’m guessing I’ll be here until 7pm-ish when I have to leave to go to dinner with mrsTbogg, and the L&T Casey for the L&T’s 22nd birthday.

Come and take it, Galtian Overlords

Thursday Basset Blogging is iffy right now because I haven’t been able to pick up my Mac from the geniuses yet.

Quitcher whinin’…

He Done Busted Up Our Chifforobe

By: TBogg Tuesday August 30, 2011 9:59 pm

The more I think about the prospect of a Barack Obama/Rick Perry election the more I keep seeing Obama playing Tom Robinson to Perry’s Bob Ewell as Perry cynically dog-whistles the yahoos for all he is worth. The role of the emotionally stunted and perpetually aggrieved Mayella Ewell will, of course, be played by the [...]

Sink To The Bottom With You

By: TBogg Monday August 29, 2011 10:48 pm

Shorter Walter Russell Mead: As the Supreme Court slides into a dissolute state of corporate sycophancy, yahooism, disdain for precedent, and general all-around pulling shit out of their collective asses, Clarence Thomas’s fellow justices are discovering what Clarence has always known: they can’t be fired.  Obviously this is proof that Thomas is a fucking genius.

Looters & Moochers & Libertarians, Oh My!

By: TBogg Sunday August 28, 2011 4:34 pm

John Galt: I swear, by my life and my love of it, that I will never live for the sake of another man, nor ask another man to live for mine. McMegan & McSuederman: Woo-hoo! Free government shit! Gimmee…! In the place of sandbags, couldn’t they have used stacks of that unsold book by Freedom [...]

Friday Night Random Ten

By: TBogg Friday August 26, 2011 9:26 pm

Had a nice little break from work today in the afternoon and now I have a new music store that meets my needs (heavy on the Sub Pop and Matador) so: yay me. I’m still pretty old school and would rather own the CD than purchase mp3′s. I also refuse to give up the luxury [...]

Christine O’Donnell Publicly Pleasures Five People In Florida

By: TBogg Friday August 26, 2011 4:55 pm

Future Applebee’s hostess Christine O’Donnell is doing a  major national book tour promoting her book, My American Vagina, and when she’s not walking out on interviews, she is doing the kind of glad handing (not a euphemism for masturbation… but feel free to think it is) and face to faces that Michele Bachmann won’t do [...]

Thursday Night Basset Blogging

By: TBogg Thursday August 25, 2011 2:47 pm

More excitement. When the weather cools down they become more activ— Oh, who the hell am I kidding? This is their job and they’re good at it.

We Are Galtian Overlordz And We Are Coming For Your Jobz

By: TBogg Thursday August 25, 2011 8:45 am

Sad and unappreciated: Junior investment bankers to Wall Street: Take this job and shove it. While young bankers said they enjoy their jobs, most are dissatisfied with pay and hope to leave the field, with almost 60 percent saying they want to work in private equity, according to a survey released yesterday by headhunting firm [...]

Toss Me A Bone
