LiveJournal Labs
LiveJournal Labs
LiveJournal Labs is a new forum for us to work with you, LiveJournal users, to develop new features, applications and ideas. It will also be a place for us to get your feedback and contributions on new services that we are developing. Please play around and let us know your thoughts.
All LiveJournal Labs services are still in the early stages of their development. We want to develop these services with the people who know LiveJournal best: its readers, writers and moderators. If you run into technical issues or have any comments please let us know through our discussion forum lj_labs.
Developer Area
LiveJournal has always been an Open Source platform and many of our users have been eager to contribute. We would like to continue this tradition by urging you to come up with fun and creative applications by using the available LiveJournal tools. Coming soon are additional APIs and OpenSocial support.
For now, see what you can come up with by using the abundant information published through our Atom Stream and RSS Feed. If you have questions or would like us to reference your application in the developer area, let us know through our discussion forum lj_labs.
Lab Projects
LiveJournal Aqua
See what people are posting on LiveJournal right now - watch their words float by.
LJ on map
This unique guide will tell you about the most extraordinary places, interesting routes and unforgettable journeys in the world.