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Tributes To Vietnam Veterans by their families and friends
The motivation in creating and publishing this WWW Page is to provide a dynamic, multimedia-based "chronology" of the Vietnam Warand its aftermath as seen through the eyes of Veterans, their families, and their friends.
Within this context, the term "Veteran" refers not only to the war fighters of either side but also to the men and women who served the war effort in Vietnam in myriad other capacities.
The contributions to this Home Page span the period beginning with the early war years and continue through present-day Vietnam. The building of this Page is an ongoing, distributed, collaborative enterprise supported by Vietnam War Veterans and Friends of Veterans around the World.
This Home Page is dedicated to the memory of Vietnam Veteran Lewis Burwell Puller Jr. Lew was the "pointman" for this patrol and guided us safely to the Line of Departure.
"We'll take over from here, Lew. Your spirit, dedication, and vision will inspire all of us to carry on in your footsteps.
"Semper Fi, old warrior. We'll miss you."