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  1. Remember this when eating hotdogs on 4th of July. This is the 'freedom' we'll be celebrating, huh!
  2. Badge of Honor: Certain US Government Agencies Block BoilingFrogsPost.COM- Denies access to agency employees!
  3. Video:Fitzgerald-Gould expose the official 1980s “narrative” on the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan.@ Boiling Frogs Post:
  4. “Once Upon A Time US Government Whistleblowers…” By Steve Kohn- an alternative to intimidating whistleblowers
  5. J. Edgar Hoover’s Ghost Still Lingers over the FBI! Watch ‘The EyeOpener’ by James Corbett @ Boiling Frogs Post:
  6. Breaking @ Boiling Frogs Post Video Series ‘The EyeOpener’: Secret FBI Storage Drive to Shield Evidence from FOIA?
  7. @PamelaDrew :...and thank you for your kind words and support.
  8. Coming Up Tomorrow: Secret FBI Storage Drive to Shield Evidence from FOIA? BFP Video Series ‘The EyeOpener’
  9. Lew Rockwell: our tyrannical gov exemption from the rule of law, corporate fascism &need for ideological enlightenment!
  10. Boiling Frogs Show Presents Lew Rockwell: The Rise of Police State, PATRIOT ACT, Tyrannical Government & More!
  11. Coming Up: Boiling Frogs Show Presents Lew Rockwell...
  12. Take Action: Every Single Person, Every Voice & Every Signature Counts! Please overcome that defeatist pull.
  13. Rise Up To The Occasion… It Could Very Well Have Been You! Read it here @ Boiling Frogs Post:
  14. POGO Refuses to Rescind Obama’s Transparency Award:Blowing the Whistle on Those Who Falsely Claimed to Act on our Behalf
  15. POGO Calls the Take Back Award Petition by whistleblowers-organizations-activists a major ‘Distraction & Waste of Time’
  16. @Citizensnews : Thanks!
  17. POGO Defends Obama as a President who “has achieved more openness than any other”!Read our Rebuttal @Boiling Frogs Post:
  18. POGO rejects "Take Back Award" Petition & says: 'Obama has achieved more openness than any other US president'! My Rebuttal coming up soon…
  19. Coleen Rowley Interviewed by Peter B Collins: Take Back Obama’s ‘Transparency Award’ Now! Please Sign the Petition!
  20. @jmcesteves: good question. I'll look in to that. On the other hand, the next stop: NobelPeace Prize which will be certainly international..