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Club Today Not Tomorrow

Saturday Mornings 11 AM
Digital 3-2; Direct TV 14
Charter Channel 14

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"Using the Medium of Entertainment to Inform and Educate"

Club TNT (Today Not Tomorrow) creatively reaches young people, ages 10-18, through the use of music, dance, poetry and "straight talk."  Show producers encourage and stimulate the creative energy of show participants as they develop public service announcements that confront the issues of gang involvement, smoking, alcohol and other drug abuse, teen pregnancy, adolescent suicide awareness and prevention, and the negative impact of a life of crime. 

Be On Club TNT!

Club TNT members pledge to be drug, alcohol and tobacco free, and if of school age, to remain enrolled and active in their respective schools. Want to BE ON CLUB TNT?  Click HERE to read more or to download our Participation Guidelines or Permission and Registration Form.

HOT NEWS!!!          HOT NEWS!!!          HOT NEWS!!!          HOT NEWS!!!          HOT NEWS!!!          HOT NEWS!!!          HOT NEWS!!!          HOT NEWS!!!          HOT NEWS!!!          HOT NEWS!!!          HOT NEWS!!!          HOT NEWS!!!

Today Not Tomorrow/Club TNT Wins
Madison Magazine Editor’s Choice Award

Each year Madison Magazine announces the Best of Madison determined by a reader poll. In addition the editorial staff of Madison Magazine choose their own “Best” for the Editor’s Choice Best of Madison Award.

The 2009 Editor’s Choice Award Winners were honored at a private reception preceding the BEST of Madison Celebration at the Madison Club, Friday evening, June 12.

Madison Magazine Editor, Brennan Nardi, explained that the Editor’s Choice Award is given to individuals or organizations that work passionately for and within the community and do so not seeking recognition.

Neil Heinen, Editorial Director and Brennan Nardi, Editor, were the reception hosts. Neil Heinen presented the Editor Choice Award to Ralph Middlecamp, director of Society of St. Vincent De Paul, and spoke of the expansion seen by St. Vincent de Paul, and the many lives that are touched daily by the work of St. Vincent de Paul.

He also recognized 2 other winners, who were not able to be in attendance: Jessie Vetter, a member of UW-Madison Women’s Hockey Team; and Lt. Col. Tim Donovan, 32nd Infantry Brigade Combat Team, currently serving in Iraq.

Brennan Nardi, presented the awards to Today Not Tomorrow. Inc. / Club TNT - Gaddi Ben Dan, Senior Executive Producer, Betty Banks, Executive Director and Jeanne Erickson, Director of Public Relations.

Ms Nardi began here presentation by reflecting on the story of President Obama and the 10 year old Green Bay student. She spoke of how he reached out to the grassroots of community to uplift and let them know that they are important.

She explained how that reflection made her think of Today Not Tomorrow / Club TNT and the work that they have done in the past 5 years – uplifting the community at a grassroots level and raising the voices of those that are often not heard.

Although awards were given to the above named individuals, they each spoke of the work of the entire Today Not Tomorrow team, all of whom are volunteers. Members of the team attending the reception with Dan and Banks and Erickson were Rena and Geraldine Simmons and Emma Earls. Bill Breitsprecher, webmaster and library media specialist, was unable to attend.

The complete listing of the 28th Annual Reader’s Poll BEST of Madison can be found in the July issue of Madison Magazine, hitting the stands on Thursday, along with information about the 2009 Editor’s Choice Award Winners.

Club TNT Launches
Listen Hear!

Club TNT (Today Not Tomorrow) will launch Listen Hear! on Sunday, May 3rd. Listen Hear! is a weekly 60 minute live radio broadcast Sunday Morning 9 –10 am on Madison’s WTDY 1670 AM.

Listen Hear! will promote the voices of youth and the community individuals, groups or organizations that support youth. Segments will include:

bulletPump It Up.  Dialogue with guests to promote their organizations and initiatives that support youth
bulletExpress Yourself.  Youth voice on issues impacting them through dialogue, spoken word, rap or song. This segment may be pre-recorded.
bulletProps for our Youth.  Recognition of youth success story
bulletVolunteer of the Month.  Recognition of youth monthly for volunteerism
bulletOutreach Message.  Weekly highlight of event or program that affects or will impact youth.
bulletI Love It When You Read To Me.  Weekly highlight of books and authors from Picture Books (Pre readers) to Chapter Books for middle readers to YA Lit novels for teens.

Join the conversation with co-hosts Derek Bridges and Betty Banks by calling 608-321-1670 or toll free at 1-877-867-1670 .

The inaugural guests on May 3rd will Connie Bettin, CYF Prevention Manager of the Dane County Youth Commission, Otis Harris, Facilitator of the Dane County Youth Board, and a youth board member.

Live streaming is available at

For information about programming or to become a sponsor of Listen Hear, contact Jeanne Erickson at 608-770-2049.

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Segments and Segways

Club TNT uses a fast-moving format and presents information about a variety of topics in a multitute of styles.  Here are some of the segments and segways that are featured:

bulletThe Spoken Word.  Teachers, parents, and others who interact with young people are wondering what teens are talking about and why they are demonstrating such adverse and self-destructive behaviors. Teens respond by saying that "adults are not listening to us or our concerns". It is true that teens and young adults are speaking a "new language" that adults don't quite understand. Club TNT's Spoken Word Segment provides a conduit that creates a bridge of understanding for this gap in communication.
bullet Express Yourself.  This stage encourages young people who have the desire to express themselves to take advantage of an opportunity to perform, rap, rhyme etc. Unfamiliar words spoken by them flash on the screen with definitions for the viewing audience.
bulletRappers Delight.  This stage showcases the more advanced student poets who are serious authors of the spoken word trend.
bulletCommunity Inquisitions.  These short interviews are with parents, and other adults who are on the set of Club TNT or participating in area events. These conversations are important because they reinforce the message and mission of the show. Parents talk about their involvement and how their teen's involvement has impacted their family. Special guests who are invited share their reasons for supporting Club TNT.
bulletPump It Up.  Youth and adult discussion panels explore the messages behind the music, and the impact those messages have on society and the youth culture. The panels also explore some of the barriers felt between today's generations that may contribute to the at risk behaviors some youth exhibit. They help define this entertainment phenomenon that adolescents and teens are emulating. These panels pump up awareness for teens and parents, and all those interacting with youth as they deal with areas often unspoken or difficult to discuss, including issues that may lead to adolescent depression, sadness and/ hopelessness and the measures that can be taken to support the coping strategies and reduce incidence of adolescent suicide.
bulletSpeak on It.  Producers are scheduling guests who exemplify positive lifestyles and choices via information and resources for one on one conversation about issues and challenges facing youth and our communities today. Information and outreach resources to meet these challenges are also specifically discussed for youth as well as parents, caregivers and all adults within the community in this segment.  Guests who have appeared or are scheduled to appear include:
bulletLauren Brown-Perry, Madison Area
Urban Ministry
bulletStan Woodard, Community Coordinator UW-Madison School of Human Ecology and Host of WORT 8AM Buzz
bulletRich Gibbs, Outreach Ministry - Verona
bulletDarlene Burrrell, Community Leader
bulletMary Rouse, UW-Madison
bulletTom Farley, Chris Farley Foundation
bulletJohnnie Winston, Jr., MMSD School Board Member
bulletMusic Time Capsule.  A music time capsule in the form of a spaceship descends from infinity and lands on earth. A ramp unfolds and the music capsule emerges and spins out a positive "blast from the past" which includes vintage Club TNT footage.
bulletThis “N” That.  This segment takes the viewer to meet the “person in the street” to get their reactions, reflections, thoughts on issues, topics and questions that are posed to them. This “N” That stresses that everyone’s thoughts are valued, and through simple one on one conversation love and respect can be spread.
bulletAngel.  This PSA spotlights the teddy bear, Angel. Angel reminds handgun owners to keep firearms secure and out of the paths of their children. Angel wears a fashionable “CAP” and will periodically reach up and adjust it to make sure it is firmly and fashionably in place. Angel speaks to the viewers on the importance of conforming to the Wisconsin CAP Law – Child Access Prevention Law. Adolescents who succumb to suicide normally project many signs that are interpreted before and after by peer group members. Angel (along with other animated bears/ and adults) demonstrates coping strategies to help prevent suicide from a clinician’s viewpoint designed for adolescents. The symptoms of depression , warning signs of suicide and the Risk Factors for suicide, as outlined in the Yellow Ribbon Campaign for Suicide Prevention highlight PSAs,, using animation, youth and adults, including dignitaries and celebrities.
bulletBig Stomp and Little Stomp.  These 2 animated African elephants periodically appear out of vegetation and “Stomp Out” risky behaviors, such as alcohol, drug use, gangs, smoking, adolescent sexual activity, and suicide. Big Stomp and Little Stomp are shown following the respective issue PSAs.
bulletTriple DDD (Triple Death).  At first glance Triple DDD is a safe character, quietly picking away on an air guitar. As the character turns around the ugliness of Triple DDD is made visible, as the effects of hard drugs, alcohol, and smoking can be seen in the character’s face, head and brain. Triple DDD stands for the “Triple Death” that is the result of making the wrong decisions and getting caught up in the turmoil of hard drugs, alcohol and smoking. Triple DDD makes an appearance in each episode and is accompanied by three PSAs representative of each of the areas of abuse.
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It is said that the climate or mood of a city or even a neighborhood can be felt by the music of the area. By playing the music of the era of the producers, and at the same time recognizing the music of the day, Club TNT poses the strong question, "What will be the legacy of hip hop?"

Although there is a wide array of music, the music director WORT's, Lady P selects music that promotes positive values and lifestyles. Through skits and vignettes, there are opportunities for discussions about lyrics and messages that today's music sends.

TNT Photo Gallery

Want to see some of the fun we have on Club TNT?  Why not take a moment and "click through" our photo gallery.  Of course, be sure to check out the show on Madison's UPN, Channel 14 too. 

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The Children's March

It was not all that long ago that Jim Crow laws made segregation and discrimination a part of life in America.  While these laws existed primarily in the "old south," negative attitudes about diversity and legal barriers to integration existed all over America.  For example, in Chicago suburbs, it was common to have property deeds state that a house could not be sold to an African American.  Imagine what segregation would be like.  Click HERE to see more.

TNT Book Club

Have you read any good books lately?  Are you looking for something interesting to read?  We'd love to hear from you!  Please end us to with your reflections, suggestions, comments, or ideas.  

Here are some suggestions for popular books that today's young adults are enjoying along with information about some of our favorite authors.  We're sure you can find these books at local public libraries, school library media centers, or many bookstores as inexpensive paperbacks.  Click HERE to see more.

We have links to great books and favorite authors.  You can also browse our book selections following categories:

bulletRealistic Fiction, Problem Novels
bulletAdventure, Sports, Mysteries, Supernatural, Horror
bulletFantasy and Science Fiction
bulletHistorical Fiction
bulletNonfiction, Biography
bulletPoetry, Drama, Short Stories

Our favorite authors include:

bulletJudy Blume
bulletMeg Cabot
bulletEoin Colfer
bulletRobert Cormier
bulletChris Crutcher
bulletPaul Fleischman
bulletAngela Johnson
bulletRobin McKinley
bulletWalter Dean Myers
bulletJoyce Carol Oates
bulletGary Paulson
bulletGary Soto
bulletSuzanne Fisher Staples
bulletMildred Taylor
bulletCynthia Voight
bulletJacqueline Woodson
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TNT Collegian

While all Club TNT members pledge to be drug, alcohol and tobacco free and, if of school age, to remain enrolled and active in their respective schools; some plan to continue their education after graduating from high school. When is the best time to start planning for college? ITS NEVER TOO SOON!  Click HERE to see more.  We provide discussions and links about:

bulletDifferences Between High School and College
bulletSelf Understanding
bulletTime Management for College Students
bulletGoal Setting
bulletStress and College Life
bulletCollege Math
bulletLearning Tips and Tricks
bulletResources for College Prep and Study Skills

TNT Alcohol Awareness Web

Approximately one-half of U.S. adults report a family history of alcoholism or problem drinking. Nearly 14 million Americans have alcohol disorders.  Talking about alcohol and underage drinking is important.  While many talk about kids and illicit drugs, it is alcohol that remains the No. 1 drug problem for young people.  We have links for:

bullet Alcohol & The Brain
bullet Research Guide
bullet Print Resources
bullet Support & Help
bullet For Mom & Dad
bullet For Teachers
bullet Kids & Students
bulletAA Big Book Study

TNT Brain Matters Web

What do you download into your brain?  This site sticks to the facts, presenting the latest research on how substances of abuse affect the brain.  Click HERE to see more.  We provide resources that talk about:

bullet Brain Basics
bullet Addiction
bullet Hallucinogens
bullet Inhalants
bullet Marijuana
bullet Meth
bullet Nicotine
bullet Opiates
bullet Steroids

TNT Resources

Club TNT provides opportunities for youth to express themselves through the medium of television, providing resources to help them say "yes" to positive lifestyles and hope.  This page represents a collection of links that "visitors" might find useful to help them in school, personal use, or other endeavors.  Click HERE to see more.

Podcasts for Learning ( podcast is a collection of digital media files which is distributed over the Internet using syndication feeds for downloading and playback on personal computers or portable media players. They are available to use 24/7, on-demand.  Think of them as radio or TV shows that you can sign up for and watch when it is convenient for you.  A powerful educational tool, learn more about finding podcasts, podcasts for teachers, what you need, getting started, RSS feeds, promoting podcasts, tips & tricks, and podcasting resources.

Mr. B's Beginning Algebra.  Taking an algebra class this year?  Studying for the ACT/SAT?  Perhaps you want to get a "head start" or review before you start a math class.  Here is everything you needs here - a comprehensive review of the  fundamentals of higher-level math.  There are many links to some of the best math sites on the web as well as a comprehensive set of downloadable, printable "newsletters," Algebra Connections, which cover all the fundamentals.

Mr. B's Career HomepageWhachya gonna do when you get out of high school?  Get a job or a career?  Will you continue your education?  Maybe you are just starting to think about creating a plan of action now -- here are a set of links to help:

bullet Career Development Activities
bullet Career Clusters
bullet Online Career Resources
bullet The importance of "soft skills"
bullet Careers in the News
bullet Job Hunting Tips

Mr. B's Dewey Challenge!  Ready to master Dewey Decimal? Ready to master information science? Are you ready to find your way around virtually ANY library?

If you answered "YES", then you can start our online quiz by clicking HERE. Each question shows you a book and has 3 answer choices - choose the one that correctly identifies which general Dewey number the book belongs in. Good Luck!. Click HERE if you want to review Dewey Numbers before you take the Dewey Challenge. Good Luck!

Mr. B's Forestry WebWisconsin is "America's Woodbasket" - it is also the nation's leading producer of soft and specialty papers.  The timber industry played an important roll in this states development.  Even today, it represents Wisconsin's second largest industrial segment.  Our forests are important to our economy, ecology, and social fabric.  Learn more by looking at multimedia and more Web resources about:

bullet Fire Prevention
bullet Forest Management
bullet Invasive Species
bullet Maple Syrup
bullet The Wood Industry
bullet Woodland Owners,
bullet Links For Kids
bullet Links For Teachers
bullet Forestry In the News.

Mr. B's Research Seminar.  Knowing when you need information, how to find it, and being able to evaluate and organize are important skills. Information literacy enhance our personal lives, school work, and careers. Thinking about "research" as a process helps. We have resources and links about plagiarism, copyrights, research & reference, search strategies, an interactive review, and MORE!

Mr. B's Web SeminarSharing technology is fun and the Web is the best place to do it.  Here are some resources, "under construction" about applying information and technology skills.  Created for Madison's CELEBRATING YOUTH at Monona Terrace and for a course in Web design, the newest addition to TNT's resources includes:

bullet Tips & Tricks With MS Office
bullet Background Information on the 'Net
bullet Safe Surfing
bullet Searching Tips & Tricks
bullet Suggestions for Evaluating Information
bullet Copyrights for Web designers
bullet Web Design Fundamentals
bullet Introduction to Web Graphics
bullet Links to More Resources (under construction, we will be adding more to this listing)

Mr. B's Writing Quick Tips.  Here's some "tips and tricks" to help you improve your writing.  Writing as a process.  Check out the links for: 

bullet Editing and Proofreading
bullet Grammar
bullet Punctuation
bullet Capitalization
bullet Tricky Words
bullet Academic/Essay and Business/Technical Styles
bullet Persuasion
bullet Documentation of Sources
bullet Links to Great Writing Sites

We have also assembled the following resources:

bulletAcademic All-Stars
bulletResearch & Reference
bulletResearch Guides
bullet Celebrate Native American Heritage
bullet Honoring Hispanic American Heritage
bullet Honoring Asian Pacific American History
bullet Celebrate Women's History
bullet Honoring African American History
bullet Homage to Coretta Scott King
bullet Celebrating the Life of Martin Luther King, Junior
bulletVirtual Trips
bulletBrain Matters Resources
bulletNews Links
bulletComputer Skills
bulletOnline Games
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About Club TNT

Amazing Grace! We at Club TNT are very grateful that we are about to embark on our fifth season. Some people have inquired about just when did Club TNT begin. The idea of Club TNT was born in 1989, by 2 friends, Gaddi Ben Dan and Betty Banks. During the viewing of the popular show "Soul Train" it was decided that we could do a show similar to that but with a twist.

Our first broadcast was in October of 1990. Club TNT was filmed first in the now defunct Wally Gator’s of Madison and DJ’s in Wisconsin Dells. Madison’s premier pitch man, "Ralphie Boy" Cohen of Z104 FM radio was our original host. After a decade’s absence, The NEW and Improved Club TNT began broadcast on UPN14 on September 13, 2003.

It is written that you can tell the mood of young people, by the mode of the music. There are messages in the music. A persistent question asked on Club TNT is why don’t we want to play a lot of music that is currently on air. The goal of Club TNT is to use television and all forms of media to inform and educate. We at Club TNT understand that if music disrespects women, glorifies the use of drugs and alcohol, promotes sex before time and encourages choosing gangs over family, it must be discussed and not just blindly accepted.

We believe in young people and we know young people know the difference in their hearts between right and wrong. We encourage young people to use their family and god given chooses which are greater than any peer group pressure. Think about this. Music today has the opportunity to bless, heal, or uplift.. or the opposite, curse, kill and destroy.

The challenges of youth in the early 90s have not disappeared, but instead have increased. 2003 Wisconsin Youth Risk Behavior Survey Thus the message for the teens over a decade ago, remains current "Make responsible decisions today, without waiting for tomorrow." (Today Not Tomorrow) Put thumbs up to life!

One love, GBD

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Contact Club TNT

When we celebrate and share positive lifestyles, everyone comes out a "winner." Please carefully read the form, complete it accurately and legibly, and return it to:

bulletGaddi B. Dan
Senior Executive Producers
Today Not Tomorrow, Inc.

P.O. Box 2397
Madison, WI 53701
Phone: (608) 358-7036
bulletBetty Banks
Executive Producers
Today Not Tomorrow, Inc.

P.O. Box 2397
Madison, WI 53701
Phone: (608) 241-9464
bulletJeanne Leccia Erickson
Public Relations, Club TNT

c/o Leccia & Associates, Inc.
P.O. Box 1312
Madison, WI 53701
Phone: (608) 770-2049
bulletBill Breitsprecher
Webmaster, Club TNT


If you have any questions, please contact us and we will address your questions or concerns as soon as possible.

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Madison Magazine Editor’s Choice!

Be On Club TNT

CUNA Mutual

TNT Partners, Sponsors, Friends
""We don't do it alone."

 Mr. B's Library Skills TV

Mr. B's
Research Seminar

"Take 5" Research Process     Mr. B's Math Minutes:  Video Tutorials

for Learning

Mr. B's Beginning Algebra

Mr. B's Career Exploration Web

Do You Know Your Library's Dewey Numbers?

Mr. B's
Forestry Web

Mr. B's
Web Seminar

Mr. B's Writing Quicktips

Atwood Community Center

Boys and Girls Club of Dane County

Good N Loud Music


You can do it,

Safe Communities Coalition

"Simpson Street Free Press"

Tobacco Free Dane County Coalition

Warner Park Community Recreation Center

Wisconsin Council on Developmental Disabilities

Celebrating Youth




A locally produced television show (Madison, Wisconsin) that uses the medium of entertainment to inform and educate.  

©2003-2006, William P. Breitsprecher & BreitLinksAll Rights Reserved.  Questions or concerns, please contact the Webmaster at