Filed in Censored Notebook, Featured Articles
In the last 35 years, the so-called mainstream media have been co-opted into a propaganda machine for the transnational corporate power structure, which serves a US/NATO Military Industrial Media Empire instead of We the People. Project Censored resists the goals of global empire at the expense of human rights, we resist [...]
Morning Mix – Project Censored Show on Friday June 17, 8- 9 AM PST KPFA – 94.1 Mickey Huff and Peter Phillips from Project Censored will interview Emmy Award winning journalist and filmmaker John Pilger regarding the censorship of the US premere showing of his new film, The War You Don?t See. Also on the [...]
With OBL dead (yet again) … now more than ever, we need 9/11 Truth Creating A New Path To Peace and Prosperity Sen. Mike Gravel and Lt. Col. Bob Bowman on Empowering Citizens to End the 9/11 Wars and Restore Lost Liberties Introductory Speakers Peter Phillips will be our MC and first speaker. Professor of [...]
Celebrates 35 Years In 1976 Dr. Carl Jensen Founded Project Censored. We are the longest running media research news group in the country. We are stiill at it and the top Censored News stories from 1976 are still important today. 1: Trilateral Commission & Jimmy Carter 2: DNA Corporate Control 3: Banned Pesticides & [...]
International Film Maker Iara Lee will Host a Showing of her film Cultures of Resistance – Winner of 2011 Golden Reel Award for Best Documentary—Tiburon International Film Festival – Sonoma State University – May 12, 7:00 PM Darwin Hall, Room 103 Students free, and General Public $5.00-$10.00 no one turned away for lack of funds [...]
Morning Mix – Project Censored Show on Friday June 17, 8- 9 AM PST KPFA...
With OBL dead (yet again) … now more than ever, we need 9/11 Truth Creating...
Celebrates 35 Years In 1976 Dr. Carl Jensen Founded Project Censored. We are the longest...