“Faster Than Light” Particles — Was Einstein Wrong?
If this gets independent verification it will mean that Einstein’s “theory” of relativity is WRONG:
Scientists around the world said on Friday the discovery of sub-atomic particles apparently traveling faster than light could force a major rethink of theories on the makeup of the cosmos, but the findings would first have to be independently confirmed.
“Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence, and this is an extraordinary claim,” eminent cosmologist and astrophysicist Martin Rees told Reuters.
The CERN research institute near Geneva said measurements over three years had shown neutrinos pumped to a receiver in Gran Sasso, Italy, had arrived 60 nanoseconds sooner than light would have done — a tiny difference that could nonetheless undermine Albert Einstein’s 1905 special theory of relativity.
“It is premature to comment on this,” Professor Stephen Hawking, the world’s most well-known physicist, told Reuters. “Further experiments and clarifications are needed.”
This has been “settled science” by consensus for nearly half a century, and has been out there for right at 100 years. And now, it looks like it’s incorrect and will have to be re-thought.
Will that make the Global Warming hysterics “rethink” their couple-of-decades consensus based on faulty/fudged data, incomplete-super-complex modeling and blow-hard money-making proponents like Al Gore?
Well . . . Pigs aren’t flyin’ outside my window, and Hell is still liquid . . .
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