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Livestream: #OccupyDC Marches to State Department to Join Keystone XL Pipeline Hearing Protesters

By: Jane Hamsher Friday October 7, 2011 11:39 am

FDL’s Kevin Gosztola, Jon Walker and Ryan Cook will be livestreaming the #OccupyDC march from Freedom Plaza to the State Department today starting at 12:50 pm.  The protesters plan to join the Keystone XL pipeline protesters for the final public hearing on the matter before deciding whether to allow construction to proceed.  I’ll be liveblogging the protest here.

Opposition to the pipeline is trans-partisan. Nebraska ranchers are being threatened with eminent domain seizure of their land by TransCanada, a foreign corporation. Meanwhile, the State Department has “farmed out critical agency functions regarding the environmental review to a private contractor that also contracts with TransCanada” as Scarecrow reported last week.

2:26: Kevin, Ryan and Jon going back to the Reagan building where hearings should be concluding.

2:21: Marchers were mis-directed past the State Department hearing to the Martin Luther King memorial, so people don’t know why they’re there and seem confused about what they’re doing.

1:53: A good contingent of people from Wisconsin here for the march.

1:38: Per Scarecrow, photo of the sleep-in at the State Department taken earlier.

1:35: Hundreds of #OccupyDC protesters with drums and banners heading for State Department hearing. Signs indicate the protesters are well aware this is Obama’s/Clinton’s decision and theirs alone.

1:31: Banner: “Obama: Yes You Can” (stop the Keystone XL pipeline).

1:21: Hearing goes until 2pm at the Reagan Building, according to people scheduled to testify.

1:14: The Energy Action Coalition held a sleep-over at the State Department that began last night at 8pm. They carried a giant mock pipeline to the State Department.

1:09: #OccupyDC Protesters at Freedom Plaza begin march to State Department.

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Live Blog for #OccupyWallStreet: Day 21, Planned DC Occupation Now Underway

By: Kevin Gosztola Friday October 7, 2011 6:46 am

Occupy DC sign (by Jon Walker)

As the occupiers in Liberty Park begin to confront the reality that their movement is now mainstream for liberal organizations or groups and something Democratic Party operatives may want to manipulate to help President Barack Obama win re-election in 2012, hundreds of people have taken over Freedom Plaza in DC. Legally, with permits, they hold down the plaza from now until Sunday is over. They are calling attention to corporatism and militarism, using the general assembly to plan out how they will organize and grow the occupation and they are occupying this federally-owned park.

Last night was peaceful. A large pizza delivery happened late in the night. They slept in the plaza. If the park police did anything, they merely hassled them. There was no effort to evict any of the occupiers from the park.

The action, October 2011, was planned well-before Occupy Wall Street ignited a wide movement in this country. There was an Occupy DC group in McPherson Square when this began. Organizers have reached out to them so they are part of October 2011. And, the organizers are incredibly grateful for how Occupy Wall Street and other occupy actions have created a climate much more conducive to carrying out a successful occupation action in the nation’s capital.

Today, DC occupiers will be going to General Atomics, a manufacturer of drones, to protest the “unmanned assassination vehicles” they produce. These are, of course, used to get around affording human beings due process. People are put on a “kill/capture” list and they are taken out without any chance to prove their innocence.

After the drones protest, they will be going to the Ronald Reagan Building for what should be a massive demonstration against the Keystone XL pipeline. The final hearing on the pipeline is today and occupiers have been line-sitting all night for a spot for protesters to attend the hearing tomorrow.



4:08 PM Report: After the protest against drones at General Atomics, I headed back to Freedom Plaza to upload photos. The photos in the blog here are the few I took during the march. I have video that will be going up soon.

I uploaded some media and at 1 pm Ryan Cook and Jon Walker joined me for what we thought would be a march to the State Department. The march went by the Ronald Reagan building where the final hearing on the Keystone XL pipeline was being held. When we went by, we saw workers in orange shirts from Liuna, who have been indoctrinated into believing the corporate lie that this pipeline is going to create “family supporting jobs.” was out and we spotted Bill McKibben. We tried to get Bill for an interview but he walked into the building (perhaps to testify) and we asked someone in a No Pipeline T-shirt to tell us about the hearing.

We rejoined the march and headed past the Washington Monument and down past the World War I memorial. It became clear we were not headed to the State Department and that I had made a mistake. But, it really was hard to tell what was going on. We realized we had followed the march to the Martin Luther King Jr. memorial for a press conference to mark the 10th anniversary of the Afghanistan War. We livestreamed part of that press conference.

We left the press conference and headed back to the Reagan Building to try to find some people leaving the hearing but it was 2:50 pm by the time we arrived so we went back to Freedom Plaza. Kevin Zeese, lead organizer of October 2011, introduced us to some indigenous people who will be greatly impacted if the pipeline is built. They traveled all the way here to testify at the hearing.

You can watch that video by clicking on the player below.

12:48 PM Going to live stream from protest against Keystone XL pipeline

12:45 AM Photos from the march against drone and rally on the steps of General Atomics

12:42 PM Of the encampment this morning:

7:40 AM

7:30 AMWall Street Protests Disgusted with Both Parties” (from NBC New York)

7:25 AM In case you missed it: Michael Moore telling occupiers “do not let politicians co-opt this movement.”

Live Blog for #OccupyWallStreet: Day Twenty, Aftermath of the Movement’s Biggest March Yet

By: Kevin Gosztola Thursday October 6, 2011 11:24 am

The growing movement was able to get at least 20,000 people out on the streets of New York yesterday. Occupy Wall Street may not have had a demand, but it always had one goal. Adbusters‘ call for people to occupy Wall Street declared, “ On September 17, we want to see 20,000 people flood into lower [...]

Occupy Wall Street & What Liberals Now Aim to Do with the Movement’s Energy

By: Kevin Gosztola Thursday October 6, 2011 9:16 am

Somewhere between 15,000 and 25,000 people were out in the streets of New York City on October 5 for a march on Wall Street. The march was part of a planned community group/labor action to show solidarity with Occupy Wall Street, the occupation of Liberty Park in lower Manhattan that has been going on for [...]

Live Blog for #OccupyWallStreet: Day Nineteen, Late Afternoon/Evening Edition

By: Kevin Gosztola Wednesday October 5, 2011 3:04 pm

Occupy Wall Street is about to have its biggest march yet. Also, student walkouts took place in around seventy-five colleges and universities. Some school walkouts were more substantial than others, as is to be expected. FDL’s premier live blog on Occupy Wall Street continues. Here’s a Twitter list to follow for updates. The march begins [...]

Live Blog for #OccupyWallStreet: Day Nineteen, Community Groups, Unions & Occupiers March on Wall Street

By: Kevin Gosztola Wednesday October 5, 2011 9:53 am

(photo: Jessica Lehrman ) The late people’s historian Howard Zinn declared, “Small acts, when multiplied by millions of people, can transform the world.” Today will be the largest and most significant march yet. The number of people, who have participated in marches prior to this one, will pale in comparison to the tens of thousands [...]

Live Blog for #OccupyWallStreet: Day Eighteen, ‘A Beautiful Democracy in All This’

By: Kevin Gosztola Tuesday October 4, 2011 8:59 am

Since the weekend, the amount of media coverage has increased substantially. The discussion of it all seems to be evolving among the commentators, hacks and pundits in the establishment media. It used to be that the occupiers were disorganized. That has had little effect on the ability of the movement to grow. Then the issue [...]

Live Blog of #OccupyWallStreet: Day Seventeen, The Occupation is the Message

By: Kevin Gosztola Monday October 3, 2011 12:42 pm

(photo: hunter.gatherer ) Dustin M. Slaughter of the David and Goliath Project has been with Occupy Wall Street since the first week. He has posted a reflection on his time with the occupation that is very similar to a conclusion that I and others are making: the occupation is the message. It doesn’t need a [...]

Occupy Wall Street Doesn’t Need to Issue Any Demands (Yet)

By: Kevin Gosztola Monday October 3, 2011 10:29 am

Front line of the march on the Brooklyn Bridge (photo: Adrian Kinloch ) Over the weekend, Occupy Wall Street held its largest march yet on the streets of lower Manhattan. Somewhere between three and five thousand people participated in the march that ended on the Brooklyn Bridge after the New York Police Department (NYPD) led [...]


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