The Baby Boomer Generation: trends, research, comment and discussion of the generation from 1946 - 1964. Includes bulletin boards, Sixties and Seventies music, culture, health and coverage of issues for Baby Boomers

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Survey: Will you have enough money when it comes time to retire?

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The Baby Boomer Generation: trends, research, comment and discussion of the generation from 1946 - 1964. Includes bulletin boards, Sixties and Seventies music, culture, health and coverage of issues for Boomers

The Baby Boomer Generation is a source for trends, research, comment and discussion of and by people born from 1946 - 1964.

Covering issues on the Boomer Generation including original content for Boomers, bulletin boards, user comments, Sixties and Seventies music, Baby Boomer culture, health and coverage of issues for "Aging Hipsters."
April 11, 2011

There's an App for That

The young hipsters who read Salon don't find this humor piece amusing. They will some day. Heh.

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Related Boomer Articles
Middle Aged Driving - Thursday, January 22, 2009
by Kelly Jackson How midlife driving differs: I live in a neighborhood of blue-haired drivers, and I'm beginning to understand them. This is both dangerous and frightening. Back in the day, when I found myself going 20 in a 35...
Two Books That Have Nothing to do With Boomers - Saturday, April 1, 2006
I'm getting a strong dose of Genx lit these days...and I'm loving it. Even if you hardly actually know any 30-somethings and your kids are too young and you're too old, "Hypocrite in a Pouffy White Dress: Tales of Growing...
Boomers Have More Fun - Saturday, April 7, 2007
According to a survey by the Scripps Howard News Service and Ohio University, Boomers have more fun and better music than generations on either side of us. OK, we may not be the most generous, but 44% of respondents said...

Google search: apps, salon, middle age, boomers

April 4, 2011

Funny, Senior Style

I know we're not quite this old yet, but when we are, a sense of humour like this would go a long way toward feeling young.

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Related Boomer Articles
Boomer Women (and Beyond): Haute Style - Friday, May 21, 2010
If you haven't seen Ari Seth Cohen's Advanced Style blog yet, you're in for a treat. Older women rock--but we already knew that. One of the best parts of getting older just might be giving a giant finger to fashion...
Quit Calling Me a "Senior"!! - Monday, June 30, 2003
My 52 year old Baby Boomer friend refuses to join AARP, and with it, the denial of all those discounts and perks we could be getting... like dinner at 4 PM for a dollar off. Denying her age is one...
Boomer Senior Shock - Saturday, May 28, 2005
If you remember the first time you got carded while buying beer, you may recall whipping out your driver's licence and and proudly displaying your legal age. Well, the screw has turned for many of us and that pride changes...

Google search:

January 7, 2011

Are We There Yet?

The Day He Knew Would Come, by Andre Aciman in the New York Times.

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Related Boomer Articles
College Redux - Tuesday, April 4, 2006
A recent article by Lisa Belkin in the New York Times Magazine offered a retirement solution I hadn't thought of--I can go back to live at college! In efforts to stop mass boomer migration and to provide us with...
But I Don't Feel Good!--Boomers' Health - Thursday, June 7, 2007
I thought it was just me. But John Tierney, who writes for the New York Times, Science Times, describes research showing that Boomers report more problems with their health than older generations did when they were in their fifties. Are...
Why Boomers Acting Like They're 25 May Not Be So Bad - Sunday, December 17, 2006
Every year the New York Times Magazine puts out their Year in Ideas issue and one of the entries should appeal to (and explain) some of us. Psychological neoteny or, 'the retention of youthful attitudes and behaviors into later adulthood,"...

Google search: new york times, boomer parents, college-age children

November 10, 2010

Never Too Old... rock and roll. DJ Mamy Rock rocks on!


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Related Boomer Articles
Real Boomer Music - Monday, February 27, 2006
A friend turned us on to this great internet radio, Wolfgang's Vault. æThis is material from over 7,000 concerts that Bill Graham produced and recorded in his lifetime. Some incredible gems in rotation, not to mention pictures and memorabilia....
Baby Boomer Hits - Thursday, August 21, 2008
I found this on Shabby Pink Scrapper a site that doesn't have much to do with boomers. I know, I know, they're a little corny, but funny nonetheless. If you can think of more, send 'em along. Baby Boomer Song...

Google search: music, boomer music, dj mamy rock

October 25, 2010

Bad News for Unemployed Boomers

Last night's 60 Minutes episode about unemployment was a bitter pill for Boomers. We are the segment of the unemployed who are unemployed the longest--most likely to be laid off and least likely to be hired elsewhere. Some of those interviewed had lost everything--used up their savings, lost their homes. Watching an ex-mid-level executive picking through garbage for recyclables to sell was close to unbearable. You can see the segment here--watch at the risk of your own mental health. Me--I was looking for the nearest iceberg to float away on.

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Related Boomer Articles
Are Boomers Unemployable? - Monday, September 20, 2010
Well, this article in the NY Times positing that the unemployed over 50 may never find work again was just what we wanted to read over morning coffee. It makes me think about other alternatives--- being set adrift on an...
Unemployed Baby Boomers discovered it's ugly out there - Thursday, June 19, 2003
By Brian Bergstein AP Business Writer From NEW YORK -- Mary Jones Pelt got the bad news a year ago. She had worked in accounts receivable at Boar's Head Provisions Co. Inc. for 17 years, but the maker of...
Boomers Have More Fun - Saturday, April 7, 2007
According to a survey by the Scripps Howard News Service and Ohio University, Boomers have more fun and better music than generations on either side of us. OK, we may not be the most generous, but 44% of respondents said...

Google search: boomer unemployment, unemployment, homelessness, baby boomer homelessness

September 28, 2010

Are Yesterday's Hippies Today's Conservatives?

The NY Times had a wonderful section of articles from 40 years of the Op-Ed section. In 1971, an op-ed article predicted that, once out of college and into the 'real world,' "the college cohort of the late '60s will be relatively less receptive to the dominant social change-directed thrusts of the day, and in that sense more moderate or conservative."

I can report, albeit from anecdotal evidence, that many of my friends from college are indeed moderate to the point of conservative, especially fiscally. While I don't want to move to a commune any time soon, I'd like to think I maintain some of the idealism and impulse to activism I started with.

How far toward the right have you moved?

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Related Boomer Articles
I Don't Heart Huckabee - Wednesday, February 20, 2008
I have a problem with Mike Huckabee and everyone who supports him. My other half is tired of hearing about it--'tiresome' he called me, 'paranoid' I believe was mentioned once or twice. I think the latter was invoked when I...
The Summer of Love East Coast Style: Boomer Memories - Saturday, June 30, 2007
My mother once said, after hearing I had waited on line two days for Rolling Stones tickets, "Someday this will embarrass you." What she meant, I suppose, was that someday almost everything we thought, felt, or did back then would...
Silliness in Serious Times - Wednesday, October 20, 2004
A good antidote to having way too much work to do is to waste serious amounts of time doing frivolous things on the web. My current favorite is Comedy Central's Indecision 2004, where you can do fun stuff like generate...

Google search: hippies, op-ed, NY times, conservatives

September 20, 2010

Are Boomers Unemployable?

Well, this article in the NY Times positing that the unemployed over 50 may never find work again was just what we wanted to read over morning coffee. It makes me think about other alternatives--- being set adrift on an ice flow, for example.

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Related Boomer Articles
Bad News for Unemployed Boomers - Monday, October 25, 2010
Last night's 60 Minutes episode about unemployment was a bitter pill for Boomers. We are the segment of the unemployed who are unemployed the longest--most likely to be laid off and least likely to be hired elsewhere. Some of those...
Can Boomers Still Get Jobs? - Sunday, August 21, 2005
We're the ones who said never trust anyone over 30 and we're the ones who now may face age bias in the workplace. This article from the Society for Human Resources Management takes a look at what may be becoming...
For Inquiring Boomers - Wednesday, October 3, 2007
Have lots of things you'd like to learn how to do? Considering a new job, hobby, hairdo? And--most important--want to waste lots of time noodling around being entertained while you consider these new things? We found just the website---SoYouWanna. Today...

Google search: unemployment, boomer jobs, unemployed boomers

August 10, 2010

Predicting Alzheimer's: In Time for Baby Boomers?

If, like me, you tend to worry neurotically about the perils of old-age, especially Alzheimer's Disease, the news about new early testing for Alzheimer's will either cheer you or terrify you. Spinal tap testing and PET scans are not yet available to the public, but it would be nice for Baby Boomers if they'd hurry up.

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Related Boomer Articles
Baby Boomers and Alzheimer's - Saturday, February 14, 2004
By the year 2030, the number of people with Alzheimer's disease in this country is expected to increase by 70 percent. If it's any comfort, perhaps I'll forget what it is that pissed me off so much about my bratty...
A Boomer on Boomers - Thursday, January 29, 2009
We've enjoyed Michael Winerip's Parenting column in the New York Times, mainly because his kids are relatively close in age to ours, so we were sad to see it end. But wait! He's back! And now he's writing boomers....
College Redux - Tuesday, April 4, 2006
A recent article by Lisa Belkin in the New York Times Magazine offered a retirement solution I hadn't thought of--I can go back to live at college! In efforts to stop mass boomer migration and to provide us with...

Google search: alzheimer's disease, new york times, spinal tap, pet scans

August 7, 2010

Yes We Are

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Related Boomer Articles
Baby Boomer Hits - Thursday, August 21, 2008
I found this on Shabby Pink Scrapper a site that doesn't have much to do with boomers. I know, I know, they're a little corny, but funny nonetheless. If you can think of more, send 'em along. Baby Boomer Song...
Baby Boomer Music Sells (out?) - Tuesday, October 2, 2007
My music videos these days seem to all be confined to the 30 second variety - where lyrics and imagery from well-known songs of the Baby Boomer Generation seem to be pop(ping) up everywhere. My all-time favorite was Janice singing...
Real Boomer Music - Monday, February 27, 2006
A friend turned us on to this great internet radio, Wolfgang's Vault. æThis is material from over 7,000 concerts that Bill Graham produced and recorded in his lifetime. Some incredible gems in rotation, not to mention pictures and memorabilia....

Google search: jimmy buffet, music, baby boomer music

July 31, 2010

Social Security and Baby Boomers

While probably not cause for immediate hysteria, possible changes in Social Security could effect Boomers. The NY Times has a good overview of potential Social Security scenarios.

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Related Boomer Articles
Social Security Features Online Services - Thursday, September 25, 2008
Another Boomer Milestone - Thursday, October 25, 2007
One effect of being 76-million strong is that everything we do is larger-than-life and some sort of public occasion. Sometimes it seems we're the proverbial butterfly fluttering its wings. Case in point--last week the first baby boomer filed for her...
Which States Might be the Best Bet for Boomers - Monday, August 3, 2009
As boomers ponder their dream retirement havens, it would be wise to consider more than just the state tax element of the benefit/drawback equation. Amenities aside, considerations such as sales tax, social security and property tax need to be taken...

Google search: social security, baby boomers

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