Jon Stewart Skewers Palin And Christie Non-Campaign Coverage
Reported by Ellen - Thu 6:52 PM
Stewart nails the ridiculousness of it all, with special barbs for Palin’s self-serving “analysis” and "thought process" surrounding her decision. Of course, host Greta Van Susteren missed or ignored the obvious points Stewart raised.
Continue reading »Bill O'Reilly Hiding His Ring Finger?
Reported by Priscilla - Thu 6:42 PM
Paging Tanya Reiman. Body language includes the placement of hands and Bill's left hand placement has changed. In the past, he frequently used both hands when he gesticulated. As such, his wedding ring was clearly visible. He is no longer wearing the ring. But while on the Factor, he seems to be making a conscious effort to keep that ring finger out of sight. While sitting at the "Factor" desk, he always seems to have a paper, which he doesn't refer to, covering most of his left hand including the ring finger. It's strange...
"It Just Seems Fishy" Good Enough Reason For Hannity To Attack Obama Over Ford Bailout Ad
Reported by Ellen - Thu 5:21 PM
As our Aunty Em and Media Matters have reported, Fox News has jumped at the opportunity to accuse the Obama administration of “bullying” Ford Motor Co. into removing a television ad boasting that it did not take bailout funds. Sean Hannity admitted there was no proof such a thing happened. His guest, one of the real-life Ford customers in the ad, knew no more. “It just seems fishy,” the guest said. That was reason enough for Hannity to mount a full-fledged attack – and even allow his guest to lecture the audience about the importance of Jesus when facing financial adversity. I kid you not. A further frenzy of fact-bare invective followed in the next segment from none other than Michelle Malkin.
Continue reading »Gretchen Carlson Shows Some Sweetness For Anti-Affirmative Action Bake Sale
Reported by Priscilla - Thu 1:19 PM
Despite its claim to be "America's Newsroom," Fox News does seem to have a bias against those who seek to ensure that America's institutions of higher ed are diverse places. In order to achieve the diversity, schools use "affirmative action" standards when accepting students so that young people from all cultures can have the opportunity to pursue the kind of education once reserved for rich, white Americans many of whom, such as GW Bush, had "legacy" affirmative action. According to the GOP right, affirmative action is discriminatory to deserving white students. Recently, some fine young, Republican students, at UC Berkely held an anti-affirmative bake sale which had different prices for different groups of people in order to demonstrate the discriminatory nature of affirmative action. Not surprisingly, Fox News validated this position in two of its segments, one of which was on an official "news" show. The other was on Fox & Friends which, as an opinion show, is absolved from "fair & balanced." Just to make sure that its viewers realized the horrors of affirmative action, Fox & Friends did another segment during which the head of the Berkeley Republicans had his second Fox appearance. And this time, it was solo.
Continue reading »O’Reilly On The Daily Show: Talking Taxes For Millionaires And His Threat To Quit Working
Reported by Ellen - Thu 12:04 PM
Very, very funny stuff from a pair of friendly antagonists. Each got in some good zingers. Part 1, the part that aired, is funnier than Part 2 but Part 2 had a more earnest debate about those taxes. In Part 1, Bill O’Reilly admits he never really meant that threat to quit working if his taxes go up.
Continue reading »Fox & Friends Mock Chaz Bono & The Transgendered
Reported by Priscilla - Thu 11:27 AM
As America's newsroom, Fox News is the newsroom for "real" America where real Bible believing Americans have a real fear and loathing for gays and those who are transgender. While the reality based community seeks to combat bullying towards those who don't follow the straight and narrow by fostering tolerance, the "real" America of Fox & Friends apparently has no problem engaging in the kind of sophomoric mocking of the gay and transgender community that seems to be a vital part of "real" America's "family value" system which has resulted in the brutal beatings and suicides experienced by the gay and transgender community. At the end of a segment which started off as a goof on Nancy Grace's "wardrobe malfunction" on "Dancing With the Stars," Jon Stewart shows us why Fox & Friends is the number one morning show for "real" Americans. Heh, Heh, that Chaz Bono is such a freak, heh, heh. As Brian, asked, "what part of Chaz hasn't been operated on." Heh, heh. The side splitting comedy starts at about 4 minutes into the video. Stewart adroitly "joked" about the years of anxiety and turmoil that Chaz endured "to be at peace with his physical and emotional self." Stewart's final words were so appropriate, "Seventh Grade Rules." Fox & Friends - Shame.
Continue reading »While Pimping Calista Gingrich's New Book, Steve Doocy Attacks TX Teacher
Reported by Priscilla - Thu 10:38 AM
Today's right wing is very unhappy about the history textbooks used in today's public school because, they contend, these texts promote evil librul stuff like Thomas Jefferson being an "enlightenment" figure. (It's true. The Texas Board of Education scrubbed that fact from their curriculum). So as a substitute or supplement to evil, librul education, right wing figures such as Fox's Mike Huckabee are righting their own revisionist histories in which inconvenient truths about things like the treatment of the native population is soft peddled (if peddled at all) in the quest to show that Merka is the most awesome country that Jesus ever created. As the mouthpiece for the faith based, anti-evolution right wing, the Fox & Friends Kurvy, Kouch, Krewe, who've checked their secular school degrees at the door, never waste an opportunity to denigrate librul education. They also love them their Newt Gingrich and are always willing to provide Newt and his third wife some sweet face time for promoting whatever right wing screed they've penned. Tuesday, Callista Gingrich, who truly knows that diamonds are a girl's best friends, pimped her history book for children. In addition to Steve Doocy smearing a Texas school teacher (cue the death threats) without providing the context, there was an elephant impersonator on the curvy couch. It was troubling...;)
Continue reading »Fox News Civil War! Dick Morris Blasts “Teases” Chris Christie, Sarah Palin, Mike Huckabee and Donald Trump
Reported by Ellen - Thu 9:14 AM
Ordinarily, I don’t put much credence in anything Dick Morris has to say but it’s rare for any Fox News pundit to attack another and in this case, Morris went after two of his colleagues, one regular guest and the darling of boss Roger Ailes, all in one shot.
Continue reading »Chris Christie Still Not Running, Probably
Reported by Ellen - Wed 11:55 PM
Another night on Fox, another night of discussion about Chris Christie not running for president. Just as Sean Hannity spent almost his entire show on the matter yesterday, tonight, The O’Reilly Factor made it the top story – well, after yet another discussion about taxes going up for O’Reilly millionaires. Guess what Bill O’Reilly and his two guests concluded about Christie?
Greta Van Susteren Repeatedly Prods Republican Senator Grassley To Be More Antagonistic Toward Department Of Justice
Reported by Ellen - Wed 5:45 PM
As part of her ongoing coverage of the Fast and Furious scandal Monday night (9/26/11), “liberal” Greta Van Susteren hosted Republican Senator Charles Grassley for the latest. But Grassley was too polite in his comments about the Department of Justice for Van Susteren and she repeatedly prodded him to be more antagonistic.
Continue reading »Memo To Fox & Friends: I Don't Want You Hit By Skylab!
Reported by Priscilla - Wed 3:45 PM
As reported on "Gawker," the "irradiated mealworms" (LOL) on Fox & Friends are a bit paranoid. During a recent discussion about where the disintegrating American satellite would land, the gang on the curvy couch expressed some fear based on their belief that they are Very Important Persons. When the "desiccated old praying mantis" (Gawker has such a way with words) Steve Doocy, started saying something about Skylab, "melancholy cornhusk" Gretchen Carlson, rather frenetically interrupted with "I know some people who would wish that we would all get hit by Skylab." Former Miss America gave her patented I-know-I'm-right smirk and nodded her lovely blonde head in affirmation to her own comment. Brian Kilmeade, who didn't get a Gawker nickname, said "they write about it everyday." Gretch, her pretty face plastered with a forced grin, tittered and agreed, "They do." Doocy provided the denouement with a bad Skylab joke.
Continue reading »Fox News' Hero Priest, Frank Pavone, In Holy Hot Water?
Reported by Priscilla - Wed 2:38 PM
Remember how, earlier this year, Fox "News" ran an almost 24 and 7 loop of coverage on how the evil Canadian healthcare system was forcing "Baby Joseph" to die. The reality, of course, was that the hospital, where "Baby Joseph" Maarachli was a patient, decided against providing a tracheotomy for the child based on what they believed was the best course of action for the baby. As part of the "fair & balanced" reporting, Fox featured commentary from radical, anti-choice priest, Father Frank Pavone who used his face time to denigrate Canadian health care and Obama's health care reform which, according to Pavone, really could have death panels lurking around the corner. This wasn't Pavone's first time on Fox. He was featured during the Terri Schiavo Fox News media circus and in the lead up to Obama's address at Notre Dame which the Catholic anti-choicers were all in a dither over. But the high point for Pavone, during the "Baby Joseph" thing, was his supposed "rescue" of the child during the cover of night. The reality was that the hospital (which got death threats during the Fox "coverage") handed the child over to Pavone for transportation to an American hospital. The child has just passed away and a good chunk of the article on Fox consists of quotes from Pavone. Funny, neither the Fox News website nor Pavone's pals on Fox News seem to have noticed that Pavone's hero wings have been clipped. He's been suspended as "Priests for Life" head and has been recalled to his home diocese while the Church investigates whether his group has been involved in financial improprieties.
Continue reading »Today’s Fox and Friends Pushes Yesterday’s Debunked Story To Attack POTUS
Reported by Aunty Em - Wed 2:02 PM
I’ll often poke around the Media Matters to see what I’ve missed when I’m not watching Fox News. Yesterday I couldn’t help but run across an article titled, “Wash. Post's Sargent Deflates Story That White House Pressured Ford Over Ads,” quoting a Greg Sargent article. That’s why I was so surprised to hear FBN reporter Charles Gasparino [who looks a lot older on-air than his FBN bio page. Who is he trying to kid?] say the exact opposite on Fox and Friends this morning. Here’s Sargent yesterday, who did that thing called “reporting:”
Continue reading »News Corp Facing More Legal Troubles Here And Abroad
Reported by Ellen - Wed 1:30 PM
By Aria and Ellen
As you may know, News Corporation’s phone hacking troubles overseas may have opened up the American-based corporation to charges under the US Foreign Corrupt Policy Act. The media giant hired big American legal guns as the conglomerate that owns Fox News faces possibilities of criminal liabilities here in the U.S. Meanwhile, News Corp. faces two new civil suits.
Continue reading »Steve Doocy Thinks Anti-Affirmative Action Bake Sale Is Dandy?
Reported by Priscilla - Wed 1:22 PM
Affirmative action policies, particularly in schools, are anathema in the privileged world of the white Republican right wing that feels victimized by these policies which, they contend, discriminate against deserving white folks. Given that Fox & Friends is the mouthpiece for these poor, oppressed people, it's not surprising that they would glom onto UC Berkeley's anti-affirmative action "bake sale" in order to promote the right wing talking point that people should be not be judged by the color or their skin which, in the case of Fox "News," is overwhelmingly melanin challenged. ("News" person Megyn Kelly, yesterday, provided a simpatico platform for the courageous cupcake warriors) The "bake sale" purported to show the "discrimination" of affirmative action by selling cupcakes which were priced differently for different groups - a satirical idea that falls flat given that the sale of cupcakes is in no way comparable to affirmative action which is done to ensure that everyone gets a piece of the pie. (Mixed Metaphor, I know). The stunt has been met with anger by other students who see it as racist. These students are not the first to get involved in such a which has been part of fine young GOP street theater for a few years. After a Bucknell stunt was shut down, Fox's John Stossel staged his own bake-in a local mall. So guess who was on yesterday's Fox & Friends to, once again, promote his arguably racist agenda which was validated by Roger Ailes "lackey," the amazingly melanin challenged Steve Doocy.
Chris Christie And His Republican Audience Cheer Reagan Firing 11,000 Air Traffic Controllers
Reported by Ellen - Wed 1:25 AM
As part of the slobbering coverage of Chris Christie’s speech at the Reagan Library last night (9/27/11), the Hannity show played most of the actual speech. Not surprisingly, Christie began by paying homage to Saint Ronald Reagan. But what was a surprise was the moment in Reagan’s career that Christie chose as his favorite: Reagan’s firing of 11,000 air traffic controllers. This, in the midst of a difficult economy with high unemployment. Later, Hannity’s guest noted the optimism and love for America in Christie’s speech. Yeah, nothing says patriotic optimism like cheering on the firing of 11,000 Americans!
Continue reading »Fox News Alert: Chris Christie Still Not Running For President, Probably
Reported by Ellen - Tue 11:53 PM
Remember the old Saturday Night Live segments about Generalissimo Francisco Franco still being dead? I couldn’t help but think of those tonight as Sean Hannity devoted his entire show to the Fox News Alert about what Hannity called the “stunning development” that NJ Gov. Chris Christie will not run for president. Never mind that Politico has a nearly two-minute video mashup of Christie saying he won’t run. Hannity opened his show tonight with a Fox News Alert about it. A banner on the lower third of the screen also announced Christie's non-run. And then we listened to most of Christie’s speech followed by an analysis of Christie’s speech – all with the same message: Christie won’t run. Probably. It turns out that in the Q&A; following the speech, Christie kind of ducked directly saying he won’t run.
Continue reading »Megyn Kelly Goes To Bat For UC Berkeley’s Anti-Affirmative Action Stunt
Reported by Ellen - Tue 6:02 PM
Once again, Megyn Kelly spread a little of her love on hostility toward black people. This time, Kelly showed obvious sympathy and favoritism for a stunt by UC Berkeley college Republicans in which they staged an anti-affirmative action bake sale designed to paint affirmative action as racist. UPDATED WITH CORRECT VIDEO.
Continue reading »Fox & Friends’ Doocy And Kilmeade Try To Get Actress Anna Kendrick To Bash George Clooney
Reported by Ellen - Tue 4:02 PM
Actress Anna Kendrick visited Fox & Friends yesterday to promote her new movie, 50/50. It’s a film in which Kendrick plays a newly-minted psychotherapist trying to help a young man, who’s nonetheless older than she, battling cancer. Kendrick told the Curvy Couch crew that her “patient” in the film didn’t fire her because he’s the kind of guy who, like Kendrick, tries to get along. As an example, she said both she and her “patient” were the kinds of people who would not send food back if they got the wrong order when dining in a restaurant. Then, apropos of nothing – except that Kendrick previously starred with George Clooney in a previous movie a few years ago – hosts Steve Doocy and Brian Kilmeade began prodding her to bash him. I'm sure it had nothing to do with the fact that Clooney is an outspoken liberal.
Continue reading »Fox's Peter Johnson Jr. Is A Maltese Knight!
Reported by Priscilla - Tue 6:54 AM
Rupert Murdoch, a Catholic Knight of St. Gregory, isn't the only knight in tarnished armor in his media empire. Fox News' legal beagle Peter Johnson Jr. isn't just your average Fox News Catholic. He's a Knight of Malta. While I don't know if these uber Catholic knights have super secret handshakes or wear funny hats, it appears that they are invitation only and according to author Seymour Hersh they are Christian fanatics who think of themselves as modern day crusaders.
Continue reading »O’Reilly Uses The Factor To Promote His New Book, reported by Ellen,
Palin Threatens To Sue The Rogue Publisher And Author Joe McGinnis, reported by Ellen,
What Roger Ailes Really Admitted To Newsweek About Fox News Bias, reported by Ellen,
Fox's Fr. Jonathan Morris Says Blessed Are The Rich For They Should Keep Their Tax Break?, reported by Priscilla,
Fox News Host And Panelists Cheerlead For Shutting Down Government, reported by Guest Blogger,
Forbes On Fox Host Doesn’t Want A Discouraging Word About Fossil Fuels, reported by Guest Blogger,
Saturday Night Live Does Fox News GOP Debate, reported by Ellen,
War Budget Over Social Security?, reported by Ellen,
Cavuto’s Post Debate Love Fest For Herman Cain, reported by Guest Blogger,
Hannity “A Little Shocked” At Conservatives’ Negative Reaction To Perry In Debate, reported by Ellen,
Brit Hume Pronounces Obama’s Jobs Plan DOA, reported by Guest Blogger,
Fox's Dr. Keith Ablow Says Therapists Should Think Of Crucified Jesus, reported by Priscilla,
Fox & Friends Guest Says Muslims Should Be Grateful To Live In The US, reported by Priscilla,
Megyn Kelly Uses "Right To Life" Talking Point To Frame Debate Question, reported by Priscilla,
Here We Go Again: O’Reilly V. Jon Stewart, This Time Over Tax Hikes For Millionaires, reported by Ellen,
Bill O'Reilly Sleeping With The Enemy? NPR Appearance Scheduled, reported by Ellen,
Fox News Failed To Disclose Right-Wing Affiliations Of Two YouTube Debate Questioners, reported by Ellen,
Frank Luntz' Focus Group Overwhelmingly Votes Romney The Winner Of Fox News' GOP Presidential Debate, reported by Ellen,
Fox Nation Uses Photo Of Black Man To Headline Thread About White Supremacist, reported by Priscilla,
Live Blogging Fox News GOP Candidates Debate, reported by Ellen,
Fox News Too Busy With Its GOP/Obama-Bashing Agenda To Cover Troy Davis Execution, reported by Ellen, Readers' Racist Bloodlust For Troy Davis Execution, reported by Ellen,
Another Fox Nation Death Threat Against Obama Reported To The Secret Service, reported by Ellen,
Cavuto Gives A Friendly Platform For Tea Party Challenge To “Socialist” John Boehner, reported by Guest Blogger,
Sarah Palin Lectures The Republican Presidential Candidates On How To Campaign, reported by Ellen,
Monica Crowley Plays The Race Card Against President Obama And African American Communities, reported by Ellen,
Eric Bolling: Fox's New Conspiracy Theorist, reported by Aunty Em,
Multimillionaires Hannity And Palin Lecture Warren Buffett Over Tax Increases For The Wealthy , reported by Ellen,
Bill O'Reilly Drops His Threat Of Quitting If His Taxes Go Up, reported by Ellen,
Murdoch Fetes Perry, reported by Ellen,
News Corp. Willing To Pay Big Bucks To Murdered Teen's Family, reported by Ellen,
Fox Nation Fans Make Vile Comments About Chaz Bono, reported by Priscilla,
Fox Nation Comment Encourages Terrorism Against "Ground Zero Mosque", reported by Priscilla,
Dana Perino Pimps Christian Kids Book About Heaven, reported by Priscilla,
Bob Beckel Is A Punching Bag For Fox "News", reported by Aunty Em,
Bill O’Reilly Threatens To Quit If Higher Taxes For Millionaires Are Enacted, reported by Ellen,
Fox News Civil War! Greta Van Susteren Vs. Tucker Carlson Over Sarah Palin!, reported by Ellen,
Don’t Let Congress Vote For War Over Jobs , reported by Ellen,
Lost, Abused and Neglected In A For-Profit Prison, reported by Ellen,
Fox & Friends Decide Bill Clinton Didn’t Really Mean It When He Supported Obama’s Jobs Plan, reported by Ellen,
Greta Van Susteren Attacks Colleague Tucker Carlson Over Mike Tyson’s Comments About BFF Sarah Palin, reported by Ellen,
Bill O'Reilly Asks Why Rep. Maxine Waters "Attacks" Fox News? Excuse Me?, reported by Priscilla,
Steve Doocy Gets Teabagged By "Awesome" Teen?, reported by Priscilla,
Bill O'Reilly Supports Right Wing Attack On Affirmative Action, reported by Priscilla,
Hannity Pretends He Doesn’t Know Obama Is Not A Fan Of Farrakhan, reported by Ellen,
Fox News: The Equal Opportunity For White People Station, reported by Ellen,
Bill O'Reilly Admits That Fox News Has "Pro-Life" Bias, reported by Priscilla,
O'Reilly Continues His Jihad Against Murdered Abortion Provider Dr. George Tiller, reported by Ellen,
News Blooper or Sabotage? Guest Blurts Out “Fox News Lies” On Fox , reported by Aunty Em,
Is Dick Cheney Afraid Of Bill O'Reilly?, reported by Ellen,
Tell Congress And Rep. Issa: Hold Murdoch Accountable, reported by Ellen,
Cavuto’s Speed Reading Fraud, reported by Guest Blogger,
Megyn Kelly Calls Out Dr. Keith Ablow For Spreading "Hate", reported by Priscilla,
Was The Five’s Greg Gutfeld Racist During Attack On POTUS?, reported by Aunty Em,
Fox News Debate: Is President Obama Deliberately Tanking The Economy Or Has He “Doubled Down On Stupid?”, reported by Ellen,
Sen. Jim DeMint: I Can’t Work With The President Because He’s A Socialist, reported by Ellen,
Hannity Exploits Paul Krugman As An Excuse To Spew His Own Hatred For Americans, reported by Ellen,
What A Coincidence! Fox News Spawns “Regulation Nation” Just As GOP Launches Push For Rollbacks, reported by Ellen,
Neil Cavuto Deliberately Pit Donald Trump Against Dick Cheney, reported by Guest Blogger,
Mediaite Profiles Fox’s Spin Meister Frank Luntz , reported by Aunty Em,
Hannity Uses Tavis Smiley To Advance An Anti-Black Agenda, reported by Ellen,
Proof There's No Detail Too Small For Fox To Attack President Obama With, reported by Ellen,
News Corp. Shareholders Accuse Murdoch, Et Al. Of Wrongdoing In The U.S., reported by Ellen,
Fox Nation Says Paul Krugman Is "Hateful", reported by Priscilla,
Fox And Friends Are No Friends To Paul Krugman, reported by Aunty Em,
Bill O’Reilly Jumps On The Attack-Paul-Krugman Bandwagon, reported by Ellen,
Megyn Kelly Advances Right Wing Attack On Paul Krugman, reported by Priscilla,
Fox Nation Readers Want To Kill Michelle Obama, reported by Ellen,
Gretchen Carlson Suggests That Serena Williams Is Racist?, reported by Priscilla,
Fox News Successful Hatemongering? , reported by Priscilla,
Fox Nation's Bogus Suggestion PBS Covered Up Obama's Speech Gaffe , reported by Ellen,
On Fox & Friends: Zuhdi Jasser Blames American Muslims For Terror Threats, reported by Priscilla,
Too Much Patriotic Fervor On Fox Nation's 9/11 Anniversary Thread?, reported by Ellen,
Fox News Asks if Obama "Is Sincere In Wanting To Create Jobs?", reported by Ellen,
In Validating Pam Geller's Radical Islamophobia, Steve Doocy Validates "Fear, Inc?", reported by Priscilla,
Neil Cavuto Defends Rick Perry Calling Social Security A Ponzi Scheme, reported by Guest Blogger,
Hannity’s Michael Meyers: Genuine Civil Rights Advocate, or House Negro?, reported by Alex,
O’Reilly: We Need To Tax The Poor More To Make Taxes Fair For Rich Folks, reported by Ellen,
Neil Cavuto’s Broken Record For The Economy: Tax Cuts, Tax Cuts, Tax Cuts…, reported by Guest Blogger,
Fox & Friends' Guest, Catholic Archbishop Dolan, Doesn't Deliver The "Red Meat" On No 9-11 Clergy "Outrage", reported by Priscilla,
Greta Van Susteren Touts Her Show’s Balanced Guest List – Of Six Republicans And One Democrat!, reported by Ellen,
Bill O’Reilly Lectures White House Press Secretary Jay Carney About Warren Buffett And GE, reported by Ellen,
President Obama's Jobs Address - Live Stream And Open Thread, reported by Ellen,
Brian Kilmeade Attacks "Troublemaking" Atheists While Pimping Christian WTC Cross Movie, reported by Priscilla,
Sean Hannity And Ainsley Earhardt Go To Bat For Segregation In Westchester County, reported by Ellen,
Mike Huckabee Hearts Homophobic Hater, reported by Priscilla,
Fox News Special Report Hasn't Updated "Grape Vine" Story Yet, reported by Priscilla,
Megyn Kelly Carries "Ground Zero Cross", reported by Priscilla,
Bill O'Reilly Ambushes Ron Paul, reported by Ellen,
Another Islamophobic Fox Nation Headline?, reported by Priscilla,
Gretchen Carlson Mocks Buddhists, Hindus, Jews, Muslims As "Fringe Groups", reported by Priscilla,
Ann Coulter To Sarah Palin: Fish Or Cut Bait With Your Doomed Presidential Run, reported by Ellen,
Mike Huckabee Pimps & Defends His History Videos, reported by Priscilla,
Fox “News” Dot Com Gives Chaz Bono Another Ablow Job, reported by Aunty Em,
Gretchen Carlson Validates Dr. Zuhdi Jasser's Attack On Muslim American Society, reported by Priscilla,
Fox Nation Suddenly Concerned About Violent Rhetoric - In Order To Attack Democrats Debbie Wasserman Schultz And James Hoffa, reported by Ellen,
Fox & Friends Promote Radical Right Wing Christian "Patriot" Website "Unite the USA" , reported by Priscilla,
On Vacation, reported by Ellen,
Fox Nation Allows "C Word" Comment , reported by Priscilla,
Hate Never Takes A Holiday At Fox Nation, reported by Ellen,
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