[posted by Justin Levine]
Nobody in the press seems to be picking up on this story yet.
Is it true? I don’t know for sure…But it WOULD explain two very curious facts:
1. Anna’s alleged pregnancy in this case coincides with the time when she was putting on lots of weight.
2. This would be the only logical explanation I can think of as to why she would specifically exclude all future children in her will.
Anna’s [alleged] love child was supposedly born on 9/28/01, just 2 months after she signed her will [on 7/30] where she specifically excluded “future children” from her estate.
If the story is true, then she needed to sign that will just before she gave birth, otherwise it would threaten son Daniel’s future estate.
I could never understand why Anna Nicole would be so stupid as to include a provision like that. However, if this news article is to be believed, it would all (finally) make perfect sense – Anna Nicole [perhaps] had a THIRD child that she didn’t want anyone to know about at the time (and thus had to exclude him from son Daniel’s future estate).
However, because Daniel died before Anna Nicole, her will may be invalid – so this other child (Marshall) might now be in line to share the (potential) multi-million dollar estate with Anna’s other surviving child Dannielynn (who was also born after the will was signed).
The Phoenix New Times (a paper that I feel has a very credible track record) also reports -
Aside from a birth certificate from Burbank’s Providence Saint Joseph’s Hospital listing Anna Nicole as the mother of one Marshall Black Deer Soto, there are numerous boarding passes for round-trip flights from Phoenix to Burbank.
Smith promised that they would one day marry and live as a family, and Soto has numerous hand-written notes and letters from Smith stating those intentions.
One reads, “Oh, my brave Injun-man, how I long to be with you and feel your red manhood. Look after my little paapoosie [sic], and soon I’ll be your squaw again. I love you, kemosabe, Anna.”
As phone and bank records demonstrate, Smith continued to call and send the wire transfers. Also, Smith remembered birthdays and holidays, having a gleaming electric blue, child-size mountain bike delivered to the Soto household for Christmas of ’06.
Astonishingly, TMZ, Drudge and the other news outlets that cover Anna Nicole are only talking about Anna’s autopsy and haven’t picked up on this story yet. I think it could be huge. Maybe the other news outlets just consider it part of the noise of 7 or 8 people now claiming to be the father of Anna’s daughter Dannielynn. After reading the story and connecting the facts on my own, I’m not so sure.
The Phoenix New Times has a potential bombshell story on their hands regarding the late bombshell - but they didn’t pick up on the angle regarding Anna’s will. This is a Patterico.com exclusive folks! Maybe it will turn out to be bunk – but I think there is enough smoke here to honestly speculate.
UPDATE [3/9/07]: A clear picture of Anna Nicole’s alleged secret love-child here. Imagine the kid with blonde hair and I think you will be able to see a serious resemblance. Most of the press still hasn’t bit – but we are going to be running with the story on the Handel Show at 8AM this morning (PST).
[Update 3-17-07: On second thought. Never mind. I'm an idiot.]
[posted by Justin Levine]