Last Lines
Festival of Endurance

Golden Age

One of the voices
Always angelic
- It is about me, -
Sharply expresses itself:

Those thousand questions
Spreading their roots
Bring in the end,
Only drunkenness and madness;

Understand this trick
So gay, so easy:
Is is only wave, only flower,
And that is your family!

Then it sings. O
So gay, so easy,
And visible to the naked eye...
- I sing with it, -

Understand this trick
So gay, so easy:
Is is only wave, only flower,
And that is your family!... etc...

And then a voice
- How angelic it is! -
It is about me,
Sharply expresses itself:

And sings at this moment
Like a sister to breath:
With a German tone,
But ardent and full:

The world is vicious;
If that surprises you!
Live and leave to the fire
Dark misfortune.

O! pretty castle!
How bright your life is!
What age do you belong to,
Princely nature Of our elder brother! etc...,

I also sing:
Many sisters! voices
Not at all public!
Sourround me
With chaste glory... etc...,

June 1872

- As translated by Oliver Bernard: Arthur Rimbaud, Collected Poems (1962)

French version
