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  1. @ryanvance thanks dawg!
  2. Glass of bubbly w/@summertomato :) @ Hotel Biron
  3. @alexia :)
  4. @KatArmstrong enjoy these moment, every since second, sorry he is in bad health
  5. @bmull thanks dude
  6. on the bright side, uploading episode #11 of @foundationkr, it will go live tomorrow morning!
  7. @nazfilms sorry to hear about your loss
  8. @DCDude1776 yep, had been a few days since I called as well, i'd give anything for just 60 seconds on the phone
  9. @mariestroughter sorry to hear about that, take care
  10. @DJEROCKSF1 sorry for your loss
  11. back in SF, spent weekend in Vegas w/family, 1mo since my dad passed, if you haven't talked to your Dad in awhile, call him just to say hi
  12. anyone have a live vid feed for the fight?
  13. My weight: 182.5 lb. my scale is tweeting my weight (no joke):
  14. .@3Crowd (one of my investments) just announced their XDN product! it's really going to disrupt CDNs -…
  15. @nexxylove haha true!
  16. @hutchins yep!
  17. jebus, techcrunch, your tech blog is reading like a livejournal page, please delete the drama/resignation posts..
  18. @sacca @jonvictorino love the TOS! "The Salinger Group is not responsible for any viruses" haha'