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Raised Fist
The resistance continues at Liberty Square and Nationwide!

A Message From Occupied Wall Street (Day Eight)

Posted Sept. 25, 2011, 5:09 a.m. EST by

This is the eighth communiqué from the 99 percent. We are occupying Wall Street.

On September 24th, 2011, the lie revealed itself. We live in a world where only 1 percent of us are protected and served. The following is graphic.

This is a video of a white-collar police officer macing penned-in young women:

This is a photo of a white-collar police officer reaching over a barricade and ripping a young woman's hair out:

This is a video that shows a white-collar police officer tackle a young man for no reason (thirty-six seconds in).
Later, it shows a different white-collar police officer shoving two young women and a young man for no reason (one minute and two seconds in):

This is a photo of two white-collar police officers arresting a young woman for filming them:

This is a September 19th article by New York Times reporter Colin Moynihan that reveals a white-collar police officer reached over a barricade and took hold of a protester without provocation, and then lied about the details.

Here is a picture from the article, note the other two white-collar officers holding him up:

This is a video from September 20th of two white-collar police officers throwing a protester face first towards the ground:

We demand that Police Commissioner Raymond W. Kelly resigns.

We demand that this man is charged for maliciously spraying protesters and blue-collar police.

We demand jail time - for this man and others like him.
We demand that no blue-collar police is charged for the crimes of their supervisor.

We demand that Mayor Bloomberg address our General Assembly and apologize for what has occurred.

A message to blue-collar police:
Do not do what you are told. We are peaceful and you know this. We offer you coffee in the morning and water in the day. You always refuse and we know that's because they told you to.
Speak of the crimes of your supervisors. We will help you. We are expressing the same frustration that you feel. You are the 99 percent. Join us. Join our conversation.



RashidKhalid 109 points 12 days ago

Hi Comrades ! We are not with you in lower Manhattan but our well wishes with you. We condemn this state brutality on peaceful protesters. We are with you. Rashid Khalid Organiser BNT Pakistan

Sara1977 (Toronto, ON) 38 points 12 days ago

Folks, please don't respond to bassdelux. He/she is a troll sent to disrupt the discussion and abuse others.

mattymatt (New York, NY) 10 points 12 days ago

You're right Sara - I got sucked into it. No more feeding the trolls!

Javier (Villa Maipú, Buenos Aires) 7 points 12 days ago

Very nice Sara ;)

TheVolunteerWino 8 points 12 days ago

watch out for govt implants who will cause violence within your ranks trying to discredit you, . . . . . excellent job so far guys, . . dont give up!, as of tomorrow I am removing all my money from the bank in protest, . . Macing those peaceful protesters was just wrong, And this is my response. .. . America needs to get back to its freedoms and quit listening to these politicians, corporations, and financial institutions, . . . Have you noticed how many politicians running for election are standing up and defending our free speech?, .Have you noticed how many are on the streets marching and supporting these young people?, . . Zero, . . and this is happening where they all are and hang out, . . and they do not defend these innocent young people exercising their right to free speech, . where is our elected officials support? . . they are all silent, . . waiting in the shadows of the wings to discredit them later on when things go bad i think, . . All corporate America must be reigned in from their ways of greed killing and war, . . . this is the start of the way, . . they are a few, . we are many

Brigett 2 points 11 days ago

Read my comment and pass it on immediately.

UberCommie666 (Ust-Ilimsk, Irkutskaya oblast) 1 points 11 days ago

Yes. Get rid of government. People rule each other. it is better system no?

Satyricon 0 points 11 days ago

Government Plants? You been to the DMV recently? You give them waaaay too much credit.

TheVolunteerWino 8 points 12 days ago

these people were peacefully protesting, . .I'm taking my money out of the bank on Monday

maureen (Novato, CA) 2 points 12 days ago

Follow up with writing or calling the bank CEO to let them know that you're closing accounts and why. Close credit card accounts as well.

Brigett 3 points 11 days ago

Finally someone understands consumer voting power.Please read my comment and pass it on.

CAFREE 1 points 11 days ago

Exactly. I'm closing my accounts tomorrow morning and going to our totally locally based credit union. There are a lot of credit unions that invest only locally. Get out of the big banks. Take out everything you have, no credit cards. Shut the scam down!

kilo -8 points 11 days ago

So let me get this straight. People are protesting Wall Street and investment banks... so you're going to take your money out of a commercial bank.

Good luck with your protest. You sure showed them! /sarcasm

Javier (Villa Maipú, Buenos Aires) 2 points 11 days ago

my friend, do you not understand the relationship level between commercial and investment banks? let me put it in short for you, they are owned by the same people and they are interdependent.

Brigett 3 points 11 days ago

Finally someone who understands guerrilla consumer voting and power.

SwissMiss (Ann Arbor Charter Township, MI) 1 points 11 days ago

Yep. The repeal of the Glass–Steagall Act made THAT possible.

TheVolunteerWino 2 points 11 days ago

if there is a run on banks, . .think the govt wont notice?,they are a big part of it all too . . . no sarcasm

4hooligan 1 points 10 days ago

Since they repealed Glass-Steagel investment banks and commerical banks are one and the same. But now there are virtually no regulations so they function more as gambling casinos. THAT is what brought about the banking crisis and since NOTHING has been done about it the same thing could happen at any time, all over again.

bonbonberry 1 points 11 days ago

I think you missed the point

kilo 2 points 11 days ago

I think I'm right on point. I work in capital markets.

20,000 at Occupy Wall Street? If you all withdrew $20,000 in cash from the same commercial bank for a total of $400M, you might piss off a certain commercial bank, I'd be surprised if that was even 2% of the total bonuses doled out by a single BB bank.

bonbonberry 1 points 9 days ago

It's about getting everyone to stop using these corrupt banks. It has to start somewhere. Doesn't matter if it's only 400m for now.

kilo 1 points 8 days ago

You're still confusing the investment institutions of "Wall Street" and the commercial banks you put your cash in...

The fund I work with could care less if you drained all the deposits of the major banks. Wouldn't affect us in the least.

If you want to make an impact start by considering where you are allocating efforts

TheVolunteerWino 7 points 12 days ago

Have you noticed that no politicians running for election are out supporting these young people?, . . .this is in their own backyard, . . Where are they?

TheVolunteerWino 6 points 12 days ago

Other things you can do, . . . unemployment feeds their volunteer military with new recruits, so they can rape and pillage our neighbors overseas with the blood and lives of our children, while they reap the profits. .. stand by and do not join the military, . . . also withdraw all your money from the banks and use cash or barter, . . and I dont listen to the NY times, . . the message is clear, . . and they know it!

Legion (Attleborough, England) 8 points 11 days ago

Please don't forget that many in the US military are amongst your 99%. They have been lied too. They have been broken lied to and swindled by the banks and the government. When many of them signed up they did it for honorable reasons. They never thought this would happen. Many of them are perhaps the most disappointed of us all. However with their own families, with their own children to think about as well, and with the crisis of the economy and lack of jobs what else can these men do but remain, vote, and count on good American like yourselves to help changes things so perhaps they no longer have to fight out gov.'s senseless wars?

If you start to disparage the troops (most who are good men and women) then you may loose general support for your cause :).

TheVolunteerWino 2 points 11 days ago

I understand that, . .but i see no reason to continue the support of the corporate military structure, . . Understand I am not chastising those in service, I am trying to cut off the supply of new recruits. The other day we had a newspaper article stating that a military man from our state had died and his body was being shipped back home, he had a wife and a 9 mth old son, I couldn't help but wonder if he signed up for the college benefits,to support his new love of family . . . the madness must stop. Those in power create and hold high unemployment during times of war to feed their volunteer army with recruits, . . these are being sent overseas to extend the elites grip on humanity, . .. I support those in the service and hope for a quick return home, . . however I cannot justify adding more people to the ranks either!

CAFREE 1 points 11 days ago

I too see your point but, forget voting. The entire process is corrupted and owned by the corps now. They say who "wins" with their $$$$ just opt out of their phoney system. Young people joining the military are back stabbed and literally used as cannon fodder then thrown away by our corrupt government while Wall St. bankers and the corps steal us blind and go unpunished.

Brigett 2 points 11 days ago

Historically, recessions have been made by government and industry to fill the ranks of the military, empty the universities, bring USA labor to it's knees, and to limit the population growth in the middle and impoverished class, as well as populations elsewhere. And the last 6 wars have all been about oil.Afghanistan was about opium.Then there's the war profiteering for the sake of greed and in the guise of producing jobs.

TheVolunteerWino 1 points 11 days ago

yes the wars used to be about oil, these new wars use oil as a monetary means, but they are about collecting the rest of the world into a single monetary system under one currency, . . There are only 5 nations without a Rothschild model central bank: North Korea, Iran, Sudan, Cuba and Libya. There were two others: Afghanistan and Iraq, but they were gobbled up by the international banking system within a heartbeat of the invasions. . . the first thing the rebels did when taking Libya was to change the banking system, even before securing the country, . . this is unprecedented and by a simple group of rebels? - before the rebels Libyans were entitled to free medical treatment, and their hospitals provide the best in the world of medical equipment. Education in Libya was free, capable young people had the opportunity to study abroad at government expense. When marrying, young couples receive 60,000 Libyan dinars (about 50,000 US dollars) of financial assistance. their ruler vowed to house everyone in the country even before him and his father, . . he lived in a tent - these wars are cleaning up those last above mentioned countries and bringing them under a global monetary system

Brigett 1 points 10 days ago

This is frightening as hell and I'm afraid it's here to stay. The only thing I can say is to exercise everything in our power to combat this on many levels. But never forget, your simple vote with your dollar at the cash register for USA made products and your ballot at the voting booth still wields tremendous power. So does the awesome right to assemble, picket etc. I should have been born in Libya perhaps. I'm more and more convinced that I am going to leave the USA. We started to several years ago but got caught up in job problems, etc.

Camper 1 points 10 days ago

Thank you for the insight, I did not know about the countries without central banks; so now Libya has already changed banking system to a centralized bank? So not so much the rebels? NATO?

TheVolunteerWino 1 points 10 days ago


corpmom (Oxford, MI) 2 points 11 days ago

I beg your pardon.... My children DO NOT RAPE AND PILLAGE ANYONE!!! I am the mother of 6 marines! How dare you!!!! Say all you want about the banks and the fact that they have destroyed us... I talk about it everyday in my position. Greed has destroyed this nation! and btw... I am a grand daughter of one of the founding fathers... this is not what they meant us to be... I can go on and on about this however... you are way off base by saying that our kids are raping and pillaging!

tdsisti (Austin, TX) 2 points 11 days ago

Indeed, this is inflammatory speech, but PLEASE, let us not forget what we have in common, which is the goal of making our government responsive to the needs of the people. Unfortunately, as is the case in all wars, civilians are brutalized. War is hell and not one should have to endure it.

TheVolunteerWino 1 points 11 days ago

one must understand we are not to remove the governments of other countries simply for industry, . .no your children arent, . those in power are

TheVolunteerWino 2 points 11 days ago

just as many poor, . as there was before, . . . money made comes home to roost in the pockets of the elite, . .sorry, its the way it is!

TheVolunteerWino 1 points 11 days ago

And I understand your children are trying to do right by the country, . .truely i do

corpmom (Oxford, MI) 1 points 11 days ago

when people from the countries that we are supposedly "freeing" come up and thank our kids... what are we to think? I too am sick of all the bullcrap that we have plunged into... although plunge is not the right word because this has been going on for years.... go back to the 30's when synthetics were invented... that began the spiral of death for american farmers... the war on drugs.. another load of bull.... It sickens me to see people homeless when there are homes vacant all over... we have to beg for crumbs of the wealthy... Wealth is fine as long as it is responsible... do your workers have all they need? Education... it should be free!! we have the internet! online classes for all!!! none of this high cost of education bs! I have no insurance... I'm self employed trying to get by... If there is something wrong with me.. there is nothing I can do... the streets are not paved with gold here... stop giving tax breaks to immigrant business owners... I've been paying taxes since I started working at 15! We do need change!!

TheVolunteerWino 1 points 11 days ago

Im 49 years old, . . worked hard all my life, . . .still trying to buy a house, . . .it sucks

This comment was deleted D:

tdsisti (Austin, TX) 2 points 11 days ago

time out dear Javier. The problem is not people, it is the unchecked power that got us into war. Let us not be cynical through and through, as no one chooses to have kids for the purpose of subjecting them to misery.

Javier (Villa Maipú, Buenos Aires) 1 points 11 days ago

fair enough tdsisti, I accept your timeout, I might have exceded myself in that,

I do know that there is fine people in the armed forces of the USA, and I do know, first person, that USMC people are usually honourable people, they have codes as we say in Argentina.

Lets make this clear, I respect US Marines.

I dear to ask you this question,

Do US Marines respect South Americans?

corpmom (Oxford, MI) 1 points 11 days ago

I know many US Marines from South America! I don't know of anyone that they don't respect... and I am aware of less than honorable Marines... they are few and far between... as in any group there will be bad. My children have been all over the world serving... not just Iraq and Afghanistan... Russia, Thailand, Egypt, Angola .... the list goes on.... they have friendships just about everywhere!

tdsisti (Austin, TX) 1 points 11 days ago

Not the ones who execute nuns in Central America...but again, they did not do this of their own accord. It's not hard to find people to follow orders and carry out brutality.

corpmom (Oxford, MI) 1 points 11 days ago

what are you talking about?

tdsisti (Austin, TX) 1 points 11 days ago

http://www.anusha.com/killnuns.htm Forgive me for not qualifying this. As a student of political science this news is old news. Besides this link to this article, there is ample information and documentaries about U.S. military intervention and involvement in Panama, with the over through of Manuel Noriega, in which it is estimated that at least three thousand innocent and poor citizens of Panama were murdered. Perhaps you have heard of the Iran-Contra scandal, for which Oliver North took the fall? This was carried out in order to support the Contras in Nicaragua.
I am not certain if U.S. Marines were directly involved in El Salvador and I do have a lot of respect for the best part of the military in how it teaches discipline and strength and it attracts people who have integrity and courage. Unfortunately it is run by people who do not have principle. I don't think anyone should have to risk losing their life or limbs for other people's freedom and I am certain that freedom is not achieved through war and blood shed.

FreeUS (Conshohocken, PA) 1 points 11 days ago

Please don't place the blame on this woman. It is both inappropriate and beside the point.

MiddleMolly (Chicago, IL) 2 points 12 days ago

Actually, the last article in the NYT by Colin Moynihan here: http://cityroom.blogs.nytimes.com/2011/09/24/80-arrested-as-financial-district-protest-moves-north/ was straight forward and sounded, but, best of all, there were hundreds of comments to this article and they were by and large supportive.

Brigett 2 points 11 days ago

Pass the information on.

TheVolunteerWino 2 points 12 days ago

thanks for the link, . .and excellent point, Its nice to hear someone with a clear head and better restraint than I, I can respect that, . . however I still think the message is clear, . . how can it not be, . . one only needs to look around us at the world today, . . even though their are "many issues by numerous people in different situations", . .. the message is still clear, even though it might be eclectic in nature

TheVolunteerWino 3 points 12 days ago

Freedom of speech seems to be the next victim of our newly installed corporate government, . . . when will we finally recognize what we are losing here. . .

corpmom (Oxford, MI) 1 points 11 days ago

Aren't we free to do as we please as long as... IT DOES NOT INFRINGE UPON ANOTHERS FREEDOMS... prime example would be the minister who protests military funerals...Families should be able to bury their loved ones in peace... not with signs protesting a governments position...

TheVolunteerWino 1 points 11 days ago

If we are free to do as we please as long as it does not infringe on the rights of others, then why in this country is it illegal to grow and smoke marijuana in the sanctity of our own homes? . . just one example of many on how that is not true

joogle 0 points 11 days ago

The New York Super-state Parliament seeks people who want to work together as a team. We need map makers, artists, population total researching of counties in New York State to help create twelve population balanced mini-state parliaments.


Please see my link, and click on New York Super-state and compare to the four super-states who are ahead in members and maps as examples; PacificNW (ss12), California (ss11), Mid-West (ss8) and Great Lakes (ss7).


If you like what we're doing, or have any questions, feel free to call or email. We've been going 16 years, and we want to unite all voters. We have plenty of openings, and we also have a Global Economics Division and a United World Division, with voting under ranked choice consensus voting, just like the sixty full Cabinet Ministries.

Our team has it better than anyone!

--James Ogle [Free Parliamentary] 415-686-1996

TheVolunteerWino -1 points 12 days ago

We also need to spread this website and what is happening to the people via Facebook, etc. . . . get the word out!

joogle 1 points 11 days ago

Where is your main page? Which page represents you group the best?

joogle -2 points 12 days ago

To 99%:

The 8th USA Parliament will be increasing the satisfaction level from a guaranteed 99% plus 100 votes satisfaction level, 100 x .99% (or 1/101ths) plus one vote = 99% plus 100 votes, to a guaranteed satisfaction level of 99.9% plus 1000 votes, 1000 x .999% (or 1/1001ths) plus one vote = 99.9% plus 1000 votes.

I realize that this is probably complicated to you, but if there are any mathematicians in your group, they would be able to confirm, or improve, the mathematics. Many people don't know about the Sainte-Lague parliament seat distribution system.

We're increasing the number of seats elected to the 9th USA Parliament from 100 seats, to 1000 seats elected to four year terms in 2012, and everyone is invited to participate on any level you wish.

These are very exciting times, nobody has it as good as our team.

Vote Counting Minister James Ogle [Free Parliamentary] http://usparliament.org/

bassdeluxe -120 points 12 days ago

Fuck Pakistan.... Like you have any clue as to how to run a country.

linhdinh99 20 points 12 days ago

Fuck you, bassdeluxe, you brainwashed racist asshole!

To Rashid Khalid, please ignore this ignorant and belligerent fool, for he doesn't represent all Americans, and certainly not the kind of people who would gravitate to this site. Peace.

Koolaid (Mississauga, ON) 0 points 12 days ago

Maybe you don't like Pakistan, but I can tell you that a lot of people who live in rest of the world also support the protest. This is coming from a Canadian living in UK. The fact that you can spend all this time belittling the belief of other people in societal equality (the basis for a democratic system, that allowed you to speak your mind freely against this protest) is incredibly astonishing.

You belittle Pakistan or other 3rd world countries for not knowing "how to run a country", but when people in your own country try to practice the rights that separate them from totalitarian state, you mock them!!! You sir are a HYPOCRITE or a plain IDIOT.

SwissMiss (Ann Arbor Charter Township, MI) 1 points 11 days ago

I agree totally with you, Koolaid.

canadacares 1 points 11 days ago

As a Canadian (living in Canada) I wholeheartedly agree. It's said, when you (US) get a cold, we get the sniffles. All you complacent souls who think that we are safe in Canada, educate yourself.

Anonymous 0 points 12 days ago

What kind of idiots confuse freedom of speech with freedom to disrupt the freedom and speech of others? No one should be allowed to take over a public space at their own will. We share that space, and those that wish to use it for protest or otherwise must get prior approval from the public via government.

In the Internet age, such public protest is even less necessary. If your message is popular, it will disseminate and resonate naturally online. On the other hand, randomly infringing on the rights of others will win you more enemies than friends.

SwissMiss (Ann Arbor Charter Township, MI) 1 points 11 days ago

No, no one needs to get prior approval to use public space for a protest.

Arsenic (Socorro, NM) 0 points 11 days ago

You have a point there, no individual is allowed to take a public space for thier own use. But of course, that isn't what is happening. The public is using its right of assembly and free association to protest grievences in the commons. No approval is necessary, nor should it ever be.

The comment regarding physical protest as being unnessesary in the internet age is laughable. The intent is to inconvienience those who work, live, depend on Wall Street. There is nothing random about that. If you support the orthodoxy, and were personally inconvieniced there "anonymous", thank you for reporting in that our strategy is working!

Anonymous 0 points 11 days ago

The people have the right 'peaceably to assemble.' The assembly is no longer peaceable when it 'inconveniences' others and when the prior approval of the public is not obtained. The space doesn't belong to one group or another -- it belongs to all of us.

And, no I wasn't inconvenienced by the protest in the slightest. I don't even live in New York. I just don't care for people abusing their rights and the rights of their fellow citizen -- all in the name of equality no less. Anyone interested in preaching equality should start by respecting the rights of others.

Vogelfrei 12 points 12 days ago

bassdeluxe, almost everything you have written in response to user comments has been abusive in nature and brimming with ignorance. It is fine if you do not agree with the tenor of these protests, but surely you realize, if these young people are achieving little, you are achieving even less. This is a passionate and disorganized affair. When it does not achieve what it wants, it will manifest again in more and more organized forms until some sort of social perforation occurs.

ftheman (Leslie, AR) 1 points 11 days ago

Thank You..at last some sanity. I've got a new rod and reel for "Large Mouth bassecono, and a nice hot frying pan for when I've skinned and gutted him. Add a bun and some tartar and, WOW, a nice hot nit wit sandwich, backbone not included. PEACE...

docnoodle (Howland, ME) 12 points 12 days ago

Ya know bassdeluxe (Largemouthed variety?), flaming has its place and it's time. The place isn't here, it's over on 4chan. The time isn't now, it's for when this fails, Goddess forbid. Besides, didn't your mother ever tell you that if you don't have anything nice to say, not to say anything at all? FYI, I am a renter by circumstance, working for $8.25 as a custodian at the High School I graduated from by choice. I served in Iraq and Afghanistan as a corpsman for 3rd Marines. Before you continue giving others shit, might I ask where you were November 19th 2008, when I was tending to three wounded and one dead man under fire in Haditha? Exactly.

neo5apien (Leesville, LA) 7 points 12 days ago

It's not about trying to get freebies through life, bassdeluxe. People are pissed because if you're rich and powerful, you are "too big to fail" and the government rewards the wealthy when they fail. That's why people are chanting "Banks got bailed out, We got sold out"

Yes, people should definitely work and EARN their living and not depend on other people's tax dollars. The problem is the rich and powerful get given your tax dollars for failing. You should be pissed about that.

MiddleMolly (Chicago, IL) 2 points 12 days ago

I agree with you, neo. The problem is that so many have worked.. some for decades and they now face an empty, perhaps poverty-stricken, "retirement". And how many people at these protests are young people who did things "right", finished high school and college and also have no future. I don't understand people like bass... Hasn't he or someone he loves also been victimized by this economy... and the disturbing inequality that it supports?

Anonymous 0 points 11 days ago

That's just it, though. They haven't 'done things right,' if they don't have a marketable skill.

No one is 'victimized by an economy' in a free country. Those who attempt to shortcut success, through government redistribution, hurt themselves and those they want to help the most. They are 'victims' of themselves.

ftheman (Leslie, AR) 2 points 11 days ago

Free Country? Are you serious? This argument that things are worse elsewhere is BULLSHIT, stinky and abundant!!!!!!!!!!!

SwissMiss (Ann Arbor Charter Township, MI) 1 points 11 days ago

I totally agree. people keep saying we're a free country. We're far from it.

MiddleMolly (Chicago, IL) 1 points 11 days ago

"Marketable skills" change from year to year, decade to decade. And many people have gone back to school or training to get "marketable skills". It hasn't necessarily worked very well. Sometimes, by the time the person finishes with his/her training, the field is overcrowded. Sometimes, despite doing well in training, the person is now 55 or 60 and won't be hired no matter what kind of new training he/she has.

You are completely blinded to the realities of life today. This country is not that "free" if you can't find a decent job. Shame on you for being so uncaring... and so willfully ignorant.

SwissMiss (Ann Arbor Charter Township, MI) 1 points 11 days ago


Anonymous -1 points 11 days ago

That's just it, though. They haven't 'done things right,' if they don't have a marketable skill.

No one is 'victimized by an economy' in a free country. Those who attempt to shortcut success, through government redistribution, hurt themselves and those they want to help the most. They are 'victims' of themselves.

TheVolunteerWino 2 points 12 days ago

Yes I think this situation is in America and best lft to the American people, . .hopefully they are up to the support of these protesters, . ..I am not a bigot, .. I just think arab "verbal" support cannot help at this point since there are so many tensions with all that!, . .but thanks for the support non the less

corpmom (Oxford, MI) 2 points 11 days ago

How do all these people from other countries know whats going on... I only found out thru family! I think 99% of the US doesn't know this is going on!!! what the hell is going on???

TheVolunteerWino 1 points 11 days ago

ive just been watchin a live feed from global revolution at wall street, . .people from all over the globe are finding out, . the uk, . canada, . new Zealand, . .Italy, . .they all support us in solidarity - http://www.livestream.com/globalrevolution

p2000camaro 2 points 12 days ago

Dude, just shut the fuck up, have you not noticed no one gives a fuck what you are saying? You are just like these fucking cops, people are being peaceful and giving their opinion, and you are shooting them down for being different than you. Shut the FUCK up.

docnoodle (Howland, ME) 6 points 12 days ago

Please, don't feed the troll. It makes him happy.

722442457 1 points 10 days ago

Peace and love man You have an anger problem Can I help?

Rasterius (West Leederville, WA) 13 points 12 days ago

The NY times is right. The protests should have a clearer message, a lot of people are being confused as to what the protests are all about. Wish I could be there from Perth Australia

mattymatt (New York, NY) 11 points 12 days ago

Thanks Rasterius! The overarching message at this point is reform the dysfunctional relationship between the corporate/financial sector and the American political system. Reverse Citizens United Supreme Court decision which for the first time allows UNLIMITED political contributions from corporations and reinstate financial regulations like Glass-Steagall which was implemented in the 1930's as a response to the Great Depression and repealed in 1999 along with other vital banking regulations. Everyone knows what followed, from 2000-2007 was the unprecedented level of gambling of OTHER peoples money, losing it all, accepting BILLIONS in bailouts and then giving themselves all bonuses with taxpayer money 6 months later. All of that money that was given to the banks on wall street never made it to main street.... Banks got bailed out... We got sold out.

MiddleMolly (Chicago, IL) 6 points 12 days ago

And.. the overriding question in this country right now: Can you really have a democracy with wealth inequality that is as bad as that found in many third world countries?

Javier (Villa Maipú, Buenos Aires) 4 points 12 days ago

"Overarching message" nice, how about the dysfunctional relationship between the corporate financial sector and the American economic system? After all we could understand politics as a continuation of economics by other means, why target the relationship with the political system first if we can target the base layer?

MiddleMolly (Chicago, IL) 3 points 12 days ago

Good summary!

enreflechissant (Marseille, PACA) -1 points 12 days ago

You have to ask and to create one thing: real democracy. When you'll have this real democracy, you'll be able to change finance or to destroy capitalism. But you have to show before that we don't live in democracies but in oligarchies. Voting one per 4 years don't give power to the people, and that's the source of all problems!

gaian 1 points 11 days ago

Sure, if people really cared about democracy this would be true. But when the voting percentage for the last 40 years (http://www.infoplease.com/ipa/A0781453.html; http://elections.gmu.edu/index.html ) hasn't been above 60% for the voting age population, how can you say that this will help? The first step is making sure people understand the voting is the best way to stop corruption to begin with. Besides when you think about it no president has been elected by the majority of the voting population in the last 40 years. Unless a president has more then 90% of the total vote for an election in the last 40 years, that means that they would have less then 50% of the national voter-aged population voting for them. How can we even say that the people who are "in-charge" of the government are really the persons that the people of the U.S. even want? Until we who are all able to vote do so, it isn't even a question of real vs. representative democracy. It's all a crock anyway.

ANTHONY 1 points 9 days ago

I vote an contribute it only seems to encourage greedy sluts like The sexual offender David Vitter. dont forget whats been happening lately. Our leaders continue to lead us to Hell, while the celebrate at celebration church

canadacares 1 points 11 days ago

you said it perfectly mattymatt. You need to help the movement articulate their .

mattymatt (New York, NY) 1 points 11 days ago

Thank you I'm trying... there was some discussion at the general assembly tonight and citizens united came up but the exact message is still being formulated.

TheVolunteerWino 4 points 12 days ago

I dont listen to the NY times, . . the message is clear, . . and they know it!

tdsisti (Austin, TX) 1 points 11 days ago

I'm afraid that the need of the media to have a "clear message" is bogus. The question ought to be WHY HAS THIS NOT HAPPENED SOONER?! We are at historic levels of unemployment, in the throes of failing and increasingly corrupt wars, there are huge leaks in military intelligence to the media, press and the public at large, our military is being privatized and contracted out to for profit industries that have no oversight, allegiance or accountability, we are still in the throes of a massive ecological disaster in the gulf, for which there has been NO punishment of BP, we are being told that we must compete in the global economic climate and suffer MORE sacrifice while the super wealthy enjoy more privilege and prosperity. While the Republicans tout the need for less spending on social services, they allegedly represent some of the poorest counties in the nation. We are blowing up our mountains to produce energy when we should have been spending trillions of dollars on R&D for alternative energy development this past decade. Our elected officials are so insulated from the plight of the people that they cannot pretend to be empathic, even if they are. This war on terror is being turned into a war on we the people and it is a crime to peace loving and prosperity loving people all over the world. When the NY Times asks why people are protesting, kindly explain that this is a symbolic action that is meant to symbolize to our government and to the world that continuing to prop up the status quo is causing our precious government and democratic process to lose legitimacy, with citizens of the U.S. and with the world. Dignity, integrity, respect, love=freedom.

Belichek -2 points 12 days ago

At this point the protest is simply about the protest.

bassdeluxe -49 points 12 days ago

No one here gives a shit about what you think down under..mind your own business.

linhdinh99 9 points 12 days ago

bassdeluxe, do us all a huge favor and take your hostility and racism somewhere else. Do give yourself an extra dose of self loving. It may calm you down.

agnosticnixie (Laval, QC) 3 points 12 days ago

checks upvotes to grandparent, checks downvotes to parent, offers a kettle and a pot

Rasterius (West Leederville, WA) 1 points 11 days ago

crikey! calm down mate :) It's the attitude of people like you who cause protests like this. "mind your own business" that's a good one. I am suggesting the protesters improve their campaign by clarifying what they want changed, the possible bills and plans they propose like the buffet tax. All I'm saying is I hear a lot of protests, which is great but not a lot of solutions to the idea. Thanks and all the best from Perth Australia

cosmos 12 points 12 days ago

keep on fighting brothers and sisters, fear of nothing. They are going down!!! Blessings from the heart of the Greek revolution Syndagma Square Athens Greece. :)

mattymatt (New York, NY) 4 points 12 days ago

Thank you cosmos!!!

GarnetMoon 1 points 12 days ago

Thanks and fight on, Cosmos!!

bassdeluxe -27 points 12 days ago

Yeah...the fucking Greeks are going to tell us how to run a country.... You morons have had like 4,000 years and can't pay a God damned bill. Shut up and worry about paying your debts before you try to tell us how to live.

TheVolunteerWino 3 points 12 days ago

And I'm still removing my assets (money) from the banks here in the US on Monday, . .:)

mallorca (Palma, PM) 11 points 12 days ago

Police aggression is common in this tense situations. Some times oncovered cops are provocative to their colleges.

Ignore violence and get the Police in our side, we will need them next month. Walk away from violence. Try to reach the police Union and talk to them, but be respetfull to everyone around.

USNavyAdrianna 10 points 12 days ago

ATTN NYPD: You CANNOT silence us with brutality. A little bit of mace and a punch to the face will not stop us. We are here for you as well. You too are part of the 99%. You don't get paid enough, you work too long hours, they have destroyed your pention, you are being maipulated like puppets by the corrupt and powerful of NYC, and yet you continue to blindly follow your orders. Start thinking for yourselves. You will soon have to decide who you will stand with. Think about what kind of future you want your children and grandchildren to have.

Javier (Villa Maipú, Buenos Aires) 2 points 11 days ago

They are not reading this dude, except for the intel officers, and your condescending vibe would not be enough to reach them, we need to be wise as a fox and soft as a feather.

MalikTatanilia -5 points 12 days ago

Hey fuck tard, you're not part of the 99%. All you fat Americans and white privileged Europeans are all part of the top 10% bourgeoisie class who enslave all other lesser races. Us Indians and Chinese are the real 99% and time has come to distribute your wealth to us. Your days of slave master are ending.

Brigett 2 points 11 days ago

Wouldn't it be a nice day when you control your own factories in your homeland and buy and produce your own products for your own people without some USA corporate slavery ship running your politics for you?

SwissMiss (Ann Arbor Charter Township, MI) 1 points 11 days ago

I haven't done anything to you, and for that, I owe you nothing.

Javier (Villa Maipú, Buenos Aires) 1 points 11 days ago

you are about 70 years in the past my friends, click on the update button

orickad 1 points 11 days ago

Each in kind

ghostmaes (Honolulu, HI) 10 points 12 days ago

All of you out there peacefully demonstrating your 1st amendment rights are brave and on the right side of honor. You have the support of the people behind you. Please don't forget that. Please don't give up. It makes me wonder too if a whole block of people in suburbs from all over simply stop paying their mortgage and occupy their neighborhood. what could the banks do? what would the cops do then? in many ways our slavery is voluntary. we keep going to these oil company, drug company, arms manufacturing jobs day after day. what would happen if people just stopped working for these corporate tyrants? paul maes honolulu, hi

mattymatt (New York, NY) 6 points 12 days ago

Don't listen to him - I have a career and perfect credit. Marched yesterday with a lawyer, a med school student and 2 financial services workers. People are starting to realize the american dream is an illusion and waking up. Thank you for your support.

MiddleMolly (Chicago, IL) 4 points 12 days ago

The American Dream really worked... for a while. My grandparents were immigrants, my dad, without a high school degree, worked a solid middle class job for decades and provided us with a decent, not ostentatious, life. To me, the American Dream isn't being among the uber rich; it's about living a comfortable middle class life. That dream is increasingly only available to the richest among us, and that is what the essence of the problem is. You and the people you marched with yesterday are indeed fortunate that you still have your jobs.

time4change 1 points 10 days ago

Couldnt agree more

Brigett 2 points 11 days ago

And many business owners and entrepreneurs are marching with you. We see what is going on in government and can offer special insight from experience.

Javier (Villa Maipú, Buenos Aires) 1 points 11 days ago

dont listen to him? what?

mattymatt (New York, NY) 2 points 11 days ago

that was about bassdeluxes comment about us not having jobs/paying bills/other general nonsense

Javier (Villa Maipú, Buenos Aires) 1 points 11 days ago

roger that sir

Brigett 2 points 11 days ago

Buy USA only. Vote with your dollar and write every retailer repeatedly to tell them so,

SwissMiss (Ann Arbor Charter Township, MI) 1 points 11 days ago

I'd love to, but it's really hard finding anything made in the USA.

Brigett 1 points 10 days ago

Very Very hard. That's why I offer this program.Buy USA made first. If you really need something that can not be found as made in the USA, buy resale or refurbish what you have. And be prepared to wait as long as it takes, until they comply with the returning of a USA equivalent for every category of consumer goods.My hopes are that real changes will start to happen as soon as they get the flood of mail at their corporate doorstep and relate it back to the cash register's ringing sirens over a lack of spending in very specific key areas. Their analysts should pick up the clues that we are serious. But nothing is more effective than boxes and boxes of millions of demand letters pouring into the CEO's office daily.When the fire alarm finally sounds over the head of every major retailer, you will see real change in a hell of a hurry. Success with this plan rests with the weight and volume of our complaints and are willingness to show solidarity here until every job comes back home where it belongs. We are,after all, the inventors of almost every consumer and electronic product in the world. There is almost nothing out there that you can buy that didn't originate in the USA with American ingenuity and hard work.Your most luck with this plan will be with most food items, some clothing, some furniture items and some appliances, usually the smaller ones.When it comes to larger appliances, shoes, plastics, housewares, and of course, electronics, the problem becomes almost impossible. That is why I recommend buying resale and/or refurbished, and being prepared to wait it out until change is made.Resale is my suggestion in terms of finding other clothing, most shoes, most housewares, most furniture,appliances and electronics because buying them at the resale/refurbished level does not place a vote at the cash register of large retailers for more of the same importing practices. When it comes to buying large ticket items in electronics, try to hold off making the purchase for the duration or buy refurbished with good warranties from retailers so that the cash registers don't ring up new sales and an automatic inventory reorder for the same product to replaced the new one that just sold. The size of this problem has a direct relationship to how very much of our democratic rights have been stolen from all of us over the last 40 years as far as the freedom to choose USA made products and put our neighbors back to work. And now we are clearly past the point of no return because there is very little that government can do to intercede on our behalf. They can not simply demand that these large retailers bring jobs back here because they say so. We are the only ones that can make that demand of corporate America. But it needs to be done in a very mobilized and deliberate way so they can not miss our own bull standing in their china shop.

SwissMiss (Ann Arbor Charter Township, MI) 1 points 10 days ago

Buying resale is a good idea. I also am not wanting to support American companies like Whirlpool, which are funding and supporting this very kind of activity through political funding and pandering. Just look up the connection between Whirlpool and Michigan Governor Rick Snyder.... and all the harm they and their cronies are doing to certain people (mainly, people of color in Michigan). That makes the choices even slimmer. I also won't purchase any products from any Koch Industry companies. We also need to pay attention to who manufactures American products.... what little of them are left.

bassdeluxe -31 points 12 days ago

They already do that all over you moron.... They are are called dead beats. No job, don't pay their bills, and duh....they already occupy their neighborhoods dip shit

ghostmaes (Honolulu, HI) 4 points 12 days ago

These young people aren't paid a dime to speak on behalf of truth. This past year Rupert Murdoch was paid a bonus of $12 million on top of his $33 million dollar salary to spread lies 24 hours a day 7 days a week. You seem like a sucker who believes those lies. So how much did the Republican party pay you for your soul? Or did your god simply forget to give you one? Lucky for me, thanks to veterans and the current active duty U.S. military, I don't have to fire a bullet on behalf of the poor- all I have to do is Vote. Oh, and by the way 20 years ago I was one of the middle class kids who served my country in the first Persin Gulf Oil wars. What have you ever done for your country except sell it out?

MiddleMolly (Chicago, IL) 4 points 12 days ago

Not much to say to you except that you are a small-minded idiot. But as you are clearly not among the richy rich, I can't understand your anger at people who are actually on your side. And that's all I'll say to you other than voting against your stupid comments.

TheVolunteerWino 5 points 12 days ago

A small minded idiot?, . . clearly you have given him too much credit

Javier (Villa Maipú, Buenos Aires) 1 points 11 days ago

dont underestimate your enemy

Javier (Villa Maipú, Buenos Aires) 1 points 11 days ago

bass, you are really working hard, I can see that, but, how long do you think this can last?

Sara1977 (Toronto, ON) 9 points 12 days ago

Administrators, please block this individual, bassdeluxe, and remove his/her abusive comments. It is clear that the individual is sent to disrupt the discussion.

chinnamastaka 9 points 12 days ago

wear swimming goggles (or ski goggles) around yr neck at all times. In a tense/riot situation pull them on & they will help protect your eyes from mace & tear gas. inhaling alcohol swabs helps you to breathe properly again - carry some in yr pocket. good luck & solidarity from australia xoxo

Javier (Villa Maipú, Buenos Aires) 1 points 11 days ago


UberCommie666 (Ust-Ilimsk, Irkutskaya oblast) 0 points 11 days ago

Also a capsule of cyanide is useful for when you get arrested so you will be known as a martyr. This is how we do it in the Motherland.

Javier (Villa Maipú, Buenos Aires) 1 points 11 days ago

you are going overhead, there is no clandestine need here, I mean, not so clandestine as to require pills, try encryption and modern guerrilla tactics and there is no need for gamexane

ftheman (Leslie, AR) 0 points 11 days ago

Fuck Off Pin Head. You need to smell the apricots yourself......

banana 8 points 12 days ago

The police violence on Wall Street has been truly abject. But as a supporter of the movement I strongly criticize the strategy of the protesters. Enough of the hippie vibe. It would be so much more powerful if everyone showed in in suit and ties. First of all, the protest is about Wall Street ruining the economy and job opportunities. Second, a policeman beating on a suit would right away reach out to millions of jobless people who could identify with the frustration we have. By singularizing ourselves as people with anti-capitalist values, we entrench the movement on the fringes of society, at a time when it would be easy to touch the souls of millions. Look at the numbers: Winsconsin: 100,000. New York? Be smarter than this if you want to be effective. Be organized, strategize and dress like a banker!

Brigett 3 points 11 days ago

I said exactly the same thing a week ago.If they had dressed in suits with briefcases and a name tag that said "Future capitalist," "Entrepreneur," or future XYZ career on it, like "police officer," they would have been invited in for a tour and donuts and the media would have had it on the front pages immediately. I still think some people should do it. I was going to bring my fur coat and wigs.

Brigett 1 points 10 days ago

That's a faux fur by the way. They always seem to target the hippy looking guy with the long hair. Seeing a lot of nurse and doctor uniforms, fur coats, wedding dresses, ballroom dresses, business suits and brief cases with interesting name tags would be real frustrating to the powers that be.

Javier (Villa Maipú, Buenos Aires) 1 points 11 days ago

I have to agree with Brigett here.

SwissMiss (Ann Arbor Charter Township, MI) 1 points 11 days ago

So, people should dress in suits and ties (females, too?) to look like the very people they are protesting???

Javier (Villa Maipú, Buenos Aires) 1 points 11 days ago

you have a point, but, do you need to express it including "Enough of the hippie vibe"?

bonbonberry 0 points 11 days ago

I agree, everyone doesn't neccesarily have to wear a suit but they can look just a little more civilized and educated. I'm sure they are, but appearance definitely matters. The suit idea is good for men though, and maybe more feminine clothing for women so it looks even worst when a policeman is beating/hurting a woman the way they were! That will have people in shock

USNavyAdrianna 8 points 12 days ago

ATTN NYPD: You CANNOT silence us with brutality. A little bit of mace and a punch to the face will not stop us. We are here for you as well. You too are part of the 99%. You don't get paid enough, you work too long hours, they have destroyed your pention, you are being maipulated like puppets by the corrupt and powerful of NYC, and yet you continue to blindly follow your orders. Start thinking for yourselves. You will soon have to decide who you will stand with. Think about what kind of future you want your children and grandchildren to have.

bonbonberry 2 points 11 days ago

Exactly...why don't they see it like that? They're just too power hungry. They enjoy it.

Javier (Villa Maipú, Buenos Aires) 1 points 11 days ago

no, we are just not reaching them effectively enough.

bonbonberry 1 points 11 days ago

That too, but they don't want to listen or see. They are not giving anyone a chance.

Javier (Villa Maipú, Buenos Aires) 1 points 11 days ago

there are ways to force them to see it whether they want to see it or not. Psychological warfare is one of those, offering them coffee at every chance available as stated in the post is a very good start, believe me, that little fact is eating their will to fight away.

OakTree (Crediton, England) 8 points 12 days ago

You guys restore my faith in humanity, literally, I wish I could join you although I'm in the UK right now. This thing is massive, sooner or later the media has to do something about it, the truth is getting out, more and more people are finding out, keep it up! Thank you for standing up for what you, and the rest of the world believe in.

bassdeluxe -24 points 12 days ago

The rest of the world wants to be US. That's the reason we have millions of people crossing our borders to try to live what the entire world refers to as THE AMERICAN DREAM. The UK dream is to add some fluoride to the water...

leedanou 6 points 12 days ago

Your inane comments are getting in the way of everything...please stop.

bassdeluxe -20 points 12 days ago

Getting in the way of what? What have you people accomplished here and on the sidewalks of Wall st exactly? Am I getting in the way of a higher tax burden to support your socialist agenda? Am I getting in the way of higher taxes to pay for more police to deal with the bums who won't work and have time to "occupy" wall st? Am I getting in the way of you taxing me more on the ten employees I have to feed the worthless dips who won't pay their own way through school like I did?

MiddleMolly (Chicago, IL) 6 points 12 days ago

Do you know what "socialism" means? I think not.

SwissMiss (Ann Arbor Charter Township, MI) 1 points 11 days ago

He he! People who chide socialism think it's the same as dictatorship. They don't have a clue. We already have some socialism in the USA.... just not as much as in the WEALTHIEST and HIGHEST-STANDARD-OF-LIVING countries on the planet do. What an oxymoron.... people protesting socialism in the USA, while the most socialistic countries are the wealthiest and have the highest standards of living. The POOREST countries are those that have NO SOCIALISM or VERY LITTLE of it. Think about it.

bonbonberry 3 points 12 days ago

No that's mostly just South America. Most of the world hates America now & thinks WE are terrorists. China is just using the American economy and taking our money as the government completely allows it (ex. everything is made in china). Most of the world actually is using just using America... Most of the world USED to want to be us, not anymore. Seriously, where are you getting this information? It's very outdated... I still love my country though and I want it back.

bonbonberry 2 points 11 days ago

& btw I come from an Asian background so no racism intended.

Javier (Villa Maipú, Buenos Aires) 1 points 11 days ago

I am from South America, you are a little misinformed my friend.

bonbonberry 1 points 11 days ago

I don't mean all of it. Many south americans/hispanics I know do come here and tell me life is much better for them here (Not all though, and especially not all countries) ...But my point was that not that many people really want to come here anymore. They know how corrupt it has become here and how bad the economy is doing now.

Brigett 2 points 11 days ago

And life would be so much better for them if they took back control of their own country the same way we are trying to do. What is wrong with the USA is what sent the Mexicans fleeing from their own country. Their wealth is concentrated mainly in the hands of 2% wealthy. Most of them would really rather not be here. They are running from their own government. And this place is no better. At least they all have healthcare.

bonbonberry 1 points 9 days ago


Javier (Villa Maipú, Buenos Aires) 1 points 11 days ago

We are taking control, in a different way.

Javier (Villa Maipú, Buenos Aires) 1 points 11 days ago

fair enough bonbon

SwissMiss (Ann Arbor Charter Township, MI) 2 points 11 days ago

The people who do believe as you are saying are just brainwashed. What matters is the truth, and the truth is that it's NOT so easy to make it well here.... especially for foreigners. Just because people from other countries believe something to be true doesn't make it true. A lot of people in other countries get their ideas/opinions from movies.... not exactly true representations of American society and American people.

Javier (Villa Maipú, Buenos Aires) 1 points 10 days ago

right on the freaking nail miss!

SwissMiss (Ann Arbor Charter Township, MI) 1 points 10 days ago

Thank you!

Javier (Villa Maipú, Buenos Aires) 1 points 11 days ago

The rest of the world what? I want some of the drugs you are having dude...

SwissMiss (Ann Arbor Charter Township, MI) 1 points 11 days ago

me, too

bulldog831 7 points 12 days ago

99% continue peaceful, lawful protest. Police riots daily. Get video of offending police officer's name plate and badge number. Say the officer's name and badge number for the video.

Javier (Villa Maipú, Buenos Aires) 1 points 11 days ago

whats the point? they are covered by legislation, either organize to fuck them up or organize to persuade them.

bulldog831 1 points 11 days ago

Police officers can be charged, tried, and convicted of unlawful acts under color of authority.

Javier (Villa Maipú, Buenos Aires) 1 points 11 days ago

it is easier to fuck them up or persuade them than to charge them and convict them. merely a ROI(Return on Investment) issue.

bulldog831 1 points 11 days ago

We don't need to fuck anyone up, including the police. We are daily seeing videos of police officers committing serious violations not just of statutes but of the constitutional rights of the 99%. We need a NY State or US Prosecutor have the courage to warn the police that they will be prosecuted for unlawful acts committed under color of authority. That's how we do it in the US. The 99% are peaceful and lawful. The police must be the same. That's how we do it in the US. Video of unlawful acts becomes evidence in a trial.

Javier (Villa Maipú, Buenos Aires) 1 points 11 days ago

You dont need to fuck anybody up, I agree, as long as you can persuade them.

bulldog831 1 points 11 days ago

Until they are persuaded, take videos of the unlawful acts committed by police officers.

Javier (Villa Maipú, Buenos Aires) 1 points 11 days ago


gramma 7 points 12 days ago

My heart is with you. Try to keep your cheer and calm and keep in mind that violent behaviour of police is "kind of" inevitable --is a standard method of control over 99%. So, resist please. Praying for each one of you every day. You, altogether, are the biggest hope humanity has had so far.

Javier (Villa Maipú, Buenos Aires) 1 points 11 days ago

stop p(r)aying granma.

bassdeluxe -25 points 12 days ago

99 percent my ass.... if you were 99 percent of the people you would have taken control of congress and the senate and the white house and changed things already. You are less than half as evidenced by the mid term elections.

TheVolunteerWino 4 points 12 days ago

And I'm still removing my assets (money) from the banks here in the US on Monday, . .:)

USLaw (New York, NY) 6 points 12 days ago

A slow motion analysis of the macing video embedded above CLEARLY shows the white collared officer deploying spray in an unprovoked, and certainly unorthodox, manner: Appears retaliatory and/or an intentional provocation. Slow motion version:


and further analysis:


EchoTarpeian (Gerald, MO) 6 points 12 days ago

I am coming from the Midwest and trying to grow a group of us as we go... we started with a simple desire to get food to the Wall Street protesters, now it is growing into more:) and I have published a webpage on the Squidoo network to help draw more attention to this Occupation: http://www.squidoo.com/occupy-wall-street

See you Soon!!!

Javier (Villa Maipú, Buenos Aires) 1 points 11 days ago

get the thing on http://occupytogether.org/ May the force be with you!

TheVolunteerWino 5 points 12 days ago

Other things you can do, . . . unemployment feeds their volunteer military with new recruits, so they can rape and pillage our neighbors overseas with the blood and lives of our children, while they reap the profits. .. stand by and do not join the military, . . . also withdraw all your money from the banks and use cash or barter, . . and I dont listen to the NY times, . . the message is clear, . . and they know it!

Brigett 2 points 11 days ago

In the Vietnam war, they instituted the draft in a hurry.The war was over oil but the draft was over emptying the universities and the middle class of it's best and brightest. There were just too many intellectuals hanging around challenging the status quo and demanding answers.Now there's some class warfare for ya.

Javier (Villa Maipú, Buenos Aires) 1 points 11 days ago

LOL, agree.

dianesare 5 points 12 days ago

The Wall Street and London financiers who've destroyed millions of lives with their crimes are the ones who should be in jail. This makes the injustice clear. We should flood Bloomberg's office with calls, emails etc. I hope the sill people who voted for him can begin to get a glimmer of what he is. I have plans to be out there soon, in some form.

peopleoverprofits 5 points 12 days ago

Stay strong. You guys and gals have my support, and many other's. I will be down there with you as soon as I can.

TheVolunteerWino 5 points 12 days ago

Even if some of us are employed and doing OK, We need to stand up for those in America who are not, . .. Its our duty as Americans to protect those in our country from aggression, shifty theft, and both physical and mental harm, . . And participating mass peaceable protests are the way we do it!

SwissMiss (Ann Arbor Charter Township, MI) 1 points 11 days ago

Right.... and even if we are employed, we're getting screwed over in many other ways.

TheVolunteerWino 5 points 12 days ago

Personally i thought the message was clear,,,, . .Unemployment of the common people while Corporate Heads get bonuses and vacation in the Cayman Islands, . .Peoples houses being bought and sold like candy, families being broken due to the stress of losing homes, while the bankers get bailouts and new bonuses, . . . .. If the message isn't clear, . .. you havent been paying attention to what is going on in your neighborhood. . . . If every house that was lost due to shifty loan cons has smoke rising up from it, . . our cities and suburbs would look like they were war torn, . .. . this country is doing nothing to protect its people from this aggression, . . . Everyone has a right to a home! , .. not just the Elite, . .who own 3 or more outright!. . . . If you don't know what the message is, . .you have been sleeping for the past few years

SwissMiss (Ann Arbor Charter Township, MI) 1 points 11 days ago

I agree. It has been clear to me the whole time. I just think the info could be organized better.... as in outline form.

bassdeluxe -13 points 12 days ago

In America you have a right to work and EARN your home. You DO NOT have a right for me to work and buy your home for you. Quit your bitching and work to better yourself and your country.

bonbonberry 6 points 12 days ago

I don't think that this person said they don't want to earn anything. I know that taxes sometimes go to welfare for people who could try a little harder to better themselves but that is not what this is about right now. My mother has been working for 20 years as an RN and attempted a business. She pays nearly half her paycheck in taxes while trying to support 2 kids. She is still suffering and she earned everything she had. Never earned a penny of support from the government (its not like they would anyway). This should not be. Just because you struggle and say something about it does not mean that we want you to work and buy our home. We don't need that, sorry. Are you not aware of the corruption in America right now? Yes, there are many ways to get rich in America and make it to the top. Still, the poverty and debt rate shouldn't be so high. Struggle is a part of life but what's happening now is beyond a struggle. It's corruption and greed. It's the prices that keep going up. Prices for things like milk, gas, bread, TUITION & EDUCATION, all foods etc..The things that should be kept at a low price so that people can at least live peacefully with their necessities and then work out how to enjoy their life.

TheVolunteerWino 4 points 12 days ago

I do work, . and did you misread something?, . .when did I ask youo to buy me a house, . . .I simply have a heart and I am supporting those who are out of work, . . and those who were conned by the finance companies by means of finance contracts to lose their homes, . . . Let me ask you this, . .Who knows more about what a 100 page damn near latin wrote home finance contract says, . . A school janitor trying to raise a family and buy a home, . Or a finance company with a team of lawyers and 30 people to comb over it, . .. . they then hire high pressure sales man to sell it. . . . .The finance companies are acting like con men and taking working American homes, . . . . yes I have a job, . . yes I have a family, . .yes I am trying to buy a home, . . but the point I think you missed is, .. . yes I have a heart, . And yes I will stand up to help protect my fellow Americans, . . . I think you missed all that!

SwissMiss (Ann Arbor Charter Township, MI) 1 points 11 days ago

Yes.... people in America have the right to work, as long as there are ample jobs for EVERYONE.... and as long as EVERY JOB pays a living wage.... which most DO NOT. Can you live on $8/hour and pay for a house and a car and raise a family??? I didn't think so.

ftheman (Leslie, AR) 1 points 11 days ago

Are you really that fucking ignorant? I suggest that you go gargle with some crude oil and then shove a fist full of twenties up your ass. This is an open forum, but you need to SHUT THE FUCK UP already and let the big people talk...Sincerely, Dr. Phil A. Shio

socksm (Detroit, MI) 5 points 12 days ago

2 weeks ago I thought I had to leave the United States. It felt too fascist, and too apathetic to stay. Now I have decided to stay, and to buy a camera. You folks are the only people giving me hope about our country. Keep doing what you are doing. You are the next American Revolution. The whole nation is channeling you strength. Peace and solidarity from Detroit. Keep it up, we are with you.

bassdeluxe -17 points 12 days ago

Please leave and then send us a report from wherever you think is better, please. Looking forward to hearing from you from say...China? Greece? France? Venezuela? Mexico? Hey....Canada is really close...send me a note from there and tell me how you like your new 40% tax rate.

ftheman (Leslie, AR) 1 points 11 days ago

You're the kind of hopeless nit wit that cries,"But I'm on your side as your skull is cracked and you're pushed into a dark hole with everybody else. OPEN YOUR EYES, FOR YOU'RE OWN SAKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

grianjual (Richmond, VA) 5 points 12 days ago

Important Please remember to do everything you can to get officer names and badge numbers. If you’re capturing video make sure you’re vocalizing any important information - names of arrested/assaulted, names of officers, badge numbers, location, time, etc.

idiompost 4 points 12 days ago

Small reforms will do nothing. Go big or go home. It does not matter what currency is backed with or if we could only elect this guy, it is and always has been who controls the money supply. The demand should be end private banks anything else is just pointless. Political parties are just plant to divide and distract the people while the banking cartel rob the people and ruin the world. It seems most people are proud graduates of their thought reform

Blowfish 4 points 12 days ago

Our taxes bailed out the banks despite the fact that they caused this recession. Go to Change.Org and sign my petition: "Make Home Owners Whole." Our government gave the banks billions of our dollars with no strings attached. And still, their executives are raking in huge bonuses while we stand with our hands out, begging for relief! Where was our bail-out? We are the forgotten middle class. Thank you for protesting Wall Street!

candi 4 points 12 days ago

Keep up the good work ! I could not be more proud of these young people. Too heck with all of the republican trolls trying to discredit your efforts.Your message is loud and clear.You are trying to bring attention to the gross inequality taking place in this country, It's a sad day when peaceful protesters can be arrested and the sharks on wallstreet are allowed to swim free to prey on our population at will and at taxpayer expense.

tdsisti (Austin, TX) 4 points 12 days ago

They would not longer have workers. This was one major protest in India when they were fighting for their independence from colonialism, that is Gandhi encourage the vast majority of Indians to stop working... and they did. Unfortunately here in the U.S. there is still a lack of solidarity, as people who have jobs and homes and are struggling to survive want to enjoy what they can. The thing is that if things keep going the way they are, sucking as bad as they do, life will continue to be difficult for everyone.

Brigett 2 points 11 days ago

Please read my comment about buying only USA made products.And the labor strike is also your next big power play along with a run on banks.

Javier (Villa Maipú, Buenos Aires) 1 points 11 days ago

You should be promoting the production of USA made products, before the consumption of USA made products, but, largely I agree.

SwissMiss (Ann Arbor Charter Township, MI) 1 points 11 days ago

Exactly. How does one buy USA when almost NOTHING here is made here?

Fuchsia 4 points 12 days ago

Please do not simply be outraged when you read/watch all the info/videos circulating... We need the outrage, we need justice... this is why this is happening... but for all us who cannot be there in person, what we can do is focus on the protesters; not what they are protesting...

You who are protesting are the breaking wave of our common growing consciousness, manifesting our intention right NOW! I call for everyone watching from afar to focus our love, our energy and intention on you.

May we give you all the full strength of our passion, our commitment, our involvement in the new paradigm!.

Let us dance for you, sing for you, pray for you, meditate for you, play for you... and hold you in our heart and soul every minute of every day, and exult with joy and celebration at your courage.

Every single human being present - brother, sister - willing and able to show up in that part of the grid is blessed!

Let us send you a continuous focused wave of intention, creation and manifestation that breaks onto the shore of the corporate world. May you be a tsunami of rightful anger channeled into positivity and vision for a new world!

May you feel the polarity of the situation dissolve and unite in a healing and balanced manner.

"To destroy us, they will have to annihilate our angels. We call on the strength of all those who came before us and all those coming!:" Goddess Alchemy Project


Feylin (Richmond, BC) 3 points 12 days ago

Hey guys, I'm not American, but I hope you guys don't lose hope and I hope that people will gather to your cause! Ignore the haters, they're uneducated to the real situation and playing to the tunes of the pipers.

Don't lose hope guys, the world at large may not hear your voices yet but it's slowly coming.

Also, you guys may need to look for another outlet to get out your reason for doing this. I believe there is too much focus on abuse and your protesting and not enough to why the protest is occurring.

TheVolunteerWino 3 points 12 days ago

Have you noticed that no politicians running for election are out supporting these young people?

TheVolunteerWino 3 points 12 days ago

watch out for govt implants who will cause violence within your ranks trying to discredit you, . . . . . excellent job so far guys, . . dont give up!, as of tomorrow I am removing all my money from the bank in protest, . . Macing those peaceful protesters was just wrong, And this is my response. .. . America needs to get back to its freedoms and quit listening to these politicians, corporations, and financial institutions, . . . Have you noticed how many politicians running for election are standing up and defending our free speech?, .Have you noticed how many are on the streets marching and supporting these young people?, . . Zero, . . and this is happening where they all are and hang out, . . and they do not defend these innocent young people exercising their right to free speech, . where is our elected officials support? . . they are all silent, . . waiting in the shadows of the wings to discredit them later on when things go bad i think, . . All corporate America must be reigned in from their ways of greed killing and war, . . . this is the start of the way, . . they are a few, . we are many

osoblanco 3 points 12 days ago

ha funny u took my post away... i mean i am being honest about real life issues and u took my post away? really... u guys are like republicans

Yossi 3 points 12 days ago

Guys...let me spell it out for you: bassdelux has a home somewhere on or near Wallstreet. He's a grumpy old guy who isn't getting his regular naps because of all the noise you're all making. So naturally he's pissed off and letting it out on you. Don't take anything personally. =]

jmoonesq 3 points 12 days ago

I typically wouldn't comment on a page like this but there is something that needs to be said. I am not a proponent of corporate America or banks and think that the bailout stinks, however, they are not the only ones to blame. I think that a few of you need to look in the mirror at the hypocrite staring back at you. How many of you can answer with a clear conscience that you lived well within your means, that you bought a home that was much smaller than you wanted with a loan that was much smaller than the bank offered, how many drove a used car instead of opting for the BMW or Mercedes, how many skipped the Starbucks each morning for a home brewed cup, how many did without an I-Pad, I-Phone or Mac Book or the various updates? The list goes on and on. It's easy to point the finger at the government and the banks, but the sad reality is, it isn't their greed that did this, it's the very citizen's that felt entitled to more and their greed that did this. For those of you that are protesting, I applaud what you are doing - change needs to start somewhere. For those of you who disagree with protestors - I applaud what you are doing as well, as you are exercising one of our most fundamental rights, the right to speak freely. For those of you condemning the military and speaking of how they rape and pillage other lands, there are few who have served that actually want to go to war. The reason is, the soldiers die in war, not you. They follow orders because that is what they are trained to do. I know this because I served. We don't question who the president is, we follow him as our commander in chief, we don't ask for anything in return for what we have given you back home. Please don't sully what we have done and what we stand for because you are upset with the government. That isn't fair to us. For those seeking to use politics as an argument as the reason we have the problems we do, you should all be disgusted with Republicans and Democrats. When you are elected, you are here to serve the best interest of the people, not the party. Both sides are guilty of putting their party's selfish interests over that of the American people. We recently witnessed this with our near bankruptcy and the nations debt. Both major parties should be held accountable. Both major parties have exploited the people and the economy. It isn't by chance that a politican, both republican and democrat, comes to Washington and leaves much wealthier. If you want to inject politics to these issues, express your disgust on why neither group has ended the war, lowered the debt, held people accountable, why they haven't passed a balanced budget, etc. I wish you all the best, even the one guy you are attacking on here because his opinion is different than yours. Please keep in mind that honest debate has many opinions that must be heard. If they aren't you simply create the same problems that we have today - no one considering an alternative or possibly better way for everyone to live peacefully.

bonbonberry 2 points 11 days ago

No. Food prices, tuition, taxes, gas etc... don't have to keep going up so high! We should be able to own a computer and live a bit nicely without suffering!! The problem here is that they are making it impossible for some people to even eat! Why are we to blame for this??? Why can't we sometimes have starbucks coffee...and FYI, I don't know that many people driving a mercedes or BMW, but even if they drive one...why is this country making it so hard to enjoy life? With struggles like this, we can't focus on family and love...that's why all women have to work today & can not raise their children! that's why children end up misguided! Children are the future of the world, it's really a terrible thing that mothers can not raise their own children. And in terms of political parties, they're all corrupt! presidents are puppets! Congress is making all the decisions! This is not an attack on you either, it's just the truth...

SwissMiss (Ann Arbor Charter Township, MI) 1 points 11 days ago

Don't condemn civilians for not going to war. People know very well that they can end up in war when they join any branch of the military. Unless there is a draft, then they've done so voluntarily. And most wars are not fought for the "freedom of the people". Rather, they are fought for the greed of those in power.

JohnSawyer 1 points 11 days ago

Many on Wall Street and elsewhere truly are greedy, and have a sense of entitlement to our money and time. That can't be taken out of the equation. To do so, is like blaming a rape victim for the rape.

Many of the people hit by the financial collapse are the very type of people you rightly call for--they aren't greedy, but instead have lived their lives frugally and invested in ways they thought were wise. And they got screwed when Wall Street people who were, in fact, the greedy ones, abused the trust these people gave them, and also caused a series of dominos to topple which wiped out many people who didn't even have anything to do with greedy Wall Streeters.

It's something like setting up a candy shop, whose products people do have the right to occasionally partake of, and then once the customer is in the shop, reveal to them that this is no ordinary candy shop, by holding them down and stealing their wallet. And then telling the customers that they and their appetites are to blame, not the one doing the stealing.

But it's worse than that--this is their strategy not just with candy shops, but with essentials too.

So, while much of the profit that's been turned against us by Wall Street, was derived from our purchase of what many people consider unnecessary things, far more of that profit was probably derived from our purchase of necessities. If none of us ever purchased something that was "unnecessary" ever again, and limited our efforts against them to just that, the amount of profit still to be made would be more than enough to attract greedy people to keep the same greed-based system going, with all its negatives. Wall Street, etc. would still make enough money to exercise its greed and power, if all we decided to do was to be frugal. I agree that being frugal is one necessary element, but it's like saying one's foot is more important for walking normally, than one's leg. You need both.

patricialynn 3 points 12 days ago

To me this protest is now about "Police Brutality" and "Abuse" of power.

AreUSerious 3 points 12 days ago

Is your strategy now to pretend these police officers are white collar because their shirts are white? Disassociate them from the 99%?

White collar is used to define those who perform office work where they don't get their shirts dirty. Its clear from these photos that these guys are rolling up their sleeves and are not whiet collar, they are getting things done. You also don't show what you were doing beforehand to instigate this reaction.

agnosticnixie (Laval, QC) 4 points 12 days ago

The whites do in fact indicate brass and bureaucrats. Blue is beat cops.

mattymatt (New York, NY) 3 points 12 days ago

white collar is an informal term and can mean those in managerial positions and yes, typically those involved in at least part-time office/admin work. Most of the officers with white shirts are NOT out on the streets on a day to day basis and typically manage and direct from their desks... which is probably pissed why they have to go out and do some "real" police work.

Brigett 2 points 11 days ago

A lot of white collar is every bit as abused as blue collar and more. That's why I left. The screws they can stick in to you are amazing on any level. Even as a small business owner, the shit never changes, only the rules. Power needs to be returned to the middle class and below tax payers,voters and all labor. The fact that billions of US tax payer dollars leave out of this country daily to go to foreign governments ought to have this country up in arms.

rickied (Worcester, MA) 1 points 12 days ago

The phrase "white-collar police/cop" is used EIGHT TIMES in the post. It's hardly informal when you start painting a target on someone's back.

bassdeluxe -12 points 12 days ago

Learn to form a sentence, please.

bonbonberry 2 points 12 days ago

That is what you're concerned about?

bassdeluxe -19 points 12 days ago

Yes.... You don't even have the ability to form a proper sentence...yet you believe you know how to run a country. Your ignorance is shown here. Get a life already and let intelligent people run the country.

mattymatt (New York, NY) 2 points 12 days ago

Ha... this is an internet forum not a grad school dissertation.

ftheman (Leslie, AR) 1 points 11 days ago

It's funny how so many people that consider themselves intelligent are actually nothing of the kind. True intelligence is humble. It really has nothing to do with placing a comma in the "right" place. Bust out of your concrete stage world numb nuts.

bonbonberry 1 points 11 days ago

no answer. not worth responding to you

ftheman (Leslie, AR) 1 points 11 days ago

BLOW ME ASSHOLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

bassdeluxe -15 points 12 days ago

Learn to form a sentence, please.

AreUSerious 1 points 10 days ago

From reading most of the responses from the radicals on this forum, I would say my question wasn't properly articulated. My question was "Why associate police officers with white collar?" I don't think it was to make a distinction between the beat cops and their supervisors, it feels to me like a tactic to associate them with all of the misguided demands you have against the rich, white collar people, "the man" whatever you want to call them. The people who are different from you, but not the 99% of the population...

This demonstration reminds me of a list created by Charles Sykes (Author of "Dumbing Down our Kids") for recent high school and college graduates. Hope you enjoy this list and learn from it. Rule 1: Life is not fair; get used to it.

Rule 2: The world won't care about your self-esteem. The world will expect you to accomplish something before you feel good about yourself.

Rule 3: You will not make 40 thousand dollars a year right out of high school. You won't be a vice president with a car phone until you "earn" both.

Rule 4: If you think your teacher is tough, wait till you get a boss. He doesn't have tenure.

Rule 5: Flipping burgers is not beneath your dignity. Your grandparents had a different word for burger-flipping; they called it opportunity.

Rule 6: If you screw up, it's not your parents' fault so don't whine about your mistakes. Learn from them.

Rule 7: Before you were born, your parents weren't as boring as they are now. They got that way paying your bills, cleaning your room, and listening to you tell them how idealistic you are. So before you save the rain forest from the blood-sucking parasites of your parents' generation, try delousing the closet in your own room.

Rule 8: Your school may have done away with winners and losers but life has not. In some schools they have abolished failing grades, they'll give you as many times as you want to get the right answer. This, of course, bears not the slightest resemblance to anything in real life.

Rule 9: Life is not divided into semesters. You don't get summers off, and very few employers are interested in helping you find yourself. Do that on your own time.

Rule 10: Television is not real life. In real life people actually have to leave the coffee shop and go to jobs.

Rule 11: Be nice to nerds. Chances are you'll end up working for one.

ftheman (Leslie, AR) 1 points 11 days ago

Semantics ass wipe, I'd love to see your reaction after I sprayed you in the face with pepper spray. Your observations are shallow and useless. GROW UP AND GET A CLUE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

GoonSquad 1 points 12 days ago

hawhaw. you have just been pwned. See below.

SkinnyDipper 3 points 12 days ago

I think that the protesters will have more luck by demonstrating in favour of a democratic USA in support of a proportional voting system such as STV, Open List, or MMP. When the Egyptians, Tunisians, and Libyans were protesting, they were protesting for democracy. When the US police attack Wall Street socio-economic protesters, it doesn't resonate with the public. If the US police attack democracy activists (people who want democracy) then one can make a comparison between actions by US and foreign police forces. This could resonate with the public.

ftheman (Leslie, AR) 1 points 11 days ago

This is NOT a democracy. It never has been. Majority does not rule.

frwl (Донецк, Донецкая область) 2 points 11 days ago

This is not cold war times, no more red alert, so they give a shit what are you doing on a streets, they will kick your asses. Good luck!

austin1200 2 points 11 days ago

Well I hope you all see my comments cause i cant

austin1200 2 points 11 days ago

Its only time untill they kill someone. Then I hope the world fucking drops on how messed up the system is.

austin1200 2 points 11 days ago

This is something you'd expect in a communistic country. Sad, The US is no better then any other foreign country anymore.

Brigett 2 points 11 days ago

Keep rattling the cages at all the ACLU offices inside and outside NewYork state. Demand that they take more action.They have to have complaints in writing.They have a lengthy one already. Volumize and avalanche written complaints to them and State Attorney General Office and ACLU, CNN,ABC,CBS, Need more air play too.

0815 2 points 11 days ago

[...] in this cause I, too, am prepared to die. But, my friend, there is no cause for which I am prepared to kill. Whatever they do to us, we will attack no one, kill no one, but we will not [comply] -- not one of us.

They will imprison us, and they will fine us. They will seize our possessions, but they cannot take away our self-respect if we do not give it to them.

I am asking you to fight! To fight against their anger, not to provoke it. We will not strike a blow, but we will receive them. And through our pain we will make them see their injustice, and it will hurt -- as all fighting hurts. But we cannot lose. We cannot. They may torture my body, break my bones, even kill me. Then, they will have my dead body -- not my obedience.

-Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi

LordStark 2 points 12 days ago

That picture of the cop yanking the lady by her hair is repulsive.... What type of person could do that or mace a group of non violent women like in those videos... SMH

covalentbonded (Reading, PA) 2 points 12 days ago

fuck petitions. I can't come there but you will be here soon. No masks - I want them to know just who i am. No violence - that's the way to kill dreams. No co-operation - they have lost the consent of the governed.

covalentbonded (Reading, PA) 2 points 12 days ago

fuck petitions. I can't come there but you will be here soon. No masks - I want them to know just who i am. No violence - that's the way to kill dreams. No co-operation - they have lost the consent of the governed.

covalentbonded (Reading, PA) 2 points 12 days ago

fuck petitions. I can't come there but you will be here soon. No masks - I want them to know just who i am. No violence - that's the way to kill dreams. No co-operation - they have lost the consent of the governed.

Abuseaccount 2 points 12 days ago

These people should have enough sense to hire a lawyer to intimidate the police. That or find someone with knowledge of the law. Y'all need someone down there telling the police what they cannot do, and threaten them with the legal consequences in a peacefull and well constituted manner.

-I'm sure unprovoked macing is against police policy.
-I'm almost positive we have some right to film and broadcast whats happening there.

Try to find a licensed lawyer that can protect the protestors and do it free of charge/on his own time. At this point they're the ones disrupting the peace.

ben1789 2 points 12 days ago

I just want to say I believe in the cause for what this protest is trying to do. Wall street as well as Washington D.C. is need of major reparations especially with lobbyists protecting many of the corporation's self interests where money is basically religion to them. Hopefully more people wake up and call for true justice from their government where the people's voice can be truly heard and end the constant american corporate bullshit shoved down our throats. God bless you all and the protesters who got wrongly accused for exercising his first amendment rights. Never give up.

Michael 2 points 12 days ago

Bravo 'Occupied-Wall-Street' for standing for 'we the people!' while confronting the excessive greed that corporations and their minion promote. I send support and good wishes from MN!!!

pmminnesota 2 points 12 days ago

Dear Occupy Wall Street Brave and Beautiful People, Let's bring the PRO-UNION spirit, seen at the takeover of the Madison, WI capitol building this past winter, to the OCCUPY WALL STREET takeover. Our fight is with the financial industry and multi-million dollar corporations. Create connections with our Union Brothers and Sisters in the NYC police force. Create a PRO-UNION message in signs, banners, and T-shirts. Bring down barriers between the protesters and our Union Brothers and Sisters! They will respond in ways seen and unseen. You are amazing and inspiring. Thank you!

whatsinaname (Portland, OR) 2 points 12 days ago

I'm thankful for what you all are doing there, but I've got some concerns as to where the focus seems to be heading here. This post is entirely about police brutality. Past posts have also focused on that. You're not there to expose bad cops, you're there (for all of us) to show the public's disapproval of Wall Street and demand for reform. Getting knocked around by cops is expected in this kind of protest. If someone is just learning now about what you all are doing, they would see a protest against crooked cops by a bunch of kids camping in New York aggravating cops through protest. Why not post a graphic or something that shows how Wall Street has contributed to increased poverty in the US as well as the rest of the world? Now I'm not saying you shouldn't be exposing unfair police action against you, you totally should. But as an outsider not there, only able to follow the movement on Reddit, it looks like your focus is shifting. Stay strong and God bless you all.

biggerwigger 2 points 12 days ago

Why are you protesting on Wall Street? Yes, the banks got bailed out, but who bailed them out? Get your asses down to DC and get the government straighted out. Wall Street will follow...

biggerwigger 2 points 12 days ago

Why are you protesting on Wall Street? Yes, the banks got bailed out, but who bailed them out? Get your asses down to DC and get the government straighted out. Wall Street will follow...

ferncapella (Milwaukie, OR) 2 points 12 days ago

Stay strong and loving with each other and the oppressors.. They can't kill all of us and they are human underneath their programming, we will WIN through love and non-violence and persistence and RESISTANCE. We are with you in NYC in our hearts, and we are occupying our own cities in SOLIDARITY. We love you Heroes & Heroines of America! <3

trisaratops 2 points 12 days ago

https://www.nyc.gov/html/ccrb/html/complaint.html. Demand that Raymond Kelly resigns!

eironsamurai (Halifax, MA) 2 points 12 days ago

I feel so bad. I was there yesterday while we marched to union square. I listened to the opinions of many different individuals, and got to know some of the people in these videos. They all have ideas for how to fix the system and that is why there is no one clear demand. They called to the street saying " We are not of one opinion if you feel we are doing something wrong come talk with us, we want to hear your opinion to." As we marched the tour buses and crowd along the street cheered us on. I left union station with such a great feeling and now that is somewhat tarnished.

TheVolunteerWino 2 points 12 days ago

We also need to spread this website and what is happening to the people via Facebook, etc. . . . get the word out!

TheVolunteerWino 2 points 12 days ago

Keep the protests peaceable! , . love yall!

revpac 2 points 12 days ago

"When tyranny is Law, revolution is order" -Pedro Albizu Campos

docnoodle (Howland, ME) 2 points 12 days ago

Pardon me, but may I borrow a cup 'o bricks? I seemed to have shat mine. This is rather amusing, according to the 2010 census, there are 308,745,538 people in the US. Of those people, 65.1% either own their homes or live with the person that does. Translation: Renters (people that can't afford their own permanent residency for one reason or another) make up over a third of the <b>housed</b> population. I can't find any nation-wide homeless data, but my theory would state that renters and homeless persons make up nearly half of the US population. Why is that...

GenZ 2 points 12 days ago

This is terrible, but it's just one more reason to continue the protests! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UHvgAJe8bvM&ob=av2e

GenZ 2 points 12 days ago

This is terrible, but it's just one more reason to continue the protests! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UHvgAJe8bvM&ob=av2e

PickledBeatnik (Murray, UT) 2 points 12 days ago

Love from Utah! Don't let those brutes win! Stay on course!

GoonSquad 2 points 12 days ago

It makes cops feel tough to beat up peaceful protestors who don't fight back. Super macho.

AreUSerious is an idiot, btw.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5rbXfelyIoM http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CTVXUsQuKD4 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iNyMr6VmGJo

These videos all clearly show cops using force against peaceful protestors. I especially like the cop who starts wildly punching people while another cop puts his knee on a guy's neck. Also, nothing quite as manly as corralling a bunch of girls in the corner and then pepper spraying them for no reason.

bonbonberry 1 points 12 days ago

Yeah, it's like a man hitting a woman lol.

jcgrellety 2 points 12 days ago

Congratulations for your will, courage, in a country where police is queen ! "Freedom", USA always says, but this is not freedom when police is queen and can arrest free citizens for the same argues than in dictatorial states.


ROARMAG 2 points 12 days ago

Please feel free to share these powerful pictures (in fact, please do so! maximum diffusion!):


RedMann 1 points 9 days ago

I can't agree with exposing innocents (wife and kids) to possible retaliation. I truly hope that cooler heads prevail and cause them no harm. With that said, this is the world we now live in. I know that, whenever a cop has to raise his gun, s/he thinks very carefully about discharging that weapon. Perhaps this incident will cause them to think equally long and hard about discharging pepper spray. I can't agree with exposing innocents (wife and kids) to possible retaliation.

I can! Read posting!

You must be "white" and think (brain-washed) that "rules" apply to violent engagements.


Anthony Bologna D0x NYPD Deputy Inspector Patrol Boro Manhattan South - 212-477-6181

-WAS Commanding Officer of the First Precinct for the past 5 years

-Possible phone number: (518) 989-9051

----------------------Reason for D0x'ing



Anthony Linda Bologna Anthony V Bologna Anthony Jennings Bologna Linda S Bologna (family) Dana M Bologna (family) Jenna Angelina Bologna (family) J Bologna (family) Angelina Bologna (family) Joanne A Bologna (family) Anthony C Bologna (family)


St. Paul's High School (1970-1974)

----------------------Last Known Addresses

5 Sawyer Ave, Unit A, Staten Island, NY, US 119 Slater Blvd, Staten Island, NY, US 5 Sawyer Ave, Staten Island, NY, US 1309 Lake Ave, Metairie, LA, US Jennings Hill Rd, West Kill, NY, US Catskill, NY, US Lexington, NY, US New York, NY, US 5314 8th Ave, Brooklyn, NY, US 236 E Gibson St, Covington, LA, US 134 N Carrollton Ave, New Orleans, LA, US 22072 8th St, Abita Springs, LA, US 6 Saint Jean De Luz, Mandeville, LA, US 1000 53rd St, Brooklyn, NY, US 1224 Lake Ave, Apt 205, Metairie, LA, US 10122 Lakewood St, New Orleans, LA, US 24 Claudia Dr, Covington, LA, US 6906 13th Ave, Unit 2f, Brooklyn, NY, US

---------------------------Legal Trouble

Plaintiff: Posr A. Posr Defendants: Tulio Camejo, Anthony Bologna, Michael R. Bloomberg, Raymond W. Kelly, Joseph J. Esposito, The City of New York and Connie Fishman

Case Number: 1:2007cv07583 Filed: August 27, 2007

Court: New York Southern District Court Office: Foley Square Office County: NewYork Presiding Judge: Judge P. Kevin Castel

Nature of Suit: Civil Rights - Other Civil Rights Cause: 42:1983 Civil Rights Act Jurisdiction: Federal Question Jury Demanded By: Plaintiff

RedMann 1 points 9 days ago

For The Wall Street Nyc Demonstrators;

Some Advice For On The Street Tactics From This Point Forward.

1.) Wear Eye Goggles From Now On.

2.) Put 2 Layers Of Tin Foil Taped To Your Body Under Your Clothes. Tape Tin Foil To Areas Most Likely To Be Hit By Pig Tazers. This Tacit Will Give The Wearer Immunity From Electrical Shock From The Pig Shooter.

3.) Buy In Mass Hand Held Electric Stun Guns. When The Pigs Assault You This Time - Hit Them With A Real Punch! Even A 100 Lb. Individual Can Knock One Of The Nyc Mother Fukers Out Cold On The Spot, Enabling You To Escape Their Beating!

4.) Enlarge The Demonstration Site To Enable It To “Ring” The Hq’S And Studios Of Abc Cbs Nbc And Zionist-Jew Traitor Murdoch Owned Fox Networks. Do Not Let Them Get To And From Work. Then, Maybe They Will Report On Your Actions On Nyc Streets!

Have Fun!

I Sure Did During The Late 60'S Early 70'S! Remember, You Are Right On Cue. The Only Thing These White Male Judeo-Christian Killer-Hoarders Will React To Is "No More Business As Usual". Become More Intense! Stop Them From "Going To Work"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ANTHONY 1 points 9 days ago

Most Honorable 99%, Glory to God in the Highest, You are an answer to prayers, years an years of prayers. In october 1997 I met then congressman Jim Bunning, this meeting ment a opportunity to work for BLACKWATER AS a security agent , I blew it I went off on congressman bunning. I called him a whoring money slut, for he voted for China to have most favored nation status: even after the Tinnemin Square Massacre, I said your a slut that voted for yourself a raise to 300,000.00 dollars ayear, while you voted against an increase in minimum wage. As my good cousin had to work 16 hours aday to pay mortgage, he died falling asleep at the wheel on the way home from work. I said you Whore you should be shot for Treason. He responed in a soft proffessional voice "what 's your name" I said Anthony, He said " Anthony What" I replied Anthony Terhaar" He said "Anthony Terhaar I am going to Fuck you. I am going to Fuck you for the rest of your Life." Youve all heard about government spooks. I know from my experience they are real. My father was leagally murdered. While I was still married the spooks assaulted, Me my wife an my children. Some who have tried to testify the truth about my life are dead. {run over by car. suicide, don't forget Brandy Britton, an Debra Pelfrey, the price they paid for the truth, about the money sluts} You the Honorable an brave, OccupyWallStreet, You holders of Liberty's flame Hold you tourtes High, You are the 99% an You are an answer to my prayers. I have been face down in parking lots an side walks praying for you to arrive for ten years. PLEASE form a political party MAKE MICHAEL MOORE your C.E.O. I will raise money for you.

GOLDENEAGLE 1 points 10 days ago






THEY DO NOT CARE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!





























Denise316 1 points 10 days ago

Now this is the kind of protest I've been waiting for. I'm so glad that the American people are waking up and smelling the coffee.

Lisaa 1 points 10 days ago

I would be with you if I could. I exist on less than $700 a month and food stamps for my 3 kids, as a disabled person in the United States. I worked from age 16 to age 36 and paid into the Social Security system. I became ill and subsequently physically disabled less than 2 years after finishing college. I hate being sick, sick of being sick, sick of pill bottles, sick of being on Social Security, striving to start a home based business so I can be financially independent again. I am with every one of you in mind/spirit. My thoughts are with you as I wish I were there in person with you. Be safe, you are productive.

Lisa A

Lisaa 1 points 10 days ago

I would be with you if I could. I exist on less than $700 a month and food stamps for my 3 kids, as a disabled person in the United States. I worked from age 16 to age 36 and paid into the Social Security system. I became ill and subsequently physically disabled less than 2 years after finishing college. I hate being sick, sick of being sick, sick of pill bottles, sick of being on Social Security, striving to start a home based business so I can be financially independent again. I am with every one of you in mind/spirit. My thoughts are with you as I wish I were there in person with you. Be safe, you are productive.

Lisa A

don 1 points 10 days ago

If you or I would have sprayed anyone those officers who were watching would have arrested us. Why didnt they stop the other officer from spraying? They should be held accountable for doing nothing.

don 1 points 10 days ago

The officers who watched should be arrested also.

leftyconservative 1 points 10 days ago

As a Licensed Ham Radio Operator who's glad to assist law enforcement with emergency communications in times of need, I would normally back them 100% but even as a Ham Radio Operator, I can't condone what these THUGS did.

I watched SIX YouTube videos from a variety of sources as well as Lawrence O' Donnell's rewrite tonight (Which is on his website @ http://thelastword.msnbc.msn.com/_news/2011/09/26/7978720-rewrite-police-vs-protesters?pc=25&sp=50&threadId=3231543#discussion_nav ), I was SICKENED by the actions of an otherwise FINE police department.

I find it hard to believe that we somberly (And soberingly) celebrated the 10th Anniversary of 9/11 & honored those who gave their lives doing so (MANY of them being First Responders from the FDNY & NYPD) just THREE WEEKS AGO yet today we are CONDEMNING the NYPD & demanding accountability for their actions in their handling of the Occupy Wall Street protests.


And to think THEY are going to be in charge of providing security for an Olympic Games ????? If I'm a New Yorker, I shudder at the MERE THOUGHT of how they'll handle all the protests associated with THAT

The NYPD needs to take a REAL HARD look at itself in the mirror IMO

anotherpissedoffperson (Orange, CA) 1 points 10 days ago

I'm left coast but I'm with you in spirit. BE STRONG

same officer did this http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2011/sep/27/occupy-wall-street-anthony-bologna

spread the word

the only way to make him pay is to make him a political liability. organize a call in. flood the phone lines

Muzhik 1 points 10 days ago

There is no Middle Class. The Middle Class is dead. There are only two classes 1. The Working Class, whether employed of not, and 2.The Elites.

joejoe 1 points 10 days ago

Your support is Global, reaching as far as Melbourne-Australia. Keep the momentum flowing and speak loudly about what you stand for. The loudest, wisest, most compelling speakers will draw more people who have seen and felt the horrific turbulence of our Capitalist society. Don't listen to the leaders who try to protect this corrupt corporate system by trying to justify the unjustifiable. Let us speak our names in public, don't fear big brother. Peace from Joe Berridge

bulldog831 1 points 10 days ago

To all law enforcement personnel monitoring this website, and to all military and first responders reading this post: Please visit www.oathkeepers.org

lukebubb (Greenbank, QLD) 1 points 10 days ago

I am really not surprised.. Goes to show who the biggest gang of thugs are, they just have badges.. They are lucky in all reality that the protesters aren't as putrid and wretched as them otherwise they would have been out numbered, swarmed and seriously hurt. How does a man, let alone a police office call himself a man, when he is tearing a woman's hair out who is protesting without voilence, just having a voice.. I bet if some other white collared troll did that to his mother, sister or wife it would be a different story, and I wonder how the hell any of those people would ever look at him the same again. I thought the motto was PROTECT AND SERVE, I know 1% bike clubs that are fairer and less criminal than these white collared scum bags. I think the whole police force needs to start all over again, re-training & re-competency. I can see by the smile on that jerks face that it obviously did not mess with his sense of morality, he in fact seem proud.. probably texting a mate to say "hey man u should have seen these b***hes drop like flies.. " If I had my way these putrid germs who are representing what is supposed to be good in society would not only lose their jobs, but get jail time..

How do you justify sending someone to jail because they filmed police brutality in a protest, yet these police offices can use force, group assault and pepper spray with no instigation, that did not even get met with what I would call fair retaliations.

Give these scumbags what they deserve, a permanent unpaid holiday, and an extra special holiday to jail.. I cant get over this crap.. I bet their mothers who raised them to respect people and women would be sooo proud.. NOT

FreeNYC 1 points 11 days ago

So has this turned into a protest about your victimization by NYPD? Some of the actions of the police may have been wrong, even completely wrong, but what is the message?

You realize that the NYPD is filled with guys who've had their brothers and sisters die in 9/11, an attack on the US financial base. The NYPD is filled with former soldiers who've fought in Iraq and Afghanistan. So all I see on this website is pictures and videos of the NYPD hurting you? Is that your message, victimization?

This protest doesn't make sense. You DON'T actually represent 99%, but more like 0.05% of the population. I don't work on Wall Street, but let's be honest about the numbers. Even if each of the 5,000 protesters represented 100 US citizens each, then you still represent less than 1%. If it's really the top 1%, then you should protest every successful actor, musician, surgeon, tv cook, reality celebrity, athlete, basically anyone with any form of financial success.

The top 1% makes around $350k to $400k. This is very successful SMALL and medium business owners. That's who's greedy? Your local successful clothing shops, home improvement shops, the mechanics, your dentist, etc. They're all greedy, I guess, as every human is greedy about some things.

It isn't greed that makes things bad. Adam Smith discovered that competing greedy people could create a competitive marketplace that actually benefits the consumers and society. It's counter-intuitive, but an absolutely beautiful concept that he discovered. This economic freedom to compete in a non-centrally regulated environment, without subsidies and bailouts, is what allowed the US to become such a great country.

The problem is that our money is now devalued by the Federal Reserve, and the government subsidizes everything, creates entitlement programs, and is the central body to regulate so many industries. When you allocate all the power and influence into a single body, then that body becomes susceptible to corporate interest rather than the people. Is that what you're protesting, because you guys are very far from Washington D.C. The people who voted for the bailout are in Congress, along with the President. The citizens voted for representatives who implemented the bailouts, so you guys should be protesting politicians or fellow citizens.

Or maybe it's devaluation of the dollar that you are protesting. If so, go to Washington DC. There's a bank there that devalues the dollar, funds the bailouts for other banks, motor companies, etc, and it funds the wars and numerous subsidies in this countries. Being on Wall Street, the place that is laying off workers left and right, with an incoherent message is trying to accomplish a goal of chaos, with no idea of a solution. Some of those banks have even repaid TARP. You guys are doing the average New Yorker a disservice by diluting the police force that's needed to prevent and enforce crime.

DrMandible 1 points 11 days ago

Please amend the demand to read "We demand that no blue-collar police ARE charged for the crimes of their supervisors." Or to "We demand that no blue-collar police officer is charged for the crime of his or her supervisor."

Currently there is not agreement between the subject and the pronouns and it detracts from the message. Decide if the subject is plural or singular, then the verb (pl: "are" or s: "is") and the pronoun (pl:"their" or s: "his or her") must agree.

Not trying to be the spell-check police and I'm certainly NOT trolling, but it's important that we're taken seriously. Good messaging is vital.

katsprat 1 points 11 days ago

Contact Anthony Bologna, NYPD Patrol Borough Manhttn Sth Inspctr who allegedly OC sprayed peaceful protesters: 212-477-7436.

robotbrain 1 points 11 days ago

If the master's house caught on fire, the house Negro would fight harder to put the blaze out than the master would.

tdsisti (Austin, TX) 1 points 11 days ago

I managed to delete a response to Corpmom about the Supreme Court decision on free speech. Essentially, Justice Roberts and his allegedly conservative allies in the Supreme Court are working to undermine civil society. http://www.nytimes.com/2011/03/03/us/03scotus.html?pagewanted=all Read this article, as it speaks volumes. There is no need for people to be bogged down by the abjectly ignorant speech, as we should be focused on discussions that are broader and uplifting. Justice Roberts is quite open about how he thinks we ought to be bogged down by crazy people. Make no mistake, the goal is to arouse dissatisfaction with government and with democratic government at that. Do we really need to have a discussion about whether it is ok to abuse animals? NO, we need to be having discussions about how to treat each other with greater respect, which means tolerating gays in the military (because they've always been there) even if you are not gay. Hate breeds hatred and we need to be aware of how and when our emotions make us pawns in other people's agendas. I am sorry for anyone who has to read those ridiculous signs when they are mourning, as it is harassment plain and simple. Justice Roberts is not happy with having a black man as President, he is not happy with efforts to extend civil liberties, but to retract them.

pjdnyc 1 points 11 days ago

These protesters have a legitimate concern. The USA is being destroyed from within by greed and corruption. The country is in danger of becoming a fascist state. These fascist cops abusing the rights of the protesters must be severely reprimanded. The protesters are the real patriots. Vive la revolution vive USA !

dabu (Phoenix, AZ) 1 points 11 days ago

Please, do make sure these demands are meant. Make sure that guy calling himself a policeman gets fired and prosecuted! He is also the cop who throws the guy face first into the sidewalk. He is also the cop who shoves the guy between two cars as soon as his back is to him. He is a horrible person who thinks abuse is fun. He's happy and in your face!

The kettling and macing of the women is the worst example of police abuse (short of beating and killing) that I have seen. It was appalling!!!

Who does that? What kind of person does that?

stkgcheese 1 points 11 days ago

Paris, Place de la Bourse :


French police and “gendarmerie nationale” with spanish indignados, french and european militants in front of the Paris Stock Exchange.

Rasterius (West Leederville, WA) 1 points 11 days ago

Look at this comment from a police officer

Having been a Police officer and in a few protests we were trained to use the least amount of force so as not to inflame the protestors and or cause further Chaos or disruption. That was based upon what was transpiring and the orders we received, and things could change in and instant. What I have seen from a limited amount of footage looks like the Police were overly aggressive.
Being disgusted with what has transpired in this great nation I would support the protestors more than I would the Police. The average person has very little recourse in anything in life. After working 30 years for the United States Government, and a Navy Veteran as well as having been a Police Officer with the City of Oakland ca. I am and Angry American. I don't wave the flag anymore as no one is out to help the poor, or the middle class other than those of us that are in that class. Yes there is class warfare and we are losing. Our Politicians are disgusting and only cater to the rich to make themselves rich. We have become a third world nation, and all you have to do is check the statistics to bear that out. If I could afford to leave this country I would not hesitate. I feel that we cannot do much to change anything, and that the only thing we get is sound feeds of lies. I am a senior and am thankful I don't have a lot of years left. Your rights are pretty much gone all for the sake of security, and don't let anyone tell you that your are free. You are not free to do much at all.
Bless those that see through the garbage and the talking heads. What we need is a good old fashioned revolution.


JasonC 1 points 11 days ago

See the Oscar-winning documentary movie “Inside Job” (available as a DVD) and read the book by Michael Lewis, “The Big Short” to know how corrupt and irresponsible the banksters are. It's not just the folks in the US who have lost or are losing their homes and jobs, but hundreds of millions around the world..

bayoak 1 points 11 days ago

This system is rotten, full of lies, and by design an anti-democratic plutocracy. Your struggle is righteous and we watch in admiration of your convictions! Solidarity from Oakland, CA.

CAFREE 1 points 11 days ago


From the back of a police van.

CAFREE 1 points 11 days ago

If you are not in attendance then tomorrow opt out of their big banking control and scam. Close all accounts and only use locally based credit unions. Do not participate in making the frauds richer. They are criminals, do not help them. Opt out this week in support of Occupy Wall St. They need to know we mean business out here in 99 percent land everywhere.

JohnSawyer 1 points 11 days ago

The white collar police in New York City are following specific internal guidelines to try to disrupt protests by attacking individuals--they're not over-reacting in the heat of the moment. They scan the crowd and pick out people, using a variety of criteria designed for maximum effect, and then they pounce. All of the blue collar police should realize that this is the kind of people they're working for.

mercy 1 points 11 days ago

The world is watching this unfold , and watching the lies unfold as well. The Police Department’s chief spokesman, Paul J. Browne, said the police had used the pepper spray “appropriately.” from the NYTimes , under New York. The video posted in the net show differently. With this, the people will only get more angry , and more will protest.

-Mercy Oklahoma

indianonjones 1 points 11 days ago

Keep up the power. From the Miami $cien protests of 08, we send our love, prayers, and power.

Freefreakshow (Las Vegas, NV) 1 points 11 days ago

May success lift your feathers in flight. oh, and ...I'll take some coffee. :)

occupied (Seattle, WA) 1 points 11 days ago

I was going to say - The police officers are getting ripped off by Wall Street too. Please invite them to join the movement. Then I read the last paragraph. Well done.

premath 1 points 11 days ago

Y'all really need to learn some group evasion techniques. Have one person push someone else into a cop and then have everyone break loose. It'll be impossible to catch everyone and there will have been no direct force inflicted upon a police officer.

davidscameracraft 1 points 11 days ago

I have a photo and a close up of the officers badge that pepper sprayed young women - http://davidscameracraft.blogspot.com/2011/09/occupy-wall-street-march-violence.html

UberCommie666 (Ust-Ilimsk, Irkutskaya oblast) 1 points 11 days ago

Comrades. This is our time. Now we take the American system. We must break it down so communism can spread in the U.S. You will no longer worry about police brutalizing your women. The Motherland will aid in this noble pursuit to break the foundation of America.

meatballmegin (Atlanta, GA) 1 points 11 days ago

wishin yall tons of luck!! wish i could be there! stay strong...i know yall will!

UberCommie666 (Ust-Ilimsk, Irkutskaya oblast) 1 points 11 days ago

Where's the free pizza?

Satyricon 1 points 11 days ago

I was totally on board with this, thinking it was a real rebellion that would dick slap Wall Street. Sadly, it seems really confusing with more attention paid to perceived "abuses" then raising national awareness. Take a look at the footage from the Selma Marches in the early 60's - turning dogs on peaceful protesters. That's abuse. Anyway, STAY ON POINT - address the issue - financial greed and the manipulation of the free market. Stop tossing in every available social concern like the death penalty, military spending, Free Mumia, etc. - kind of confuses people and turns them off. ALSO - stop with Comrade this, that, etc. Try this is in a legit communist state - you'll find out what Police brutality is all about.

MyHeartSpits 1 points 11 days ago

Man, you should just come if you have so many ideas. If you understand the general assembly process and the nature of the action as a whole, you'll know that we can't and don't want to stop people from writing whatever they want on signs. I do agree that the police should be less of a focus, though. I mean, everyone knew this was coming. This isn't why we're here.

ForTheSakeOf 1 points 11 days ago

I want to propose something radical. If we - the collective majority of middle-class American citizens - want to get our voices heard, this, this, is not the way to do it. No, I'm not talking about occupying Wall Street; that is a very clear and direct way of doing it. I'm talking about not acting like a bunch of fucktards when the police come; not acting like a bunch of snobby pricks when the cameras are rolling; not simply acting appropriately. I know you're frustrated, so am I, and so are tens of millions of Americans. But guys, come on, can't you see how you're eliminating credibility from our cause? Gandhi would be ashamed; Buddha would be ashamed. This is not the right way to protest. When the police come, you turn on the cameras and just be civilly disobedient. Just be civilly disobedient. Don't resist arrest, don't fight with the police, don't yell and scream and cry, and don't shout obscenities at the police officers or the general public. Let the American public see for themselves who the aggressor is. And right now, they see that aggressor as you fuckwads who are resisting arrest, hitting the police, and yelling and crying like whiny babies. It doesn't matter that you are really the ones being abused, it only matters what the public sees. And they'll look right past your emotions and instead look at what they see on the tape: your actions. Everyone, I know emotions run high at events like this. But I truly believe we need to get these people out and regroup. We need to become strong and inform the public on what the companies and corporate fat cats are doing. THIS display of buggery is not teaching anyone a lesson. It's not proving a point to anyone, and it's just pissing everyone off. We need to come up with a way to inform the public of just what these companies are doing to America, the rest of the world, humanity, and the environment. Information is key. Knowledge is key. This is not the way to communicate knowledge and information. Guys, we can put your strength and willpower to better use in informing the public in a manner that is much more effective than this.

[Borrowed post.]

bonbonberry 1 points 11 days ago

I feel so bad for the girls crying and screaming! How dare those pigs? They're so weak, they're macing young innocent women.

WeRose 1 points 11 days ago

End The Federal Reserve! The US Constitution has never been amended to allow anyone other than Congress to coin and regulate currency! "I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. Already they have raised up a monied aristocracy that has set the government at defiance. The issuing power (of money) should be taken away from the banks and restored to the people to whom it properly belongs." — Thomas Jefferson, U.S. President.

voxanator 1 points 11 days ago

I think at least one picket sign should read "End the Federal Reserve." Another should read "LLoyd Blankfein Lied to Congress."

Kimikapri (Los Angeles, CA) 1 points 11 days ago

I just want to say that although I cannot make it, I am supporting YOU ALL from 3,000 miles away in the LA area! It is clear that you are there peaceful standing up for what you believe in and the police continue to perpetuate their long standing stereotype because they feel they're the end all be all. STAY STRONG, STAY POSITIVE, AND CONTINUE TO FIGHT THE GOOD FIGHT FOR ALL OF US! Kimiko Johnson

Aceso (Olympia, WA) 1 points 11 days ago

Stay strong Brothers and Sisters! we are with you in Washington state! We ARE the 99percent and we are everywhere! We are spreading the word and your voices are being heard. If the media will not do it we will. You are not alone!!

LibertySpirit 1 points 11 days ago

From the UK, I am with you in spirit and it disgusts me (but doesn't surprise me) at the behaviour of the criminal NYPD, they are ignorant as they are also part of the 99% and soon they will know this once their pensions have been looted...remain peaceful, withold taxes to stop paying into their machines of hate, deceit and destruction...non-cooperation and peaceful resistance is the key, keep filming to show the world the actions of the NYPD... watch@ America: Freedom to Fascism on Google Video asap....Namaste to each of you!!!

LibertySpirit 1 points 11 days ago

From the UK, I am with you in spirit and it disgusts me (but doesn't surprise me) at the behaviour of the criminal NYPD, they are ignorant as they are also part of the 99% and soon they will know this once their pensions have been looted...remain peaceful, withold taxes to stop paying into their machines of hate, deceit and destruction...non-cooperation and peaceful resistance is the key, keep filming to show the world the actions of the NYPD... watch@ America: Freedom to Fascism on Google Video asap....Namaste to each of you!!!

LibertySpirit 1 points 11 days ago

From the UK, I am with you in spirit and it disgusts me (but doesn't surprise me) at the behaviour of the criminal NYPD, they are ignorant as they are also part of the 99% and soon they will know this once their pensions have been looted...remain peaceful, withold taxes to stop paying into their machines of hate, deceit and destruction...non-cooperation and peaceful resistance is the key, keep filming to show the world the actions of the NYPD... watch@ America: Freedom to Fascism on Google Video asap....Namaste to each of you!!!

LibertySpirit 1 points 11 days ago

From the UK, I am with you in spirit and it disgusts me (but doesn't surprise me) at the behaviour of the criminal NYPD, they are ignorant as they are also part of the 99% and soon they will know this once their pensions have been looted...remain peaceful, withold taxes to stop paying into their machines of hate, deceit and destruction...non-cooperation and peaceful resistance is the key, keep filming to show the world the actions of the NYPD... watch@ America: Freedom to Fascism on Google Video asap....Namaste to each of you!!!

LibertySpirit 1 points 11 days ago

From the UK, I am with you in spirit and it disgusts me (but doesn't surprise me) at the behaviour of the criminal NYPD, they are ignorant as they are also part of the 99% and soon they will know this once their pensions have been looted...remain peaceful, withold taxes to stop paying into their machines of hate, deceit and destruction...non-cooperation and peaceful resistance is the key, keep filming to show the world the actions of the NYPD... watch@ America: Freedom to Fascism on Google Video asap....Namaste to each of you!!!

Vicy 1 points 11 days ago

You guys are anti-government/domestic terrorist group no matter how you glorify your motives.... I'm sad that ordinary citizens are dragged into this mess with your and got arrested cuz of you. Shame on you Occupy Wall Street!!

Please stop these nonsense and find real jobs!! Stop hating government, government policy can be changed but not this way. How about call your representative today?? Organize election campaign for your favorite candidates? I don't get you!!

MyHeartSpits 1 points 11 days ago

You don't get your country, either. Populist change is not possible without revolution in government. Corporations spend unlimited amounts of money to buy politicians and use them to write legislation favorable to the establishment and the furthering of their future profits, no matter the expense to environment, foreign policy, or the economy as a whole.

duntan 1 points 11 days ago

I don't mean to be a party pooper but it's kinda wrong to demand jail. Demand a honest trail or you are no better then what you are trying to stop.

Otherwise great job and I really wish I could join you but I'm on the other side of the planet. Keep it up! Regards Sweden!

anonymoose 1 points 11 days ago

Enough is enough, when peaceful protest is met with police-state brutality, it is time to break through the barriers of oppression.

These "police" are nothing more than pigs.

YourCowardlyFriend 1 points 11 days ago

Please, keep up your efforts and know that there are many Americans, like myself, who lack the courage to be present on Wall St. yet who support you and your (our) principles. Get corporate money out of politics. Government should not be the enemy, rather our protection against the powerful!

MyHeartSpits 1 points 11 days ago

That's not good enough. Get your ass over here. We are afraid, too. We still came.

londonactivist 1 points 12 days ago


Since you love the United States so much, pick up a history book, learn about the sit ins at factories which won you reasonable work hours, about the marches through towns which won you civil rights. Realise, that the 'some do, some don't' idea is purely propaganda. Realise, that the revolts in the east are a reaction to your governments foreign policy, that the revolts in the west are a reaction to your governments financial policy.

Look at the statistics of a growing wealth inequality all over the world, look especially, above the Brandt line. If you had a stroke of luck with your business, round of applause. Unfortunately the millions who were made bankrupt, homeless and jobless by the debt gambling of a few 'too big too fail' banks were not so lucky, even when trying to struggle on. Surprisingly enough they do have a right to feel anger at the Corporations that caused the financial collapse. As I know you are a saboteur I have posed these remarks knowing you cannot respond rationally and hold your current line. Be ready to look like a fool or choose you words carefully. And please refrain from telling me how worrisome the situation in my country is as you have told those prior, I already know - I am planning my occupation.

liberallamppost 1 points 12 days ago


This is not a test, I repeat: This is NOT a test. This is the single biggest opportunity we have to take a spark and make it a movement that brings about change. The Egyptian people’s revolution was ignited, literally, by a few protestors’ self-immolation. I don’t think we should light ourselves on fire, but I do think if you have a backbone and a mind that thinks for itself you need to put down what you’re doing and contribute to the rising call for social and economic justice. Even the White House is behind us; Obama‘s vocally defending jobs, tax breaks and unemployment benefits for “The Other 98%” while calling on the richest individuals and corporations to give more back.

Here’s your chance: Get informed and get involved. Let’s not blow this, Gen X and Y.


cmo999 1 points 12 days ago


FreeUS (Conshohocken, PA) 1 points 12 days ago

I am a professional and I support this demonstration. I think much of the public, including our troll, does not understand that we must use our rights in order to keep them- that freedom is not free. I thank those outside the US who support this movement. Human rights do not have borders. I suggest the troll seek long term therapy as a lifetime of attacking others and defending one's own ego leads to misery for all concerned. Sir, it is possible to live without constantly stewing in your own resentment.

MyHeartSpits 1 points 11 days ago

Come! Or at least start having general assemblies in your own town.

Enrapture 1 points 12 days ago

This is CLEARLY NOT the way to go about things, people. A baby cries to have its diaper changed. This is not how the adult world works. You need to go through legislative channels. Get signatures, write letters, etc.. It's not a "peaceful" protest if you are YELLING AND SCREAMING. This is absolute bullshit. Want to make honey? ASK THE BEE KEEPERS FOR IT. Don't put the bees in a jar, shake it up and demand honey when you open it. You will inevitably be STUNG.

MyHeartSpits 1 points 11 days ago

Being stung isn't so bad. At least we have their attention, unlike when we vote or sign petitions. That definitely accomplishes LESS THAN NOTHING, as proven over and over again in recent years.

asus3000 1 points 12 days ago

Peaceful protests:

"Dear Tyrants, Pleeese stop being so tyrannical. Thanks, Homeofthepussies."

MyHeartSpits 1 points 11 days ago

Weird how we're either too peaceful or not peaceful enough. I guess we just can't please all of the couch surfers.

candi 1 points 12 days ago

Keep up the good work ! I could not be more proud of these young people. Too heck with all of the republican trolls trying to discredit your efforts.Your message is loud and clear.You are trying to bring attention to the gross inequality taking place in this country, It's a sad day when peaceful protesters can be arrested and the sharks on wallstreet are allowed to swim free to prey on our population at will and at taxpayer expense.

candi 1 points 12 days ago

Keep up the good work ! I could not be more proud of these young people. Too heck with all of the republican trolls trying to discredit your efforts.Your message is loud and clear.You are trying to bring attention to the gross inequality taking place in this country, It's a sad day when peaceful protesters can be arrested and the sharks on wallstreet are allowed to swim free to prey on our population at will and at taxpayer expense.

bonbonberry 1 points 12 days ago

I really love that you guys are doing this. I thought no one would participate in an American Revolution these days because of how many people tend to be ignorant or scared, but I love how I'm wrong. This country is going to crap and it's because they are only concerned for the rich and other countries. Prices keep going up and the people who can have impact on this don't care because they can afford it and they want the divide between the rich and poor to grow.They're also trying to make America a socialist country. I completely support this. Let them know that we are fully aware of what's going on and will not take it. We have overcome the abuse of our government, banks, congress, police, media etc... many times in history. We can do it again. One of our founding fathers even stated that we need a revolution every 20-30 years to keep the government in check. Although I've never seen it as corrupt as this, it can be changed but we need all Americans to come together.

I can't believe these hideous policemen, they should have their jobs taken away and thrown in jail for their evil abuse of power.

bonbonberry 2 points 12 days ago

& to those of you who say they don't know what they're protesting about....They're not in the streets running and yelling. They have signs to help them portray their message. Read them. The message would probably become more clear if the police weren't disrupting them the way they are.

bulldog831 1 points 12 days ago

99% continue peaceful, lawful protest. Police riots daily. Get video of offending police officer's name plate and badge number. Say the officer's name and badge number for the video.

Belichek 1 points 12 days ago

I don't support this. These protests always seem to follow the same trajectory: the protesters start off with some cause, but the cause gets pushed into the background and the protest ultimately becomes focused on their own perceived repression. It seems like the protesters are simply "resume building"; i.e., they want to be arrested.

GoonSquad 8 points 12 days ago

Says the guy who doesn't protest anything ever. You should be thanking protestors for having the balls to do something, but no. You don't. You magically think our voice will be heard by sitting in your comfy armchair.

Protest does work, that is why they have come up with so many devious ways to squelch protesting as fast as possible. One way is by undercover cops or CIA pretend to be violent protestors. Then, the cops can start beating heads left and right and the protestors look bad. They can even ban the protestors after this and say that any more protests will result in instant arrest. Another way is by propaganda. The media coverage of this is almost nonexistent, but what is on the boob tube is skewed to make it look like the protest is just bs from a bunch of silly people.

MiddleMolly (Chicago, IL) 3 points 12 days ago

Protest is important, and it has been essential in securing every step towards better conditions for people over the years. (Most of these conditions are endangered now by rabid dog Republicans and TeaPartiers.) Nothing much happens if people just sit home in their living rooms and write letters or get on the Internet. Protest is an essential part of our drive towards a better country and a better world.

bassdeluxe -28 points 12 days ago

Exactly what are they doing there, Goon? You know why the media isn't covering this? Hell, the liberal media is ashamed of you idiots like your parents probably are. They are protesting the very institution that provides the retirement funds that they are bitching about not having. Jesus Christ you people are more than stupid...stupid and dangerous....I hope the police take control of the situation and hose the whole bunch of you into the East River and out to sea.

GoonSquad 2 points 12 days ago

thanks for airing your brains in public. no comment is necessary. nice selfing.

ftheman (Leslie, AR) 1 points 11 days ago

Lovely, another nit wit with his thumb up his ass. Open your eyes and your mind asshole. REALLY!!!!!!!!!!!!

TheVolunteerWino 3 points 12 days ago

Thats true that the cause "sometimes" gets pushed back, . .but I support this protest, for now, . . .It's a good cause, .. .hope they don't lose their way, . ..

ftheman (Leslie, AR) 1 points 11 days ago

Yeah, so let's just sit on the couch and do NOTHING, afraid to open our mouths. 9/11 rendered reason mute. 9/11 is OVER. We don't buy that bullshit anymore. It's time to speak up. Your naive generalizations are just that. Get a clue knucklehead. PEACE...

rickied (Worcester, MA) -1 points 12 days ago

Can't agree more. Do these people even know what they're supposedly fighting anymore?

bonbonberry 3 points 12 days ago

Yes, they do.

TheVolunteerWino 2 points 12 days ago

We all know what they are protesting in this country, . . . so do they

rickied (Worcester, MA) 1 points 11 days ago

And what does Troy Davis have to do with any of that, for example? Because not three days ago, capital punishment somehow made its way into this mess of a protest.

TheVolunteerWino 1 points 11 days ago

point taken

scallywag 1 points 12 days ago

What makes this taking to the streets beguiling is how insidious it has been referenced to by the press and local police officers who have even taking to invoking murky laws from as far back as 1865 to arrest individuals (which should be tipping us off how threatened authorities really are).

That said the lack of concern by the press and the bullying tactics of authorities ought to strike some degree of consternation in all of us, because even if a collection of individuals choose to scream at the top of their lungs about something they don’t like and even we don’t like what they have to say, they should nevertheless be allowed to state their claim as the constitution asserts the freedom of expression, as opposed to being rounded up and roughed up...


Mephistophilez (Goteborg, Västra Götaland) 1 points 12 days ago

Does anyone have names and badge numbers of these cops?

Protesters, remember the basic rules of dealing with police. If you're arrested, do not tell them ANYTHING, they will use it against you, and you have the right to a lawyer present. When you see this type of police brutality it is important to get the names of officers and report it. As angry as I get seeing this type of behavior, and knowing full well that the first response is fear and rage, the smart thing to do is stay peaceful and collected and push back in the appropriate ways, mainly go after those officers through proper channels. It may not be quick or even results that are fully revealed to us, but giving in to them, or giving up, or lashing back in violence will end the protest quickly, which only means they win. The police are seen as the bad guys when they do this, if the protesters continue to protest with non-violence then it will only gain momentum and support. Stay strong out there, you protesters are true heroes.

shantishanti 2 points 12 days ago

Yes!, and please remember the potent power you hold in the eyes of everyone watching when you remain peaceful and nonviolent in the throes of such aggression. I applaud your courage. Stay strong in peaceful ways. It's also a poignant note when these same police are part of a larger brethren of police officers and other civil servants who have lost their jobs in smaller communities all across the U.S. due to the fall out of our economic crises.

pieman (New York, NY) 1 points 12 days ago

the pic resembles a pig named bologna who is an inspector with patrol borough manhattan south....his superior is a chief named purtel

Dailycomplaint 1 points 12 days ago

Ray kelly doesn't get involved. Come to battery park city. He lives here at gateway plaza in a rent controlled apartment. Nice right ??? His son on fox news is at 30 west street. Sit on park benches and wait---public park. We freeze framed the pepper spray coward who sprayed than turned back to duck back into mix. Mydailycomplaint YouTube channel has it. This aggression needs to end!!

u84l582 0 points 10 days ago

Just called The Mayor Office number that were listed on this site to voice my concern about the police reaction and lack of media/Mayor response. I was told by the service rep that they are not aware of an Occupy Wall Street movement and that they could take a message.

The customer service rep did not ask me for my name or info, and when I asked when I could expect a response, I was told to simply post a comment on NYC.gov

When I asked her where is the comments section for the Mayor or Police, she told me she was not sure and that she was just reading the response she was given.

WTF??? Your script starts with claiming you have no idea what Occupy Wall St. is? This is disgusting and the lack of Mayor and media response is a disgrace.

hughmanatee 0 points 11 days ago

Ughhhhhh. Did you really think there wouldn't be any consequences for your actions? When you camp out, refuse to leave and cause public disturbances of course the police are going to react! Does it suck that some poor young girls got maced? Yes. Does it suck that some hippies got shoved around? Not really.

People in Syria are literally getting slaughtered in the streets, same story in Yemen. If the worst thing that happens is a couple of hippies get shoved around, then stop being such crybabies and stop complaining. Jesus, you people can't use militant language (occupy Wall Street!) and then freak out just because the police use standard riot control tactics on stubborn hippie protestors. Did anyone get killed? No. Did anyone get seriously injured? No. Did anyone have their first amendment rights to free speech taken away? No. Did anyone get thrown in prison indefinitely? No. Did anyone get tortured? No. If you're serious about taking the fight to wall street, then stop being such little wusses about it!

This is why everyone hates hippies and this movement has failed to gain popular support. If there's anything we learned from the anti-war protests of the 60's, or the protests against G8 summits, it's that these kind of sit in demonstrations accomplish ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. It's just a temper tantrum for bored white people. It's self indulgent and pointless. And now you're crying because the police used mace and pushed people around? Big deal.

You can't call yourself a resistance if you're going to cry at the first sign of pepper spray. Stop acting like crybabies.

MyHeartSpits 1 points 11 days ago

Haha, okay, but you do know that pepper spray makes you cry, right... just checking. I actually sort of agree with you, but we can't really control the actions of individuals within the group. That's not what we're about.

ftheman (Leslie, AR) 0 points 11 days ago

FUCK OFF ASSHOLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

SmarterThanYou 0 points 12 days ago

You never should have been allowed to stay as long as you are.PERIOD....... Now you can all go home to your mothers and father and let them know how useless you really are. Or maybe they already know that.....

MyHeartSpits 1 points 11 days ago

Nah, think I'll stay, despite your efforts. Keep it up, though.

indianarose 0 points 12 days ago

To the people that are occupying New York. I have been following all since the start. am unable to participate in person,but I am live streaming and using twitter, as well as your other sites for information and any needs you have.I am so thankful we have people that have set up these fine sites for occupywallstreet so that all can be a part of history.Right after watching Egypt I predicted to a few family members that this type of revolution would come to the states, and here it is! My heartfelt thank you to all those that participate, from so many of us that for one reason or another are prevented from being there on the ground with you. Thank you for giving us a voice too.

TheVolunteerWino 0 points 12 days ago

I'm taking my money out of the bank on Monday

TheVolunteerWino 0 points 12 days ago

Im withdrawing all my money from the Bank on Monday

dontfeelrich 0 points 12 days ago

Parasites, and proud of it. LOL.

MyHeartSpits 2 points 11 days ago

What are you doing to help your country? Making fun of hippies? Good job, bro.

TheVolunteerWino 0 points 12 days ago

Other things you can do to support these protesters . . . unemployment feeds the elites volunteer military with new recruits, so they can rape and pillage our neighbors overseas with the blood and lives of our children, while they reap the profits and industry. .. stand by and do not join the military,try to talk your friends out of it too if they are considering it . . . also withdraw all your money from the banks and use cash or barter, . . and I dont listen to the NY times, . . the message is clear, . . and they know it!

TheVolunteerWino 0 points 12 days ago

Other things you can do, . . . unemployment feeds their volunteer military with new recruits, so they can rape and pillage our neighbors overseas with the blood and lives of our children, while they reap the profits. .. stand by and do not join the military, . . . also withdraw all your money from the banks and use cash or barter, . . and I dont listen to the NY times, . . the message is clear, . . and they know it!

TheVolunteerWino 0 points 12 days ago

Other things you can do, . . . unemployment feeds their volunteer military with new recruits, so they can rape and pillage our neighbors overseas with the blood and lives of our children, while they reap the profits. .. stand by and do not join the military, . . . also withdraw all your money from the banks and use cash or barter, . . and I dont listen to the NY times, . . the message is clear, . . and they know it!

nosight 0 points 12 days ago

isn't this supposed to be a wall street vs. main street demonstration? then why has it become a POLICE vs. main street thing? there's no perspective and movement here. from an outsider's perspective, all I see is a bunch of disgruntled hipsters trying to pick a fight with anybody. unless you can clearly tie-in that the police and wall street are in bed together, these anti-wall street demonstrations are so lacking leadership and a message.

MyHeartSpits 1 points 11 days ago

Democracy is the message, and leadership is antithetical to our process. It's rough, I know. But it's righteous.

TheVolunteerWino 0 points 12 days ago

Other things you can do, . . . unemployment feeds their volunteer military, so they can rape and pillage our neighbors overseas, . .. stand by and do not join the military, . . . also withdraw all your money from the banks and use cash or barter, . . and I dont listen to the NY times, . . the message is clear, . . and they know it!

ColonelCato (Utica, OH) 0 points 12 days ago

Is it just me or are some of the cops just picking on hot chicks and arresting them.....what's up with that? Is there some kind of creeper plan between some of them to go after hotties so they can play dungeon master?

juliohuato 0 points 12 days ago

The cops are not the enemy. The system is hierarchical. Let's hold Michael Bloomberg personally responsible.

SweetPaul -1 points 10 days ago

The only good cop is a dead cop. End of story.

dollardeep -1 points 11 days ago

print more dollars bail out everyone......

osoblanco -1 points 12 days ago

bah i wish i had the time and money to fight cops and camp around 14street and smoke weed.. but no.. i'm working poor and cant do that.. i wish i was a rich hippie that had mom and papi to give me money to protest, but then again i need to pay collage and pay rent.. u guys protest for no one then your self.. start a protest like sunset park or harlem.. we might mug u white folks... anyways... fuck this i need to work

MyHeartSpits 2 points 11 days ago

Actually, we're kept alive by donations... I feel for you, though. I know that your boss has kept you in submission because the job market is so bad. If you lose your job, you probably won't be able to find another one. I know. Anyway, you're free to try and mug us, we don't have much of anything to take.

assnipple -2 points 12 days ago

Those white collar officers are CIA

bassdeluxe 2 points 12 days ago

Hold shit you're fucking stupid

Satyricon 1 points 11 days ago

Are you kidding me? Really? CIA. Stay on Issue.

assnipple 1 points 10 days ago

Yes look at the guy in the blue suit holding up the white collar cop. He's CIA and so is his friend next to him. The guys in white police uniforms are "patsies".

bassdeluxe -14 points 12 days ago

You should all be arrested for trying to rob me of my retirement funds, you freaking morons. NONE OF YOU HAVE JOBS OR A FUTURE. Please take the first plane out of the USA to China or Greece...They'll give you all a taste of what you are asking for. Pain and misery. And look at all the idiots with hundreds of dollars of tattoos but no money? Gee, don't spend your money on crap and start a business. I did and now I have money to buy my own health insurance, pay my mortgage (something you idiots will most likely never do) and invest in stocks and bonds for my retirement. READ A BOOK, GET A JOB or MAKE A JOB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

mattymatt (New York, NY) 11 points 12 days ago

I have a white collar job in mid-town manhattan. Nice try though... and in case you didn't already realize, most people already lost their retirement fund through financial malfeasance. ignorance may be bliss but it's dangerous.

MiddleMolly (Chicago, IL) 0 points 12 days ago

Bass thinks that he is somehow superior or special.

MiddleMolly (Chicago, IL) 3 points 12 days ago

You are lucky that your business has been successful... so far. So, so many small businesses around here are gone (can't get credit, even if they have a solid history), and so, so many small business owners are concerned. Count your blessings and stop acting as though you are so superior because right now you aren't struggling.

assnipple 1 points 10 days ago

I took a plane to Thailand and got a job, health-care, cheap food, freedom, and am quite successful. I lost my businesses in the US to multinational corporations like Dell, Best Buy, Indian outsourcing firms, and H1B visa workers from abroad who will work for half of the going wage. When you make it to retirement, around age 75, you should come visit and see what real freedom is like. :)

bmayotte 1 points 11 days ago

Hey buddy! I am really happy for you and all that you have! I have a house (Actually it is a condo, but houses do not exist in the Loop), a mortgage, a 401K, and I work in the at the CME (Chicago Mercantile Exchange). There are many corporations lining the pockets of politicians in exchange for overlooking the flagrant unethical acts carried out by banks, ratings agencies, and corporations. People are getting fed up, and rightfully so, after the crash in 2008 we still have not instilled any regulations to deal with SWAPS (One of the major reasons for banks failing, if you don't understand SWAPS then you really have no place arguing against the protest). These unregulated derivatives have become more and more popular because of the anonymity they provide, but that same anonymity is unfair for investors because these SWAPS do not show up on the books for lending institutions we do not have insight on important financials that would otherwise lead to a different investing decision.

Ratings agencies have been paid off by fund owners and governments to keep risk ratings low when in actuality they bare an extraordinarily higher risk. Reports have surfaced of stock and bond funds that should be rated CCC will end up as AAA(e) because they were paid off. They were originally rated AAA, then after people started catching on to the scam they created a new rating AAA(e) with a small subscript that tells you that the fund is actually riskier than AAA, but no other information is given.

Corporations are cooking their books and getting their hands and pockets deep into politics. Mind you I think that we should as a nation support these corporations, they provide jobs and services that make the US one of the best places to live. Although when these corporations start trying to change policy to increase short term gains at the expense of American citizens we should speak out. Abolishing the EPA, keeping tax rates low for the super wealthy (corporate board members), and many other social polices. The climate change the earth is undergoing is man made, and ending important agencies like the EPA that protect our most important resources air and water would be disastrous.

I know you are a troll, but I know people actually feel this way. The facts point to needing reform and if the government is not going to take it seriously the people will. People are getting pretty fed up with current situation we are in. My only problem with all this is that it took this long to get people angry enough.

So stop being a pompous jerk over the internet. Your life decisions are not for everyone, I have a tattoo, yet I have quite a bit of money saved up. Also health insurance rates will end up decreasing because health care costs decrease when more people have insurance. Although you dont seem to care much about facts or what is really going on, educate yourself and don't let yourself be swayed by political agendas. Do what is right for the most people, not just yourself, society can not succeed with greed.

IbuildMyWebsitesUsingDjango 0 points 11 days ago

bassdeluxe - thankfully I am not the only sane fucking person looking at this shit and laughing

bassdeluxe -15 points 12 days ago

Where's the justice...I just had to work 6 months...6MONTHS to get enough money to pay the 30,000 dollars to do repairs on my own house! Why do I have to work? Why do I have to spend my own money on my house? Why can't I just take other people's tax money and spend it on the shit I want to? Man, you guys are right... I am gonna quit working and let someone else worry about my bills... Thanks for the enlightenment.. LOL !!!!!!!

MiddleMolly (Chicago, IL) 4 points 12 days ago

You are fortunate that you still have a job. That's the point, bass, more and more people who have worked solidly for decades don't have jobs. They can't find the 30K to make repairs on their homes. Or they lost their job and found a minimum wage job instead. Are you really foolish enough to think that this is about "people who work" vs. "people who don't work"? Where did you get that idea? And if you make 5,000/month after taxes (plus whatever you needed to live on during those 6 months), you are better off than a huge percentage of the working public. Stop thinking you are better than everyone else because you still have a job that pays well.

zack 3 points 12 days ago

bassdeluxe - You make many good points in this thread. You DESERVE your house and the life you have created for yourself. I am not a fan of others reaping the benefits of my sacrifices either. However, I see more corruption now than I have ever seen in my life. For instance, here is a video that shows Rick Perry getting greased by Bank of America.


Does this not bother you? Do you think Bank of America deserves to have a hand in our Government? Corporate lobbyists have more influence now then they ever have. Our government, like Greece, Italy and many of the other countries you hate so much, has fallen under the same corruption and corporate influence. Do you not see that? Or are you just comfortable enough in your life that you just dont care?

Stop being incendiary and have a discussion wirth me.


mattymatt (New York, NY) 2 points 12 days ago

well if that's the case it looks like i make more than you too! sweet! but we're just a bunch of "homeless vagrants" like NYPD officer #2514 referred to us... riiiiiiiight

randomsupporter 2 points 12 days ago

HAHAHAHA yeah I definitely lol-ed. You think we actually believe you live in a house?

Chris42 (New York, NY) -1 points 12 days ago

People, I know "bassdeluxe". He was in the jail where I work sometime ago and he really needs your sympathy because he really got messed up ever since. He used to get raped almost daily which caused him to almost lose his mind. He used to be a good guy but got caught up in a tax evasion scheme which sent him to prison. Now he just hates everyone.

zack 2 points 12 days ago

Chris, thats funny, but lets take this more seriously. Instead of agitating bassdeluxe, I want to understand him. Why does he not care about corruption? Why does he not care about violent wars we have created as vicious cycles to feed defense contracts? Why does he not care that banks have supreme influence on our universities ? Why doesn't he care? Why are bassdeluxe and those like him so apathetic?

Chris42 (New York, NY) 2 points 12 days ago

You're right Zack, completely agree. Either they are part of the problem and want to keep it going because they are reaping the benefits or they are just so uninformed and easily led that they buy into what they are fed.

zack 2 points 12 days ago

I think it's because they are comfortable. And when you are comfortable you close your eyes.

JoePractical (Seattle, WA) 1 points 11 days ago

Zack, I encountered a good source of understanding, written by Bob Altmeyer, social psychologist from the University of Manitoba, that sheds light from decades of research on the developmental psychology of right-wing authoritarianism. It is a great help with daunting questions that begin with phrases like, "How could they possibly...." His entire book is available for free in pdf format at this link: http://home.cc.umanitoba.ca/~altemey/

FreeUS (Conshohocken, PA) 1 points 11 days ago

Also John W. Dean has built on Altemeyer's work. Look for him on the site Justicia http://verdict.justia.com/author/dean and also Twitter @JohnWDean .