Also: News Hounds cover DemFest
Good things are happening, my friends!

Guest blogged by Winter Patriot

A few good news items for friends and allies of The BRAD BLOG:

Brad Friedman and Robert F. Kennedy Jr. are scheduled to appear on Court TV Thursday afternoon (2PM Pacific time, 5PM Eastern) with host Catherine Crier, whose election coverage lately has been excellent!

ALSO: News Hounds covered DemocracyFest and even included a picture of Brad Friedman.

From the News Hounds item, here's a link to a website you might enjoy visiting: The CA50 Action Committee. Its "Get News" page says the first thing to do is visit The BRAD BLOG!

Cool! That's the same thing Mike Malloy kept saying the other night on Air America!

One more item of minor consequence: your lowly and nearly frozen correspondent has resumed blogging again, if only because Cynthia McKinney Is Getting Robbed And Nobody Is Even Blogging About It! So, in the words of an old familiar phrase, please don't read my blog.

UPDATE: Video of the Catherine Crier Live appearance (with RFK Jr. as well) is now online here...