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Report from interim Executive Director

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Report to the PNB from the interim Executive Director


October 2009


Here we are in early October 2009 looking at a landscape for Pacifica that’s now trending upward after a very scary multi-year decline.


Major steps have been taken by current senior management to make the Foundation stronger fiscally.  These actions have greatly improved fund drive performance at WBAI, our New York City station, in two consecutive fund drives.  As 80% of our income is from on-air fund raising, this is very significant.  The same techniques used to improve our on-air income at WBAI are going to be used at WPFW, our Washington, D.C. station.  We have reason to believe that these improvements will also result in better revenue at WPFW.


All of our stations had weak winter fund drives last year but recovered in the fall, some more than others.  The recovery at WBAI was very substantial and both the spring and summer drives at that station showed better per day pledge totals than had been seen in many years.  KPFT, our Houston station, went from being 27% under its budgeted winter fund drive goal to 10% under in its spring drive.  It's most recent summer drive came in about 9% above its goal, showing gradual but steady improvement.  There is also the promise of significantly improved on-air fund raising at WPFW, which has had the most recent management change.


KPFK in Los Angeles has just reached its fund drive goal of $1.15 million, which, as far as I know, is the highest amount ever raised at that station in a fund drive. 


This has not been easy in difficult economic times.  It says much for the energy, creativity, and dynamism of our staff and their positive response to improved local management at several stations.


We are rapidly adjusting to a weak national economy with better fund drive strategies and planning, and utilizing lessons learned from our sister stations and our Affiliate Network. 


Most importantly, programming is being improved at our stations, which should result in increased listenership that will almost definitely improve our revenue.


Austerity measures were taken in late 2008 at several of our stations that have brought us some financial relief.  Further cuts are possible and will be used to balance our budgets if necessary.


Currently, we have no significant long-term debt.  We own 3 buildings outright.  Our building in Los Angeles that houses KPFK and the Pacifica Archives was appraised about 8 months ago at $4 million.  Our building in Berkeley, CA, which houses KPFA and the National Office, would probably appraise at $5 million.  We own our building in Houston that houses KPFT that is worth about $250,000.


Legal cases have been settled recently that had been unresolved for literally years.


Major efforts are being made to improve our workplace environments at our 5 stations, Affiliate and Archive Units and National Office.  Earlier this year a highly qualified interim HR Director was hired, on-line Sexual Harassment Training is taking place throughout the network, and HR and other complaints are investigated and dealt with very rapidly. 


Community Advisory Boards have met and are active at all 5 of our stations.  Documentation of these meetings, including website and audio clips of on-air meeting announcements, minutes and rosters are on file at the National Office.  The Boards will be generating community needs assessments that will help our stations better understand and serve our listeners.


It is not unusual for the search process for senior management of a conglomerate the size of Pacifica to be a lengthy process, often with an interim period filled by an interim manager or managers.  This is currently the case with Pacifica.  Our stations are quite independent and capable of functioning with minimal senior management.  However, there currently is an intense search process ongoing to find a very qualified permanent ED and CFO and we expect to fill both positions soon.  Also, the current interims have stated their willingness to stay on for a period of up to 3 months to ensure a smooth management transition.  We see no lack of continuity in the positive financial turnaround of this Foundation.


The real wealth of Pacifica is its people.  Paid and unpaid staff, board members, members, listeners, volunteers.  All contribute.  We couldn’t exist without their dedication, zeal, talent and commitment.


We would be betraying them all if we didn’t demand constantly improving programming, better managed stations, greater efficiency and expansion.  Yes, we must increase our Affiliate Network, move out and create a strong international presence, push ahead so that we can purchase more stations, have a dynamic interactive, video enabled website that broadcasts the best of Pacifica 24/7.  I personally hope we become a formidable force that reaches more and more people with messages of hope and practical solutions that make a better world.  We can do it. 


I must personally especially thank LaVarn Williams, our interim CFO and the interim GM at WBAI for her Herculean, tireless and brilliant efforts in those two positions.  People tell me she is ‘magic’ and I can tell you that’s true.


I want to thank Ricardo DeAnda for confronting and tackling our legal morass.  We now see light at the end of the tunnel. 


Ahmad Anderson, our interim HR Director, has been very valuable in this transition period.  He is steering us to better workplace practices like our ongoing Sexual Harassment Training.  He will be guiding us through the process of training staff on the how’s and why’s of routine staff evaluations.  He is helping gather policies and procedures for the Foundation, something long needed.


Thank you to our overworked and talented Finance staff at the National Office, Lynn Magno and Efren Llarinas and to Chris Neira, our National Office Administrative Assistant.


Thank you so much to Jon Almeleh, our National Technical Director and Ursula Rudenberg, our Affiliates Director.  Otis Maclay should also be commended.  You all know how patient they are and how much they work. 


Brian Deshazor and his staff have out done themselves.  They have just been awarded a $100,000 grant to preserve historical civil rights material!


At WBAI I want to thank Tony Bates for being a fund drive genius.  I want to thank Kathy Davis, as well for her relentless efforts.  Also, Esther, Reggie, Sidney, Shawn, Rebecca, Yvonne, and on and on! 


I want to let you all know that KPFT, which has always been a ‘by the book’ station, has stepped out ahead of the crowd to improve their programming grid.  This took courage on the part of Duane Bradley, KPFT GM and Ernesto Aguillar, the Program Director as well as the rest of the staff, Local Station Board members, etc. 


Christine Blosdale, at KPFK, has helped find and pitch premiums that are raising tons of money at several stations.  She is creative, positive, omnipresent and indefatigable.  Bob Conger, iGM, Alan Minsky, iPD, Jennifer Kiser, assistant GM, Ali Lexa, Webmaster, Zuberi Fields, Jonathan Alexander, Sonali Kolhatkar, Maggie Lepique, Margaret Prescod, etc., etc. all should be commended for excellent work not only at KPFK but for their assistance in strengthening WBAI.  KPFK is holding its 50th Anniversary Fundraiser at the Ford Amphitheater this Friday evening, Oct. 9th.  The headliner is Ziggy Marley.


Mitch Jeserich at KPFA has been continuing to produce programming that elevates Pacifica and sets a standard for excellence.  I’m not as familiar with KPFA as I should be.  KPFAers -- please thank yourselves for keeping your station going.


Grigsby Hubbard, one of the Founders of WPFW, is now its interim GM.  He is working more than can be believed to upgrade the sound, stature and content of the programming there.  When I visited WPFW for a few days I was very impressed by their small, but very efficient, friendly, knowledgeable and professional staff.  Thanks Grigsby, Gloria Minot, Bobby Hill, Tiffany Jordan, Robert West, etc.  WPFW has received a $ 25,000 grant in support of future work with the UCLA School of Public Health, Center to Eliminate Health Disparities in part to launch on-air health segments in 2010.  Recently, Cornell West spoke at a fundraiser for WPFW. 


All the reports of our GMs, National Board Committees, other key staff will be posted on our website and make interesting reading.  Anything I left out can be found in those reports.


Les Radke can’t be thanked enough for his dedication, fairness and perseverance.  Thanks also to Michael Sanchez, KPFK’s perfectionist Local Election Supervisor, Renee Asteria, at KPFA, Lydia Harris at WPFW, Ann Shaw at KPFT and Ethan Young at WBAI.  You all get the ‘courage under fire’ award!  This is the best group of LESes we could have hoped for. 


Last but not least, I’d like to thank all the Pacifica National Board members.  First, did you know that Carolyn Birden, besides being one of our most diligent Directors, has been housing LaVarn and myself when we’re in NY?  This has saved Pacifica and WBAI thousands of dollars!!  Jamie Ross, the Chair of our Finance Committee, please apologize to your wife and children.  Tell then we’ll give you back some day.   Sandra Rawline should be commended for all the work she’s done Chairing the Personnel Committee.  You all have worked hard and it is appreciated!  I’d like to thank my critics on the PNB.  You have no idea how I rely on you to be my quality control arm.  This saves me much time.  I don’t proofread or look over my shoulder.  I trust that the things I’ve messed up or neglected will be found and communicated to me.  I mean this sincerely.  No one likes criticism, but if there’s no one to do it things can’t be corrected.  At first I get irritated and then I listen to my critics because an unfixed error is worse than a bruised ego.  Richard Uzzell, our wonderful Secretary, we love you for taking great minutes, your sense of humor and your team that helped clean up the WBAI offices!!  What a terrific example you set for us all.


I haven’t mentioned many, many people who deserve praise.  Please forgive the oversight.


To conclude my report, I’d like to reassure you that the Pacifica Foundation is currently on better financial footing than many, if not most, radio networks both commercial and noncommercial.  It has weathered many storms both internal and external.  Pacifica is celebrating its 60th birthday this year.  KPFA is celebrating its 60th anniversary this year, KPFK its 50th and KPFT its 39th.  I have no doubt that the Foundation will continue to exist far into the future.


The death of radio has been greatly exaggerated.  According to the latest Arbitron information, “Overall, public radio continued to expand its weekly reach, rising from 11.2% to 11.8% of the U.S. population over that two-year period [2006-2008], 12% ahead of its 10.5% cume rating in Fall 2005.”  [1]


Two reliable sources and a number of news articles show that many commercial and noncommercial radio stations have over leveraged their assets and are now, essentially, owned by banks and other financial giants.[2]   Media professionals speculate that the percent of stations close to bankruptcy is 70-90%.  This includes Clear Channel, Citadel and other mega radio consortiums.  This agglomeration of media in the hands of the few, the wealthy, and, often, the amoral, means that our voice, the voice of independent, noncommercial, democratic, free and open radio MUST not only continue but become stronger, fiercer and keep speaking truth to power. 


In peace,

Grace Aaron, Pacifica interim Executive Director




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