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Herman Cain: I Don’t Know The ‘President Of Ubeki-beki-beki-stan-stan’

In an interview with the religious right Christian Broadcasting Network (CBN), GOP presidential candidate Herman Cain badly bungled Uzbekistan’s name and said his standard answer to “‘gotcha’ questions” would be that he doesn’t have answers.

In a friendly interview spotted by Washington Monthly’s Steve Benen, CBN host David Brody asked Cain if he was ready for tough questions such as naming the president of Uzbekistan:

BRODY: Are you ready for the ‘gotcha’ questions that are coming from the media and others on foreign policy? Like, who’s the president of Uzbekistan?

CAIN: I’m ready for the ‘gotcha’ questions and they’re already starting to come. And when they ask me who is the president of Ubeki-beki-beki-beki-stan-stan I’m going to say, you know, I don’t know. Do you know?

And then I’m going to say how’s that going to create one job?

Watch the video:

Cain added that Uzbekistan was “insignificant” to U.S. national security interests:

Knowing who is the head of some of these small insignificant states around the world — I don’t think that is something that is critical to focusing on national security and getting this economy going. When I get ready to go visit that country, I’ll know who it is. But until then, I want to focus on the big issues that we need to solve.

With U.S.-Pakistan tensions on the rise, the Obama administration is in discussions with Uzbekistan about increasing military supply routes to the U.S.-led Afghanistan war through the former-Soviet republic, whose authoritarian president — Islam Karimov — has some human rights issues.

Cain’s mocking and ignorance of Uzbekistan come at the tail end of a tough week for the former pizza chain CEO on foreign policy, even as his star slid up a notch in the Republican nomination contest.

Lately, Cain’s been assailed by conservatives and liberals alike. On Wednesday, neoconservative Washington Post blogger Jennifer Rubin decried Cain’s “lack of rudimentary knowledge about foreign policy.” And an earlier Cain gaffe about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict led off a Saturday front page New York Times article about the GOP race’s inattention to global affairs (despite the nomination frontrunner Mitt Romney’s largely substance-free fear-mongering and general hawkishness).


Fox’s Chris Wallace: 99 Percent Movement Is Getting More Coverage ‘Than It Deserves From The Mainstream Media’ | Almost from its inception as a fringe anti-tax movement, Fox News nurtured the Tea Party into a major political force — posting the dates and times of Tea Party rallies on its website, promoting events during their regular programming and even allowing one of its hosts to hold a “non-political” political rally of Tea Party supporters. Now that a similar movement is emerging that represents the 99 percent of Americans who do not benefit from far-right economic policy, however, Fox is singing a different tune. During today’s Fox News Sunday, host Chris Wallace suggested that the 99 Percent Movement is getting more coverage “than it deserves.” Watch it:

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UPDATE: Conservative Writer Admits ‘Infiltrating’ 99 Percent Movement To ‘Mock And Undermine’ It

Museum guards warn off demonstrators from entrance (AP)

An assistant editor with a right-wing magazine admitted in a column Saturday evening to posing as part of the 99 Percent Movement in D.C. “in order to mock and undermine” it. Patrick Howley, an assistant editor for the American Spectator, was committed enough to his deception to be at the vanguard of a demonstration that saw police firing pepper spray and closing a downtown Washington museum.

In his column, Howley says he took part in the demonstration Saturday at the Smithsonian Institute’s Air and Space Museum reportedly directed at an exhibit about the unmanned drone aircraft used by the U.S. and others for spying and, increasingly, targeted killings in far-flung hotspots.

As between 100 and 200 anti-war demonstrators arrived at the steps of the museum — some of them affiliated with a group organizing the “Occupy DC” spinoff of the Wall Street protests — a few intrepid protesters made a rush for the door despite apparent warnings from security guards. One of them was Howley, who recounts that “as far as I could tell I was the only one who got inside the museum.”

A spokesperson for the Smithsonian said at least one person was pepper sprayed by a guard. According to Howley, “I got hit.” The conservative writer then went on to explain what exactly he was doing leading the charge past museum guards into the building itself:

[A]s far as anyone knew I was part of this cause — a cause that I had infiltrated the day before in order to mock and undermine in the pages of The American Spectator — and I wasn’t giving up before I had my story. Under a cloud of pepper spray I forced myself into the doors and sprinted blindly across the floor of the Air and Space Museum…

The liberal blog Fire Dog Lake, which labeled Howley an “agent provocateur,” used a detail of a photo shot of the protesters just inside the entrance, and lined it up with Howley’s Facebook profile photo:

True to his admitted purpose, Howley mocked the 99 Percent Movement for a disorganized meeting at Freedom Plaza, the base camp for D.C.’s “Occupy Wall Street” franchise, derided the bulk of protesters for not disobeying the museum guards (“all of a sudden liberal shoes started marching less forcefully”), and said he was “proud” to get pepper sprayed:

I deserved to get a face full of high-grade pepper, and the guards who sprayed me acted with more courage than I saw from any of the protesters.

The evidence doesn’t seem to show that Howley incited protesters to do anything they weren’t already primed to do, but his stated intention to “undermine” the 99 Percent Movement and associated demonstrations — and his position leading the charge of protesters at the museum entrance — indicate a little more activism than simply an attempt to get a close look at protests, as Howley says, “for journalistic purposes.”


The American Spectator scrubbed the original piece and reposted it with the words “in order to mock and undermine in the pages of The American Spectator” removed from a sentence where Howley described why he “had infiltrated [the protests] the day before.”


Santorum Says Gay Soldiers ‘Cause Problems For People Living In Close Quarters,’ Endorses Ex-Gay Therapy

At the recent Republican presidential debate where a gay soldier was booed, Rick Santorum expressed his support for reinstating Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell by suggesting there should be “no sexual activity” in the military. On this morning’s Fox News Sunday, Chris Wallace challenged Santorum on this response, pointing out that lifting DADT has to do with troops serving openly, not their sexual activity. Wallace also pointed out that the rhetoric Santorum uses is exactly the same as was used in 1941 to oppose racial integration of the military. Nevertheless, Santorum not only doubled down on his opposition to open service for gay troops for the sake of “recruitment and retention,” but stated his beliefs that being gay is a choice, that it’s only defined by sexual behavior, and that “plenty” of people have changed their orientation through ex-gay therapy:

SANTORUM: We’re talking about people who are simply different because of the color of their skin, not because of activities that would cause problems for people living in those close quarters. [...] I know the whole gay community is trying to make this the new civil rights act. It’s not. It’s not the same. You are black by the color of your skin. You are not homosexual, necessarily — obviously, by the color of your skin. [...]  The idea that being black and being gay is the same is simply not true. There are all sorts of studies out there that suggest just the contrary, and there are people who were gay and lived the gay lifestyle and aren’t anymore. I don’t think that’s the case with anyone who’s black.

Watch it:

Santorum is wrong on so many counts:

Santorum’s comments make clear that his only concern is keeping homophobic soldiers fleeing the military, because “they’re in close quarters, they live with people, they obviously shower with people.” Perhaps Rep. Barney Frank (D-MA) offered the best response to this narrow line of thinking when he said, “Of course people shower with homosexuals. What a silly issue.”


Herman Cain: Tax Poor People’s Food To Finance Massive Tax Break For The Rich

The centerpiece of former pizza czar Herman Cain’s presidential campaign is his “999″ plan, which would slash taxes on the wealthy, drive up deficits to the worst point since World War II, and force low-income Americans to pay a massive nine times their current tax rate. In an interview this morning with CNN’s Candy Crowley, Cain even said food and clothing would not be exempt from the 9 percent national sales tax he would put in place if elected president. Indeed, he said it would be “fair” for a poor person to pay as much in sales taxes as Crowley does:

CROWLEY: Is there any exception, as you see it, in this consumption tax? Except for clothing, perhaps? Except for food? [...]

CAIN: Nope, you don’t have to do that. Nope, you don’t have to do that. [...]

CROWLEY: So a poor person is paying the same amount of taxes on groceries as I am? Does that sound fair to you, just in a vacuum?

CAIN: Yes, it does sound fair because of the other point I’m about to make. If they need to buy a car or a home or some hard goods that are used, they pay no taxes.

Watch it:

Because he says his plan would lower the income tax for some Americans — and, by his calculations, leave people with more money to spend — Cain seems to think his plan would leave low-income Americans with more money. He is wrong. Presently, the bottom quintile of earners pays about 2 percent of their income in federal taxes. Under Cain’s plan, their taxes would increase all the way up to 18 percent.

Taxing poor people’s food is considered so beyond the pale that even the Tea Party group FreedomWorks assumed that the final version of Cain’s tax plan would exempt food from the sales tax. Only two states, Mississippi and Alabama, charge sales tax on food.

This week, Cain said his plan would not be regressive because “It expands the base so that everybody has a lower rate. And it is not regressive on the poor.” Clearly, he is ignoring how his tax plan would actually affect hardworking Americans, especially when it comes to the food they buy so that they can feed their families.

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Rep. Peter King (R-NY): Do Not Allow Any Legitimacy For Wall Street Protests, Or It Will Be Like 1960s Again

Congressman Peter King (R-NY)

Speaking with right-wing radio show host Laura Ingraham on Friday, Rep. Peter King (R-NY), the chairman of the Homeland Security Committee, blasted the media for providing fair coverage to the Occupy Wall Street protests. “They have no sense of purpose other than a basically anti-American tone,” he said.

King also explained that he is “old enough to remember what happened in the 1960s when the left-wing took to the streets and somehow the media glorified them and it ended up shaping policy.” He added, “We can’t allow that to happen”:

Listen here:

King is right that the 99 Percent Movement, with “occupation” actions from Sacramento to New York City and beyond, mirrors the broad-based protest movements of the 1960s. Back then, millions of American engaged in street protests which eventually led to the end of legal racial segregation, the creation of Medicare and Medicaid, as well as other successful programs to reduce the level of poverty and human suffering in America. The same protest movement King fears also led to the development of the Environmental Protection Agency, the birth of the mainstream feminist and gay rights movement, and the end of the wars in Indochina.

It might seem natural that King is an opponent of the 99 Percent Movement. He has spent much of his career in Congress placing the corporate interest over the public interest. For instance, King made a high-stakes legislative move to block health benefits for the rescue workers who developed cancer as a result of their heroic work during after the 9/11 terror attacks. He blocked the money because it was paid for by ending certain tax loopholes for foreign corporations. Indeed, like many of his GOP colleagues, King placed the foreign wealthy one percent over the people who risked their lives rescuing people at the World Trade Center.

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The Top Five Reasons To Move Your Money From Bank Of America

As hundreds of people remain encamped on Wall Street in New York City, and thousands of people across the country are taking part in a 99 Percent Movement aimed at battling economic inequality spurred on by enormous income gains by the richest one percent of Americans.

One of the financial institutions being targeted by protesters is foreclosure mill and government bailout recipient Bank of America (BOA). In Boston, thousands of people marched against BOA’s greed and in Los Angeles, numerous people were arrested while staging a sit-in at a local branch.

While many Americans may feel powerless against this banking behemoth, the truth is that Americans have a simple way to protest its greed and corporate malfeasance: simply move your money out of the bank to one of its competitors, such as a local credit union. Sen. Dick Durbin (D-IL) recently encouraged Americans to do just that.

ThinkProgress has assembled five reasons why American consumers could consider moving their money and striking a blow to this abusive banking giant:

1. Bank of America Just Unveiled A Shocking New Debit Card Fee: Late last month, BOA announced that it would start charging a $5-a-month fee simply for consumers to use their debit cards for purchases. Although a few of its competitors have started using similar fees in recent times, BOA’s presence as America’s largest banking chain means that if it successfully enacts such a fee, it may be able to set a trend in the industry to make such charges the norm. More than 137,000 Americans have signed an online petition protesting the fee. Most credit unions do not charge for using one’s debit card, and one credit unions, Delta Credit Union based in Atlanta, is even holding a “Switch Day” to encourage BOA’s customers to switch over to its services instead.

2. Bank of America Has Spent Millions Lobbying To Gut Reforms With Your Tax Dollars: Despite being bailed out to the tune of billions of dollars by the federal government, Bank of America has still had the gumption to spend millions of dollars in Washington battling new reforms meant re-regulate the financial sector. It spent nearly $4 million hiring a double-digit number of lobbyists in 2010, mostly aimed at gutting legislation related to banking regulations. Meanwhile, it spent a million dollars on campaign contributions in the 2010 electoral cycle.

3. Bank of America’s Practices Are At The Nexus Of The Foreclosure Crisis: Bank of America CEO Brian Moynihan raised eyebrows recently when he excitedly cheered for faster foreclosures of Americans’ homes. Despite being found to be a major user of error-ridden “robo-signing” foreclosure practices last year, the mega-bank only briefly halted its foreclosure proceedings nationwide. It is also facing lawsuits by multiple states over its mortgage practices.

4. Bank of America Just Announced That It Was Laying Off 30,000 People: The “firm’s 30,000 job cuts are more than double what any other U.S.-based employer has announced so far this year, according to a employment tracking group.” The layoffs come after a decision by Bank of America, JP Morgan, and Citigroup earlier this year to “outsource IT and back office projects worth nearly $5 billion this year to India, as they seek to lower costs.”

5. Despite The Poor Economy, Bank Of America Continues To Reward Its Executives With Multi-Million Dollar Salaries: Despite blaming economic woes for layoffs of employees and its new debit card fee, the mega-bank continues to deliver huge paydays to its executives. The bank just announced that two of its former executives, Sallie Krawcheck and Joe Price, will receive a salary of $850,000 and a payment of $5.15 million and a salary of $850,000 and a payment of $4.15 million respectively. Meanwhile, BOA maintained its CEO’s salary of $950,000 plus $9.05 million in performance-based stock awards this year.

Americans do not have to stand by and allow a mega-bank to continue to rip off its consumers, to develop and foster abusive mortgage practices, reward its executives lavishly, and shortchange own workforce. They can strike a blow against this institution by simply moving their money away from it, either to its major competitors or into the country’s large network of community banks and credit unions.

In order to facilitate this process, Rep. Brad Miller (D-NC) — shortly after meeting with Occupy Raleigh protesters in Bank of America’s hub city — has introduced the “Freedom and Mobility in Consumer Banking Act,” which would ensure that Americans “have the right to immediately close any account at any insured depository institutions on demand, without cost to the consumer, that consumers receive any balance in their account immediately, and for other purposes.” The Progressive Change Campaign Committee has launched a petition drive in support of Miller’s bill. Sign their petition here. For resources on finding a community bank or credit union to store your money, see the “Move Your Money Project.”


Organizers are putting together a “Bank Transfer Day” on November 5th and are encouraging Americans to pull their money out of big banks and put their savings instead into credit unions.


Other organizers are calling for Americans to close accounts at “too big to fail” banks on November 12.


Ron Paul Wins Values Voters Straw Poll | Texas Rep. Ron Paul won the straw poll conducted at this weekend’s Values Voters Summit, a gathering of the religious right held by the Family Research Council. Paul captured 37 percent of the vote. Former pizza magnate Herman Cain, who has surged in recent primary polls, finished second with 23 percent, followed by former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum. Minnesota Rep. Michele Bachmann and Texas Gov. Rick Perry finished tied for fourth with 8 percent, while former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney finished sixth with 4 percent.


Newt’s Awful Speech Part I: Newt vs. The Little Rock Nine

The following is the first in a multi-part series on former Speaker Newt Gingrich’s speech to the Values Voter Summit

Presidential candidate Newt Gingrich just completed one of the most radical speeches ever delivered by a presidential candidate on the judiciary. Gingrich’s speech calls for a radical reshaping of our constitutional democracy, eliminating the judiciary’s power to make binding constitutional decisions. He promises to openly defy Supreme Court decisions he disagrees with, and pledges to intimidate judges who dare to part ways with the Constitution According To Newt.

Newt begins his speech with a rant about an unspecified 1958 Supreme Court decision which, he claims, wrongly created a doctrine of “judiciary supremacy”:

Imagine that, by a 5-4 vote, the Supreme Court decided that 2+2=5. Under the current theory, which the Warren Court promulgated in 1958, the only effective recourse would be either a) to get a future Supreme Court to reverse them, or b) to pass a constitutional amendment declaring 2+2=4. . . . This is an absurdity, foisted on us in 1958 by an historic lie. There is no judicial supremacy, it does not exist in the American Constitution.

Watch it:

What Gingrich labels “judicial supremacy” is merely the Supreme Court’s authority to be the final word on constitutional interpretation, and this authority was recognized long before 1958. Indeed, it was first announced by the Supreme Court’s landmark 1803 decision in Marbury v. Madison‘s declaration that “[i]t is emphatically the duty of the Judicial Department to say what the law is.” By questioning Marbury, Gingrich questions the very foundation of constitutional governance. If an independent judiciary cannot issue binding constitutional rulings, then the Constitution as a whole is meaningless because the only thing enforcing it is the willingness of government officials to comply with it completely voluntarily.

Additionally, Gingrich’s bizarre citation to the year 1958 turns out to be very revealing of what America would look like under Gingrich’s impotent Constitution.

A white paper published on Gingrich’s campaign website names Cooper v. Aaron as the 1958 case Gingrich finds so very offensive. In Cooper, Arkansas’ governor and state legislature decreed that the state was not bound by Brown v. Board of Education, and pledged to resist efforts to desegregate public schools. Eventually, they even called out the Arkansas National Guard to keep African-Americans from entering Little Rock’s Central High School. In a rare unanimous opinion signed by every single justice, Cooper held that lawmakers have no right to openly defy the Constitution in this manner:

[W]e should answer the premise of the actions of the Governor and Legislature that they are not bound by our holding in the Brown case. It is necessary only to recall some basic constitutional propositions which are settled doctrine.

Article VI of the Constitution makes the Constitution the “supreme Law of the Land.” In 1803, Chief Justice Marshall, speaking for a unanimous Court, referring to the Constitution as “the fundamental and paramount law of the nation,” declared in the notable case of Marbury v. Madison that “It is emphatically the province and duty of the judicial department to say what the law is.” This decision declared the basic principle that the federal judiciary is supreme in the exposition of the law of the Constitution, and that principle has ever since been respected by this Court and the Country as a permanent and indispensable feature of our constitutional system. . . . Every state legislator and executive and judicial officer is solemnly committed by oath taken pursuant to Art. VI, cl. 3, “to support this Constitution.”

So when Gingrich lashes out against what he calls “judicial supremacy,” it is important understand exactly what he is saying. Newt believes that the governor of Arkansas was right, and the Supreme Court was wrong, about who had the last word in deciding whether African-American children can attend integrated schools.


Part II of the series here


Romney Condemns Bryan Fischer’s Hate Speech At Values Voter Summit

Mitt Romney condemned the American Family Association’s chief spokesperson Bryan Fischer during his speech at the Values Voter summit this morning. “We should remember that decency and civility are values too,” Romney said, before adding, “one of the speakers who will follow me today has crossed that line I think”:

ROMNEY: Poisonous language doesn’t advance our cause. It has never softened a single heart or changed a single mind. The blessings of faith carry the responsibility of civil and respectful debate. The task before us is to focus on the conservative beliefs and the values that unite us. Let no agenda narrow our vision or drive us apart. We have important work to accomplish.

Watch it:

The People for the American Way has long chronicled Fischer’s hate speech against gays, Muslims and Mormons and challenged Romney’s decision to share the stage with him.


Fischer fired back at Romney after the speech, telling ThinkProgress that it was “tasteless and tawdry” for Romney to attack him on stage. “I think he allowed the New York Times, the Southern Poverty Law Center, the People for the American Way…to dictate the content of his speech,” Fischer said. “Right there, people ought to be concerned about that.”

Watch it:


Bill Bennett: Perry Supporter’s Comment On Cult Of Mormonism Is ‘Bigotry’

ThinkProgress filed this report from the Values Voters Summit in Washington, DC

Conservative Bill Bennett spoke out against pastor Jeff Jeffress’ comment yesterday at the Values Voters Summit, where he reiterated his view that “Mormonism is a cult.” A big supporter of Texas Gov. Rick Perry (R), Jeffress introduced governor at the conference yesterday. Today, Bennett condemned Jeffress, telling the prominent Perry supporter, “You did Rick Perry no good, sir”:

Do not give voice to bigotry. Do not give voice to bigotry. I would say to Pastor Jeffress: You stepped on and obscured the words of Perry and Santorum and Cain and Bachmann and everyone else who has spoken here. You did Rick Perry no good, sir, in what you had to say.

Watch it:

Former Gov. Mitt Romney (R-MA) took the stage shortly after Bennett, and he praised Bennett’s earlier speech, saying, “Speaking of hitting it out of the park, how was that Bill Bennett?” Yesterday, Perry had praised Jeffress’ speech by saying that he had knocked it out of the park.

Jeffress is no stranger to controversial comments about religion. In the past he’s said that Mormons, Jews, and Muslims are “from the pit of Hell.”

Rebecca Leber contributed to this report.

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Alabama Law Makes It A Felony For Undocumented Immigrants To Have Water At Their Homes

Allgood Water Works officials posted this sign letting customers know they had to prove their legal status.

At least one utility company in Alabama posted a sign informing its customers that a section of Alabama’s extreme anti-immigrant law prohibits them from providing water service to undocumented immigrants. According to the sign at Allgood Water Works in Blount County, Alabama, customers must have “an Alabama driver’s license or an Alabama picture ID card on file” by the date that the immigration law went into effect; otherwise, they risked losing their water service.

Sadly, the picture for Alabama’s immigrants is even grimmer than this sign suggests. Indeed, under one provision of the state’s immigration law, HB 56, it is a felony for an undocumented immigrant to even attempt to do business with Alabama’s state-run water agencies:

An alien not lawfully present in the United States shall not enter into or attempt to enter into a business transaction with the state or a political subdivision of the state and no person shall enter into a business transaction or attempt to enter into a business transaction on behalf of an alien not lawfully present in the United States. [...]

A violation of this section is a Class C felony.

In Alabama, Class C felonies are punishable by up to ten years in prison — meaning that undocumented people in Alabama can now be locked up for an entire decade if they attempt to take a bath in their own home.

In addition to Allgood, the Birmingham News reported that the Montgomery Water Works Board and Sewer Authority started requiring customers to prove their legal status on Sept. 1 (when the law was slated to go into effect), but stopped after being told that a federal judge had temporarily sus­pended implementation of the state law. It was unclear if the Montgomery board started asking customers about their legal status again when the law went into effect.

Additionally, Alabama Power told one family that they could not get electricity because of the new immigration law, according to the National Immigration Legal Center. It’s not clear, however, why Alabama Power did so because they are a private company and the law only applies to arms of the state government. To their credit, the electricity company has since told officials at the legal center that they no longer interpret the immigration law to mean that undocumented immigrants cannot receive power.

Yet there are no shortage of routine activities that are now felonies thanks to Alabama’s draconian law. Indeed, because the law defines unlawful “business transactions” very broadly to include “any transaction between a person and the state or a political subdivision of the state,” the mere act of paying income taxes might qualify. Thus, if an undocumented immigrant pays their taxes, they will be guilty of a felony, but if they don’t they will also be guilty of a felony because Alabama punishes tax evaders with up to five years in prison.

In other words, Alabama’s anti-immigrant law effectively makes it a crime to simply live as an undocumented immigrant in the state.

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99 Percenter Rebukes Corporate Fronts Like FreedomWorks, But Welcomes Regular Tea Party People

Occupy Sacramento demonstrator

This week, the 99 Percent Movement arrived in Sacramento as crowds gathered in Cesar Chavez Park. Dubbed OccupySacramento, the rally swelled to several hundred in a scene reminiscent of recent events from as far as Orlando, Boston, and Wichita.

ThinkProgress spoke to several participants at the OccupySacramento rally. Mark Bradley, a local resident holding a sign condemning the Koch brothers and former Republican Majority Leader Dick Armey, explained that he joined the movement because of his concern about the influence of corporate money over government. He also invited rank-in-file Tea Party members to the OccupySacramento event, claiming that he’s already been in conversations with a few. Bradley, however, said “corporate shills” like Armey’s FreedomWorks are unwelcome:

BRADLEY: With the Citizens United case that the Supreme Court approved, there’s now no limit on the amount of money that can be used for lobbying purposes and influencing elections. And we want, we the 99 Percent, are looking for our voice to be heard. Not just the voice of the one percent, but the ninety-nine percent. It’s people over money. [...] Charles and David Koch are representing their own interests. Dick Armey represents the interests of plenty of other large corporations. [...]

BRADLEY: What I have advised my fellow protesters out here is to not shut the door on Tea Party members if they want to become involved in this. They can make common cause with us; we can make common cause with them. We’re talking about the actual grassroots Tea Party people, I’ve talked to several of them and I’ve blogged with some of them. They’re perfectly welcome. We don’t intend to be co-opted by any outside group, especially FreedomWorks or some corporate shill organization.


Bradley is right about FreedomWorks being a front group that shills for corporate interests. The organization, run by longtime corporate lobbyist Dick Armey, generates quasi-grassroots events to promote big business priorities. For instance, a lobbying consortium that represents companies like Chevron, Shell Oil, BP and Consol Energy, organized “EnergyCitizen” rallies to kill clean energy reforms last year. According to reports, Armey’s group mobilized Tea Parties participation for the EnergyCitizen rallies. The astroturfing for the polluter has continued, with FreedomWorks recently generating Tea Party support for a bill that allows polluters to release more mercury, carcinogenic dioxins, and soot into the air. The same fossil fuel lobbying association involved in the EnergyCitizen rallies and the push to deregulate air pollutants has given FreedomWorks at least $130,000 in donations.

The same dynamic happened with Bush’s push for privatizing Social Security. While Wall Street firms paid Armey’s corporate lobbying salary, Armey’s FreedomWorks group planted questions in town halls to support of the Bush plan. Even though polls show roughly half of Tea Partiers want the government to do more to crack down on outrageous banker bonuses, FreedomWorks expressed support for bailed out banks to use taxpayer money to for six and seven figure rewards atop their regular salary. Whether its whipping up Tea Party support for repealing the few financial reforms that made it passed the corporate-filibuster or allowing bankers to gamble with America’s retirement savings, FreedomWorks promotes the corporate interest over the public interest.

Although FreedomWorks is now urging demonstrators to ignore the big banks, the group’s influence may be waning.

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Ignoring Massive Industry Fraud, Bank Of America CEO Hypes Benefits Of Faster Foreclosures

Bank of America CEO Brian Moynihan

Speaking at the Atlantic Idea Fest earlier this week, Bank of America CEO Brian Moynihan sat down for a televised interview with CNBC’s Larry Kudlow. Defending the bank’s new $5 per month debit card fee, Moynihan invented something he called the “right to make a profit.”

But another segment of the interview sheds a great deal of light on how Bank of America sees its role in the economy. A year ago, Bank of America was among the many banks caught in a sweeping “robo-signing” scandal, in which documents were allegedly fabricated in places all over the country in order to foreclose on more homes. Although Bank of America has continued using robo-signing tactics today, Moynihan and Kudlow dismissed the potentially massive fraud, and bantered about how faster foreclosures could be great for the country:

KUDLOW: Isn’t it fair to say the faster the foreclosure, the better off we’re going to be? And I know there’s pain. But of course, some people lose, other people win. Young families come in, they’re going going to get very low prices. But the point is, the faster we clear our the unsold inventory, the sooner this country might start creating jobs in a real economic growth situation. Is that fair?

MOYNIHAN: You can look at the markets and see where the markets have had the inventory cleared, you’re seeing prices stabilize.

KUDLOW: So these attorneys general around the country that were blocking you because there were a few bad robo-type-letters or whatever they were, robo-signing letters. They’re keeping the economy on its back because they won’t let the housing market adjust and they’re all over Bank of America, you’re like their favorite guy.


Praising the speed of foreclosures in California, Moynihan said the state has “faired reasonably well” considering the housing market. His remarks might have been aimed at California Attorney General Kamala Harris. Harris recently withdrew from the multi-state settlement deal with the banks, in part because of her concern with the big banks’ attempt to gain legal immunity for the robo-signing fraud.

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Despite 14 Straight Months Of Public Job Loss, Republicans Continue To Block Obama’s Jobs Plan

Hopes were not high today for this month’s jobs report after the economy appeared to net exactly zero jobs in August. While the numbers beat expectations, the story behind them reveals a pervasive trend in public sector job loss that Republicans seem committed to ignoring.

In August, the Bureau of Labor Statistics reported that the private sector added 17,000 jobs, but the public sector lost the exact same number (those numbers have since been revised). This month, the private sector created 137,000 jobs, but the public sector continued to hemorrhage jobs, losing 34,000. As Matt Yglesias notes, “month after month we see a labor market that’s basically treading water primarily because government employment is shrinking rather than keeping pace with population growth.”

Political Correction charted the plummeting public sector growth next to the steady rise in private sector jobs over the past two years. While the private sector marked a net gain of 1.4 million jobs, budget cuts have eliminated 572,000 government jobs. If governments maintained the same employment rate since 2009, “the economy would have grown by about 2 million jobs”:

This trend of public job depletion puts the Republican jobs agenda in stark contrast with the administration’s approach. President Obama’s American Jobs Act would not only add 1.9 million jobs next year, but makes targeted investments to arrest the trend in layoffs. The plan includes $35 billion in direct state aid infusion that will “prevent up to 280,000 layoffs of teachers, who are — along with cops and firefighters — particularly vulnerable to local government budget shortfalls.”

However, Republicans continue to block Obama’s much-needed plan because, in part, they see public job loss as a positive. As Yglesias points out, “this shrinkage is exactly what conservatives claim to believe will spark growth once they bring the era of Kenyan Anticolonialism to an end.” Buying into the conservative campaign against government workers, Republicans governors like Chris Christie (NJ) and Rick Scott (FL) openly tout laying off thousands of workers as a badge of honor. Scott actually bragged about getting rid of 15,000 jobs in his state. In talking up his draconian budget cuts, Scott admitted that his “biggest cut” is “always people.”

However loud Republicans sing about the shrinking public sector, plummeting public job numbers have failed to deliver on the promise of “private sector magic” — and the economy will continue to suffer for it.

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