Your Standards of 'Proof' Sure Do Change Alot!
A BuzzFlash Editorial Contribution...

BuzzFlash is running a recent editorial of mine. It begins this way:

Dear Right Wingers,

I hope you've been having a pleasant week! It certainly seems like you have been enjoying yourself! It's so nice to see you in a good mood.

Though if you would, please remind me again...were you guys actually able to prove that the memos Dan Rather used in his report on Bush's National Guard service were actually fraudulent? Or did you just come up with enough questions about them that you found enough confidence to go ahead and label them as frauds? Enough certitude about a purposeful case of attempting to disrupt a Presidential campaign that you were able to go ahead and create a whole "Gate" out of the matter ("MemoGate", "RatherGate") and then feel confident enough in what you had found to call for the resignation of the reporter who ran the story?

Click here to read the rest at BuzzFlash...