Report: GOP-Fox Mouthpiece Bill O’Reilly Bribed Police to Investigate Wife’s Alleged Affair with a Cop

screenshot-gawker-oreillyAs a leading Republican Party propagandist, Bill O’Reilly often holds himself up as an arbiter of “family values.” In 2004, of course, O’Reilly and his employer settled a sexual harassment lawsuit brought by a former Fox employee for an undisclosed sum. Now Gawker is reporting that O’Reilly is involved in what ultimately may become a much bigger scandal:

Last summer, Fox News anchor Bill O’Reilly came to believe that his wife was romantically involved with another man. Not just any man, but a police detective in the Long Island community they call home. So O’Reilly did what any concerned husband would do: He pulled strings to get the police department’s internal affairs unit to investigate one of their own for messing with the wrong man’s lady.

National Geographic Trashes Its Brand with Bush ‘Infomercial’ on 9/11

On “Countdown” last night, Keith Olbermann and Markos Moulistsas rightly savaged the National Geographic Channel for producing a Fox News style interview with George Bush on the Sept. 11, 2001, terror attacks.

Olbermann noted that while Bush refers to 9/11 as a “monumental” and “significant” event but he never uses word like “tragic” or “sad.” Moulitsas suggested that the reason Bush did not describe the attacks as “tragic” is because he and his party did not view the attack as a tragedy but rather as an opportunity to install a more authoritarian regime inside the government.

The Bush interview and the release of Dick Cheney’s memoir were strategically timed to come out around the tenth anniversary of the terror attacks next month.




Navy SEAL Jon Tumilson lay in a coffin, draped in an American flag, in front of a tearful audience mourning his death in Afghanistan. Soon an old friend appeared, and like a fellow soldier on a battlefield, his loyal dog refused to leave him behind.

Tumilson’s Labrador retriever, Hawkeye, was photographed lying by Tumilson’s casket in a heart-wrenching image taken at the funeral service in Tumilson’s hometown of Rockford, Iowa, earlier this week. Hawkeye walked up to the casket at the beginning of the service and then dropped down with a heaving sigh as about 1,500 mourners witnessed a dog accompanying his master until the end, reported CBS.

How to Talk to Republicans, Part 2: GOP House Chairman Jeered, Booed at California Town Hall

GOP Rep. Dan Lungren, a member of the House Leadership, encountered hostility from his constituents at a second town hall over the weekend. But, unlike an event earlier this month in which a young woman in the audience who challenged him on the issues was forcibly removed, this time it was Lungren who threatened to leave, eliciting a chorus of “boos.”

Think Progress:

Ron Paul: We Don’t Need FEMA, ‘That’s Why We Have the Second Amendment’
Why Did MSNBC Edit Paul's Comment Out of the Video of the Interview It Posted This Weekend?

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After the corporate media ignored his narrow loss to Michele Bachmann in the Ames Straw Poll earlier this month, Texas Republican Rep. Ron Paul, the Big Government libertarian presidential candidate, and his supporters have been desperately seeking attention — primarily in the form of the same sort of claims of victimhood we hear from the likes of Sarah Palin, Michele Bachmann, Sean Hannity and other self-righteous fringe dwellers.

Since when does corporate media filter out politicians’ blithering, nonsensical statements?

In an interview with MSNBC on Friday, however, Ron Paul attempted to insert himself into upcoming coverage of Hurricane Irene over the weekend by saying provocative things about FEMA.

In the interview, Paul, 76, lambasted FEMA and yearned for the olden days when Americans and their local governments were left to fend for themselves in the wake of natural disasters:

What Was in Florida Gov. Rick Scott’s Conveniently Deleted Emails?

Scott's lips are sealed

From the moment Floridians heard that the penalties for Gov. Rick Scott (Tea/GOP) “losing” emails sent to and from his transition team ranged from a $500 fine to IMPEACHMENT (yeah, baby!), the story grabbed our attention in the way a big, juicy, limping mouse claims the attention of a cat on a diet.

Now Florida Democrats are starting to have fun with that mouse, launching the Rick Scott Email Recovery Fund to help track down the missing missives.

Here’s what happened. Scott, as is his wont, privatized communication handling during the two months after he bought the election and before he was inaugurated. During this time, he was assembling his cabinet and staff, and determining his administration’s agenda. Almost of these emails concerning the public’s business were deleted in mid-January, immediately after Scott took office.

That’s the short version. The long version has us smelling a rat.

Study: Tea Party Is Least Popular Group
Among 24 Groups and Individuals, Including Muslims (20), Atheists (22) and Gays (17), Tea Party Comes in Dead Last - Sarah Palin Rated 23rd
Source: RMS/MSNBC, via David E. Campbell and Robert D. Putnam

Source: David E. Campbell and Robert D. Putnam via RMS/MSNBC

Over the past week or so, there has been considerable coverage of the results of new study on the tea party that tracked the rise of the “movement” from 2006.

The tea party is really nothing more than the same racist social conservatives who have been seeking dominion over American politics since the Reagan era.

The first news that came out of the study, which was introduced by its authors — David E. Campbell, an associate professor of political science at Notre Dame, and Robert D. Putnam, a professor of public policy at Harvard, who are also the co-authors of the book, “American Grace: How Religion Divides and Unites Us” — in a New York Times’ piece titled, “Crashing the Tea Party,” was that they found yet more evidence that the most durable myth about the phenomenon — that it is a grassroots uprising of what Profs. Campbell and Putnam called “nonpartisan political neophytes” — is patently false.

To the contrary, their research underscored what many observers have long-suspected — that the tea party is really nothing more than the same racist social conservatives who have been seeking dominion over American politics since the Reagan era.

But there was another finding from the study that is even more damning of the fake grassroots tea party phenomenon — a factor that makes the tea party’s total domination over Republican Party leaders in Congress even more puzzling:

God Smites GOP Leader Eric Cantor’s District with 5.8 Earthquake
Obviously, God Hates Republicans - Will They Ever Take Heed?


Last summer, as a public service to our right-wing Christian friends, particularly those who live in the South, we asked, “Why is God Smiting the Deep South?”

Kudzu, which destroys 125,000 acres of the old Confederate states every year, was introduced in 1876, the same year that Southern conservatives overturned Reconstruction in favor of Jim Crow segregation

The article was intended as a wake-up call, because Republicans need to realize that God is punishing them for their hatefulness, warmongering, prideful ignorance and selfishness. He wants them to turn away from their hatred and fear of blacks, Latinos, gays, Arabs, Muslims and the billions of other people on the planet who are not old white Republicans. He wants them to renounce their evil ways and put their time and their tithes toward good works — like feeding the hungry, healing the sick and housing the homeless.

Last summer, the South was being punished in the form of the BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, which primarily affected red and purple states along the Gulf Coast — a region that was still struggling to recover from the wrath of hurricanes Katrina and Ivan. We also pointed to the Exxon Valdez spill that smited red queen Sarah Palin’s Alaska in 1989.

Why You Rarely See Brick Buildings in California

First-time visitors to California often notice that there are very few brick-faced buildings. If you watch the video above, taken outside a building that was apparently under construction in Virginia presumably quite close to the epicenter of the 5.8 earthquake that occurred there today, the reason for this will become instantly clear.

Building codes in earthquake country discourage the use of masonry facings, including East Coast style brick and stone-facings, because, during quakes the bricks or stones shake loose and fall on your car or, worse, your head.

Stucco is the preferred facing because it tends to hold together in the shaking, or if it shakes off, it falls in big sheets that are less dangerous than the raining down of dozens of bricks or stones.

Rick Perry in 2010: America’s Social Safety Net Is ‘Unconstitutional’
Perry Spokesman Now: Those Statements Last Year Were 'Not Meant to Reflect the Governor's Current Views'

photo-rick-perry-fed-upJust nine months ago, Texas Gov. Rick Perry published a book titled, “Fed Up!: Our Fight to Save America from Washington.”

According to the Wall Street Journal, the Republican Party’s premiere propaganda broadsheet, in the book, Perry asserted that Social Security and other safety net programs were unconstitutional:

Texas Gov. Rick Perry used to be pretty frank when it came to the country’s Social Security system. In his fiery anti-Washington book, “Fed Up!”, published last fall when he had no plans to run for president, Mr. Perry called the program, which turned 76 on Monday, “a crumbling monument to the failure of the New Deal.”

He suggested the program’s creation violated the Constitution. The program was put in place, “at the expense of respect for the Constitution and limited government,” he wrote, comparing the program to a “bad disease” that has continued to spread. Instead of “a retirement system that is no longer set up like an illegal Ponzi scheme,” he wrote, he would prefer a system that “will allow individuals to own and control their own retirement.”

Now, a week into his presidential campaign, Perry has had a “come to Jesus” moment and recanted the book he published just last year:


  • 25

    Of the 100 largest U.S. corporations paid their chief executives more last year than they paid in federal income taxes, according to An Institute for Policy Studies report.

  • 0

    Number of United States service members killed in Iraq in August, the first time since the American invasion of Iraq an entire month has passed without a single U.S. death, the New York Times reports.

  • 2,000

    Copies of her book, “Troublemaker,” that Christine O’Donnell has sold in a two-week-long national book tour.

Poetic Justice

Obama and Co. wanted Tuesday,
But Boehner and Co. shouted “Ixnay!
If you want our blessing
To speak at a joint session,
You’re gonna have to move it to Wednesday!”

“See, on Tuesday our candidates are debatin’
Whether, indeed, you are Satan.
You can either compete with the NFL
Or take your speech and go back to hell.
NO! is what this Party of No is sayin’.”


  • The old adage you hear people say who are interested in politics: I would like to be the mayor, I don’t know if I want to run for mayor.

    — Actor Alec Baldwin, who has been rumored to be considering a bid for mayor of New York, quoted by CNN.

  • The most gratuitously — and joyously! — dickish move of his presidency.

    — Gawker’s description of the Obama administration’s attempt to schedule his economic speech before a joint session of Congress on the night of the GOP presidential debate.

  • You can talk about policy differences without suggesting that your colleague somehow misled the president. You know, I don’t appreciate the attack on my integrity that that implies.

    — Former Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice, quoted by Reuters, “firing back” at what former Vice President Dick Cheney wrote in his memoir, “In My Time.”


  • We’ve all heard the Republican argument that if we continue to keep personal income taxes low for Scrooge McDuck, he will take this personal money he would otherwise pay in taxes and which he could spend on any number of things – a newer car, travel, really, really expensive and delicious june bugs – and invest it in enterprises that produce jobs.

    Republicans tells us, as did former Gov. Mitt Romney, “With over 20 million people who are unemployed or who have stopped looking for work, the last thing we should be doing is raising taxes on job-creators, entrepreneurs, and small business owners across America.”

    Except they’re dead wrong. Michael Linden, at the Center for American Progress, crunched the numbers.

    In the past 60 years, job growth has actually been greater in years when the top income tax rate was much higher than it is now.

    For instance, in years when the top marginal rate was more than 90 percent, the average annual growth in total payroll employment was 2 percent. In years when the top marginal rate was 35 percent or less—which it is now—employment grew by an average of just 0.4 percent.

    And there’s no cherry-picking here. Pick any threshold. When the marginal tax rate was 50 percent or above, annual employment growth averaged 2.3 percent, and when the rate was under 50, growth was half that.

    In fact, if you ranked each year since 1950 by overall job growth, the top five years would all boast marginal tax rates at 70 percent or higher. The top 10 years would share marginal tax rates at 50 percent or higher. The two worst years, on the other hand, were 2008 and 2009, when the top marginal tax rate was 35 percent. In the 13 years that the top marginal tax rate has been at its current level or lower, only one year even cracks the top 20 in overall job creation.

  • Maybe you heard this recent assertion, which swept through rightwing media outlets: Raising taxes on high income earners can’t solve the federal deficit problem because the deficit is higher than the entire taxable income of Americans who earn more than $100,000. But you likely didn’t hear that it’s not true.

    Here’s what the Wall St. Journal said in an editorial, which got the ball rolling.

    According to Internal Revenue Service data, the entire taxable income of everyone earning over $100,000 in 2008 was about $1.582 trillion. Even if all these Americans – most of whom are far from wealthy – were taxed at 100%, it wouldn’t cover Mr. Obama’s deficit for this year.

    And here’s what the WSJ said when it was pointed out by that they were wrong.

    An earlier version of this story incorrectly stated that the total taxable income of Americans earning over $100,000 in 2008 was $1.582 trillion. The correct figure is $3.4 trillion.

    The projected deficit is $1.645 trillion. You do the math.

    But Sen. Tom Coburn (R-Ok.), apparently can’t, because he repeated the false claim on a recent FOX News Sunday segment, with an added twist about the futility of including those who net between $100,00 and $250,000 after deductions. The point was to show that the deficit problem can only be solved by cutting spending, not by also increasing revenues. People who are not mathematically — or ideologically — challenged see that it will take both.

    Pres. Obama is proposing $2 trillion in spending cuts and $1 trillion in additional tax revenue over 12 years. Seems reasonable to us.

  • Newt Gingrich has publicly backed mandated health insurance (President Obama’s preference) in two books:

    From his 2008 book, Real Change: “Finally, we should insist that everyone above a certain level buy coverage (or, if they are opposed to insurance, post a bond). Meanwhile, we should provide tax credits or subsidize private insurance for the poor.”

    From his 2005 book, Winning the Future: “You have the right to be part of the lowest-cost insurance pool and you have a responsibility to buy insurance… We need some significant changes to ensure that every American is insured, but we should make it clear that a 21st Century Intelligent System requires everyone to participate in the insurance system.”


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