Sep 28th

Center for Equal Opportunity

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CEO Chairman Linda Chavez discusses Wisconsin race studies on the O'Reilly Factor

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headshot1.png Standardized Testing Under Attack ... Again As predictably as fall marks the beginning of the new school year in campuses across the country, so, too, does it usher in new attacks on standardized testing. The 2011 version comes in the form of a new book, "SAT Wars,"
  • Read Linda Chavez's Blog

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Mission Statement

The Center for Equal Opportunity is the nation’s only conservative think tank devoted to issues of race and ethnicity. Our fundamental vision is straightforward: America always has been a multiethnic and multiracial nation, and is becoming even more so; this makes it imperative that our national policies not divide our people according to skin color and national origin; but rather, these policies should emphasize and nurture the principles that unify us. E pluribus unum. . . out of many, one.

