In Honor Of His Retirement, Fox News Trashes 92 Year-Old Andy Rooney
Reported by Ellen - Tue 4:23 PM
92 year-old Andy Rooney signed off from CBS’ 60 Minutes Sunday – and Fox News covered it by taking potshots at him. Bernard Goldberg appeared on The O’Reilly Factor and told an unflattering anecdote about Rooney in which he supposedly acknowledged liberal bias in the media and then supposedly caved to corporate pressure and walked it back. called the segment, “Was Andy Rooney Good For America?” Why would you ask such a question if not to raise doubt? And why would anyone feel the need to cast doubt on a guy like Rooney – who, after all, was not particularly controversial – except out of maliciousness?
Continue reading »Fox News Witch Hunt For Eric Holder Kicks Up A Notch
Reported by Ellen - Tue 2:37 PM
Developing... It's even bigger news on than Chris Christie not running. Right now, Fox News' BFF on Obama administration witch hunts, Darrell Issa, is on America Live.
Continue reading »No Joy In Foxville: Chris Christie Still Not Running For President! - Definitely!
Reported by Ellen - Tue 1:53 PM
As if we couldn't have guessed... but Fox and other media have milked this story for more than all it's worth. Now, after weeks of breathless speculation, Christie has gone from almost certainly not running to definitely not running.
Continue reading »Steve Doocy Hosts Tim Groseclose For Encore Attack On Media Matters
Reported by Priscilla - Tue 8:53 AM
Part of effective propaganda is reinforcing it. When Fox News has a message that it wants out there (pun intended) it repeats it on several shows. In case you missed Saturday's second string Dave Briggs' interview with Tim Groseclose, about how the evil Media Matters is "abusing your tax dollars," Tim was baaaaack on yesterday's Fox & Friends. Roger Ailes "lackey" Steve Doocy went over pretty much the same territory that Briggs did with the same result; i.e. that despite the thousands of complaints filed by Fox fans, Media Matters is still a 501(C)3. But there was a new angle. Groseclose urged the viewers to write their member of congress in hopes that congress can convene hearings. Doocy said "that's a great point." So who cares about congress needing to do something about the economy. Let's have congress waste even more time investigating Media Matters because they expose Fox News for not being "fair & balanced." Oh, the humanity!
Continue reading »Herman Cain Pretends He Never Called Rick Perry “Insensitive” – And Sean Hannity Helps!
Reported by Ellen - Tue 1:56 AM
As many know, the Washington Post recently came out with a lengthy article tying Republican candidate Rick Perry to a hunting camp called N***erhead. On ABC’s This Week Sunday (10/2/11), Herman Cain – the guy who blasted African Americans as being “brainwashed” out of voting conservative – said he found the name “insensitive” (well, who wouldn’t?) and then said, “Since Governor Perry has been going there for years to hunt, I think that shows a lack of sensitivity for a long time of not taking that word off of that rock and renaming the place.” OK, so maybe Cain has an odd set of conditions for sensitivity that just so happen to be self-serving. But on the Hannity show last night (10/3/11), Cain became even more self-serving – and less sensitive – when he assured Sean Hannity that it was the name of the camp Cain condemned, not Perry. Rather than challenge his rewriting of history, Hannity helped Cain do it.
Continue reading »Hank Williams, Jr. Crashes And Burns As A Fox News Political Pundit
Reported by Ellen - Mon 3:05 PM
Hank Williams, Jr. appeared on Fox & Friends this morning and, undoubtedly knowing that Williams is a Republican, the Curvy Couch Crew decided to probe his thoughts about the 2012 presidential election. The ensuing trainwreck as Williams compared President Obama to Hitler and called Obama “The Enemy!” proved too much even for these three hosts. It probably guarantees this will be the last time anyone on Fox asks for Williams’ political opinion again. How bad was it? Bad enough that Gretchen Carlson made a point of disavowing his comments after the segment was over. UPDATED: Williams dropped from ESPN's Monday Night Football.
Continue reading »The "Occupy Wall Street" Video Fox News Didn't Want You To See
Reported by Ellen - Mon 2:34 PM
Fox News has done a lot of snarky coverage of the Occupy Wall Street protests. But when protester Jesse LeGreca responded to Fox News' offer to get his message "out there" and with "fair coverage," he let forth with some plain talk that included frank thoughts about Fox News that somehow never made it on the air. But in this age of YouTube, Fox could not make it go away by simply not airing it. The New York Observer got it from Occupy Wall Street's media team and we got it, too, thanks to a friendly email.
Continue reading »Fox's Father Jonathan Morris Pals Around With Radical Right Ring Anti-Obama Preacher
Reported by Priscilla - Mon 11:52 AM
The Christian right is heavily involved with the "Pulpit Initiative" that has been organized by the Alliance Defense Fund which is a 501(c) 3 devoted to "spreading the gospel" by fighting gay and reproductive rights and, of course, supporting persecuted Christians. The "Pulpit Initiative" is "an effort to get pastors to speak out on political issues and even endorse or oppose candidates during their sermons in a direct challenge to the IRS." Yesterday was "Pulpit Sunday" - No, not a liturgical holy day but a day during which right wing Christian pastors, in defiance of IRS rules regarding political endorsements (or non endorsements) by non-profits, endorse candidates. Obviously, for the Christian right, it's a way to secure a voting block for right wing candidates and, in their wildest wet dreams, defeat Obama. Fox News hasn't endorsed the pulpit initiative which Glenn Beck enthusiastically supports. But they do appear to be curious about it as shown by Father Jonathan's weekly Sunday homily during which he opined on the issue of preachers promoting politicians. It was interesting as the cute little padre did mention one of his good friends. As the saying goes, "you're known by the company you keep."
Continue reading »Fox Nation Features Tupak Sex Tape While Ignoring Teabagger's Hooker Arrest
Reported by Priscilla - Mon 10:42 AM
Fox Nation never wastes an opportunity to showcase what they feel are blacks behaving badly as it appeals to their racist readers who still hold to Jim Crow family values which feature the belief that blacks can't control themselves. Good Christian Republican whites who transgress are not seen on Fox Nation which, I guess, believes that said transgressions are just good Christian man needs. One of the lede "culture" threads on today's Fox Nation is a link to a TMZ article about a sex tape done by the deceased black rapper Tupac. Who cares? Tupac isn't a political figure like Steve Stevlic, head of the Chicago Tea Party whom right wing radio host Mark Levin referred to as "terrific." Information has surfaced about last Steve Stevlic's arrest, last year, for soliciting a prostitute. The charges were dropped after Stevlic agreed to go to a rehab program for "johns." As a result of the report, broken by Gawker, family values guy Stevlic didn't show up at a big Illinois Tea Party conference which he helped organize. So far, there's nothing about it on Fox Nation and it's safe to that there never will be anything. Now do ya think if - say - Michael Moore were arrested for soliciting a prostitute that Fox Nation would ignore it?
Continue reading »How Ugly Will Be The Sarah Palin-Fox News Break Up and How Soon?
Reported by Aunty Em - Mon 9:23 AM
A recent headline at Crooks and Liars was guaranteed to catch my attention: “Palin Now Feuding With Juan Williams and Megyn Kelly,” written by Tina Dupuy. It’s similar to some of what we do here at News Hounds: it’s a few words to introduce a video clip, in this case one of Lawrence O’Donnell from MSNBC. However, it dovetails nicely with a hilarious and insightful post on Depuy’s blog I read about a year ago titled “Sarah Palin: America’s Full-Time Professional Duelist” in which she pegged The Quitter From Wasilla better than anyone else has, before or since: “In fact, Palin is now our nation’s only full-time professional duelist. She fights with everyone. Her entire post-quitting career is centered on flame wars, most of which she starts. They are often petty, sanctimonious, trumped-up jabs which do nothing but make the media talk about her more. And she’s monetized the drama. She’s gone pro. Yes, she’s found the formula Paris Hilton and Kim Kardashian pioneered: shameless and shallow sells.” Written eleven months ago, nothing Sarah Palin has done or said has changed that impression. All Dupuy has had to do is maintain her “Sarah Palin’s Enemies List,” a compendium of all the feuds (whether one-sided or not) that Palin has engaged in since she left Alaska in the lurch. That list now stands at 92 and, amazingly, has grown by two since I began this article!!! The O’Donnell clip is about Palin’s feuds with Megyn Kelly and Juan Williams, coming in on Dupuy’s list at numbers 89 and 90 respectively. Palin using Fox “News” to engage in her petty feuds is nothing new. What is new, however, is that her feuds are now with other Fox “News” personalities. Watch:
Continue reading »Bill O'Reilly Advocates For Condemned Iranian Christian Pastor After Ignoring Troy Davis
Reported by Priscilla - Mon 7:15 AM
Fox News, as the mouthpiece for the "right to life," provided lots of coverage for "Baby Joseph" whose cause was near and dear to those who profess to cherish life from the moment of conception. But for these "pro-life" folks, those who are post born and facing execution aren't held with the same reverence as fetuses and those in persistent vegetative states. The right to lifers weren't all that concerned about the execution of Troy Davis who was executed for a crime that, according to a number of legal experts, he might not have committed. The case garnered international attention. Even the Pope voiced his support for granting Mr. Davis a new trial. But Fox gave it little attention and what they gave was mostly in support of the execution. And now that a Christian pastor has been sentenced to death in Iran, Fox News seems quite concerned about that death penalty as shown in Bill O'Reilly's interview with defender of persecuted Christians, Fox fave Jay Sekulow and Fox's Catholic hired priest Father Jonathan Morris (the only clergy who is seen regularly) who was mum about the Davis execution. In the land of Fox, not all those facing execution are equal.
Continue reading »Cavuto’s “Commentary” More Like A Herman Cain Campaign Commercial
Reported by Guest Blogger - Mon 3:20 AM
This was Neil Cavuto’s loving tribute to Herman Cain disguised as his “Commentary” segment on Friday (9/30/11). Cavuto insisted he was not trying to promote Cain but he ended by saying that the more he hears from Cain’s critics, “The more I just want, well, to vomit.”
Continue reading »Fox Nation Pretends Van Jones Threatened Violence – And Their Readers Responded With Real Threats
Reported by Guest Blogger - Mon 2:14 AM
By Aria
For a site that likes to claim it stands for tolerance, Fox Nation sure does print some doozies. Take for instance, their post questioning whether Van Jones (a favorite Fox News scapegoat) had threatened violence on MSNBC’s Last Word, the full segment of which can be seen below. Note that even in Fox's clip, Jones didn’t actually threaten violence. It’s even clearer in the full segment that he was talking about the American Dream Movement. But guess who was overtly and unmistakeably threatening violence? The Fox Nation readers. The situation got so bad that Fox Nation closed the comments. But not before I was able to capture some screen grabs. Warning: Not for those with delicate stomachs.
Continue reading »No FEMA? No Problem On Fox News
Reported by Guest Blogger - Sun 7:55 PM
By Brian
On Cashin’ In yesterday (10/1/11), the panel discussed FEMA finding extra money and thereby averting a government shutdown. Regular panelist and Fox News contributor Jonathan Hoenig said, "Truth is, is that we don't need FEMA. You talk like it's an integral part of the Constitution, it’s not." Host Cheryl Casone didn’t challenge that radical suggestion.
Continue reading »If Fox Nation Is "For Those Opposed To Intolerance," What's Up With "Pig Maher?"
Reported by Priscilla - Sun 2:00 PM
Bill Maher is a comedian who whose political satire is equal opportunity. His show is on HBO which is a pay for view channel. Yet, Fox Nation seems to have an obsession about him that belies the Fox Nation mission statement about being "opposed to intolerance." But inquiring minds want to know how the nomenclature of Bill Maher as "Pig Maher" (Incuding the most recent example, five times) comports with their commitment to "observing the rules of civility and mutual respect." Oh, right, as noted by News Corpse, Fox Nation is "bound by a confederacy of dunces" and in using the term "Pig Maher," they demonstrate what they think is "their maturity and devotion to ethical journalism." Now, I get it. Jon Stewart's description of the mentality on Fox & Friends can be applied to Fox Nation. "Seventh Grade Rules!"
Continue reading »Fox’s Judge Jeanine Pirro Suggests The U.S. “Revisit” The First Amendment
Reported by Ellen - Sun 1:24 AM
Fox News host and birther Jeanine Pirro shocked her own conservative guest when, in a discussion about the assassination of American-born Al Qaeda member, Anwar Al-Awlaki, she eagerly suggested the United States “revisit,” i.e. scale back, the First Amendment as a protection against jihadists.
Continue reading »On Fox & Friends: Nancy Pelosi Is A Witch?
Reported by Priscilla - Sat 3:44 PM
Whenever an icon of conservative womanhood (in particular Sarah Palin) is mocked by a liberal comedian (in particular, Bill Maher) howls of indignant, right wing rage are heard on Fox News. Cries of sexism are heard. Fox's Dr Keith Ablow provides some psychiatric insight into the woman hating. Fox Nation uses the word "pig" as a prefix to Bill Maher's name. But yet, Fox has no problem with the ongoing botox "jokes" about former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi which certain Fox guys have chuckled about. Earlier this week, Fox & Friends provided more "humor" about Pelosi when the music, played over footage of Nancy Pelosi, was the Eagle's "Witchy Woman." Funny, a GOP female candidate for Senate actually admitting to dabbling in witchcraft and (something you never heard on Fox) had a "date" on a Satanic altar. But as an icon of conservative womanhood, Christine O'Donnell wasn't mocked on Fox which holds conservative women in high esteem - liberal women not so much. Can you imagine the Fox News outrage if MSNBC played, over footage of Sarah Palin, Elton John's "The Bitch is Back."
H/T Media Matters
Continue reading »On Fox & Friends: Dave Briggs Says Media Matters Abuses Tax Dollars
Reported by Priscilla - Sat 2:53 PM
Fox & Friends is a program on Fox News, a network that claims to be "fair & balanced." But because it's officially an "opinion" show, it's exempt from the "fair & balanced" slogan which is on the Fox News logo. Thus, as an opinion show, it's a great platform for the unofficial views of Fox News as the "morning happy-talk show that Ailes uses as one of his primary vehicles to inject his venom into the media bloodstream." Much of Ailes' recent venom has been directed toward Media Matters for America which is a website that identifies and debunks right wing lies on Fox News (as well as other media). In that respect it's no different from "Newsbusters," a right wing site devoted to ferreting out liberal and anti-Christian bias, founded by Fox fave Brent Bozell's right wing "Media Research Center" which, like MMFA, is a tax supported 501(C)3. And that gets us to the crux of Fox News' source of agita. The honchos at Fox and, perhaps News Corps, glommed onto GOP activist C Boyden Gray's belief that MMFA is violating its tax exempt status. Since the publication of Gray's article in the right wing Washington Monthly, Fox News been on a *jihad against MMFA and its president, David Brock, who got a "diagnosis" from Fox's Dr Ablow. The Fox News hate site, Fox Nation, had, until recently, a prominent thread which linked to a complaint form that readers (ha!) could send to the IRS. And this morning, in case folks forgot about the evil MMFA, Fox friend Dave Briggs reminded us that MMFA is "abusing your tax dollars" which is clearly a Fox opinion and not a fact.
Continue reading »Hannity Disses Michael Jackson Trial Fans As “Losers”
Reported by Ellen - Sat 11:47 AM
Sean Hannity is not just disinterested in the manslaughter trial of Michael Jackson’s physician. He wants you to know that those who care a lot about it are “losers.” After sneering at what he obviously considered excessive media coverage, Hannity added contemptuously, “Where do people have time to go home at night, make posters… and then stand outside the courtroom all day? …They’re losers.” Of course, the Murray trial is nothing like when Hannity spent every night outside Terri Schiavo’s hospice with a bunch of people who had nothing better to do than hang around with him – with signs.
Continue reading »Fox News Host Attacks Obama For Not Giving Bush Credit In Killing of Al-Awlaki
Reported by Ellen - Sat 2:08 AM
Surprise! Surprise! Surprise! Fox News host Eric Bolling - you know, the guy who egged on colleague Sandra Smith's "White Hizzy" remarks - isn't just withholding his props for President Obama's latest belt notches in the war on terror, he's annoyed that former President Bush isn't getting more credit. (H/T Mediaite)
Continue reading »Fox's New Slogan Tacitly Admits Its Conservative Bias, reported by Ellen,
Megyn Kelly Defends Homophobia?, reported by Priscilla,
Embarrassing Obama More Important Than Terrorist Killings To Fox Nation, reported by Ellen,
Megyn Kelly Gives "Right To Life" Eulogy For "Baby Joseph", reported by Priscilla,
As The Murdoch Turns: The Week’s Newest News Corp. News, reported by Aunty Em,
Bill O’Reilly: African Americans Have Been Brainwashed To Vote For Democrats Because Of Entitlements, reported by Ellen,
Jon Stewart Skewers Palin And Christie Non-Campaign Coverage, reported by Ellen,
Bill O'Reilly Hiding His Ring Finger?, reported by Priscilla,
"It Just Seems Fishy" Good Enough Reason For Hannity To Attack Obama Over Ford Bailout Ad, reported by Ellen,
Gretchen Carlson Shows Some Sweetness For Anti-Affirmative Action Bake Sale, reported by Priscilla,
O’Reilly On The Daily Show: Talking Taxes For Millionaires And His Threat To Quit Working , reported by Ellen,
Fox & Friends Mock Chaz Bono & The Transgendered, reported by Priscilla,
While Pimping Calista Gingrich's New Book, Steve Doocy Attacks TX Teacher , reported by Priscilla,
Fox News Civil War! Dick Morris Blasts “Teases” Chris Christie, Sarah Palin, Mike Huckabee and Donald Trump, reported by Ellen,
Chris Christie Still Not Running, Probably, reported by Ellen,
Greta Van Susteren Repeatedly Prods Republican Senator Grassley To Be More Antagonistic Toward Department Of Justice, reported by Ellen,
Memo To Fox & Friends: I Don't Want You Hit By Skylab!, reported by Priscilla,
Fox News' Hero Priest, Frank Pavone, In Holy Hot Water?, reported by Priscilla,
Today’s Fox and Friends Pushes Yesterday’s Debunked Story To Attack POTUS, reported by Aunty Em,
News Corp Facing More Legal Troubles Here And Abroad, reported by Ellen,
Steve Doocy Thinks Anti-Affirmative Action Bake Sale Is Dandy?, reported by Priscilla,
Chris Christie And His Republican Audience Cheer Reagan Firing 11,000 Air Traffic Controllers, reported by Ellen,
Fox News Alert: Chris Christie Still Not Running For President, Probably, reported by Ellen,
Megyn Kelly Goes To Bat For UC Berkeley’s Anti-Affirmative Action Stunt, reported by Ellen,
Fox & Friends’ Doocy And Kilmeade Try To Get Actress Anna Kendrick To Bash George Clooney, reported by Ellen,
Fox's Peter Johnson Jr. Is A Maltese Knight!, reported by Priscilla,
O’Reilly Uses The Factor To Promote His New Book, reported by Ellen,
Palin Threatens To Sue The Rogue Publisher And Author Joe McGinnis, reported by Ellen,
What Roger Ailes Really Admitted To Newsweek About Fox News Bias, reported by Ellen,
Fox's Fr. Jonathan Morris Says Blessed Are The Rich For They Should Keep Their Tax Break?, reported by Priscilla,
Fox News Host And Panelists Cheerlead For Shutting Down Government, reported by Guest Blogger,
Forbes On Fox Host Doesn’t Want A Discouraging Word About Fossil Fuels, reported by Guest Blogger,
Saturday Night Live Does Fox News GOP Debate, reported by Ellen,
War Budget Over Social Security?, reported by Ellen,
Cavuto’s Post Debate Love Fest For Herman Cain, reported by Guest Blogger,
Hannity “A Little Shocked” At Conservatives’ Negative Reaction To Perry In Debate, reported by Ellen,
Brit Hume Pronounces Obama’s Jobs Plan DOA, reported by Guest Blogger,
Fox's Dr. Keith Ablow Says Therapists Should Think Of Crucified Jesus, reported by Priscilla,
Fox & Friends Guest Says Muslims Should Be Grateful To Live In The US, reported by Priscilla,
Megyn Kelly Uses "Right To Life" Talking Point To Frame Debate Question, reported by Priscilla,
Here We Go Again: O’Reilly V. Jon Stewart, This Time Over Tax Hikes For Millionaires, reported by Ellen,
Bill O'Reilly Sleeping With The Enemy? NPR Appearance Scheduled, reported by Ellen,
Fox News Failed To Disclose Right-Wing Affiliations Of Two YouTube Debate Questioners, reported by Ellen,
Frank Luntz' Focus Group Overwhelmingly Votes Romney The Winner Of Fox News' GOP Presidential Debate, reported by Ellen,
Fox Nation Uses Photo Of Black Man To Headline Thread About White Supremacist, reported by Priscilla,
Live Blogging Fox News GOP Candidates Debate, reported by Ellen,
Fox News Too Busy With Its GOP/Obama-Bashing Agenda To Cover Troy Davis Execution, reported by Ellen, Readers' Racist Bloodlust For Troy Davis Execution, reported by Ellen,
Another Fox Nation Death Threat Against Obama Reported To The Secret Service, reported by Ellen,
Cavuto Gives A Friendly Platform For Tea Party Challenge To “Socialist” John Boehner, reported by Guest Blogger,
Sarah Palin Lectures The Republican Presidential Candidates On How To Campaign, reported by Ellen,
Monica Crowley Plays The Race Card Against President Obama And African American Communities, reported by Ellen,
Eric Bolling: Fox's New Conspiracy Theorist, reported by Aunty Em,
Multimillionaires Hannity And Palin Lecture Warren Buffett Over Tax Increases For The Wealthy , reported by Ellen,
Bill O'Reilly Drops His Threat Of Quitting If His Taxes Go Up, reported by Ellen,
Murdoch Fetes Perry, reported by Ellen,
News Corp. Willing To Pay Big Bucks To Murdered Teen's Family, reported by Ellen,
Fox Nation Fans Make Vile Comments About Chaz Bono, reported by Priscilla,
Fox Nation Comment Encourages Terrorism Against "Ground Zero Mosque", reported by Priscilla,
Dana Perino Pimps Christian Kids Book About Heaven, reported by Priscilla,
Bob Beckel Is A Punching Bag For Fox "News", reported by Aunty Em,
Bill O’Reilly Threatens To Quit If Higher Taxes For Millionaires Are Enacted, reported by Ellen,
Fox News Civil War! Greta Van Susteren Vs. Tucker Carlson Over Sarah Palin!, reported by Ellen,
Don’t Let Congress Vote For War Over Jobs , reported by Ellen,
Lost, Abused and Neglected In A For-Profit Prison, reported by Ellen,
Fox & Friends Decide Bill Clinton Didn’t Really Mean It When He Supported Obama’s Jobs Plan, reported by Ellen,
Greta Van Susteren Attacks Colleague Tucker Carlson Over Mike Tyson’s Comments About BFF Sarah Palin, reported by Ellen,
Bill O'Reilly Asks Why Rep. Maxine Waters "Attacks" Fox News? Excuse Me?, reported by Priscilla,
Steve Doocy Gets Teabagged By "Awesome" Teen?, reported by Priscilla,
Bill O'Reilly Supports Right Wing Attack On Affirmative Action, reported by Priscilla,
Hannity Pretends He Doesn’t Know Obama Is Not A Fan Of Farrakhan, reported by Ellen,
Fox News: The Equal Opportunity For White People Station, reported by Ellen,
Bill O'Reilly Admits That Fox News Has "Pro-Life" Bias, reported by Priscilla,
O'Reilly Continues His Jihad Against Murdered Abortion Provider Dr. George Tiller, reported by Ellen,
News Blooper or Sabotage? Guest Blurts Out “Fox News Lies” On Fox , reported by Aunty Em,
Is Dick Cheney Afraid Of Bill O'Reilly?, reported by Ellen,
Tell Congress And Rep. Issa: Hold Murdoch Accountable, reported by Ellen,
Cavuto’s Speed Reading Fraud, reported by Guest Blogger,
Megyn Kelly Calls Out Dr. Keith Ablow For Spreading "Hate", reported by Priscilla,
Was The Five’s Greg Gutfeld Racist During Attack On POTUS?, reported by Aunty Em,
Fox News Debate: Is President Obama Deliberately Tanking The Economy Or Has He “Doubled Down On Stupid?”, reported by Ellen,
Sen. Jim DeMint: I Can’t Work With The President Because He’s A Socialist, reported by Ellen,
Hannity Exploits Paul Krugman As An Excuse To Spew His Own Hatred For Americans, reported by Ellen,
What A Coincidence! Fox News Spawns “Regulation Nation” Just As GOP Launches Push For Rollbacks, reported by Ellen,
Neil Cavuto Deliberately Pit Donald Trump Against Dick Cheney, reported by Guest Blogger,
Mediaite Profiles Fox’s Spin Meister Frank Luntz , reported by Aunty Em,
Hannity Uses Tavis Smiley To Advance An Anti-Black Agenda, reported by Ellen,
Proof There's No Detail Too Small For Fox To Attack President Obama With, reported by Ellen,
News Corp. Shareholders Accuse Murdoch, Et Al. Of Wrongdoing In The U.S., reported by Ellen,
Fox Nation Says Paul Krugman Is "Hateful", reported by Priscilla,
Fox And Friends Are No Friends To Paul Krugman, reported by Aunty Em,
Bill O’Reilly Jumps On The Attack-Paul-Krugman Bandwagon, reported by Ellen,
Megyn Kelly Advances Right Wing Attack On Paul Krugman, reported by Priscilla,
Fox Nation Readers Want To Kill Michelle Obama, reported by Ellen,
Gretchen Carlson Suggests That Serena Williams Is Racist?, reported by Priscilla,
Fox News Successful Hatemongering? , reported by Priscilla,
Fox Nation's Bogus Suggestion PBS Covered Up Obama's Speech Gaffe , reported by Ellen,
On Fox & Friends: Zuhdi Jasser Blames American Muslims For Terror Threats, reported by Priscilla,
Too Much Patriotic Fervor On Fox Nation's 9/11 Anniversary Thread?, reported by Ellen,
Fox News Asks if Obama "Is Sincere In Wanting To Create Jobs?", reported by Ellen,
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