The Republican National Committee is apparently willing to work with Florida on it's primary scheduling by giving it a February 21 date that preserves the turf of the early primary states; but it's being reported that Florida is "wary of states like Colorado, Georgia and Missouri, which are threatening to hold primaries or caucuses before February 21." So if Florida makes the jump, it could touch off a stampede of states moving to earlier and earlier dates. The more Iowa, New Hampshire, South Carolina and Nevada are encroached upon, the more likely it becomes that everyone involved in the GOP primary will be spending the holidays in Des Moines.
Government workers precisely encapsulate what the founders had in mind for this nation. A government of the people. The Republicans don't want you to think about government like this, even though it's the centerpiece of the American-style representative democracy.
My thoughts immediately went back to a concert I performed as part of a celebration thrown by someone described as an "oil sheik" in Italy in 2007. That night, I met a "son of Gadhafi" who had helped pay for the celebration. I didn't know much about Libya then.
As the strangeness unfortunately plays out yet again in another court drama over two years after Michael's passing, let's be sure to remember precisely who is on trial here.
Contrary to popular opinion among U.S. foreign policymakers, the way to undermine growth of insurgencies in Pakistan is not through drone strikes, air and night raids, or covert operations,
The Berkeley College Republicans' "Increase Diversity" bake sale reduces the historical and contemporary struggles that people of color and women face as we all seek access to education, employment -- a fair share of the figurative pie.
In the Turkana region of Northern Kenya, there is some sign of hope. But there is also more work to be done.
With the Geithner appointment, and the even more disturbing selection of Lawrence Summers to be his top economic adviser, Obama sealed his fate as president. By turning to those disciples of Robert Rubin, the new president fatally betrayed his promise of hope.
I think most of what today's "feminists" do is at best a waste of everyone's time and at worst a dangerous distraction from where we really should be focusing.
We've gone from the repressive culture of the Victorian era, through the enforced civility of the 40's and 50's, past the wild rebellion of the 60's and 70's, right up to the Pit Bull Throat-Ripping Mentality of the 2000's.
As I have traveled across the country in recent weeks, speaking to a wide range of audiences, one thing has become abundantly clear: the provisions of the Affordable Care Act already in effect are anything but abundantly clear to people.
The division of the world into 194 random fragments, mostly born of war and exploitation, locked in a state of perpetual mistrust and ever-shifting tensions toward one another, is more problem than solution in the 21st century.
The past is chockfull of misfits and miscreants whose exploits litter the back alleys of history, never to surface in a high school textbook.
$100 billion of our taxes is used to help (relatively) poor people procure relatively poor food (thanks to the prevailing, if not entirely correct, inverse association between food cost and nutritional quality) -- so they can get to really poor health.
Help us help you, Mr. President. Start beating us over the head with simple explanations of your choices that make sense. I don't want a policy paper -- I just want something I can say when someone says, "what was he thinking?" Give me nuts and bolts.
Some days when I actually spend most of my day teaching composition and reading, I think about what a luxury it is for a teacher to be able to do that. Because so much of what we do isn't exactly teaching.
We can quibble over numbers and the exact set of calculations, but the data I observe indicate that as of last year, we were wasting something like 86 percent of all the energy we threw at the economic process.
The kaleidoscope of broken shards that depicts the broken remnants of the American position in the greater Middle East conveys incoherence and fragmentation. There is a common element. It is Israel/Palestine.
It is clear that the Ten Commandments are powerful cultural and religious symbols even if our knowledge of their actual contents is fuzzy at best.
At least the Bushies bothered to pretend. With the rise of the Tea Party, those good old days of feeling the need to fake some sense of humanity are far behind us, and a new breed of openly Compassionless Conservatives has come to the fore.
Food writer Mark Bittman doesn't see himself as part of a vanguard in publishing, even though his newest work, Cooking Solves Everything, will be reserved for e-readers and iPads only.
A self actualized human has moved above being motivated to satisfy the basic needs of food, shelter, financial security, relationships and self esteem, and has learned how to not get stuck and how to move deeper.
The best way to get a handle on where Rick Perry's real political heart lies is to look at his list of $100,000-plus donors, where we can follow the footprints of crony capitalism, also known as corporatism.
Regardless of what transpires at the UN, it must become the impetus towards increased commitment on the part of the international community to fulfill the legitimate aspirations of the Palestinian people and the yearning of Israelis for peace and security.
It is time for Barack Obama to say to the American public that if they want effective (and sensible) government, the Tea Party pot needs to be totally emptied down the electoral drain.
Given the ghastly details of Dawn Brancheau's final 45 minutes being beaten to death by Tilikum, on top of the 100-plus other incidents, SeaWorld is likely to go under if it doesn't change the kinds of shows it puts on.