I totally stink at blogging! I never thought that would happen. I remember the days when I had to restrain myself from posting more than one post per day. Now, I can barely manage to get one post per month done. This frustrates me mostly because I'm missing out on documenting and recording important things, but it is so rare that I ever get to open my computer anymore. When I do, Matthew comes over to the couch, smiles real big, reaches up, and starts pushing every button he can get his little fingers on. Since the power button on my laptop is at the top corner, that's usually the one he finds first. Or, he pulls the screen down and bonks himself on top of the head with it. Then, when I poke my head over the top, he laughs and laughs. It's just a fun game of peek-a-boo for him! :D
Since I never use my laptop anymore, I never put my camera pics on it either. Hence, another boring pictureless post! Boo to me. I stink at blogging!
But, I guess I'll at least record some highlights so I can look back and remember:
Lily just turned 6. We had a swimming party at her Grandma's house. An angry birds party. Ha!
Matthew just turned 9 months old on the 4th and has already started walking! He will pull up, get his balance, then take a few steps. I think the most steps he's taken at once was probably around 10. He weighed 22 lbs. and was 29 inches tall at his last checkup! He's such a big boy. He's already outgrown most of his 12 month clothes. He's starting to babble a lot more too. One cute thing he does lately is if you make a kiss noise to him, he will do it back! Only he doesn't know how to just push his lips together to make it, so he puts his tongue between his lips to make the sound. It's so adorable! He's going to be a sweet boy!
Madison will be turning 12 at the end of this month! She's going into 7th grade, middle school! That's so crazy to me! She's always been an old soul though, so even when she was 5, she was as mature as a 10 year old it seemed. So, I guess it doesn't seem as strange to me as I would've expected it to.
We registered all the girls for school on Monday. It took 2.5 hours, but we made it! Madison had to take a drug test. Crazy, huh?! At first, she couldn't go and I handed her my water bottle and told her to drink it and try again, cause Matthew was getting super cranky, we still had one more school to go to, and I didn't want to have to come back! Ha! She did it! Yay!
We are almost finished with Matthew's room. Morgan has done such a great job on it, considering he had to bust up the tile in order to build the wall for it, and then once the room was built, he did all the electrical, sheetrock, texturing, and painting himself. He had to move the light fixture and install the ceiling fan. There was also all sorts of trim work and re-doing of the ceiling since it was/is a tray ceiling. And since he added the room, that meant the addition of a new hallway which he had to build an arch for. Well, you get the picture........he rocks!! But, it just takes time and the only thing left is to finish painting and it will be done. We painted it brown and I'm doing a sock monkey theme, so lots of brown, tans and red. I think it's going to be so cute!
Well, school starts in a little over a week. I'm ready to be back on a schedule. The girls are only taking one dance class each this year, so I think it will be a much more manageable school year. Madison's school starts and ends an hour earlier, so I'm not sure how that will work out as far as dropping them off and picking them up, but we will figure it out!
Oh, I almost forgot.......I started out a couple of months ago with wanting to lose some weight. I did so well eating right when I was pregnant and then after I had Matthew, I started eating so much junk and was starting to feel horrible and gain weight. So, I joined Weight Watchers, and lost about 5-6 pounds, but found I was still eating bad stuff like their snack cakes and ice cream and felt hungry all the time. Y'all know I suffer from anxiety and tummy issues and since having Matthew, I've added joint pain and fatigue to that list. :( My pastor's wife told me about The Smarter Science of Slim, a book where the guy shows you all the research on why eating grains and sugar, and going on low-fat diets and exercising excessively, has led to Americans being obese. It was a fascinating book, especially since it's just completely based on research and not his opinion. Anyhow, I went off grains and sugar for a week and lost 5 pounds and 2 inches off my waist.........that's how bloated and uncomfortable I was!
I'm not going to lie......it is so hard to not eat grains and sugar when 95% of my diet before was all junk! But, I am convinced that my anxiety and tummy/IBS problems are due to what I eat, because when I was eating salads and healthy things while pregnant with Matthew (which I did because for some reason I craved them), I felt SO much better! Just for the week I did the no grains/no sugar, until I fell off the wagon (LOL!), I could definitely tell a difference in the fatigue and joint pain and my tummy didn't feel all bloated and I wasn't starving all the time either! So, I'll keep y'all posted on how I do. It's not even about losing weight for me anymore, even though I would like to lose 20 more pounds. It really is about feeling better. To think that all of my fear/anxiety could have been caused simply by what I was eating all these years..........wow!!!
That's enough for now, right?!! LOL!!