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Emergency Medical

Taxi /Wine tours
Wineries Featured
Camping 1

Camping 2
Real Estate
Visitors in Solvang
zip codes

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GasUp Photos"


 1amerflg.gif (12791 bytes)Welcome to Solvang, CA. USA 
Velkommen"        in Danish. 
No passport needed to visit the little Danish replica village.) 
   The gentle rolling hills, windmills, quiet streets, horse drawn carriages, family bicycles, golf courses, horse ranches, wineries, Danish bakeries, authentic Danish costumes worn by some shop keepers, Danish smorgaasbord restaurants, museums of racing and Solvang history, in the Danish atmosphere and architecture are waiting for you.  
 We welcome your visit to SolvangCA!

Set your GPS  to Solvang, CA
93463, 1683Copenhagen Drive 

Los Alamos Days September 23 - 25, 2011 click here

 May we offer you lodging for your stay in Solvang    or rlodg1.gif (1721 bytes) to book a room on line.

Arne Hansen new book "A Glimpse In Time As Seen
From Solvang Restaurant"

Chef Arne of Solvang - for your aebleskiver
how to video, mix, electric aebleskiver pan.  click here

   Lodging   Danish Maid - Heidi Anderson gasoline museum private.
 SolvangMall   Goods and Services

Solvang is in the Santa Ynez Valley  Our Neighbors
All can be reached within 25 minutes of pictu
resque driving.  
(phone area  805) We have taxi service from the Santa Barbara
area to Solvang.  Taxi  

Ed Ando our gardener 080517a   80517b  080517c  080517d         Picture Gallery 080616 Ed's garden .cherries  - Saturn Peaches, Plums are green and look like grapes they are so plentiful.  Stop and smell his roses.

  How to Fold the United States of America Flag.
Red - The Pledge of Allegiance: (just close out and this page
will still be on your screen)

.©SOLVANGCA.COM 1992 - 2011 cc: 1992 -2011