KBOO's Fall membership drive begins tomorrow!


Upcoming Trainings

10/11 7pm Field Recording  
10/12 1pm Intro to Audio and Production  
10/13 1pm
Intro to Audio and Production
10/18 1pm Advanced Digital Editing  
10/18 6pm Beginning Digital Editing  
10/23 Noon Listening Session  
10/25 6pm Field Recording  
10/27 7pm Legal Training  
11/2 5pm Beginning Digital Editing  
11/3 1pm Intro to Audio and Production  
11/8 1pm Advanced Digital Editing  

You must first attend a volunteer orientation and then contact Ani Haines to sign up for the following trainings. Our next volunteer orientation will be held Thursday, November 10th, 6 - 8 pm.  Please see our volunteer page for more about volunteering, and attending the orientation.

While trainings are free to active volunteers at KBOO, we do require that you volunteer for eight-hours following each training you sign up for.

We have regular trainings monthly to help build skills in audio production and news writing & reporting.
Trainings include:

  • Introduction to Studio Use / Audio Production
  • Field Recording
  • Digital Editing using Adobe Audition
  • Interviewing
Intro to Studio and Audio Production

Wednesday, October 12th , 1pm - 5pm, with Sarina Fong

Thursday, October 13th , 1pm - 5pm, with Emily Young

Thursday, November 3rd, 1pm - 5pm, with Emily Young

Learn your way around the KBOO studios, how a mixing board works, the ins and outs of our equipment, and the checkout procedure.  This is the very first production training you should take, it is required for all further production training. This is a four hour training, and is offered in two, two hour sessions, or a 1/2 day intensive.  Please note that if you sign-up for the two part session, you must take both halves.

We also require a listening session after this class. The listening sessions are ONLY open to those who take Intro to Studio and Audio Production.

Saturday Oct. 23th, Noon- 2pm, with Erin Yanke

Field Recording

Tuesday October 11th, 7pm - 9pm, Led by Josh Harper

Tuesday October 25th, 6pm - 8pm, Led by Josh Harper

You will learn the different types of recorders that KBOO has vailable for field recording: minidisks, microtracks, digital recorders, and more.  You will also learn the check-out and check-in procedure for equipment, tips for getting the most out of your field recording, and how to put the audio from the recorder onto the computer for editing.  This class is required before you can check out equipment for field recording.  The workshop is two hours.

Legal Training: FCC Issues in Broadcast

Thursday Oct 27th  7 - 8:15 pm with Chris Merrick

This is a required course for all on-air volunteers. You will learn all about FCC regulations — like indecency, slander/libel, payola/plugola, and so much more. This Class usually happens on the Fourth Thursday of the Month.

Beginning Digital Editing

Tuesday October 18th, 6pm - 8pm, with Ross Freeman Levin

Wednesday November 2th, 5pm - 7pm, with Paula Small

Learn basic file management (file types and conversions, saving and locating files on the KBOO network) and the basic digital editing techniques  in Adobe Audition.


Advanced Digital Editing

Tuesday October 18th, 1pm - 3pm, with Rolf Semprebon

Sunday October 23rd, 2pm - 4pm, with Matt Clark

Tuesday November 8th, 1pm - 3pm, with Rolf Semprebon

Learn how to use the multitrack functions in Adobe Audition, and make spots for KBOO on-air promotions.


PM News Orientation

Led by Jenka Soderberg

Learn the basics of KBOO Evening news production process, how to begin volunteering with Evening news, how the Newsroom production studio works, and some basic interviewing techniques.

Announcing and Mic Technique

Taught by Emily Young

How to use the number one tool of radio, The Microphone, to your advantage. We'll learn how to sound good on the microphone, how to prepare your script and voice, and more!

Community Reporting

Taught by Emily Young

Learn the techniques, tips and tricks of being a local news reporter. What to look for, what to avoid, how to get the story, how to research your topic on deadline, and how to keep the listener’s interest when you put the story together for the news.  Prerequisite: NEWSROOM ORIENTATION.

Investigative Reporting

Taught by Emily Young

Join a team of KBOO Investigative Reporters to learn the ins and outs of reaearching and investigating an in-depth story.  Prerequisite: COMMUNITY REPORTING

Interviewing Techniques

Led by Jenka Soderberg

Interviewing techniques – the art of the interview.  It’s more than just putting a microphone in front of someone!  Learn how to prepare for your interview, how to phrase your questions, and audio techniques for maximum effect. This training is aimed at news and public affairs volunteers.  Prerequisite: NEWSROOM ORIENTATION.

News Writing for Radio

Led by Jenka Soderberg

You will learn how to effectively write new copy for radio: intros, outtros, what to avoid, how to write copy for anchors, and the basics of voicing into microphones.

Music Programming Essentials

Discuss some of the basic elements that are essential to quality music programming, both in technical skills and in compelling content. We will be sharing Tips, Pet Peeves, and do peer evaluations of the 5 minute demo you bring to the class.

Please show up to the class with a 5 Minute Demo that:
a) Starts with Music
b) Music fade into announcing. Please include the following in your announcing:
back announce - Legal ID - Title of your show, and description of your show - Boo Player or IR Spot - read underwriting or other announcement - forward announce and start the next song
c) Begin a song

This whole demo should be 5 minutes long. Please use music to fill up the 5 minutes.

Live Music Mixology: How to Mix and Broadcast Live Bands

Led by Nick Schwartz and Jon Wohlfert.

This weekend long class you will learn how to mix and broadcast live performances in the KBOO studios. On the second day of the class you will mix a live band. You MUST attend both days.

Prerequisite: Introduction to Audio Production, Audio Production Listening Session, Legal Training

Live Music Mixology: Practice

Led by Nick Swartz.

 Practice your new mixing skills on local bands, who come into the studio. We record their set, post it on the KBOO Website, and put the set into our Library for airplay. Prerequisite: Live Music Mixology: How to Mix and Broadcast Live Bands

(If you are a local band that is interested in participating, please get in touch with Erin Yanke at youth@kboo.org)

Using the New KBOO Website

Led by VJ Beauchamp

You will get an overview of the features that programmers will be able to use on the KBOO website.

Promoting Your Program -- getting the word out about the great work you do!

Led by VJ Beauchamp

Learn techniques to reach more listeners and build a community around your show. This training will mostly focus using KBOO.FM and other websites, but will also include fliers, community events, getting guests, email lists, cross-promoting, press releases, using the community calendar, networking with guests, on-air announcements and more!

Radio and the Digital Age

We will present an overview of how new forms of media are changing the way we interact with Radio, and what this means for KBOO. Program hosts and volunteers are invited to attend and find out how our station and your show can make sure we stay relevant in the era of iPods, blogs, and social networks.

Finding graphics for your web postings

Led by VJ Beauchamp
Unless you own a lot of varied photographs and illustrations, you will need to rely on the kindness of the interwebs. Here's how to do it in a legal, non-stealing manner. We'll talk about where to find legal-to-use graphics, and how our content management system works with them.

Writing for the web

Led by VJ Beauchamp
Writing for the web is much different than writing for print, and most likely different than how you learned to write in school. We'll give you a brief overview of how to write lively text for the web.

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