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No real social change has ever been brought about without a revolution . . . Revolution is but thought carried into action.
~ Emma Goldman
Home :: Building a democracy movement for the U.S.A.
Building a democracy movement for the U.S.A.

Liberty Tree is uniquely committed to building a new democracy movement for the U.S.A.. We provide vital support to grassroots campaigns for democratic reform in many areas of American life, and bring those campaigns together to form a united movement for democracy.  Please explore our work, subscribe to our news list and make a contribution. Thank you.
Liberty Tree is currently transitioning to a new website with up-to-date content. Our current priority campaign is the Wisconsin Wave -- uniting Wisconsinites against corporatizaton and austerity, and for democracy and shared prosperity. See http://www.WisconsinWave.orgJoin us at the 2011 Democracy Convention
Liberty Tree is also proud to announce our first national Democracy Convention, August 24-28, 2011, in Madison, Wisconsin.  If you want to strengthen democracy where it matters most -- in our communities, our schools, our workplaces and local economies, our military, our government, our media, our constitution -- you will find something inspiring in Madison this August. Register now:




    VFP CONVENTION: Safeguard the Guard

(August 25, 2010 - August 29, 2010)

"Safeguard the Guard, Safeguard Democracy" workshop at Veterans for Peace national convention.

    MIDDLETON: Fight Corporate Corruption Rally

(August 10, 2010)

Join the Liberty Tree Foundation's Ben Manski, Lisa Graves, and other featured speakers, and The Other 98% to fight corporate corruption in politics and expose candidates who won't join the fight! Bring your passion to the Rally. All are welcome!

Latest News:

Take Action:

    Global Wave of Action for Education!

source: International Student Movement

Publications & Talks:

    VIDEO: March to Overrule the Court

(February 16, 2010)

This video footage is from the March to Overrule the Court, a protest march that occurred on February 16, 2010, from the State Capitol Building to the federal courthouse in downtown Madison, Wisconsin.

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Democracy will not come today, this year, nor ever, through compromise and fear.
~ Langston Hughes