New York Times "The Caucus"
New York Times "The Caucus"

Video: Texas Tribune Weighs in on The Caucus

Texas Tribune reporter Emily Ramshaw joins other national reporters in the New York Times video segment of "The Caucus" for a closer look at five moments from Thursday night's GOP presidential debate in Orlando, Fla.

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Medina, Activists Take Aim at Rick Perry at Capitol

Former gubernatorial candidate Debra Medina speaks at the Texas Capitol about crony capitalism, joined by Janet Ahmad of Homeowners for Better Building, on Sept. 22, 2011
Former gubernatorial candidate Debra Medina speaks at the Texas Capitol about crony capitalism, joined by Janet Ahmad of Homeowners for Better Building, on Sept. 22, 2011

Former gubernatorial candidate and Tea Party favorite Debra Medina and other activists slammed what they called a culture of crony capitalism in Texas politics at a Capitol press conference on Thursday — taking aim at Gov. Rick Perry.

Texas Still Undecided on No Child Left Behind Waiver

Texas Commissioner of Education Robert Scott speaks at the TASA midwinter conference in Austin, Texas February 1st, 2011
Texas Commissioner of Education Robert Scott speaks at the TASA midwinter conference in Austin, Texas February 1st, 2011

Despite more details from the Obama administration today about how it would exempt states from complying with the law's signature requirements, the Texas Education Agency has yet to decide whether it will apply for a waiver on federal accountability requirements under the 2001 act.

Evolving Law Results in Unequal Pay to Exonerated Prisoners

Entre Nax Karage outside his home in Dallas on September 12, 2011.
Entre Nax Karage outside his home in Dallas on September 12, 2011.

How much Texas pays exonerated prisoners depends largely on when they were released and applied for compensation. Changes in the law over the last decade have created vastly different payouts for former prisoners, leaving some feeling doubly wronged.

In Desert El Paso, a Return of Los Lagartos?

El Paso city representative Steve Ortega, District 7,  poses for a portrait in San Jacinto Plaza, also known to previous generations of El Pasoans as Plaza de los Lagartos, on September 19, 2011.
El Paso city representative Steve Ortega, District 7, poses for a portrait in San Jacinto Plaza, also known to previous generations of El Pasoans as Plaza de los Lagartos, on September 19, 2011.

El Paso oldtimers fondly remember the small congregation of alligators that inhabited their downtown plaza from 1889 to 1965. As this border city works to remake its downtown, the question arises: Should the city bring back live alligators?

When Second Place is the Same as Last

Nobody is required to pay attention to you just because you’re running for office. Not the news media, not the money people and not the voters. But where is the line on who’s in and who’s out?

Perry Prays for Obama Again

In a speech to the Faith and Freedom Coalition in Orlando, hours before his third presidential debate, Gov. Rick Perry said the most frequent target of his political attacks needed a little divine intervention to guide him in the White House.

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Video: Trib's Root, Ramshaw Analyze Perry's Campaign