Newspaper Column
- How Baseball Explains Modern Racism for 09/30/2011Despite recent odes to "post-racial" sensibilities, persistent racial wage and unemployment gaps show that prejudice is alive and well in America. Nonetheless, that truism is often angrily denied or willfully ignored in our society, in part because prejudice is so much more difficult to recognize on a day-to-day basis. As opposed to the Jim Crow er ...
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- How Baseball Explains Modern Racism for 09/30/2011
- What baseball tells us about racism September 30, 2011Most home-plate umpires are white -- and they seem to be hurting the careers of minority pitchers ...
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- What baseball tells us about racism September 30, 2011
Other Articles
Hollywood Glorifies Military at Taxpayers’ Expense
San Francisco Chronicle
Since the taxpayer-supported “Wings” won the first Academy Award in 1927, the U.S. government has worked closely with Hollywood to promote, glorify and celebrate the armed forces. In the 1980s, this partnership became a highly political Military-Entertainment Complex, which today grants and denies filmmakers access to military hardware on the basis of filmmakers’ ideology and message.
The result is that many pro-war films are supported by huge public subsidies that underwrite studios’ use of military planes, boats and hardware – as long as those studios promise to produce a film that Pentagon spinmeisters approve of. Antimilitarist filmmakers, by contrast, are often barred by the government from even photographing the same hardware.
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Television Appearances
CNN: Is Ron Paul Being Ignored By the Media?
Sirota appeared on CNN’s Reliable Sources to discuss the presidential race and whether or not Republican candidate Ron Paul is being ignored by the media. Watch the clip here:
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Bob Saget on His Comedy Transformation
Actor/comedian Bob Saget appeared on Sirota’s AM760 radio show to talk about how he went from a guy who played wholesome family-friendly characters on TV to one of the most cutting-edge stand-up comics in showbiz. Listen to the interview here:
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