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  1. Elizabeth Warren becomes a target of right-wing media. And yes, they should fear her.
  2. RT @Sharpe222: @markos didn't he see TOP GUN?
  3. RT @px75: @markos So, I guess under Rick chastity belts would become standard equipment.
  4. RT @infinite_me: You don't remember the oath of celibacy you took alongside the oath to support & protect the Constitution?
  5. How WOULD I know? Hmmm... RT @fbihop: @markos Pfft. How would YOU know?
  6. RT @Johngcole: @markos Sometimes soldiers even have sex with each other! #MADMADWORLD
  7. RT @bdr1976: @markos Obviously he's never been in NYC during Fleet Week.
  8. Santorum: "Yeah. I would say any type of sexual activity has no place [in the military." Too bad. Soldiers have sex.
  9. Mitt Romney on Mass. mandate: 'It's a good model for other states ... a terrific idea.' For nation too.
  10. Hilarious live blog of GOP debate by @JedLewison over at
  11. How many jobs did that create? MT @downwithtyranny: Corporate income taxes in America have been cut from $354B in 2006 to $191B in 2010
  12. Oldie but goodie. RT @adbridgeforth: A Liberal Definition by John F. Kennedy via @Markos @Dailykos
  13. You and millions others, I'm sure. RT @brucepknight: @markos I'm sure i can provide her with the therapy she needs.
  14. There's nothing the GOP fears more right now than a job created.
  15. BREAKING!!!! STOP THE FUCKING PRESSES --- "Hally Berry injures foot in Spain". Seriously. Story on CNN right now.
  16. Mark Fiore animation- SolyndraGatePocalypse.
  17. Yeah, Paul Krugman was right.
  18. Not just Issa: More Republicans caught with pants down on 'green energy' scandalmongering
  19. RT @Wonkette: Stocks Collapse Worldwide On News About Meg Whitman
  20. Wall Street is reacting the same way to Meg Whitman as California voters did.