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Frank Luntz' Focus Group Overwhelmingly Votes Romney The Winner Of Fox News' GOP Presidential Debate

Reported by Ellen - Fri 12:32 AM

Participants said Romney "looked presidential," called him "Reaganesque," "elegant," and "decisive," and praised his "specific answers." Perry, on the other hand, was pegged as "too defensive" and "such a waffler." One woman called his support for education for illegal immigrants "absolutely disgusting." The focus group was part of a special post-debate Hannity show. Oddly, Perry was one of the few candidates not to appear on it. Could it be he didn't want to answer any questions about that cervical cancer patient he claimed lobbied him to require girls to get the HPV vaccine - even though he didn't meet her until after his executive order had been issued?

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Fox Nation Uses Photo Of Black Man To Headline Thread About White Supremacist

Reported by Priscilla - Thu 10:14 PM

In a stunning example of either poor editing or straight out race baiting, Fox Nation used a picture of Troy Davis, the African American man who was executed by Georgia, to headline this article: "Texas Abolishes 'Last Meal' Request For Death Row Inmates." The material on the Fox Nation thread reports that Texas will no longer honor the tradition of the choice of the last meal for convicts sentenced to die. The change of policy is because a Texas state senator was outraged about the size of the meal chosen by Lawrence Russell Brewer who was sentenced to die for dragging an African American, James Boyd, to his death more than ten years ago. While the Fox Nation "front page" references the crime as a "hate crime," it neither identifies the killer as a white supremacist nor the victim as black. The casual reader (and for Fox Nation the term is used quite loosely) who is not familiar with the crime is left with the impression that the death row inmate of the story is an African American who committed a hate crime against a white man. You just can't make this stuff up. Oh, right. This is Fox Nation. Nuff said!

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Fox News Too Busy With Its GOP/Obama-Bashing Agenda To Cover Troy Davis Execution

Reported by Ellen - Thu 3:16 PM

As many know, Georgia prisoner Troy Davis was executed last night after an 11th hour request to the U.S. Supreme Court for a stay was denied. Davis’ execution was controversial because, as CBS News reported, "Hundreds of thousands of people signed petitions on Davis' behalf, and prominent supporters included an ex-president and an ex-FBI director, liberals and conservatives. His attorneys said seven of nine key witnesses against him disputed all or parts of their testimony, but state and federal judges repeatedly ruled against him -- three times on Wednesday alone." So how did “we report, you decide” and “fair and balanced” Fox News cover this last night? Barely. In three hours of prime time that included The O’Reilly Factor, Hannity and On The Record, there was only one brief Fox News alert when the Supreme Court denied the stay. Segregation-apologist Ainsley Earhardt didn’t even mention it in her news break during On The Record.

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FoxNews.com Readers' Racist Bloodlust For Troy Davis Execution

Reported by Ellen - Wed 11:46 PM

To be fair, there were several comments opposing the execution, but if you were wondering about the people cheering for death at recent Republican debates, here they are. The comments include cheerleading for the KKK (a white supremacist was executed in Texas earlier today), calling for champagne to celebrate Davis' death and complaining that he got "special rights" because he was black. And why do FoxNews.com moderators allow "nappybegone2012" as a user name?

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Another Fox Nation Death Threat Against Obama Reported To The Secret Service

Reported by Ellen - Wed 9:22 PM

Today's threat comes from the thread called, Obama Gets Deep At U.N.. What's sickening is that the comment has four likes (so far). Screen grab after the jump. UPDATED WITH ANOTHER DEATH THREAT.

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Cavuto Gives A Friendly Platform For Tea Party Challenge To “Socialist” John Boehner

Reported by Guest Blogger - Wed 8:46 PM

By Brian

Apparently, no (right-wing) view is too extreme to get a warm welcome on Fox News. On Monday (9/19/11), Neil Cavuto and Your World gave a warm welcome to Tea Party candidate and primary challenger to House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH), David Lewis. Lewis quickly proved just what kind of candidate he is – by calling Boehner a socialist and complaining that he “refuses to phase out” such “socialist policies” as Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid and food stamps.”

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Sarah Palin Lectures The Republican Presidential Candidates On How To Campaign

Reported by Ellen - Wed 5:43 PM

Sarah Palin followed up her lecture for Warren Buffett last night with a lecture for the Republican presidential candidates. After a ploy to maintain her political relevancy the myth that she might yet run, Palin made her demands for the GOP slate. I suspect it’s going to go down about as well as if Rev. Wright announced a set of requirements for President Obama. Meanwhile, host Sean Hannity ignored Palin’s statement last month that she’d decide by September whether or not she’ll run and pretended it was still a big, intriguing mystery.

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Monica Crowley Plays The Race Card Against President Obama And African American Communities

Reported by Ellen - Wed 2:36 PM

Although Fox News can’t seem to get enough of demonizing the Congressional Black Caucus for “playing the race card,” Bill O’Reilly didn’t mind a bit last night when Fox News contributor Monica Crowley argued that Obama’s “anti-American policies” are popular in poor and African American communities because they are all “committed wealth redistributionists… and some demographics (she named the African American communities) benefit from that, disproportionately from everybody else. But it is a fundamentally anti-American proposition.”

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Eric Bolling: Fox's New Conspiracy Theorist

Reported by Aunty Em - Wed 12:14 PM

When Fox “News” unceremoniously dumped Glen Beck, conspiracy nuts across the planet not only mourned his loss, but actually spun it into their web of conspiracy theories: authorities needed to silence The Beckinator because he was getting too close to the truth. With Beck off cable, where could nut jobs go to get their [free] daily adult requirement of conspiracy theories? Not everyone is flush enough to fork over whatever crazy amount it costs to subscribe Beck’s webalicious GB[L]TV. Genius that he is, Eric Bolling has recognized that fact and has sought to fill the gap by spewing one whacked out conspiracy theory after another. Hardeep Dhillon of Media Matters makes that very point in an article titled, “Bolling Uses Obama's Support Of Israel To Claim He Doesn't Support Israel.” According to Dhillon:

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Multimillionaires Hannity And Palin Lecture Warren Buffett Over Tax Increases For The Wealthy

Reported by Ellen - Wed 1:31 AM

Sarah Palin, that font of knowledge and wonkishness, visited with Sean Hannity Tuesday night (9/20/11) to offer her special brand of insight and analysis to President Obama’s economic plan, described by the two multimillionaires as class warfare. Hannity hilariously pretended he was not one of the wealthy class and told Buffett to “put up or shut up.” Palin, on the other hand, “explained” how Buffett was “totally incorrect” in his assessment that his secretary paid a lower tax rate than he did.

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Bill O'Reilly Drops His Threat Of Quitting If His Taxes Go Up

Reported by Ellen - Wed 12:12 AM

Monday night (9/19/11), Bill O'Reilly threatened to quit working and investing if higher taxes on the wealthy go up. That got quite a bit of notice - as of this writing my post has gotten more than 163,000 page views - plus I've seen a lot of comments and tweets that were not exactly broken up at the prospect. Tuesday night (9/20/11), O'Reilly continued harping on the tax issue, but somehow, he didn't mention a word about quitting.

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Murdoch Fetes Perry

Reported by Ellen - Tue 4:54 PM

Rupert Murdoch may have his hands full with News Corporation's phone hacking scandal but he's still a political playa, at least in Republican politics. NY Magazine reports that Murdoch took GOP candidate Rick Perry to a New York steakhouse for dinner last night. I'm sure it's just a coincidence that Perry will appear in a special pre-debate "exclusive" on Hannity tomorrow.

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News Corp. Willing To Pay Big Bucks To Murdered Teen's Family

Reported by Ellen - Tue 4:16 PM

Not surprisingly, News Corporation seems willing to pay a pretty hefty sum to the family of murdered teen Milly Dowler whose hacked voice mail led her family to believe she was still alive.

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Fox Nation Fans Make Vile Comments About Chaz Bono

Reported by Priscilla - Tue 1:42 PM

Despite it's mission of being "for those who oppose intolerance," Fox Nation, an adjunct of Fox News, is, as is Fox News, dedicated to fomenting intolerance of the most crude and base variety which includes homophobia. That it knows exactly to whom an for whom it exists is shown by today's thread which seems innocent enough: "Watch Chaz Bono Dances With The Stars." Suffice to say the thread is filled with the same kind of mouth breathing, knuckle dragging hatred that is characteristic of every thread on this vile hate site. Wonder how long it will take for Fox Nation to shut down this Chaz Bono thread.

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Fox Nation Comment Encourages Terrorism Against "Ground Zero Mosque"

Reported by Priscilla - Tue 1:07 PM

Fox Nation has a thread which reports that the "Ground Zero Mosque" (No quotes are used in their headline) will be opening the first part of the Park 51 Islamic Cultural Center tomorrow with an exhibit of children's art. Naturally, the comments from the nice pro-life Christians revolve around how Islam is a religion of violence. (As opposed to those nice Christian crusaders, inquisitors, Nazis, and abortion clinic bombers). Several of the comments "joke" about how awesome it would be if somebody flew a plane over the site and dumped pig guts. But "A Mighty Wind" doubled down with something far more insidious but typical of Fox's Islamophobic fans. Wonder if this dude knows that his avatar is the name of a satirical movie about the reunion of a folk group, written and directed by one of the writers for "This is Spinal Tap?" Anyway, check out this comment on a website for those opposed to intolerance. And BTW, the article links to "Weasel Zippers" which is another radical right wing, Islamophobic hate site. All kidding aside, I hope that the center has good security.

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Dana Perino Pimps Christian Kids Book About Heaven

Reported by Priscilla - Tue 11:09 AM

In addition to being a venue for persecuted Christians, Fox & Friends is also a venue for Christian evangelizing and books by those who are just spreading "the word." Last December, Fox & Friends promoted radical Christian dominionist Jim Garlow's book about angels. Today, none other than Billie Graham's daughter, Anne Graham Lotz was on the curvy couch to discuss her new book about how children's fears, particularly about death, can be assuaged by telling them about heaven and, according to Dana Perino, how "they can turn to faith for support." Perino just gushed over the "honor" of interviewing Graham who said that her book is "true, because it's based on what the bible said" such as the bible description of heaven having walls that are 200 feet thick. Bet ya didn't know that!

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Bob Beckel Is A Punching Bag For Fox "News"

Reported by Aunty Em - Tue 7:56 AM

The Five is never going to win any Emmys because it remains the worst show on tee vee. One reason is how much disinformation is pushed in that hour; seemingly more than any other single hour on Fox “News,” and that’s saying something. Another reason it won’t win any awards is how they treat Bob Beckel. Beckel is the lone liberal lined up against the four conservatives on the show. Four against one is a formulation that Fox seems to think is “fair and balanced.” Therefore, no matter who sits in that seat, they would find themselves ganged up on. [Juan Williams has appeared in that spot a few times and is The Five’s back-up Liberal when Beckel’s not available.] While the other 4 interrupt Beckel constantly, it wouldn’t matter because Beckel interrupts himself constantly to go off on strange tangents. He even interrupts his own strange tangents to go off on even stranger tangents. Most of those tangents seem to be about Bob’s previous substance abuse problems, of which there seems to have been many substances to abuse. He also, apparently, has had several relapses over the years while trying to dry out. While I applaud Beckel for finally kicking his habit(s), The Five is not Beckel’s personal AA meeting and the other four are no friend of Bill’s. Nor are they friends of Bob’s. They gang up on him daily and it comes off more like cruel fraternity hazing than convivial badinage. They don’t treat Beckel with any degree of seriousness. In fact, he’s basically treated like a joke by the other 4 hosts. Just the mere mention of his name is used as a punch line. I had been lulled into thinking Goody Two Shoes Dana Perino was different because she refrained from engaging in this locker room towel-snapping. However, it turns out she’s no different. She used her regular Monday appearance on Fox and Friends, in part, to make fun of Bob Beckel. Watch:

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Bill O’Reilly Threatens To Quit If Higher Taxes For Millionaires Are Enacted

Reported by Ellen - Tue 2:37 AM

Guess what, America? Bill O’Reilly plans to take his marbles and go home if we don’t play by his rules. Apparently, looking out for the folks has its price and it’s a steep one. Never mind that a large majority of Americans (i.e. “the folks”) want tax increases on the wealthy. If O’Reilly doesn’t get his way, he’s going to quit his job and stop making investments. Way to show your love for your country, O’Reilly!

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Fox News Civil War! Greta Van Susteren Vs. Tucker Carlson Over Sarah Palin!

Reported by Ellen - Tue 12:42 AM

One of the most hilarious Fox News segments ever aired tonight as Greta Van Susteren followed up her internet attack with a live confrontation with her colleague, Fox News contributor Tucker Carlson. Carlson, you see, had the gall to report Mike Tyson’s disgusting comments about Sarah Palin in an effort (according to Carlson) to attack the mainstream media for ignoring them. Van Susteren accused Carlson of lying and called him “the purveyor of the worst smut… violence against women.” Must see TV!

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September 20, 2011

Don’t Let Congress Vote For War Over Jobs , reported by Ellen,

September 19, 2011

Lost, Abused and Neglected In A For-Profit Prison, reported by Ellen,

Fox & Friends Decide Bill Clinton Didn’t Really Mean It When He Supported Obama’s Jobs Plan, reported by Ellen,

Greta Van Susteren Attacks Colleague Tucker Carlson Over Mike Tyson’s Comments About BFF Sarah Palin, reported by Ellen,

Bill O'Reilly Asks Why Rep. Maxine Waters "Attacks" Fox News? Excuse Me?, reported by Priscilla,

September 18, 2011

Steve Doocy Gets Teabagged By "Awesome" Teen?, reported by Priscilla,

Bill O'Reilly Supports Right Wing Attack On Affirmative Action, reported by Priscilla,

September 17, 2011

Hannity Pretends He Doesn’t Know Obama Is Not A Fan Of Farrakhan, reported by Ellen,

Fox News: The Equal Opportunity For White People Station, reported by Ellen,

September 16, 2011

Bill O'Reilly Admits That Fox News Has "Pro-Life" Bias, reported by Priscilla,

O'Reilly Continues His Jihad Against Murdered Abortion Provider Dr. George Tiller, reported by Ellen,

News Blooper or Sabotage? Guest Blurts Out “Fox News Lies” On Fox , reported by Aunty Em,

Is Dick Cheney Afraid Of Bill O'Reilly?, reported by Ellen,

September 15, 2011

Tell Congress And Rep. Issa: Hold Murdoch Accountable, reported by Ellen,

Cavuto’s Speed Reading Fraud, reported by Guest Blogger,

Megyn Kelly Calls Out Dr. Keith Ablow For Spreading "Hate", reported by Priscilla,

Was The Five’s Greg Gutfeld Racist During Attack On POTUS?, reported by Aunty Em,

Fox News Debate: Is President Obama Deliberately Tanking The Economy Or Has He “Doubled Down On Stupid?”, reported by Ellen,

Sen. Jim DeMint: I Can’t Work With The President Because He’s A Socialist, reported by Ellen,

September 14, 2011

Hannity Exploits Paul Krugman As An Excuse To Spew His Own Hatred For Americans, reported by Ellen,

What A Coincidence! Fox News Spawns “Regulation Nation” Just As GOP Launches Push For Rollbacks, reported by Ellen,

Neil Cavuto Deliberately Pit Donald Trump Against Dick Cheney, reported by Guest Blogger,

Mediaite Profiles Fox’s Spin Meister Frank Luntz , reported by Aunty Em,

September 13, 2011

Hannity Uses Tavis Smiley To Advance An Anti-Black Agenda, reported by Ellen,

Proof There's No Detail Too Small For Fox To Attack President Obama With, reported by Ellen,

News Corp. Shareholders Accuse Murdoch, Et Al. Of Wrongdoing In The U.S., reported by Ellen,

Fox Nation Says Paul Krugman Is "Hateful", reported by Priscilla,

Fox And Friends Are No Friends To Paul Krugman, reported by Aunty Em,

Bill O’Reilly Jumps On The Attack-Paul-Krugman Bandwagon, reported by Ellen,

September 12, 2011

Megyn Kelly Advances Right Wing Attack On Paul Krugman, reported by Priscilla,

Fox Nation Readers Want To Kill Michelle Obama, reported by Ellen,

Gretchen Carlson Suggests That Serena Williams Is Racist?, reported by Priscilla,

Fox News Successful Hatemongering? , reported by Priscilla,

Fox Nation's Bogus Suggestion PBS Covered Up Obama's Speech Gaffe , reported by Ellen,

September 11, 2011

On Fox & Friends: Zuhdi Jasser Blames American Muslims For Terror Threats, reported by Priscilla,

Too Much Patriotic Fervor On Fox Nation's 9/11 Anniversary Thread?, reported by Ellen,

September 10, 2011

Fox News Asks if Obama "Is Sincere In Wanting To Create Jobs?", reported by Ellen,

In Validating Pam Geller's Radical Islamophobia, Steve Doocy Validates "Fear, Inc?", reported by Priscilla,

Neil Cavuto Defends Rick Perry Calling Social Security A Ponzi Scheme, reported by Guest Blogger,

September 9, 2011

Hannity’s Michael Meyers: Genuine Civil Rights Advocate, or House Negro?, reported by Alex,

O’Reilly: We Need To Tax The Poor More To Make Taxes Fair For Rich Folks, reported by Ellen,

Neil Cavuto’s Broken Record For The Economy: Tax Cuts, Tax Cuts, Tax Cuts…, reported by Guest Blogger,

Fox & Friends' Guest, Catholic Archbishop Dolan, Doesn't Deliver The "Red Meat" On No 9-11 Clergy "Outrage", reported by Priscilla,

Greta Van Susteren Touts Her Show’s Balanced Guest List – Of Six Republicans And One Democrat!, reported by Ellen,

Bill O’Reilly Lectures White House Press Secretary Jay Carney About Warren Buffett And GE, reported by Ellen,

September 8, 2011

President Obama's Jobs Address - Live Stream And Open Thread, reported by Ellen,

Brian Kilmeade Attacks "Troublemaking" Atheists While Pimping Christian WTC Cross Movie, reported by Priscilla,

Sean Hannity And Ainsley Earhardt Go To Bat For Segregation In Westchester County, reported by Ellen,

Mike Huckabee Hearts Homophobic Hater, reported by Priscilla,

Fox News Special Report Hasn't Updated "Grape Vine" Story Yet, reported by Priscilla,

Megyn Kelly Carries "Ground Zero Cross", reported by Priscilla,

Bill O'Reilly Ambushes Ron Paul, reported by Ellen,

September 7, 2011

Another Islamophobic Fox Nation Headline?, reported by Priscilla,

Gretchen Carlson Mocks Buddhists, Hindus, Jews, Muslims As "Fringe Groups", reported by Priscilla,

Ann Coulter To Sarah Palin: Fish Or Cut Bait With Your Doomed Presidential Run, reported by Ellen,

Mike Huckabee Pimps & Defends His History Videos, reported by Priscilla,

Fox “News” Dot Com Gives Chaz Bono Another Ablow Job, reported by Aunty Em,

September 6, 2011

Gretchen Carlson Validates Dr. Zuhdi Jasser's Attack On Muslim American Society, reported by Priscilla,

Fox Nation Suddenly Concerned About Violent Rhetoric - In Order To Attack Democrats Debbie Wasserman Schultz And James Hoffa, reported by Ellen,

Fox & Friends Promote Radical Right Wing Christian "Patriot" Website "Unite the USA" , reported by Priscilla,

On Vacation, reported by Ellen,

September 5, 2011

Fox Nation Allows "C Word" Comment , reported by Priscilla,

Hate Never Takes A Holiday At Fox Nation, reported by Ellen,

Steve Doocy Is "With" Foreign" (Not Sharia?) Law Fighting GOP State Rep, reported by Priscilla,

September 4, 2011

Bill O'Reilly Hearts RomneyCare, reported by Ellen,

Stossel: The Air Is Clean Enough (Where I Live)!, reported by Guest Blogger,

September 3, 2011

Did Cavuto And Gasparino Inadvertently Admit Fox Is Not Fair And Balanced?, reported by Guest Blogger,

Dick Cheney’s BFF: Sean Hannity , reported by Ellen,

Rupert Murdoch Receives $12.5 Million Bonus, reported by Ellen,

September 2, 2011

O’Reilly Trots Out Allen West To Attack Congressional Black Caucus’ Rhetoric, reported by Ellen,

Fox & Friends Continues Bogus Bloomberg "Mosque" Link To "Outrage" Over No 9-11 Memorial Clergy Participation, reported by Priscilla,

Despite Scandals, Rupert Murdoch Nets 47% More Dough From News Corp., reported by Ellen,

Mike Huckabee To Deliver Keynote Address At Personhood Mississippi Event, reported by Priscilla,

Cavuto Likens The Federal Government To The Mafia, reported by Guest Blogger,

September 1, 2011

Hannity Uses Rep. Carson’s Comments As An Excuse To Mount Racial Attacks Against The White House And Congressional Black Caucus, reported by Ellen,

David Limbaugh Models His “Positive Agenda” On Hannity, reported by Ellen,

First, Fox News Attacks Obama For Scheduling His Speech On Wednesday, Then Attacks Him For Changing It To Thursday, reported by Ellen,

August 31, 2011

Bill O’Reilly: Comics Making Fun Of Dick Cheney Are Pinheads, reported by Ellen,

Steve Doocy & Tucker Carlson Bash GA Professors Who Teach "Illegals" As Law Breakers, reported by Priscilla,

Cavuto Showcases GOP Plan To End National Flood Insurance, reported by Guest Blogger,

Can You Guess What Part Of Dick Cheney’s Interview Greta Van Susteren Highlighted?, reported by Ellen,

The Five’s Greg Gutfeld Would Drill For Oil In The Everglades: “It’s Just A Big Swamp”, reported by Aunty Em,

Brave New Foundation's Latest Video: Meet The New American Sweatshop, reported by Ellen,

Laughing Stock Michael Brown Still The Fox “News” Go-To Guy For Disasters, reported by Aunty Em,

Bill O'Reilly, "Man of Faith," To "Offer Up" Communion For Bill Keller?, reported by Priscilla,

Dick Cheney Still Gung Ho For Guantanamo And The Iraq War, reported by Ellen,

August 30, 2011

Bill O'Reilly Defends "Eucharist" Against Christian Insulting "Secular" NY Times , reported by Priscilla,

Gawker: Bill O'Reilly Tried To Get His Wife's Cop/Paramour Investigated By The Cops, reported by Ellen,

Greta Van Susteren’s Hypocritical Outrage Over Politico Asking If Rick Perry Is Dumb, reported by Ellen,

Steve Doocy Validates Catholic League's Bill Donohue Rant Re 9-11 Ceremony, reported by Priscilla,

News Corp. Loses NY State Contract Over Phone Hacking Scandal, reported by Ellen,

Rupert And James Murdoch To Testify Under Oath About Phone Hacking, reported by Ellen,

August 29, 2011

Fox News’ Dick Cheney Infomercial That Just Happens To Swipe At President Obama, reported by Ellen,

Fox News Helps Rehab Eric Cantor’s Demands For Spending Cuts In Exchange For FEMA Funding, reported by Ellen,

In Promoting 9-11 Prayer, Good Christian Steve Doocy Tells Fibs?, reported by Priscilla,

Fox’s Cashin’ In Endorses Perry’s Idea To Suspend All Regulations, reported by Guest Blogger,

August 28, 2011

In The Middle Of Irene, Fox News Showcases Ron Paul's Desire To Abolish FEMA, reported by Ellen,

Hurricane Irene - Open Thread, reported by Ellen,

August 27, 2011

How Fox News Spun O'Reilly's Interview with Christine O'Donnell, reported by Ellen,

Steve Doocy Supports Public Prayer In Jesus' Name, reported by Priscilla,

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