Showing posts with label MOMCOM. Show all posts
Showing posts with label MOMCOM. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Doing The Alt-Right Thing - Mithraism - 5

An Old Sign of the Oil Wars
A once-well-known journalist wrote: "The enemy aggressor is always pursuing a course of larceny, murder, rapine and barbarism. We are always moving forward with high mission, a destiny imposed by the Deity to regenerate our victims, while incidentally capturing their markets; to civilise savage and senile and paranoid peoples, while blundering accidentally into their oil wells or metal mines." - (As We Go Marching, by John T. Flynn, 1944, p. 222; p. 241, PDF).

As has been pointed out often over the years here on Dredd Blog, there are religious, corporate greed, and propaganda reasons we do not understand Afghanistan, "America's longest war" :
Since the first oil field was discovered in Afghanistan in 1959 ...

The USGS has previously conducted broad regional oil and gas resource assessments of northwestern Afghanistan as part of the Amu Darya basin, most of which is located in Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan. These assessments were published by Kingston (1986 and 1990), Masters and others (1995), and Ulmishek (2000).
As the war in Afghanistan unfolds, there is frantic diplomatic activity to ensure that any post-Taliban government will be both democratic and pro-West. Hidden in this explosive geo-political equation is the sensitive issue of securing control and export of the region's vast oil and gas reserves. The Soviets estimated Afghanistan's proven and probable natural gas reserves at 5 trillion cubic feet - enough for the United Kingdom's requirement for two years - but this remains largely untapped because of the country's civil war and poor pipeline infrastructure.

More importantly, according to the U.S. government, "Afghanistan's significance from an energy standpoint stems from its geographical position as a potential transit route for oil and natural gas exports from central Asia to the Arabian Sea."

To the north of Afghanistan lies the Caspian and central Asian region, one of the world's last great frontiers for the oil industry due to its tremendous untapped reserves. The U.S. government believes that total oil reserves could be 270 billion barrels. Total gas reserves could be 576 trillion cubic feet.
(Secret Afghanistan Underground, cf. here). A war which the media calls "the Afghanistan war."

"The longest war" is actually another war still riding the roller-coaster of a hundred years of time, and is properly called the oil wars (The Universal SmeSummaries and Data Packages of Important Areas for Mineral Investment and Production Opportunities in Afghanistandley - 2; The Peak Of The Oil Wars, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12; The Fleets and Terrorism Follow The Oil - 2).

Religious leaders of mithraic persuasions, such as Jerry Falwell Jr., have always followed the tenets of mithraism by overlooking war, so long as some trumps sound out during the mayhem ("It is forbidden to kill therefore all murderers are punished unless they kill in large numbers and to the sound of trumpets." - Voltaire).

The shape shifter in chief (The Shapeshifters of Bullshitistan) has cast off his non-affinity for endless war, and now embraces them (Trump Calls For a Troop Increase in Afghanistan).

So, the beat beat-down of the public goes on, because like the mithrah worshiping Romans, on Doomer Tuesday we are only allowed to elect surrogate Romanovs (The Elections of Pontius Pilots, 2, 3, 4, 5).

The previous post in this series is here.

Saturday, July 22, 2017

Apocalypse: The Domestic Enemies

Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse
I. Three Horsemen

You may have heard of the Four Horsemen of The Apocalypse, but the four I am speaking of today are corporations and/or groups of corporations.

Three of the entities (Big Tobacco, Big Pharma, and Big Chem) are discussed in documents of a library at the University of California at San Francisco (Industry Documents Library).

Those three, IMO, are domestic enemies.

II. Fumes Documents

The fourth horseman, another domestic enemy IMO, is Big Oil (a.k.a. Oil-Qaeda).

The following links are documents in the Smoke & Fumes document library (the number following the name of the document is the document number in the library).

You can click on the link to discover more about a particular document:
Forecasting for the Offshore Oil Boom (1)

Outline of Weather and Wave Forecasting Techniques (2)

The Measurement of Paleotemperatures (3)

The Petroleum Industry Sponsors Air Pollution Research (4)

Reactions Involving Ozone, Nitrogen Dioxide, and Organic Compounds at Low Concentrations in Air (5)

Humble Oil Company Radiocarbon Dates II (6)

Radiocarbon Evidence on the Dilution of Atmospheric and Oceanic Carbon by Carbon from Fossil Fuels (7)

Carbon Dioxide Exchange Between Atmosphere and Ocean and the Question of an Increase of Atmospheric CO2 During the Past Decades (8)

A Review of the Air Pollution Research Program of the Smoke and Fumes Committee of the American Petroleum Institute (9)

The Climatic Factor in the Radiocarbon Content of Woods (10)

Late Quaternary Sea Level: A Discussion (11)

The Petroleum Industries' Air Pollution Control Program (12)

Hurricane Formation in the Gulf of Mexico (13)

Metabolic Fractionation of Carbon Isotopes in Marine Plankton - I. Temperature and Respiration Experiments (14)

Hurricane Betsy in the Florida-Bahama Area - Geologic Effects and Comparison with Hurricane Donna (15)

Sources, abundance, and fate of atmospheric pollutants. (16)

An Ocean Data Gathering Program for the Gulf of Mexico (17)

The Astronomical Theory of Climatic Change: Barbados Data (18)

Atmospheric Scavenging Mechanisms and the Fate of Air Pollutants (19)

Environmental Conservation - The Oil and Gas Industries / Volume Two (20)

Eustatic Low Stand of Sea Level Between 125,000 and 105,000 B.P.: Evidence from the Subsurface of Barbados, West Indies (21)

Carbon Dioxide and Climate: A Scientific Assessment (22)

Pollution and Policy: A Case Essay on California and Federal Experience with Motor Vehicle Air Pollution 1940-1975 (23)

Harold S. Johnston, Ph.D.: Atmospheric Chemistry Research at Berkeley (24)

Interview with Zus (Maria) Haagen-Smit (25)

Excerpt from Student Minority Report on the Stanford Research Institute (26)

Proportional Counting of Carbon Dioxide for Radiocarbon Dating (27)

Damage to Vegetation from Polluted Atmospheres (28)

Los Angeles Fights Smog (29)

Carbon Dioxide May Contribute To Hurricanes (30)

Economic Consideration of Certain Weather and Oceanographic Problems Arising in the Petroleum Industry (31)

Carbon Dioxide Affects Global Ecology (32)

Changes in the Carbon Dioxide Content of the Atmosphere and Sea Due to Fossil Fuel Combustion (33)

Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide (34)

Climate and Man (35)

The Smog Problem in Los Angeles County (36)

Global Aspects of Photochemical Air Pollution (37)

Sources of Air Pollution: Transportation (Petroleum) (38)

The Use of Asphalt Coatings to Increase Rainfall (39)

Accomplishments in Air Pollution Control by the Petroleum Industry (40)

Air Conservation Report Reflects National Concern (41)

Humble/Enjay/Esso Classified Advertisement (42)

History of the Offshore Oil and Gas Industry in Southern Louisiana (43)

Some Legal Consequences of Weather Modification: An Uncertain Forecast (44)

Standard Oil Recruitment at Notre Dame (45)

Weather Modification by Carbon Dust Absorption of Solar Energy (46)

Shell: Climate in a Cage (47)

Method for Recovering a Purified Component From a Gas (48)

Process For The Removal of Acidic Gases From a Gas Mixture (49)

Process For The Removal of Acid Gases From Hydrocarbon Gases Containing The Same (50)

Carbon Monoxide: Natural Sources Dwarf Man's Output (51)

Weather Modification and Smog (52)

Marine Macrophytes as a Global Carbon Sink (53)

Book Reviews: A Worldwide View - Global Effects of Environmental Pollution (54)

Modifying Weather on a Large Scale (55)

Climate Stabilization: For Better or for Worse? (56)

Arctic Offshore Platform (57)

Mobile, Arctic Drilling and Production Platform (58)

Arctic Offshore Platform (59)

Recovery of Shale Oil (60)

Production of Pure Carbon Dioxide (61)

Petroleum Recovery With Inert Gas (62)

Oil Spills in the Arctic Ocean: Extent of Spreading and Possibility of Large-Scale Thermal Effects (63)

Compilation of Workshop Materials: Workshop for an Assessment of the Present and Potential Role of Weather Modification in Agr (64)

Pelleted Carbon Black Containing Surfactant (65)

Icebreaking Cargo Vessel (66)

Tanker Vessel (67)

Cloud Formation and Subsequent Moisture Precipitation (68)

Weather Control by Asphalt (Popular Mechanics) (69)

Astronomical Theory of the Pleistocene Ice Ages: A Brief Historical Review (70)

Astronomical Theory of Climatic Change: Status and Problem (71)

Milankovitch Theory and Climate (72)

Milankovitch Hypothesis Supported by Precise Dating of Coral Reefs and Deep-Sea Sediments (73)

Ice Ages: Solving the Mystery (74)

Ice Ages and Astronomical Causes: Data, Spectral Analysis and Mechanisms (75)

Arctic Marine Oil Spill Research (76)

Chemistry of the Natural Atmosphere (77)

Radionuclide Dating of the Recent Sediments of Blelham Tarn (78)

Wet Removal of Sulfur Compounds from the Atmosphere (79)

Algal Culture: From Laboratory to Pilot Plant (80)

Contribution of Anthropogenic and Natural Sources to Atmospheric Sulfur in Parts of the United States (81)

Direct Production of Electrical Energy From Liquid Fuels (82)

Fuel Cell and Fuel Cell Electrodes (83)

Fuel Cell Catalysts (84)

Fuel Cell With Pr-Au Anode and Molybdate-Containing Electrolyte (85)

Low-Polluting Engine and Drive System (86)

Soil: A Natural Sink for Carbon Monoxide (87)

Variation of Radiocarbon Concentration in Modern Wood (88)

Carbon Dioxide Variations in the Atmosphere (89)

Carbon Dioxide Emissions from Fossil Fuels: a procedure for estimation and results for 1950-1982 (90)

Literature and Research Survey to Determine Necessity and Feasibility of Air Pollution Research Project on Combustion of Comme (91)

Platitudes or Performance? (92)

Technical Information Resources in the Air Pollution Field (93)

Indexing and Abstracting Services in the Air Pollution Field (94)

Desulfurization of Caribbean Fuel (95)

Concentrations of Carbon Monoxide and Organic Gases in Arctic Atmospheres (96)

Auto Pollution: Research Group Charged with Conflict of Interest (97)

Toxicity of some Atmospheric Pollutants (98)

The Distribution of Carbon-14 in Nature (99)

The Environmental and Ecological Forum 1970-1971 (100)

Stratospheric Water Vapour Increase due to Human Activities (101)

Relative Reactivity of Various Hydrocarbons in Polluted Atmospheres (102)

Photochemical Reaction Products in Air Pollution (103)

National Conference on Air Pollution Press Release (104)

Progress in the Prevention and Control of Air Pollution (105)

Weather and Climate Modification: Problems and Prospects (106)

Air Conservation (107)

Agreement Between R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Company and Exxon Chemical Company (500)

Memorandum: Polypropylene Fibers Produced by Enjay Chemical Company (501)

Exxon Filter Meeting Notes (503)

Proposed Agreements between RJR Tobacco Company and Exxon Chemical Company (504)

Patent: Cigarette Filter from Polypropylene Fibers (505)

Evaluations of Exxon Polypropylene Filters (506)

Memorandum to Messrs. Donahue, Oechler, Pepples, Simeonidis and Wall (507)

Smoke Analysis and Physical Properties of SFE-N-68-Q Cigarettes, Pall Mall Filter As Controls - Special Sample With Pall Mall (508)

Initial Evaluation of Esso Polypropylene Filter Material (509)

What is Different About Exxon's Patented PP Filter (510)

Meeting with Enjay Chemical Representatives (511)

Pollution: A Comprehensive Survey of Business and the Environmental Crisis (530)

Letter to John W. Hill (531)

Confidential Report: Tobacco Industry Research Committee Meeting (532)

Staff Memo: European Activities (534)

Staff Memo (535)

Letter to Kerryn King (536)

Memo to Eugene J.T. Flanagan (537)

Interview with John W. Hill (538)

Letter to Dennis M. Dyer (539)

Memorandum to Mr. Timothy V. Hartnett: Excerpts from Constitutions, Charters or By-Laws (540)

Confidential Report on Meeting January 18, 1954 (541)

Letter to Kerryn King (542)

Letter to Fred Panzer (560)

Memorandum to Messrs. Donahue, Oechler, Pepples, Simeonidis, and Wall (561)

Letter to Catherine J. Yoe (562)

Letter to Bernie Robinson re: Washington Business Roundtable, enclosed (563)

Support for AdTI (567)

ATCO Letter to Union Oil SPV documenting similar partnerships with other oil cos (580)

Union Oil letter to ATCO-Annex-Delivering ATCO Message (581)

Exxon Direct Retail Marketing Strategy 1991 (582)

Exxon-RJR Internal Marketing Document (584)

RJR-Humble Oil Yankee Baseball Sponsorship (585)

Exxon-RJR Feb Managers Meeting (586)

Colony Tie-In With the Petroleum Industry: The American Tobacco Company (587)

Chevron Stations & Philip Morris USA Meeting (588)

ExxonMobil Merchandising Manual Exxon. Mobil/R.J Reynolds Retail Partnership (589)

Union Oil Contract Memo (591)

Union Oil Company and The American Tobacco Company Dodgers Agreement (592)

Car Life Report to Consumers: Car Exhausts and Cancer (620)

Lung Cancer, Smoking, and Atmospheric Pollution (621)

Laundered Research: The Finished Product i.e. What You See (622)

Memorandum: Membership of ACS National Commission on Smoking and Public Policy (623)

Tobacco Institute Newsletter (624)

The Silent Killer that Stalks Our Streets (625)

Know Your Board of Directors (627)

The Quantitative Analysis of Cigarette Smoke, Part I (640)

Smoke Analysis and Physical Properties of SFE-N-68-Q Cigarettes (641)

Facts About High Resolution Mass Spectrometry (642)

Recommendation to End Mayo Oxidation Studies Sponsorship (643)

A Report on Mass Spectrometry at the Shell and Humble Oil Companies (644)

Corporate Research Agreements (645)

High Temperature Mass Spectrometry (646)

Annual Report (647)

Tobacco Institute Newsletter (648)

The Biologic Effect from Long-Term Exposure of Primates to Carbon Monoxide (649)

Nitrogen Oxide Content of Smokes From Different Types of Tobacco (660)

Research Agreement between Armour Research Foundation of Illinois Institute of Technology and P. Lorrilard Company, Inc. (661)

Armour Research Foundation Final Report On 'Physical Properties of Cigarette Smoke' (662)

Quarterly Section Research Report, Physical Chemistry Section (663)

Stanford Research Institute Project (664)

Stanford Research Institute Organization Chart (665)

Annual Research and Development Project Review Minutes (667)

Dale M. Coulson Resume (668)

Unknown (669)

The Smog Problem in Los Angeles County (670)

Proposal for Research: Development of Portable Analytical Instrumentation (671)

Stanford Research Institute Memo (672)

Unknown (673)

Philip Morris Incorporated Inter-Office Correspondence (674)

Auto Pollution: Research Group Charged with Conflict of Interest (675)

The Role of Atmospheric Carbon Monoxide in Vehicle Accidents (678)

Soil: A Natural Sink for Carbon Monoxide (679)

Recommendation to End Mayo Oxidation Studies Sponsorship (681)

Unknown (682)

Contract with Stanford Research Institute (684)

Re-Evaluation of a Stanford Research Institute Zeolite for CO Removal from Cigarette Smoke (685)

Memorandum: Psychographics (686)

Development of Portable Analytical Instrumentation (688)

Presenting The Virginia Institute for Scientific Research (691)

VISR News: VISR President Honored with University's Thomas Jefferson Award (692)

Statement by Theodor D. Sterling. Ph.D. (730)

Unknown (731)

Unknown (732)

Occupational Exposure to Organic Lead Compounds (733)

Report and Recommendations of the Advisory Panel to the Feasibility Study (734)

The Feasibility of a Definitive Evaluation of the Data Concerning Smoking and General Morbidity and Disability: Status Report (735)

Statement of Dr. Theodor Sterling Before the House Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce (736)

Confidential Report Scientific Advisory Board Meeting (737)

Unknown (738)

Report on Meeting of Scientific Advisory Board, TIRC (751)

Introduction: The Tobacco Institute Past & Present (758)


Lawrence G. Rawl Profile for Board Member Search (770)

Letter to R. G. Baker re: Sir Richard Dobson (771)

Experimental Production of Carcinoma in Rhesus Monkeys (800)

Mathematical Analysis of Lead Burdens (801)

Note from George Weissman to Paul Morgan (804)

Bronchial Changes Studied in Smokers (805)

Letter from Theodor D. Sterling to Robert C. Hockett: Recommendations Endorsed by the Panel (806)

The Air Around Us (807)

Note from David R. Hardy (810)

Barclay Low Tar Cigarettes (811)

Letter from D.M. Hughes to M.A. Khan (812)

Is Smog the Real Culprit of Lung Cancer? (813)

Letter from H.R. Bentley to C.G. Hunter (814)

Shell International Research: Cigarette Filter of Alkene Polymer (815)

Notes on Trip to NYU - Bellevue Medical Center Institute of Industrial Medicine (817)

Properties of High-Boiling Petroleum Products (818)

Copy of Cablegram re: British Empire Cancer Campaign Reports (819)

Patent Specification: A Process for the Production of Foamed Polypropylene, and Articles Produced Therefrom (820)

Sloan-Kettering Institute Meeting, Nov 5 1953 (823)

Process for Manufacturing Foamed Polypropylene (824)

Keyword Method (825)

Russian US Air Pollution Inspection (826)

List of Organizations of Interest to Tobacco Industry (830)

Report and Recommendations of the Advisory Panel to the Feasibility Study (832)

The Feasibility of a Definitive Evaluation Concerning Smoking and General Morbidity (834)

Note from Theodor Sterling to Bob Hockett: Interim Report (836)

Letter from D.M. Hughes to M.A. Khan Regarding "The Fundamental Aspects of Gas Chromatography" (843)

Chronology of Events with Respect to Mr. Hamner and The American Tobacco Company Research Department (846)

New York University Industrial School of Medicine Meeting Summary (848)

Letter to D.G.I. Felton Regarding Visit to Shell (849)

Memo from J.K. Wells to I.W. Hughes: TI "New Directions" Discussion Meeting (850)

Memo from H.R. Kornegay and S.D. Chilcote to Executive Committee: New Directions Implementation (851)

Letter from T. Sterling to David Hardy: Guidelines for the Design of Legislation for Establishing Review Mechanism (852)

A Talk by the Honorable Horace R. Kornegay (853)

Goals for Tobacco Institute Public Affairs (854)

TI "New Directions" Discussion Agenda. (855)

New Directions: A Presentation of the Tobacco Institute Staff (856)

Tobacco Institute Proposal: New Directions. Tobacco Institute Proposal: New Directions. 1981 September 29. Brown & William (857)

Research Intelligence Chart (858)

New Directions Implementation Third Draft (859)

Notes of a Tentative Nature Taken on the Ecusta - L and M - Duke Conference - January 30, 1954 (860)


Memorandum (862)

New York University, Report On Visit Of Dr. Norton Nelson And Dr. Alvin Kosak To Richmond Concerning Their Cigarette-Cancer Pr (863)

Report On Visit Of Dr. Norton Nelson And Dr. Alvin Kosak, New York University, To Richmond On March 27, 1956 (864)



TIRC Committees (999)

III. In Closing ...

Currently, the is hijacked via a coup of The Four Horsemen of the American Apocalypse (A Tale of Coup Cities, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13).

Watch the brief video below to learn something about them ... so we can defeat them.

Thursday, April 20, 2017

Agnotology: The Surge - 20

Deadly Corporate Media Denial
I. Faux Snooze

There is a clear and growing awareness in the public, of the United States at large, about the reality of climate change (Global Warming Concern at Three-Decade High in US, Gallup Poll).

This, in spite of a dearth of coverage in the media: "In 2016, evening newscasts and Sunday shows on ABC, CBS, and NBC, as well as Fox Broadcast Co.'s Fox News Sunday, collectively decreased their total coverage of climate change by 66 percent compared to 2015" (Media Matters, cf. Media Matters Report Shows Stunning Lack of Climate Change Coverage on TV Networks in 2016).

Thus, the U.S. presstitutes (In the Fog of The Presstitutes, 2, 3, 4) are operating like the third world media: "Overall, we find that about 40 percent of adults worldwide have never heard of climate change. This rises to more than 65 percent in some developing countries, like Egypt, Bangladesh and India" (Climate Change Awareness and Concern in 119 Countries, Yale Univ.).

But, the public is aware of the presstitutes, and they do not like them (Americans' Trust in Mass Media Sinks to New Low, Americans' View of Press).

Meanwhile, the hear-no-climate change, see-no-climate-change, and say-no-climate-change ideology has landed its first government (voted in by a minority - right-wing voters).

So, now the Administrative and Legislative branches of American government are controlled by climate deniers.

The Judicial branch may not be as far gone, but they too are headed in that direction (Here Come De Conservative Judges, 2, 3, 4, 5).

II. The Military Is Not With The Deniers

For the better part of a decade Dredd Blog has been pointing out that the military sees global warming induced climate change as the greatest threat to the security of Americans:
A recent report will catch the attention of anyone who can focus enough to see down the road further than their nose:
"The CNA Corporation brought together eleven retired three-star and four-star admirals and generals [they lost it so use The Wayback Machine Version] to provide advice, expertise and perspective on the impact of climate change. CNAC writers and researchers compiled the report under the board's direction and review.

The report includes several formal findings:

* Projected climate change poses a serious threat to America's national security.

* Climate change acts as a threat multiplier for instability in some of the most volatile regions of the world.

* Projected climate change will add to tensions even in stable regions of the world.

* Climate change, national security and energy dependence are a related set of global challenges."
(Global Climate & Homeland Insecurity, Dredd Blog, 2009). This was followed up on more recently (Global Climate & Homeland Insecurity - 2, Dredd Blog, 2016).

The conundrum this presents is palpable:
"We spend more on national security than the rest of the world combined ..."

"The Military is the lead federal agency on climate change ... and that is ... extremely dangerous ... we may lose the republic ..."
(Professor / Colonel Wilkerson, quoted from video below). The increase in military spending on conventional squabbles, while cutting environmental spending, is madness of the criminal sort (MOMCOM's Mass Suicide & Murder Pact, 2, 3, 4, 5).

III. Civilization's Trance

The civilization meme complex is a product of the darkest and oldest of trances:
"In other words, a society does not ever die 'from natural causes', but always dies from suicide or murder --- and nearly always from the former, as this chapter has shown." - A Study of History, by Arnold J. Toynbee
(When You Are Governed By Psychopaths - 7). After all these years of recorded history we as a species have not learned to choose our trances carefully (Choose Your Trances Carefully, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8).

IV. Conclusion

After all these eons and epochs, once again: Civilization Is Now On Suicide Watch, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8.

The previous post in this series is here.

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

MOMCOM In The Outer Limits Of The Twilight Zone

T-Rex of State
In a recent post I provided a video featuring a presentation at MIT by Prof. Dr. Noam Chomsky.

It covered the reasons behind the doomsday clock having been moved from seven minutes until "midnight" (a.k.a. "lights out for civilization") to 2.5 minutes until midnight.

The subject of that post was the ongoing murder-suicide process by power centers within our current civilization (Civilization Is Now On Suicide Watch - 9).

The actors "in that movie" are official anti-social-behavior power-centers that surprisingly mimic the characteristics of the demise of previous civilizations:
In other words, a society does not ever die 'from natural causes', but always dies from suicide or murder --- and nearly always from the former, as this chapter has shown."
(A Study of History, by Arnold J. Toynbee). Once the most-oft-quoted historian, Dr. Toynbee discovered a pathological behavior often repeated in societies, including the largest society, civilization itself.

That behavior is still with us because it has not been addressed and epigenetically modified (On the Origin of Cultural Epigenetics).

The locus of these suicidal dynamics is harbored in three entities which I have called "MOMCOM."

MOMCOM is an extension of Eisenhower's "military-industrial complex" (MOMCOM: A Mean Welfare Queen).

Those three areas (military, oil, media) are the center of the origin of the current suicidal tendencies, because the military has the nukes, big oil has the other "nuclear option" (climate change), the media have the power of deceit, so, together they comprise the complex MOMCOM.

Their (or its) firstborn offspring is Oil-Qaeda (Oil-Qaeda: The Indictment, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6).

This family of players is not wavering from the mass-murder-suicide path they have been intentionally taking for decades (Humble Oil-Qaeda).

Instead, this deadly family has intensified their suicidal behavior (MOMCOM's Mass Suicide & Murder Pact, 2, 3, 4, 5).

They have financed political criminality to the point it has now openly taken over the government.

If you want to know what they are doing, simply look at what they accuse sane people of doing (House Science Committee Leader Says Climate Scientists Are Trying to Control People’s Lives).

Next, realize how many years and how much money it has taken them to deceive substantial segments of society (Global Warming Disinformation Database).

Their basic behavior is to double down, even in the light of conclusive evidence against them (The Universal Smedley - 2, Oil Giants Caught Bribing Nigerian Money Launderer In Major Scandal, How World War I ushered in the century of oil).

By using the phrase "double down" I am including the habit of warmongering imperialism (The Peak Of The Oil Wars - 10, cf. The Fleets & Terrorism Follow The Oil - 2).

One of the reasons this suicidal behavior has not been stopped by western societies (by culturally evolving beyond the genetic dispositions of suicidal civilizations past), is primarily the power of propaganda hidden in plain sight:
THE conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country. We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of. This is a logical result of the way in which our democratic society is organized. Vast numbers of human beings must cooperate in this manner if they are to live together as a smoothly functioning society.

Our invisible governors are, in many cases, unaware of the identity of their fellow members in the inner cabinet.

They govern us by their qualities of natural leadership, their ability to supply needed ideas and by their key position in the social structure. Whatever attitude one chooses to take toward this condition, it remains a fact that in almost every act of our daily lives, whether in the sphere of politics or business, in our social conduct or our ethical thinking, we are dominated by the relatively small number of persons — a trifling fraction of our hundred and twenty [now 320] million — who understand the mental processes and social patterns of the masses. It is they who pull the wires which control the public mind, who harness old social forces and contrive new ways to bind and guide the world.
It is the purpose of this book to explain the structure of the mechanism which controls the public mind, and to tell how it is manipulated by the special pleader who seeks to create public acceptance for a particular idea or commodity. It will attempt at the same time to find the due place in the modern democratic scheme for this new propaganda and to suggest its gradually evolving code of ethics and practice.
(A Closer Look At MOMCOM's DNA - 4). That quote is taken from the American book which has the title "Propaganda."

It was written by "The Father of Spin," a.k.a the Father of the American PR Industry (cf. Exceptional American Propaganda Inspired NAZI Goebbels).

He and his wife opened the business now known as "public relations" ... their first customer was then named The War Department.

I guess there is only one question remaining, since today some elections are taking place: (Will Elections Cure The Disease?, 2, 3, 4).

"And now we return you to your regular programming ..."

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Will Elections Cure The Disease? - 2

Fig. 1 Enhanced USGS table
ONE. About six years ago, in the first post of this series, I asked the question presented in the title.

The question tends to conjure up the notion that for every cure there is a disease (or is it the other way around?).

Historically, as concerns civilization cures, that has not been the case.

Civilizations have all gone down due to murder or suicide, the latter holding the lead at this time ("In other words, a society does not ever die 'from natural causes', but always dies from suicide or murder --- and nearly always from the former, as this chapter has shown." - A Study of History, by Arnold J. Toynbee).

We sometimes wonder if our nuclear civilization is above all that:
As time goes on in the USA, fewer and fewer people think that election time is a time to bring some cure to the governing process.

It is more often than not a time to express anger.

A time to throw some bums out in anger, not really contemplating the consequences of simply venting anger so much that worse candidates replace the current losers.

Is this a symptom of something?

If I were to say that ... more U.S. citizens will begin to lose their minds than will lose homes, jobs, or health care, would you believe it?
(Will Elections Cure The Disease?). Remember that one of the technical characteristics of cultural dementia, like individual dementia, is being unaware of one's location (You Are Here).

The current election aftermath season supercharges the notion that entire cultures and even civilizations can become demented to the point of being lost in space (in the sense of not even knowing which planet one inhabits):
Donald Trump Still Thinks Climate Change Is ‘A Bunch Of Bunk’

Priebus confirms that climate denial will be the official policy of Trump’s administration
The greatest threat to national security (in the thinking of the military and the scientific community) is global warming induced climate change:
Every branch of the United States Military is worried about climate change. They have been since well before it became controversial.
At a time when Presidents Ronald Reagan and Bush 41, and even British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, called for binding international protocols to control greenhouse gas emissions, the U.S. Military was seriously studying global warming in order to determine what actions they could take to prepare for the change in threats that our military will face in the future.

The Center for Naval Analysis has had its Military Advisory Board examining the national security implications of climate change for many years. Lead by Army General Paul Kern, the Military Advisory Board is a group of 16 retired flag-level officers from all branches of the Service.

This is not a group normally considered to be liberal activists and fear-mongers.
[the article quotes Eugene Skolnikoff:] "The central problem is that outside the security sector, policy processes confronting issues with substantial uncertainty do not normally yield policy that has high economic or political costs. This is especially true when the uncertainty extends not only to the issues themselves, but also to the measures to avert them or deal with their consequences.

The climate change issue illustrates – in fact exaggerates – all the elements of this central problem. Indeed, no major action is likely to be taken until those uncertainties are substantially reduced, and probably not before evidence of warming and its effects are actually visible. Unfortunately, any increase in temperature will be irreversible by the time the danger becomes obvious enough to permit political action.
(Does Our Military Know Something We Don't?, emphasis added). Consider this in the context of the shocking statement by Professor Wilkerson:
"The Military is the lead federal agency on climate change ... and that is ... extremely dangerous ... we may lose the republic ..."
(The Authoritarianism of Climate Change - 2, video at bottom). According to Professor Wilkerson, the military will coalesce into the Sun Tzu kind of coup they teach at the War College (Is War An Art or Is War A Disease?).

Fig. 2 What Will Be Censored?
TWO.  So, if you haven't guessed what I am getting at yet, I am getting at "when will the military purge the denier sections of government or instead purge the climate science ?"

The state of the union (SOTU) is that the country has been invaded in a manner that I have characterized as an invasion by Greenland & Antarctica (Greenland & Antarctica Invade The United States, 2, 3, 4; Why The Military Can't Defend Against The Invasion).

So, today let's talk about the ~three feet or ~1 meter aspect of the situation, which is the point at which the Sun Tzu kind of coup may have to take place.

Fig. 3 220.7 mm (1.07 mm yr) & counting
THREE. Feet ... yes, ~three feet (~a meter) is the degree of sea level rise that will cause the beginning serious malfunctions of international and national infrastructure organs of international trade / intercourse (Why Sea Level Rise May Be The Greatest Threat To Civilization - 3).

That 3 foot quantity of sea level rise is only about 1% to 1.14% of the total ice of the ice sheets of the Cryosphere (Fig. 1); the percentage depending on whether or not one includes ghost-water in the calculation  (The Ghost-Water Constant, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7).

Fig. 4 ice loss: ~88,813.5 km3
The Cryosphere is composed of the ice on Greenland, Antarctica, and land glaciers.

That is the same one and only Cryosphere that is and has been melting for a long time (Humble Oil-Qaeda).

The Dredd Blog software module, which uses PSMSL tide gauge station records, calculates the 1807 - 2014 ice loss amount of the Cryosphere to be ~88,813.5 km3 (Fig. 4) using the "Golden 23 Zones" (Calling All Cars: The Case of the "Missing Six" - 5).

Those are the WOD zones in which the "Golden 23" tide gauge stations are located.

Fig. 5 ~0.28% approaching 1% to 1.14%
In the sea level realm of science those tide gauge station records provide a global indication and useful view of sea level change.

Those tide gauge stations obviously do not directly measure the highest sea levels.

That is because those highest sea levels take place out in the deep ocean far away from coasts of the large land masses where those tide gauges must be placed (The Bathtub Model Doesn't Hold Water - 3).

Nevertheless, they provide a platform of data from which to calculate the highest sea levels (think formulas for arcs, hemispheres, and spheres).

The results of those calculations are also helpful for calculating the amount of ice lost from the Cryosphere from 1807-2014 (Fig. 5).

Notice that in Fig. 4 when the sea level graphed amount falls to its lowest point circa 1866, the ice loss amount increases to its highest graphed amount, which is counter intuitive but normal (Proof of Concept - 3, The Evolution and Migration of Sea Level Hinge Points - 2).

The graph of ice loss percentages per year is shown on Fig. 5, which totals to about 0.28%, which means that we not quite a third of the way to the 1% to 1.14% threshold yet.

But, even with that seemingly small amount, right now military installations in some locations are beginning to flood, and to be abandoned at other locations, according to Professor Wilkerson (second video below).

FOUR. Elections will not solve this problem, so, we must ponder whether or not the military will "step into the vacuum" caused by what they consider to be a clueless civil government.

A clueless civil government that has deceived sixty some million folks who, in effect, voted this year to deny the existence of global warming induced climate change (Etiology of Social Dementia, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14; The Agnotology of Sea Level Rise Via Ice Melt).

The next post in this series is here, the previous post in this series is here.

Changing of the Guards
by Bob Dylan
(lyrics here)


"Gentlemen, he said
I don’t need your organization, I’ve shined your shoes
I’ve moved your mountains and marked your cards
But Eden is burning, either brace yourself for elimination
Or else your hearts must have the courage for the changing of the guards

Peace will come
With tranquillity and splendor on the wheels of fire
But will bring us no reward when her false idols fall
And cruel death surrenders with its pale ghost retreating
Between the King and the Queen of Swords

Saturday, August 13, 2016

Humble Oil-Qaeda

Fig. 1 Humble Oil-Qaeda (They knew in '62)

In recent posts I have been looking both under the sea and on top of the sea.

I found that waters off the East Coast are cooling at various depths, and I also found the reason (Fig. 1).

The humble Oil-Qaeda (Oil-Qaeda: The Indictment, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6) is responsible for these cooling trends in some of the deeps (Will This Float Your Boat - 12).

"The Humble" melted away, to become the not-so-humble Exxon, about four and a half decades ago (Humble Oil Morph).


They now supply cool water all the way down to the Bermuda Triangle because the icebergs they used to send down turned out to be a Titanic Mistake (The Titanic Iceberg, Titanic Mistakes Using The W Compass - 2);
Fig. 2 Humble Iceberg Sightings

The Coast Guard evidently informed them that sending icebergs all the way down to that part of "their bathtub" was not welcomed.

Notice the two cyan colored squares where the Coast Guard has in the past sighted icebergs  (Fig. 2).

Yes, Humble Oil-Qaeda is so humble that  way back in once-upon-a-time-ville they clearly realized that they would be cooking up an "advanced" planetary scene.

Known for being warming folks, they were gifted with an idea furnished to them by Dr. Salacious "Sammy" Spin (The Authoritarianism of Climate Change).

He suggested that they chill the warming waters all the way from the big apple (Hard Times2 In New York Town) down to the yellow submarine (Zone In On Sea Level Change - 3).


Fig. 3 Cooling Waters of Humble Oil-Qaeda
So, taking Dr. Spin's advice, they did what they do best, and warmed the planet some more.

The idea was to melt those pesky icebergs while they were still way up north, so that only the iceberg residue (cooler water) could make it down to the sunshine state (Fig. 3).

"We will be heroes" they sang and shouted.

Some of them even bought their 5th estate on the shores of Miami Beach.
Fig. 4 Stairway to Hell

Then the cool water, which they were so proud of, began to lap at their doorsteps there (Fig. 4, Fig. 5, Fig. 6).

They were then told that their melting of the ice sheets was also a no-no (Why The Military Can't Defend Against The Invasion).

Some of them hit the trail called Highway 61, hoping that it would cause a distraction.

Even more of them went back to Dr. Spin for another dose of hopium, and he "gave them the business" (The Deceit Business).

Fig. 5
Fig. 6

They began to pay the warming commentariat to spin humble oil yarns, to pay the warming trumpeters to rise up above science and fib about the warming Sun being the source of the "rising seas that were getting fat from eating too much sunshine" (The Warming Science Commentariat, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6).

They began to pay the magi to mass produce exquisite smoke, mirrors, and tom foolery because the hoi polloi did not appreciate their cool water (Smoke & Fumes).

The rest of the story is an unfolding mystery (Why?, Attorneys General).

The Humble Oil-Qaeda Anthem