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Fischer: homos, suppress your sexual orientation because his bigotry is just truth telling

By: Pam Spaulding Thursday October 6, 2011 3:16 pm

The ramping up of the persecution complex by obsessive gay-hating fundies like Bryan Fischer of the American Family Association begins as the Values Voter Summit approaches. It is some serious Bullsh*ttery out the wazoo, via People for the American Way’s Right Wing Watch, which will be there covering every last moment of that conference so you don’t have to.

Video #1: Bryan discusses with senior fellow Peter Sprigg, why TEH HOMOs must suppress their sexual orientation.

[Fischer says] his anti-gay outlook represents a “more noble view of humanity” than the worldview of gay rights advocates. Sprigg went on to say that “in terms of their identity, we as Christians believe that every human being is born in the image of God, and to be born in the image of God is a far higher and better thing than for anyone to be born gay

Video #2: Bryan says he’s just telling the truth, not fomenting bigotry. He’s so misunderstood, isn’t he?

Fischer also addressed People For the American Way’s letter to Mitt Romney and the New York Times story on the issue that asked why Romney is appearing directly before Fischer, despite his virulent anti-gay, anti-Muslim, anti-Native American and anti-Mormon rhetoric. Fischer said that he has “done nothing but tell the truth about homosexuality, about gay rights, about Muslims and Mormons,” and that when you “tell the truth, as far as the left concerns, [it is] unmitigated bigotry.”

R.I.P. Rev. Fred L. Shuttlesworth, civil rights giant

By: Pam Spaulding Thursday October 6, 2011 11:12 am

The passing of  Rev. Shuttlesworth and continuing tension surrounding the comparison of the black and LGBT civil rights movements.

On a day overshadowed by the coverage of the passing of Steve Jobs, we also lost a civil rights leader who literally took body blows for racial equality. The Rev. Fred L. Shuttlesworth, a contemporary of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Rep. John Lewis and others who put their lives on the line, died at 89.

In his home base of Birmingham, Alabama, the epicenter of Jim Crow, Shuttlesworth was on the ground organizing weeks of demonstrations involving children, clergy and students who faced the power and wrath of the Commissioner of Public Safety for the city, Bull Connor, who unleashed fire hoses and dogs onto the peaceful demonstrators, with the cameras rolling. From the NYT:

The brutality helped galvanize the nation’s conscience, as did the Ku Klux Klan’s bombing of a black church in Birmingham that summer, which killed four girls at Sunday school. Those events led to passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965, after the historic Alabama marches that year from Selma to Montgomery, which Mr. Shuttlesworth also helped organize. The laws were the bedrock of civil rights legislation.

“Without Fred Shuttlesworth laying the groundwork, those demonstrations in Birmingham would not have been as successful,” said Andrew M. Manis, author of “A Fire You Can’t Put Out,” a biography of Mr. Shuttlesworth. “Birmingham led to Selma, and those two became the basis of the civil rights struggle.”

Mr. Shuttlesworth, he added, had “no equal in terms of courage and putting his life in the line of fire” to battle segregation.

When there is outcry from members of the black community decrying comparisons of the LGBT rights movement to that of the black civil rights movement, this kind of activism and sacrifice is pointed to:

[F]ew doubted his courage. In the years before 1963 he was arrested time and again — 30 to 40 times by his count — on charges aimed at impeding peaceful protests. He was repeatedly jailed and twice the target of bombs.

In one instance, on Christmas night 1956, he survived an attack in which six sticks of dynamite were detonated outside his parsonage bedroom as he lay in bed. “The wall and the floor were blown out,” Ms. McWhorter wrote, “and the mattress heaved into the air, supporting Shuttlesworth like a magic carpet.”

When he tried to enroll his children in an all-white school in 1957, Klansmen attacked him with bicycle chains and brass knuckles. When a doctor treating his head wounds marveled that he had not suffered a concussion, Mr. Shuttlesworth famously replied, “Doctor, the Lord knew I lived in a hard town, so he gave me a hard head.”

It’s an unnecessary zero-sum game to say that one’s level of sacrifice for human rights should be equivalent in suffering to achieve equality. Human rights are human rights regardless. But leaders of the LGBT movement has to stop, listen and understand why it’s hard to listen to emotion behind the rejection of the comparison.

Aside from direct action arrests we’ve seen GetEqual and other grassroots groups, LGBT faces of “activism” have been people who have perished because of violent anti-LGBT persecution — Harvey Milk, Matthew Shepard, Gwen Araujo, Lawrence King, etc. Aside from Milk, a public official and activist, most of our icons were not public figures engaged in any action aside from being a living human being. In the U.S., current visible leadership in the fight for LGBT equality don’t have to deal with their houses being bombed, face jail time, or are the victims of repeated bloody beat-downs. Most live a comfortable existence in gay enclaves and work within the political system.

That’s why you see the comparison can seem raw to those who have lived through the black civil rights movement; I understand that as someone who is both black and gay and live in the South, and whose grandparents were part of the movement in North Carolina. But trying to “rank worthiness” isn’t a universal viewpoint, as you know, because two of the strongest allies for the LGBT rights movement have been Julian Bond and Congressman John Lewis (D-GA).

Meet the folks trying to ‘save America’ for Jesus

By: Alvin McEwen Thursday October 6, 2011 7:10 am
People for the American Way’s Right Wing Watch has compiled the best – or rather the worst – comments coming from the key sponsors and speakers at this weekend’s Values Voters Summit. 

Please bear in mind that these folks make their money by claiming that America is on a “moral decline” and it’s up to them to pull the country back.

You tell me what’s worse – the fact that there are some people who actually believe that mess or the fact that several Republican presidential candidates will be in attendance:

What would Jesus do indeed? Would He actually be proud to have these characters using His name for their madness? I think not.

Related post:

Who’s Who at the Values Voter Summit - Hold your nose and take a gander at a complete listing of who the GOP candidates will be kissing up to.

SPLC calls out those associating with anti-gay hate groups - The Southern Poverty Law Center is doubling down on exposing these charlatans.

R.I.P. Steve Jobs

By: Pam Spaulding Wednesday October 5, 2011 8:14 pm

It’s not an understatement to say that the man changed the world. There are plenty of obits to read around the web so there’s no need for one here. Steve Jobs died Wednesday at the too-young age of 56 after a long battle with pancreatic cancer. A thoughtful quote from man behind Apple: “Your work [...]

One Way To Tell That Trans People Are On The Religious Right’s/Social Conservative’s Radar

By: Autumn Sandeen Wednesday October 5, 2011 7:50 pm

One way to tell how much trans people are on the religious right’s radar is the amount and type of coverage found in religious right and social conservative press on trans people. Below are some of the articles from the past few days and weeks on transgender people and issues from the religious right and [...]

96-Year-Old Tennessee woman denied Voter ID: didn’t have her marriage license

By: Pam Spaulding Wednesday October 5, 2011 2:45 pm

As a person living in a neighboring state where the GOP is doing its best to disenfranchise voters most likely to vote Dem, this news from Tennessee isn’t surprising, but it is disgusting. Why not just bring back the Poll Tax and be done with it?  From Think Progress: Swept up in the craze of [...]

How the GOP and Art Pope put the brakes on NC’s Purple electoral trend

By: Pam Spaulding Wednesday October 5, 2011 1:57 pm

A cautionary tale of what happens when the GOP decides to halt progressive change in a state’s politics — in this case, North Carolina, through the power and money of Art Pope. Jane Mayer’s piece in the New Yorker, “State for Sale: A conservative multimillionaire has taken control in North Carolina, one of 2012’s top [...]

The Values Voter Summit: A Guide to the Anti-Gay, Anti-Muslim, Anti-Mormon, Anti-Choice Activists Spending the Weekend with the GOP

By: Pam Spaulding Wednesday October 5, 2011 11:59 am

Thank you, People for the American Way, for sharing this primer on the fringe activists that will be bleating the usual hard-line social agenda and hob-nobbing with GOP politicians (including the major 2012 Clown Car occupants). It’s hard to believe that in 2011, we have candidates pandering to professional bigots and womb-controllers ad nauseum when [...]

Big news: DNC open to funding fight against anti-gay amendments

By: Pam Spaulding Wednesday October 5, 2011 10:05 am

Democratic National Committee Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz, in an interview with The Washington Blade, has opened the door for the party - it holds its convention in Charlotte in 2012 - to assist North Carolina and Minnesota in their upcoming marriage amendment battles. Wasserman Schultz, also U.S. House member representing a district in Florida, said state party [...]

N.C. Senator Forrester’s office sends unprofessional, fact-challenged e-mail defending his anti-gay views

By: Scott Rose Wednesday October 5, 2011 9:17 am

This reporter sent North Carolina (SB106) marriage amendment sponsor Senator James Forrester a number of questions regarding his attitudes pertaining to his SB106.  His legislative assistant Mona Fitzgerald said I should send my phone number so that Forrester could call me upon his return.  In reply, I said that all communications with Forrester had to be in [...]

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Marriage Amendment Battle: NC

9/30 Elon Poll
Amendment One:
56% oppose/39% support

* PHB Coverage
* QNotes
* Signorile interview


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