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Fox's Trotta On Occupy Wall Street Website: "Ravings Of What Sounds Like The Unabomber"

October 08, 2011 2:02 pm ET

From the October 8th edition of Fox News' America's News HQ:

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The Occupy Wall Street Interview Fox Didn't Want You To See

What If Occupy Wall Street Had A Cable News Sponsor?

Fox Anchor Colby Asks If Occupy Wall Street Protests Are An "ACORN Moment"

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    • Author by Saturnalian (October 08, 2011 2:05 pm ET)
      9 1
      Damn, they got me pegged...
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      • Author by MidnightWriter (October 08, 2011 2:18 pm ET)
        9 1
        Dontcha hate it when that happens?

        Yep, the jig is up. We who are attending the Occupy protests (I'm on my way to one after I hit the "Send") are just exactly like the Unabomber--which is why we're so eager to engage in peaceful, public protests--the classic Ted Kaczynski tactic to be sure!
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      • Author by 4teepee (October 09, 2011 10:18 pm ET)
        The rich are dividing America and running off with the loot.

        As for Fox's Trotta, her ravings sound like that of a John Bircher.
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    • Author by ponymeup (October 08, 2011 2:20 pm ET)
      7 1
      My guess is that they spelled them a heck of a lot better than the baggers did on their signs. Now, let's compare the numbers for the baggers and the OWS'ers. OWS has cleaned their clocks. The baggers found out that Koch daddy will just pay someone to run an ad for them. The gave up a long time ago. Fox doesn't have the balls to interview any of the inner circle so to speak. Terrified!
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    • Author by montanabuddha (October 08, 2011 2:42 pm ET)
      12 1
      I think Alan Grayson condensed the rhetoric of the OWS very well.
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      • Author by draftedin68 (October 08, 2011 3:11 pm ET)
        9 1

        Last night was one of the very few times I've risen to applaud a smack-down delivered on Maher's show.

        Grayson's da man!
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    • Author by heehee..santorum (October 08, 2011 2:43 pm ET)
      8 1
      Does it ever occur to Fox that the 'left' is indeed going to tire of the accusations? It is really getting old to me.
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    • Author by phlcstgan (October 08, 2011 2:52 pm ET)
      8 1
      Might not wanna go there, since Anders Breivik, who saw eye-to-eye with these people on a lot of things, actually used the ravings of the Unabomber.
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      • Author by phlcstgan (October 08, 2011 3:05 pm ET)
        7 1
        "These people"=Foxbots, not OWSers.
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        • Author by montanabuddha (October 08, 2011 3:11 pm ET)
          4 1
          OK .....I was a bit puzzled by the post.

          Due to you're clarification I retracted my TD but unfortunately cannot erase the post below.
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      • Author by montanabuddha (October 08, 2011 3:06 pm ET)
        3 1
        Oh please....

        Breivik was an ultra-right Islamophobe who had nothing to say about how the US middle class is being brutalized by overbearing profitmongers.

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        • Author by phlcstgan (October 08, 2011 3:09 pm ET)
          5 1
          I wasn't talking about the occupiers, I was talking about the right.
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    • Author by draftedin68 (October 08, 2011 3:18 pm ET)
      9 1

      I loved Liz's "I don't know if it's true or not, but..."

      Liz, I really don't know whether or you actually do know if it's true, but I do know that you really don't care.

      That's why you're one of the FOX NEWS favorites.
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      • Author by Conchobhar (October 08, 2011 3:31 pm ET)
        8 1
        The right has given up all pretense of responsibility. Herman Cain's, "I don't have facts to back this up..." is a case in point. I guess they avoid facts because Colbert is right. Reality does have a liberal bias.
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        • Author by draftedin68 (October 08, 2011 4:10 pm ET)
          4 1

          Right about the right.

          The Republican Party - Facts-Rn't-Us

          Last night, Jon Stewart did a few good take-offs on Cain's factfromassing quote.

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    • Author by usp (October 08, 2011 3:30 pm ET)
      4 1
      the unibomber was a model of heideger- but let's not confuse her. she's so pretty.
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    • Author by jbrantow (October 08, 2011 3:43 pm ET)
      6 4
      I think the lizard trotta is lubricating.
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    • Author by blk-in-alabam (October 08, 2011 7:15 pm ET)
      5 1
      Aunt Liz got drunk at the party again got loud,and started talking real bad about her brother's,and sister's children,while saying nothing about her own children.
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    • Author by mmfvl (October 08, 2011 9:55 pm ET)
      1 9
      You have got to love these lefty whackos!!
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      • Author by Johaely (October 09, 2011 10:07 am ET)
        4 1
        You have to love you attempts at relevance. I can do the same and put up the video of a tea partier screaming over a paraplegic woman during a town hall because he didn't want to wait his turn.
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      • Author by CatsRBigLuv (October 09, 2011 12:49 pm ET)
        5 1
        Careful honey, youre about to step in it again...

        I mean, do you even know who Unabomber Ted Kazcynski was?

        Do you know that he identified explicitly as a social conservstive AND a libertarian?

        Are you aware that he saw himself as a committed patriot who was fighting a culture war against what he called The Left?

        Who else talks about waging a culture war against the Left today?

        Have you ever read the surreal leftist conspiracies outlined in Kazcynskis twisted ramblings? Take a good look..., their past TOTALLY presages Fox Newss present.

        Almost every deranged passage in Kazcynskis manifesto mirrors to a tee the bizarrely paranoid ramblings of a Glenn Beck or an Andrew Breitbart.

        I mean really, those guys are just Kazcynski and McVeigh with Armani suits and table manners, thats all.

        With the exception of a body count, Kazcynskis self-declared extreme but necessary recklessness isnt too far from James Okeefes Chaos for Glory bs. The latter predation is only a scaled down, relatively defanged version of the former.
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        • Author by CatsRBigLuv (October 09, 2011 12:54 pm ET)
          3 1
          Have you ever read the surreal leftist conspiracies outlined in Kazcynskis twisted ramblings?

          Let me emphasize that these are anti-left conspiracy theories... ones echoed by plenty of militant libertarian groups today. They arent far off from Becks whole Puppet Master fantasies.
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          • Author by bintx (October 09, 2011 1:07 pm ET)
            2 1
            mmvfl aka proudconservative (who was banned using that name, BTW) wouldn't know the difference between liberalism, conservatism, libertarianism, communism, socialism, Marxism or even Hinduism if someone very carefully explained each of these to him. He bases his "knowledge" on the rantings of folks like Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, etc. He is simply an authoritarian parrot.
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          • Author by bintx (October 09, 2011 1:07 pm ET)
            2 1
            mmvfl aka proudconservative (who was banned using that name, BTW) wouldn't know the difference between liberalism, conservatism, libertarianism, communism, socialism, Marxism or even Hinduism if someone very carefully explained each of these to him. He bases his "knowledge" on the rantings of folks like Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, etc. He is simply an authoritarian parrot.
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        • Author by Jurgan (46 minutes ago)
          Very good point, but I'd emphasize one distinction: the media manipulators who spray these theories don't really believe them. Think about it- if you really believed Obama or the ATF or whatever were planning to imprison people in death camps, it would be appropriate to oppose them, even if violence were necessary. The same is true of the abortion issue. If you spend your time saying abortion is a holocaust, then you can't act surprised when one of your listeners takes action based on that. So Bill O'Reilly doesn't get to say "I don't condone the murder of Doctor Tiller" if you've spent years calling him a mass murderer on the level of Hitler. Are you saying you wouldn't condone violence against Hitler? Presumably you would, and so if you really believe abortion is a holocaust, you should be taking direct action. Since you prefer to sit in your comfy chair taking your millionaire salary while spewing invective at secular-progressives or whatever else, I have to assume you don't take it that seriously.
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    • Author by wesley_fpt (October 08, 2011 10:38 pm ET)
      7 1
      The tea party is just the extremist right wing of the Republican party with a new name. They're a movement against America that is for busting unions, against equal rights for gays and religous minorities, and against the separation of church and state.

      OWS is about everything the tea party was pretending to be about..corruption, big government colluding with wall street..our government ignoring the middle class..

      So of course Fox hates them! Duh..lol
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    • Author by jbraskin4786 (October 09, 2011 12:58 am ET)
      5 1
      There used to be a great TV reporter named Liz Trotta. I wonder what happened to her and why this person is using her name?
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      • Author by rtwmd1230 (October 09, 2011 1:14 pm ET)
        2 1
        This Trotta is the one who called for the assassination of the President. She's something of an expert on Unabomber-type ravings.
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    • Author by CatsRBigLuv (October 09, 2011 12:32 pm ET)
      4 1
      Trotta conveniently forgets that Kazcynckis paranoid, anti-leftist manifesto could have easily been penned by any producer at Fox News today.

      Unabomber Ted Kazcynski explicitly identified as a social conservative, one who framed what he called The Left in EXACTLY the same hyper demonized way that Glenn Beck, Andrew Breitbart or the big Dooce do every day.

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      • Author by SolomonKane (4 hours and 40 seconds ago)
        Good point...I've corrected many a "conservative" on this too. They like to try to blame "the left" for their nut jobs (Hitler, Kazcynski, etc) sometimes out of ignorance sometimes it's just pure deception.
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