Fox's Trotta On Occupy Wall Street Website: "Ravings Of What Sounds Like The Unabomber"
October 08, 2011 2:02 pm ET
From the October 8th edition of Fox News' America's News HQ:
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Yep, the jig is up. We who are attending the Occupy protests (I'm on my way to one after I hit the "Send") are just exactly like the Unabomber--which is why we're so eager to engage in peaceful, public protests--the classic Ted Kaczynski tactic to be sure!
As for Fox's Trotta, her ravings sound like that of a John Bircher.
Last night was one of the very few times I've risen to applaud a smack-down delivered on Maher's show.
Grayson's da man!
Due to you're clarification I retracted my TD but unfortunately cannot erase the post below.
Breivik was an ultra-right Islamophobe who had nothing to say about how the US middle class is being brutalized by overbearing profitmongers.
I loved Liz's "I don't know if it's true or not, but..."
Liz, I really don't know whether or you actually do know if it's true, but I do know that you really don't care.
That's why you're one of the FOX NEWS favorites.
Right about the right.
The Republican Party - Facts-Rn't-Us
Last night, Jon Stewart did a few good take-offs on Cain's factfromassing quote.
I mean, do you even know who Unabomber Ted Kazcynski was?
Do you know that he identified explicitly as a social conservstive AND a libertarian?
Are you aware that he saw himself as a committed patriot who was fighting a culture war against what he called The Left?
Who else talks about waging a culture war against the Left today?
Have you ever read the surreal leftist conspiracies outlined in Kazcynskis twisted ramblings? Take a good look..., their past TOTALLY presages Fox Newss present.
Almost every deranged passage in Kazcynskis manifesto mirrors to a tee the bizarrely paranoid ramblings of a Glenn Beck or an Andrew Breitbart.
I mean really, those guys are just Kazcynski and McVeigh with Armani suits and table manners, thats all.
With the exception of a body count, Kazcynskis self-declared extreme but necessary recklessness isnt too far from James Okeefes Chaos for Glory bs. The latter predation is only a scaled down, relatively defanged version of the former.
Let me emphasize that these are anti-left conspiracy theories... ones echoed by plenty of militant libertarian groups today. They arent far off from Becks whole Puppet Master fantasies.
OWS is about everything the tea party was pretending to be about..corruption, big government colluding with wall street..our government ignoring the middle class..
So of course Fox hates them!
Unabomber Ted Kazcynski explicitly identified as a social conservative, one who framed what he called The Left in EXACTLY the same hyper demonized way that Glenn Beck, Andrew Breitbart or the big Dooce do every day.