A new Public Policy Polling survey finds President Obama leading Mitt Romney and Rick Perry in the prospective general election polls known as trial heats. But it's important to be cautious here. The fact that Obama is leading now doesn't tell us much about how he would fare against Romney or Perry in November. The objective state of the economy and voters' perceptions of it are far better indicators of how the election is likely to turn out, meaning these polls and the punditry chatter are mostly a media sideshow.
Reporters who expect to be given Iowa Caucus and New Hampshire Primary embed assignments should probably avoid making and hard-and-fast plans for New Year's Eve.
Our hard-working families deserve someone who believes in them, someone who is going to stand up and fight for their interests. That's why I'm running for the United States Senate.
It would be a hoot and a half if anyone in Hollywood lost their job over allegations of infidelity. By most estimates, Tinseltown would become a ghost town. Too bad thirty year old Nikita Thukral is based in India, then.
On the list of paradoxes, not many beat flying around the world to give talks about climate change.
Next week's unilateralist gambit by the Palestinian Authority to ram through a resolution on Palestinian statehood in the UN General Assembly will produce little more than the mirage of a fleeting diplomatic triumph.
While Texas leads the nation in job growth, a majority of Texas's workforce is paid hourly wages rather than salaries and are condemned to lower and lower living standards. That's nothing to crow about.
While the U.S. has blindly followed a path of broadband industry "deregulation," other nations in Europe and Asia beefed up their pro-competitive policies. The results are evident in our free fall from the top of almost every global measure of Internet services, availability and speed.
Today is the day -- our first runway show during New York Fashion Week and the opening party for our new flagship store at 797 Madison Avenue....
"Why are there so many disorders today?" Those seven words, or a variation of them, surface a few times a week.
The irony of Jackie Kennedy, whose husband won few awards for marital fidelity, calling Martin Luther King, Jr. a phony because of FBI wiretaps showing that the preacher cavorted with other women, is rich.
Are there some good things in the American Jobs Act? To be sure. But, in the words of Martin Luther King Jr., the bill "is like a check that comes back marked insufficient funds."
Engaged professionals are provided countless opportunities on a daily basis to do more. For many of us, the more pressing challenge is to do less, with greater impact.
In 1492, Columbus sailed the ocean blue. In 1517, Martin Luther posted the 95 Theses. So began two stories that have shaped the West since the 16th century. But what happens if we link the two?
Experimental artists are often overshadowed by their more precocious and more flamboyant conceptual counterparts. Yet Clint Eastwood's success, demonstrates that dictatorship is not the only way to make great movies.
If he plays his cards right, we're gonna be looking at President Mitt Romney next year. This is why Hillary Clinton must run for president against Obama in the 2012 primaries.
While conservatives and progressives will clearly disagree on the government's role in mandating vaccines, here's what we can agree on: Rick Perry did not have the best interest of our daughters' in mind at the time of his executive order.
Today, the Joint Investigation Team issued its final report on it's investigation of BP's Macondo Well Blowout and subsequent oil spill that occurred on April 20, 2010.
Rick Perry hails from a state with a sizable Hispanic population, the nation's second-largest. Unfortunately, his record on issues that concern the Latino community is very troubling. It makes me want to shout, "Not so fast, cowboy!"
Political leaders and military commanders will dismiss the Taliban's recent coordinated assault on the U.S. Embassy and NATO headquarters in Kabul as a "one-off" incident. But the attack is a vivid reminder of how poorly things are going, and why America needs to leave.
I'm part of a start-up that's growing at break-neck speed. We spend long days trying to solve the simple, human problem we have set ourselves: how can we find better ways to help people share the sounds they've created with one another?
Are you the type of person who constantly feels misunderstood? Take a good hard look at how you present yourself to others. Are you actively trying to put your best self forward?
While dressed up in fine rhetoric about "accountability" and "transparency," what Shelby and some of his colleagues are up to is a blatant attempt to thwart effective regulation of the financial industry.
There's a theme of youthful indiscretion and testing one's limits, because what's charming at 20 is worrisome at 30, and alienating at 40.
Here is the great lesson of the newly unsealed Jacqueline Kennedy oral history tapes: Jackie said some snarky things. And her biting, often witty remarks have actually burnished and freshened up her image.
Thirty years since the first case of AIDS was diagnosed in the U.S., the world finds itself at a tipping point in the fight against this deadly disease. For the first time, grounded in scientific evidence, our efforts can put us within reach of an AIDS-free generation.