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- Report/Mark as Spamed.msnbc.msn.comIt's the eve of Thanksgiving and Ed is giving up his popular 'Psycho Talk' segment tonight for some straight talk. You won't want to miss it. The day after Thanksgiving is, of course, Black Friday -- traditionally the beginning of the Christmas shopping season. With so many …
- Report/Mark as Spamed.msnbc.msn.comMore fallout from Newt Gingrich's comments on immigration. In last night's GOP presidential primary debate, the former House Speaker said illegal immigrants who've been in the country for decades and established deep family and community ties shouldn't automatically be kick …
- Report/Mark as Spamed.msnbc.msn.comPat Robertson has done it again: insert foot into mouth. On today's The 700 Club show on CBN, a bewildered Robertson asked host Kristi Watts,, following her interview with former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, “What is this ‘mac and cheese,’ is that …
- Report/Mark as Spamed.msnbc.msn.comIn his first Republican presidential primary debate since surging to frontrunner status in the polls, Newt Gingrich may have stepped in. The former House Speaker tonight said he favors amnesty for illegal immigrants. "I don’t believe that the party that say …
- Report/Mark as Spamed.msnbc.msn.comMitt Romney released his first television ad for his presidential campaign in New Hampshire, which uses an out of context quote from President Obama.
- Report/Mark as Spamed.msnbc.msn.comOccupy Wall Street protestors flooded New York City yesterday in a Day of Action. ln the demonstrators attempt to shut down the New York Stock Exchange, hundreds were arrested.
- Report/Mark as Spamed.msnbc.msn.comHerman Cain reportedly said that, "I'm not supposed to know anything about foreign policy" while on his campaign bus with a Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel reporter on the afternoon after his infamous interview with the paper's editorial board. A new judge will be assigned to alleged …
- Report/Mark as Spamed.msnbc.msn.comLast night New York City raided the Occupy Wall Street encampment in lower Manhattan. One of our producers was there to witness the madness.