bobgraham-screengrab Graham calls for new 9/11 investigation.

Tavis Smiley: Bush ‘lied’ us into war with Iraq

bachmann-screengrab Bachmann: ‘Obama stole over $500 billion’

bobgraham-screengrab Former Sen. Graham calls for new 9/11 investigation

sheriffjoe-wikimedia-256x300 Rick Perry chasing Sheriff Joe’s endorsement

wisconsinproteststatehouse-afp1311 Wisc. GOP puts jobs on hold, takes whole month off

GOP Rep: Keeping teachers on payroll is unnecessary

israelipoliccar-afp Egypt military to widen state of emergency One of Egypt's ruling generals said Monday the military will expand a state of emergency.

google-afp U.S. universities hit with copyright infringement suit The Authors Guild and writers from Australia, Britain and Canada filed a copyright infringement suit Monday against five universities.

Michael Jordan Michael Jordan slapped with fine The National Basketball Association has slapped Charlotte Bobcats owner Michael Jordan with a $100,000 fine for comments about the league's labour dispute.

fish-afp Fish oil may hinder chemotherapy: study Fatty acids found in fish oil supplements may block chemotherapy from attacking tumors.

f16fighterjet-afp Senators seek to force fighter sale to Taiwan Two senators introduced legislation on Monday demanding Obama sell Taiwan no fewer than 66 advanced F-16 fighter jets.

gaymarriage-afp61-300x214111111111 GOP-led NC House approves same sex marriage ban

policecar_1300568202469-1-011-300x198111 ‘Goddess Temple’ members arrested for prostitution

mikegerman-screengrab ACLU: Gov’t spying not based on probable cause

IBMsupercomputerwatson-afp IBM supercomputer Watson to assist doctors

bobbyjindal-wikimedia LA Gov. Bobby Jindal to endorse Rick Perry

cnn_obama_skywriters_110912b Obama: Hire skywriters to promote jobs bill

frackingprotest3-300x225 Town challenges fracking with ballot initiative

algore-commons Gore aims 24-hour show at climate skeptics

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gazaflotilla0702-300x1681 Turkish PM saw Gaza raid as 'grounds for war'

romney_afp-300x219 Republican candidates head to Florida for key debate

syriasmokerising-afp1-300x201 Syria death toll reaches 2,600: U.N.

Syria_afp-300x206 U.S. condemns death of Syrian activist

indiafloods_afp-300x196 Floods kill 18, displace 100,000 in east India

Afghan-policemen-attend-a-ceremony-to-hand-over-security-control-in-the-rugged-mountains-of-the-Panjshir-valley-300x199 U.S.-backed Afghan police accused of serious abuses

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egyptprotest-afp0731-300x199 Al-Jazeera Egypt shut down for ‘sowing dissent’

cbs_ftn_simon_silence_110911b Paul Simon performs ‘The Sound of Silence’ at Ground Zero

toure-911-scrngrb Ratigan guest: Is media ‘selling fear’ on 9/11 anniversary?

anonymouslogo0207211113 Anonymous suspected of bringing down Talking Points Memo

abc_tw_luntz_palin_110821b Luntz: “9/11 allows us to celebrate Bush/Cheney for keeping us safe”


Philippines_afp-300x179 Philippines urged to free giant crocodile

sedibafossil.afp Fossil should ‘rewrite’ history: study

NASA launches two craft to orbit moon

weight-watchers-afp-300x226 Weight Watchers works, study finds

eurasianmoose-commons Drunk moose rescued from tree

Dollarsymbol-commons0809 Progressive tax system associated with greater happiness: study


bankofamerica-afp0810-300x230 BofA plans 30,000 job cuts; investors underwhelmed

Swissbank_afp-300x199 Swiss banks ‘allegedly’ providing information to US

ipad2-afp-300x215 Apple wins key German patent case against Samsung

Large copyright graffiti sign on cream colored wall ‘Copyright troll’ Righthaven loses key client as lawsuits taper off

bankofamericaatm-wikimedia-300x1991611 Bank of America discussing up to 40,000 job cuts: report


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